Walking you see a lady. With a huge gash across her face.
"You must be Noritoshi Kamo."
"Yes, You are?" I asked already knowing who she is.
"My name is Iori Utahime. A jujutsu sorcerer Follow me."
Nodding. I started following her.
"Are you a teacher?" I asked
"Yes I will be teaching the first years which will likely be you & other students who are here." She said
"I look forward to working with you Utahime sensei."
"You are not an official student yet don't call me sensei. You have to meet the principal to get your student ID." She declared as we stop.
"He's in here." Utahime says opening the door.
Walking in I can see a bald old man with multiple piercings due to the light bouncing from them & he seems to be walking with a wooden cane.
Not able to see due to the dark. The old man walks up giving a full version of his facial hair & outfit. He had thick light-colored eyebrows that curve down at the edge of his face & a light-colored goatee.
As for his outfit he had a colored nagajuban over a dark-colored shirt with light-colored letters on it. A dark hakama light-colored tabi & a zori.
"Hello Noritoshi Kamo. My name is Yoshinobu Gakuganji I'm the principal at Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College & a higher-up."
"The kamo clan has already informed me of your enrollment." He said as he give you your student id.
"Your grade should be on the Id. Utahime should take you to your dorm & jujutsu regulations. Welcome to Jujutsu High." He said
'What grade am I?'
Looking at the card I see all the info it has on me & a picture of me in middle school.
'It seems I'm a grade 2. Not surprising I can take missions by myself thanks to the experience I got from my father.'
The dorm already had furnishings & all I needed to do was organize. I had to pack clothes as I will be staying here for 4 years.
Folding all my uniforms neatly on top of my bed. I saw two golden pins engraved with the school logo.
The pins basically meant I was a sorcerer now. Kinda free from the Kamo clan. Looking at my uniform I decide to wear the school shozoku.
After getting used to my dorm Utahime - sensei help me around the campus explaining the jujutsu regulations. The rules & articles I had to abide by.
Annoying as they were they started to give me a brain freeze. I thought I could escape the rules/ regulations of the clan but I shouldn't be surprised this is Kyoto high school where the principal is a higher-up.
"Since you saw your dorm room & I show you the campus & explained the jujutsu regulations. I should take you to the classroom where you should meet your classmates." She said
Nodding my head I started to follow.
"Before we reach the class do you have any questions?"
"What are classes like? Are they like regular school?" I questioned
"Classes they're are just lectures. You do training assignments & field tests learning jujutsu concepts training with your classmates etc."
"I see."
"Is that all the questions you have?"
"Well we're here." She spoke
Utahime slid the door revealing 2 kids.
"Good morning kids we have a new student."
Looking at the students you see a very tall muscular build. Next to him was a small girl who has blond hair in two pig-tails that point upwards.
"Aren't you guys going to introduce yourselves?" She questioned
"Hello, I'm Momo Nishimiya." The blond hair girl said looking at me weirdly as she thought my eyes were closed.
A/N: Noritoshi's eyes are not closed it just really narrow this coming from Gege himself. So he can still see but it just looks close.
"Nice to meet you Nishimiya. I'm Noritoshi Kamo." I said smiling a bit.
"Oh? You're a Kamo from one of the great sorcerer families." The tall muscular kid says.
"I am Aoi Todo I only have one question."
"What kind of girls do you like? Answer wisely I hate being bored." Todo says grinning
"You can Ignore his question." Utahime says
'Knowing if I give a boring answer he would be disappointed. And make my life hard like the original Noritoshi.'
"I like strong Independence girls who are smart & can think for themselves. As for appearance, I like girls with big boobs." I said as I was looking at todo.
Nishimiya started to look at me weirdly again because of the answered I gave & because I answered the question.
"Acceptable answer." Todo nodded "Not as good as my type but acceptable."
Utahime started to Clap her hands to get everyone's attention.
"I'm pretty sure you know what grade you are Noritoshi but to be sure you will be tested."
"We've got reports of cursed spirits that's been at an abandoned school. Your job is to exorcise every one of the cursed spirits. Since they are mostly grade three & grade two spirits this mission shouldn't be a problem."
"I will obtain the stuff I need to prepare. It should only take a couple of minutes." I said
"Very well when you are done met me at the entrance." Utahime says
"Nice meeting you Todo & Nishimiya. When your free we should practice." I said walking out of the classroom.
'A mission. My first mission. I have is to make sure I have a couple of blood bags. Don't want the weight of the blood bags to hinder me probably take three. I also need some arrows for my bow.'
'Let's get going.'