
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

What If?

"Someone please help." Levy said as she wrote in the notebook she found, "Everyone has died during this battle. Even Drake is 'dead' and there was nothing we could do to stop this. Please somebody save us."

~Present Time~

"Some plan that was." Drake said as he and Mira looked around the area they were thrown into, "I shouldn't have agreed to this. I wonder where the others are?"

"To think you'd turn your back to me." Kamika said as she summoned red paper and sent them towards Mira and Drake. They formed fists and hit Drake until a pillar of fire was blazing around him. The fire dissipated and Drake hit his knees before falling to the ground.

"Drake!" Mira yelled as green paper suddenly flew around her. Drake opened his eyes slowly and saw the poison cloud form around them. He smirked as he stood up and Mira transformed into Satan Soul.

"Poison is a dessert for a demon like me." Mira told her as Drake swung his hand and blew the poison away.

"And I can get rid of it no problem." Drake told Kamika with a wicked smile, "You chose the wrong opponents."

"W-Wait..." Kamika said before Drake and Mira sent her flying through the cave wall. She landed on top of the other Garou Knights and they stepped through the hole. They saw someone in a cloak and hood waiting for them and they instantly went on guard.

"Please lend me you're strength." The person said as they took the hood off. Drake didn't know what to say as he examined the second Lucy. He knew she was Lucy by her smell but he still couldn't believe what he was seeing. She collapsed to the ground and Natsu instantly picked her up.

"Regardless of what she's doing here, we can't just leave her." Drake told them as the began to leave the castle. They got lost very quickly and Drake sat down against a wall.

"Why can't we just bust out of here?" Natsu asked them while punching his palm. Drake looked at him like he was stupid and Mira sighed.

"If we do that then Fairy Tail won't be able to finish the games." Mira explained as the future Lucy began to wake up. Drake listened to her story intently before standing up with determination in his eyes.

"Even if there are 10,000 dragons I'll beat them black and blue." Drake told her with a reassuring smile and the look she gave him told him that something very wrong had happened in her future, "What?"

"Drake, you died in a sense at the beginning of the battle." Lucy explained and left them confused, "It won't matter what I mean if we can stop my future from happening."

"I'll make sure of it but I have a really good question." Drake said as he pointed behind them, "Where did Yukino and that knight dude go?"

"Wait what?!" Mira asked as she turned to run after them as guards began to fill the hall, "Drake you come with me!"

"On it!" Drake yelled as he sprinted ahead of her and took out any guards in their way. As soon as the coast looked clear he quickly pulled Mira into a side room.

"What's wrong?" Mira asked him as she saw the concerned look on his face, "Is it about what Future Lucy said?"

"Yeah and I think I already know what happened. Gajeel found a dragon graveyard and Wendy managed to summon the spirit of one of them. He told us about that dragon, Acnologia, that attacked us on Tenrou Island." Drake explained as his voice was full of fear. Mira never heard Drake sound like that and it made her scared as well.

"What about it?" Mira asked him and he clenched his jaw before taking a deep breath.

"Acnologia used to be human. He was a Dragon Slayer that turned into a dragon." Drake explained as his scales appeared to try to show what he meant, "Remember on Tenrou when my body changed significantly? I think I've started that process as well."

"So you think that's what happened in the future?" Mira asked him as his scales disappeared, "She said that if we stop that future from happening then you won't have to worry about that."

"Not yet I won't." Drake told her as despair covered his face, "It will happen eventually and there more than likely isn't a way to stop it. I think Acnologia realized that on Tenrou and he ended quickly. I don't know if it was to prevent it from happening at the time or if he simply didn't want someone that could possibly challenge him but he knew."

"Drake it'll be ok." She said as she hugged in tightly, "Like I said we don't need to worry about that. When the time comes then I'm sure you can push through it."

"What do I do right now though. What if me getting involved with the fight causes it or if I don't it'll cause it. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've been thinking about it ever since that dragon told us about a Dragon Slayer's fate." Drake told her as his resolve broke and tears filled his eyes, "If me being myself causes the very thing that I'm always trying to prevent then what do I do?"

"Drake I understand why you're so scared but I know just how strong your will is and I know that even if you do turn into a dragon you won't change." Mira said as she put her hand on his cheek before kissing him. He calmed down and regained his composure. They checked the corridor and continued their mission.