
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Chapter 9: The Werewolf's Curse

Victor continued his journey through the forest, the memory of Anna and her family fresh in his mind. He had been traveling for a few days, the dense woods offering a solitude he was accustomed to. But something gnawed at his thoughts, an unease that refused to dissipate.

On the third night, as he made camp under a canopy of ancient trees, Victor's sleep was disturbed by a vision. He saw Anna and her siblings, their faces twisted in fear, a monstrous figure lurking in the shadows. A deep growl echoed through his dream, and Victor awoke with a start, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword.

He knew he couldn't ignore the vision. There was something more to the attacks on Anna's family, something he had overlooked. Packing his belongings quickly, Victor set off back towards the cabin, determined to uncover the truth.

When he arrived, the cabin was eerily quiet. He found Anna and her siblings huddled together inside, their faces pale with fear.

"Victor," Anna said, relief washing over her features as she sensed his presence. "You came back."

Victor nodded, his expression serious. "I had a vision, Anna. I saw you in danger. There's something more going on here, something I need to understand."

Evan stepped forward, his eyes wide with apprehension. "It's true, Victor. We haven't told you everything. Our family... we come from a long line of hunters. Not just any hunters, but werewolf hunters."

Victor's eyes narrowed. "Werewolf hunters? Why didn't you tell me this before?"

Anna's voice trembled as she spoke. "We thought we could handle it ourselves. Our parents were the best hunters, but they were killed by a werewolf. Since then, the creature has been targeting us, trying to wipe out our bloodline."

Victor's jaw tightened. "A werewolf. That explains the wolves attacking you. They were being controlled."

Evan nodded. "Yes. We tried to track it down, but it's cunning and powerful. It comes for us every full moon."

Victor looked at the children, their faces etched with fear and determination. "We need to prepare. This werewolf won't stop until your family is gone. We'll set traps and fortify the cabin further. And when it comes, we'll be ready."

For the next few days, Victor and the family worked tirelessly, setting traps and preparing weapons coated with silver, the only substance capable of harming a werewolf. Victor taught them everything he knew about hunting and surviving against such a powerful adversary.

As the full moon approached, tension hung heavy in the air. Victor could sense the werewolf's presence, a dark and menacing force lurking just beyond the tree line.

On the night of the full moon, the forest seemed to hold its breath. Victor, Anna, and the others took their positions, waiting for the inevitable attack. The hours dragged on, each moment filled with a palpable tension.

Then, just when the moon was full, a howl pierced the night. The werewolf stepped out of the shadows, eyes glowing with malevolent intent. It was a huge beast with bloody fur, fangs bared in a vicious snarl.

Victor stepped forward, his sword drawn. "Stay back," he warned the family. "This fight is mine."

The werewolf lunged, and Victor met its attack with a fierce determination. The battle was brutal, the werewolf's strength and speed testing Victor's every skill. But Victor fought with a ferocity born of necessity, his movements precise and unyielding.

As the creature lunged once more, Victor saw his opportunity. With a swift, decisive strike, he drove his silver-coated sword into the werewolf's heart. The beast let out a final, anguished howl before collapsing to the ground, its body convulsing and then growing still.

Victor stood over the fallen creature, his breath coming in heavy gasps. He turned to see Anna and her siblings watching, their faces a mix of awe and relief.

"It's over," Victor said, his voice steady but exhausted. "You're safe now."

Anna stepped forward, her hand reaching out to find Victor's. "Thank you, Victor. You've saved us once again."

Victor nodded, but his eyes were distant. "Your family has a legacy of strength and bravery. Honor it. Protect each other."

Evan approached, his expression determined. "We will, Victor. We won't let our parents' sacrifice be in vain."

Victor gave a rare, small smile. "Good. The world needs more people like you."

As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, Victor prepared to leave once more. He knew his journey was far from over, but he left with a sense of fulfillment, knowing he had helped this family find their strength.

Before he departed, Anna handed him a small pendant, a symbol of their family's lineage. "Take this, Victor. A reminder that you're never truly alone."

Victor accepted the pendant, nodding his thanks. "Take care, Anna. And remember, true strength comes from within."

With that, Victor turned and walked into the forest, the shadows closing around him. His path was uncertain, but his resolve was unbroken. He would continue to fight, to hunt, and to protect those in need.