
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs


"Wait something isn't right." Drake said as the Eclipse Gate began to open. He saw Lucy suddenly run up to the gate and begin to close it.

"We have to close the gate! It's not a weapon it's a gate to 400 years in the past!" Lucy yelled as soldiers tried to pull her off. They were suddenly blown away by Drake and he stood between her and the rest of them.

"You can't close the gate! If you do then humanity is finished!" The Princess yelled at them but Drake's magic came out of him in the form of claws and grabbed onto the doors of the gate, "You could be the cause of the extinction of all of humanity!"

"I don't know if closing this door is a good thing or not but I WILL trust my friend's judgment." Drake told all of them as he tried to shut the gate with his magic, "Plus if dragons are extinct now then where do you think the 10,000 would come from?!"

"You always were a pain." Future Rogue said before a dragon flew out of the gate and grabbed Drake and flew away from the gate. He tried to fight the dragon's grip but it continued to carry him to the center of the town. It dragged him along the ground before throwing him. Drake bounced off of the ground but quickly recovered and glared at the dragon.

"Get out of my way!" Drake yelled as he hit the dragon in its chest with an Iron Fist but the dragon slapped him away. It began to laugh at Drake's futile attempts to take it down.

"Dragon Slayers in this time period are nothing compared to 400 years ago." It said as it hit Drake with its tail and sent him flying away. Drake coughed blood as he felt his ribs break from the weight of the dragon as it pinned him to the ground after he landed. Drake screamed in pain as it pressed down harder before letting up several times like he was a toy. It got off of him when Drake's scales came out and sliced its hand. Drake delivered a nasty uppercut to its jaw and it fell backwards.

"Maybe I was wrong." The dragon said as it stood up and looked at Drake as his magic flowed around him. It roared and fire engulfed Drake and it began to laugh as it watched the blazing fire. It stopped laughing when Drake ate the flames and his power rose even higher.

"Nice try asshole." Drake told it as his burns began to heal. The dragon looked slightly worried before regaining its confidence.

"What is you're Dragon Slayer magic?" It asked him calmly and Drake smirked at it.

"I'm a Blood Dragon Slayer." Drake laughed wickedly, "You know what that means right?"

"I always thought Blood Dragon was stupid name for them." The dragon said with a sigh, "What you actually eat is the life force of beings not just the blood. That includes magic of any kind since it requires one's life force to manifest."

"You did your homework." Drake told it as seven other dragons began to cause chaos around the town.

"You may have gotten a substantial power boost but you're 400 years to young to be a match for me!" The dragon yelled as it slammed Drake into the ground again. Drake realized instantly that the dragon was right. He didn't hold a candle light to the dragon as it beat him around. It grabbed him and threw him into a building, making it collapse and fall on top of him.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S ROAR!" Drake yelled as his magic shot through the rubble and hit the dragon. It began to slide back as Drake put even more strength into the attack. He flew out of the rubble himself and hit the dragon in its face. It rolled away from him and when it got to its feet it looked at Drake in fear. Drake's form from Tenrou Island had shown itself again and his power far exceeded the dragon's own. They heard a roar above them and watched Motherglare send down her minions. The dragon looked back to Drake and only one thing came to its mind.

"You're just like Acnologia..." It said before it was sent flying across the town. Those who could see them watched as a red streak slammed into it several times and blood was splattering everywhere. The red streak began to spin like a drill and slowly began to push through the dragon's chest. It suddenly shot out of its back and the dragon dropped to the ground. Drake stood next to it before he felt Mira's power rise. He shot towards her direction at a ridiculous speed and slammed onto the ground next to them in time to see Mira fly across the room. She hit the wall and Drake saw blood covering the impact point as she fell to the ground. Wendy and the others watched as he stumbled over and hit his knees next to her. He lifted her head and screamed out as a dome of blood red magic formed around him.

"Not again!" Zirconis yelled in fear as a black and red dragon stood where Drake once was. He roared and shook every human and dragon in the town to their core. Magic began to form in his mouth before it cut through the ground and split Zirconis in half. Wendy and the others looked at him fear as he flew into the sky above all of them. He slammed into the dragon that Gajeel was fighting and bit into its neck. He bit down harder and Gajeel heard a sickening crack as the dragon's neck was snapped. Gajeel already knew what he was looking at and even he began to shake in fear as Drake's eyes were set on him. Drake suddenly looked into the sky and the ground broke apart as he flew at a giant figure that was flying towards the town. Just as Drake and Acnologia reached each other Drake was in front of the dragon he was fighting earlier and he was still human. The dragon looked at him and knew that it was facing death as it watched Drake spiral towards it like a drill. Instead of hitting the dragon Drake stopped spinning and rocketed straight for Mira. He made it just in time to catch her and slid to a stop. Mira looked at him in shock as she realized that he was in the same form that he used against Acnologia on Tenrou.