
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 10: Secrets and Shadows

Victor approached the small town of Stonebridge under the cover of twilight. The town was surrounded by a sturdy wooden palisade, with guards stationed at the main gate. He could see travelers being stopped and questioned, their belongings inspected with meticulous care.

As Victor neared the gate, one of the guards, a burly man with a scar running down his cheek, held up a hand. "Halt! State your name and business."

Victor reached into his coat, retrieving a forged document and the pendant Anna had given him. "My name is Marcus Hale. I'm a traveler passing through, seeking shelter and supplies."

The guard inspected the document, then glanced at the pendant, his eyes widening slightly. "This pendant... You're a werewolf hunter?"

Victor nodded curtly. "One of the few left. The forests have become dangerous, and towns like this need all the protection they can get."

The guard's demeanor shifted, becoming more respectful. "Of course, Mr. Hale. We appreciate your service. Please, enter and be welcome."

Victor stepped through the gate, his keen senses taking in the bustling activity of Stonebridge. It was a small town, but well-organized and prosperous, with merchants peddling their wares and townsfolk going about their business. However, there was an underlying tension in the air, a wariness in the eyes of the people as they moved about.

As he walked through the town, Victor's attention was drawn to a group of guards harassing a young half-human girl. She had pointed ears and delicate features, a clear sign of her mixed heritage. The guards shoved her roughly, their voices filled with disdain.

"Keep moving, half-breed," one of them sneered. "You don't belong here."

Victor felt a surge of anger but kept his composure. He couldn't afford to draw attention to himself just yet. Instead, he made his way to the local tavern, a modest establishment named The Iron Flask.

The tavern was warm and bustling, filled with the sound of clinking glasses and murmured conversations. Victor found a seat in a corner, his back to the wall, and ordered a drink. As he sipped his ale, he observed the patrons, noting the subtle divisions among them. The half-humans sat apart, their eyes downcast, while the humans talked and laughed, seemingly oblivious to the tension.

After a while, the tavern's manager, a shrewd-looking man with sharp eyes and a calculating demeanor, approached Victor. "Excuse me, sir. May I have a word with you in private?"

Victor nodded, following the man to a back room. Once inside, the manager closed the door and turned to him, a curious smile on his lips. "I know who you are, Victor Darkthorn."

Victor's eyes narrowed. "And how would you know that?"

The manager chuckled softly. "I've seen many things in this town. You're not just any hunter, are you? You're part vampire."

Victor's hand moved instinctively towards his sword, but the manager raised a hand in a placating gesture. "Easy, Victor. I'm not here to expose you. In fact, I have a proposition."

"Speak," Victor said, his voice cold and guarded.

The manager leaned in, lowering his voice. "There's a noble in this town, Lord Davrick. He's a tyrant, exploiting the townsfolk and spreading fear. Worse, he's been dabbling in dark magic, trying to extend his life and power. I need someone of your... unique talents to take care of him."

Victor's mind raced. He could sense the manager's thoughts, an ability he rarely used but found invaluable. The man was desperate but sincere. Davrick was a threat not just to the town but potentially to a wider region.

"And what do you get out of this?" Victor asked, his eyes piercing.

The manager's smile faded. "Freedom. This town has suffered under Davrick's rule for too long. If he's gone, we can rebuild, start anew. And you... you could help us achieve that."

Victor considered the offer, weighing his options. He could sense no deception in the manager's mind, only a genuine desire for change. "Very well," Victor said finally. "I'll do it. But know this: if you betray me, you'll regret it."

The manager nodded fervently. "Understood. Davrick's estate is heavily guarded, but I've gathered some information that might help you. Come, I'll show you."

As they left the room, Victor felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had faced many foes, but this would be different. The noble's dark magic and the town's underlying tensions presented a unique challenge. Yet, he was prepared.