
Blue Flames: A New Destiny (MHA)

*Warning there many OC in this story if you don't like don't read. Most of the OC will be in volume 1* An extraordinary twist of fate, an average man finds himself transmigrated into the body of Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. Suddenly, he's thrown into a world where superpowers are commonplace, and he must master Dabi's unique ability to control and manipulate blue flames.

Taidanotsumi · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
36 Chs

Chapter 1: The Son of Endeavour

A boy of fiery red hair, Toya Todoroki, sat sprawled on the carpeted floor, eyes fixed on the television screen. He was engrossed in an anime show, yet his face was etched with an expression of profound boredom.

"Anime in this world is so lackluster. It's as if they've extracted the worst elements of the Isekai genre from my previous existence and amplified them. Every show is about heroes. Even the romance anime can't escape the hero trope," Toya sighed, his voice echoing disappointment.

Toya was the firstborn son of Endeavour, Japan's number two hero. At the tender age of four, it was time for him to visit the doctor to discover his Quirk.

"This is tiresome," Toya grumbled under his breath, flicking the channel to the news.

As soon as he switched channels, the news anchor announced, "Breaking news, All Might has saved multiple people from a villain attack in Shibuya."

[AN: Pay respect to the Anime watcher]

"Why can't they broadcast normal things on TV?" Toya complained, shutting off the television abruptly.

His younger sister, Fuyumi, entered the room clutching a teddy bear. Her hair was a unique blend of white and crimson, a stark contrast to Toya's fiery red. She was a year younger than Toya.

"Why did you turn off the TV, Onii-chan?" she asked innocently.

"It's no longer interesting for me," Toya replied, handing the remote control to his sister. "You can watch whatever you like."

Fuyumi took the remote and switched to her favorite show. Toya ruffled her hair affectionately, declaring, "I'm heading to the kitchen."

"Okay, Onii-chan," Fuyumi responded, her voice filled with adoration.

As Toya made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't help but think about how adorable his sister was. 'So this is what it feels like to have a little sister,' he mused. But before leaving the room, he wrapped his arms around her in a gentle hug, planting a kiss on her forehead. "You're too cute," he murmured.

Fuyumi giggled, but then winced when Toya's hug grew too tight. "Onii-chan, that hurts," she complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Toya quickly loosened his grip, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Fuyumi pouted, her small voice filled with indignation. "It's not fair, you're stronger than me."

Toya quickly tried to appease her, patting her head and planting another kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry, Fuyumi. You're just too cute," he said, making her giggle again.

Toya then headed to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to find something to eat. But to his dismay, there was nothing he could have. He didn't want to disturb his mother, who was still sleeping, and he was too young to cook.

He sighed, looking up at the ceiling in frustration. "I never thought my age would be my worst enemy. The reincarnators I've read about never had to deal with this," he muttered, feeling his stomach growl.

With no other choice, Toya decided to wake his mother. He returned to the living room and gently nudged his mother, who was sleeping on the couch. His mother, Rei Todoroki, was a beautiful woman with snow-white hair.

"Okaa-san, can you make me some food? I'm hungry," Toya asked, his voice soft.

Rei opened her eyes, her face lighting up when she saw her son. "Are you hungry, my cute son?" she asked, sitting up.

"Yes," Toya admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Alright, my dear. I'll cook something for you. But while I'm doing that, can you watch over your little sister?" Rei requested.

"I understand, Okaa-san," Toya said, giving her a mock salute.

Rei chuckled at his antics before heading to the kitchen. Toya returned to the living room, sitting down next to Fuyumi and pulling her onto his lap. She didn't protest, knowing that he would stroke her hair if she sat with him.

After a few minutes, their father, Enji Todoroki, arrived home. He smiled at the sight of his children playing together and joined them on the couch.

"Toya," Enji called his son's attention.

"Yes, Otou-san?" Toya responded, still stroking Fuyumi's hair.

"Tomorrow, we'll go to check your Quirk," Enji informed him.

"Okay," Toya responds, his tone conveying his lack of enthusiasm for the upcoming doctor's visit.

"Why are you behaving like this?" Enji questions. "With the genes you've inherited from me, you have the potential to become the strongest hero."

Toya groaned in annoyance. "Why do you always bring up heroes and Quirks?" he asked, genuinely confused.

"Because I want you to carry on my legacy and surpass All Might," Enji asserts, his voice filled with conviction.

Toya chuckles at his father's words, shaking his head dismissively. "That's not going to happen," he states firmly.

"Why not?" Enji questions, a hint of surprise in his tone.

"Because being a hero is stupid," Toya stated bluntly.

Before Enji could respond, Rei arrived, carrying a plate of scrambled eggs and rice.

"Toya, here's your food," Rei said, playfully pinching Toya's nose.

Toya couldn't help but smile at his mother's antics, despite his initial annoyance. He had promised himself that he would never make her cry, no matter the circumstances.

Eagerly, Toya washed his hands and returned to the living room, where he began to eat using his hands. Both Rei and Enji watched their son with amusement. No one had taught him to eat with his hands, yet he did it with such confidence. They found this quirk of his endearing.

After finishing his meal, Toya washed his hands again and returned to his sister's side. Meanwhile, Rei and Enji retreated to the kitchen to have a private conversation.

"Tomorrow, I'm taking him to the doctor to check his Quirk," Enji said.

"Did he react negatively when you mentioned his Quirk?" Rei asked. She had come to expect this from their son.

"Yes, and he expressed a strong dislike for the idea of becoming a hero. It's becoming a problem. Does he hate me?"

Rei took Enji's hand and reassured him. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure he doesn't hate you. He just dislikes the idea of being a hero."

"Why do you say that?" Enji asked, curious.

"Because I've heard Toya complaining about heroes while watching anime and the news. If you want to change his mind, you'll need to persuade him gently. But don't force anything on him. If you do, he'll only reject the idea more."

Enji sighed. "Alright."

The next day, at Musutafu Hospital, Toya's disdain was palpable. 'Hospitals are the worst. Terrible food, long lines, and too many sick people,' he thought.

Despite his attitude, Rei and Enji were relieved that Toya didn't throw a tantrum like some of the other children in the waiting room.

Finally, a nurse called them in. "Todoroki family, you may enter now."

All three of them entered the examination room and took a seat. "I'm going to do a little check-up to see what your Quirk is, okay?" the young male doctor said.

"Let's get this over with quickly so I can go home," Toya replied, clearly wanting this to be over as soon as possible.

The doctor and his assistant performed the tests swiftly, discovering Toya's Quirk within a few minutes.

"Good news, your son has inherited your Quirk, sir. His flame is even hotter than yours," the doctor announced.

Enji was thrilled to hear that his son had inherited his Quirk.

"However, for now, his body can't handle the temperature of the flame for long periods. So, he can't use his Quirk for extended periods," the doctor warned.

Then the doctor turned to Toya. "Are you happy that you have a Quirk now, kid?"

"Nah," Toya replied, emphasizing the word.

"Why not?" the doctor asked, puzzled.

"That's none of your business," Toya retorted. He got off the chair and turned to his parents. "Can we leave now? I hate it here."

The hospital was a painful reminder of his past, and he didn't want to stay any longer than necessary. It made his heart ache, and every second he spent there was a torment.

With that, they left the hospital, returning to their normal lives. But Toya's life was about to change drastically, whether he liked it or not.

Help me buy some food


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