
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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14 Chs


Ritsuka stood outside a bustling store in the Gehenna district, his gaze scanning the street with mild impatience. He checked his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, waiting for someone who was clearly running late. The sun dipped behind the cityscape, casting long shadows across the pavement as evening approached.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

A voice broke through the ambient noise of the city, and Ritsuka turned to see Wakamo approaching. Today, she appeared without her usual hooded cloak and mask, revealing her full appearance for the first time. Wakamo had striking yellow eyes that seemed to gleam in the fading light, and her long, dark brown hair cascaded down to her feet. Perched atop her head were two red fox ears that blended seamlessly with her hair, adding to her mystique. Her bushy fox tail, tied with a big white bow at the end, swayed gently behind her.

Ritsuka's attention was drawn to the unique halo hovering above Wakamo's head. It resembled a black cherry blossom with intricate red outlines and a central red star, encircled by a large ring adorned with five spikes of varying lengths. The design was both elegant and enigmatic, matching Wakamo's elusive aura.

Wakamo was dressed in a short black kimono adorned with golden and white cherry blossom patterns, giving her a traditional yet distinct appearance. Her ensemble was completed by asymmetrical leggings and boots, each leg adorned with unique details that added to her unconventional style. Despite the unusual attire, she carried herself with a quiet confidence that demanded attention.

Ritsuka glanced briefly at the black Type 99 "Arisaka" rifle slung over Wakamo's shoulder, its red handguard and cherry blossom patterns catching his eye once again. Before he could say anything, the ground beneath them suddenly shook violently, causing them both to stagger.

Instinctively, Ritsuka reached out and grabbed Wakamo, pulling her out of harm's way as the pavement cracked and a massive white mechanical snake burst through the ground. The creature's armor glowed with orange stripes indicating heavy armor, and its four yellow eyes glinted with malice. On top of its metallic frame was the Decagrammaton logo, engraved with the astrological symbol for Saturn and inscriptions in Hebrew. A yellow halo hovered above it, with an orb floating mysteriously within.

Wakamo stumbled slightly but quickly regained her composure, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush from the sudden grab. Ritsuka steadied her and asked with genuine concern, "Are you okay, Wakamo? Did you get hurt?"

She shook her head slightly, her expression serious despite the adrenaline still coursing through her. "I'm fine. That was unexpected, but I'm used to surprises in Gehenna."

Ritsuka nodded, his mind racing with questions about the mechanical creature and why it had appeared. But amidst the chaos, one thing was clear—Wakamo's presence had already proven invaluable in this dangerous district.

Ritsuka pulled out his desert eagle and Albion, as he looked at Wakamo. Let's take this raid boss down, after all it just a robotic snake

As then Binah sent blast if plasma as both Ritsuka and Wakamo jumped out the way as Ritsuka fires as the snake, Binah then used his tail buth they both jumped on the tale and started it attack the tale.

Ritsuka and Wakamo landed gracefully on Binah's massive mechanical tail, ready to counterattack. Ritsuka fired precise shots from his Desert Eagle, aiming for the joints and weak spots of the mechanical snake. Each shot was strategically placed to disable its movement. Meanwhile, Wakamo swiftly maneuvered with her Type 99 "Arisaka" rifle, using its bayonet to strike at the tail's armored segments.

Binah retaliated by thrashing its tail violently, trying to dislodge them. Plasma blasts erupted from its maw, forcing Ritsuka and Wakamo to dodge and weave between the deadly energy bursts. They coordinated their movements, dodging and countering with precision.

As they continued their assault, Ritsuka noticed a pattern in Binah's attacks. "Wakamo, aim for the exposed joints near its head! I'll keep it distracted!" he shouted over the roar of the battle.

Wakamo nodded, adjusting her aim. With steady hands, she took careful shots, exploiting the openings Ritsuka created. Binah's movements slowed as more shots found their mark, causing sparks to fly from its damaged parts.

The mechanical snake roared in fury, its tail thrashing wildly. Ritsuka and Wakamo held their ground, determination etched on their faces. They continued their coordinated assault, pushing Binah closer to defeat with each strike.

As the battle raged on, the surrounding civilians watched in awe and relief as Ritsuka and Wakamo bravely fought to protect them from the monstrous machine. With their combined skill and teamwork, they were determined to bring down Binah and restore peace to the city of Kivotos.

Ritsuka and Wakamo leaped agilely from Binah's thrashing tail as it swung wildly, narrowly avoiding its plasma blasts that scorched the ground around them. The mechanical snake's movements were fluid yet precise, its massive form undulating with deadly intent.

"Keep moving! Don't let it corner us!" Ritsuka shouted, his voice barely audible over the chaos. He fired his Desert Eagle in rapid succession, aiming for the glowing energy nodes along Binah's serpentine body. Each shot sent sparks flying, but Binah remained relentless.

Wakamo sprinted alongside Ritsuka, her Arisaka rifle poised as she anticipated the next move. Binah suddenly lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut where they had just been standing moments ago. Wakamo pivoted, firing her rifle's bayonet at the jointed segments of Binah's tail, causing it to recoil momentarily.

With a deafening roar, Binah whipped its tail around, aiming to sweep Ritsuka and Wakamo off their feet. They vaulted over the tail's edge, narrowly escaping its deadly trajectory. As they landed, Ritsuka spotted an opportunity.

"Wakamo, aim for the vent on its underbelly!" he called out, pointing to a vulnerable spot he noticed during their earlier engagement. Wakamo nodded in acknowledgment, adjusting her stance to take aim.

Binah responded swiftly, releasing a barrage of miniature drones from its dorsal vents. The drones swarmed around Ritsuka and Wakamo, emitting electrical pulses that disrupted their movements. Ritsuka fired his Albion in rapid bursts, blasting the drones out of the air before they could inflict serious harm.

Meanwhile, Wakamo concentrated her fire on Binah's exposed vent, her shots finding their mark with pinpoint accuracy. Binah recoiled, its movements becoming more erratic as it struggled to maintain control. With a final well-placed shot, Wakamo disabled the vent, causing sparks to erupt from within.

Seizing the opportunity, Ritsuka dashed forward, his Albion glowing with elemental power. He leaped onto Binah's back, driving his sword deep into the mechanical serpent's central core. Binah convulsed, emitting a final shriek of malfunction before collapsing to the ground in a heap of sparks and metal.

Breathing heavily, Ritsuka and Wakamo stood victorious over the defeated Raid Boss. Around them, the civilians cheered and applauded, grateful for their heroic efforts in saving the city once again.

As Binah began to stir once more, its fragmented form sparking and twitching, panic spread among the bystanders. Ritsuka's resolve hardened as he stepped forward, drawing Albion from its sheath with a fluid motion. Wakamo tensed beside him, ready to strike, but Ritsuka halted her with a solemn gaze.

"Promise me," Ritsuka began, his voice firm yet tinged with urgency, "in the name of our partnership, you will keep this incident to yourself. This is a matter of trust, high-level trust."

Wakamo hesitated, understanding the gravity of his request. She nodded slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I promise. I won't disclose anything about this to anyone."

In that moment, a flicker of something otherworldly passed over Ritsuka—a brief glimpse of devil horns and wings that vanished as quickly as they appeared. Wakamo blinked, momentarily stunned by the surreal sight, her mind racing with unspoken questions.

Without further words, Ritsuka advanced toward Binah's fragmented remains. With precise strikes, he dismantled the mechanical serpent into six distinct pieces, ensuring it posed no further threat. Each segment fell to the ground with a resounding crash, sending sparks and debris scattering across the pavement.

As the dust settled, Ritsuka sheathed Albion once more, his expression unreadable. Wakamo watched him closely, her thoughts filled with curiosity and a newfound respect for her enigmatic partner. She knew there was more to Ritsuka than met the eye, secrets buried beneath his calm demeanor and formidable skills.

Together, Ritsuka and Wakamo stood amidst the aftermath, the city gradually returning to normalcy around them. Between them, a silent pact had been forged a bond of trust and shared experience that would shape their future encounters in the tumultuous world of Kivotos.

Both Ritsuka and Wakamo seat down catching there breath, as the dust was covering them, as Wakamo saw a group of girls coming to they were beng lead by someone, it was clear that it was Gehenna Prefect team, as the dust was making it hard to see them

Wakamo got up and looked at Ritsuka with a smile. Gotta go I am a wanted criminal

As then she left, as Ritsuka was left as the prefect team were left, Ritsuka was expecting to Lori, Hina or Ako, but the girl leading the prefect team was someone Ritsuka didn't recognise, She has long shoulder-length blonde hair tied in pigtails with red bands each and black ribbon hairband. She has elven ears and amber eyes with black glasses. Her halo is a small red circle with four red points forming a crosshair. She wears a white collared uniform shirt with middle pleated decors, a red string tie and red military armband on her left sleeve. She also wears a black skirt with a red stockings and black boots with red laces.

Her hands are covered by red gloves and slung over her shoulder is a large brown satchel bag with a black red cross. The bag is bursting with medical supplies, such as syringes and compression bandages. As she was holding a black Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer pistol with a brown grip, magazine and bolt carrier. A brown Gehenna insignia is stamped on the mag well. This girl was Hinomiya Chinatsu, or just Chinatsu, Chinatsu was just looking at Ritsuka and then looked at the destroyed Binah

As Chinatsu approached amidst the settling dust, her expression a mix of awe and curiosity, Ritsuka remained seated, catching his breath after the intense battle with Binah. He watched warily as Chinatsu assessed the scene, her amber eyes widening at the sight of the dismantled mechanical serpent.

"Holy wow," Chinatsu exclaimed, her gaze flickering between Ritsuka and the wreckage. "You defeated a raid boss by yourself?"

Ritsuka nodded slightly, not eager to correct her misconception. The truth was far more complex, involving Wakamo's assistance, but revealing that would only complicate matters further. He respected Wakamo's wish for secrecy, especially regarding their partnership in dealing with such incidents.

Chinatsu adjusted her glasses, her demeanor shifting to a more professional stance. "I'm Chinatsu," she introduced herself, her tone both curious and businesslike. "I lead this part of the Prefect team. We received reports of a raid boss activity here, but it seems you handled it already."

Ritsuka nodded again, acknowledging her role without divulging more than necessary. "I'm Ritsuka," he replied evenly, keeping his answers brief. He observed Chinatsu's poised demeanor, noting the satchel of medical supplies slung over her shoulder and the Mauser pistol in her hand—a clear indication of her readiness for emergencies.

Chinatsu glanced around, her gaze lingering briefly on the bystanders who had begun to cautiously approach the scene. "You did a commendable job," she remarked finally, a note of admiration in her voice. "Next time, though, it might be wise to inform the authorities before taking on such challenges alone."

Ritsuka understood her implication—his actions could easily be misconstrued, especially in a city like Gehenna where order and protocol were paramount. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied diplomatically, rising to his feet as he prepared to leave the scene.

Chinatsu nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze following Ritsuka as he walked away. She watched him for a moment longer before turning to instruct her team to secure the area and assist with crowd control. As Ritsuka disappeared into the city streets, Chinatsu couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye a mystery she was determined to unravel.

As Chinatsu arrived back for the prefect team main base she saw Hina leader of the Prefect team she told her about the raid

Hina listened intently as she did the paper works. And what was this person name

Chinatsu stopped as she looked at Hina. Ritsuka

Hina stopped what she was doing so did Ako and Lori who were listing, all tre of the girls looked at Hina spoke. What is your thoughts about him.

Chinatsu thought for a bit before answering. Will he seems strong sense took done a raid boss, also he is pretty and cute, and I...why are you tree looking at me like that

Hina, Lori and Ako just together let out a y'all of frustration. By the gods ntk another Lover rival. All 3 of the Girls Y'all looking at Chinatsu.

Chinatsu hesitated for a moment under the intense scrutiny of Hina, Lori, and Ako. She shifted uncomfortably before continuing, "I mean, it's not like that! I just... I think he's interesting, that's all. He's clearly skilled, and he handled that raid boss like it was nothing. Plus, he's kind of mysterious."

Hina sighed, exchanging a knowing glance with Lori and Ako. "Chinatsu, you know how it goes. We can't afford to let personal feelings cloud our judgment, especially with someone like Ritsuka. His involvement in taking down Binah might have just been a one-time thing. We need to focus on maintaining order and ensuring incidents like these don't disrupt Gehenna."

Lori nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Hina's right. Let's not get distracted. Ritsuka could be a potential threat if he's not under control."

Ako, ever the pragmatic one, added, "And we still don't know much about him. For all we know, he could be a troublemaker looking for attention."

Chinatsu nodded reluctantly, realizing the seriousness of their conversation. "I understand. It's just... he seems different somehow. Like he's not just some ordinary troublemaker."

Hina placed a reassuring hand on Chinatsu's shoulder. "Look, I get it. But our priority is the safety and stability of Gehenna. Keep an eye on him, but don't let personal feelings cloud your judgment."

Chinatsu nodded again, feeling a mix of admiration and frustration. She couldn't deny the intrigue Ritsuka sparked in her, but she knew she had to focus on her duties. As they continued their discussion, plans were made to increase surveillance on Ritsuka and gather more information about his activities in Gehenna.

Lori then looked at Chinatsu. Also we are not just telling you this because all 3 of us have a crush on him.

For some reason Chinatsu wanted to say press X to doubt, to all 3 of the girls

Chinatsu chuckled nervously, sensing the teasing undertone in Lori's words. "Right, noted," she replied cautiously, unsure how to respond to the revelation that all three of her teammates might have feelings for Ritsuka.

Hina cleared her throat, steering the conversation back to the task at hand. "Let's focus on gathering more intel. We need to understand who Ritsuka is and what his intentions are in Gehenna."

Chinatsu nodded in agreement, grateful for the shift in focus. "Understood, Leader Hina. I'll keep you updated on any developments."

With that, they returned to their duties, leaving the topic of Ritsuka's allure hanging in the air, along with Chinatsu's silent amusement at her teammates' admissions.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones