
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

RHpositive · Phim ảnh
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40 Chs


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There was another equally important factor among the tested. The distance from which he was within reach for the use of blood manipulation.

The thing that happened was not illusory, in particular he used the skill on last two enemies almost from a five-meter distance, which spoke of changes in this key part. He had doubts that the five-meter distance was his limitation, which made him want to conduct another test of a sort.

After moving twenty meters away from the blood clot, he tried to summon and manipulate it, but failed. Resuming his attempts, after a few minutes of hard counting and calculations he came to the conclusion that the range of his skill was now fifteen meters. It was an approximate figure, but if Isaia moved a few steps farther away, he would lose control of the blood completely.

He was also convinced that in the past it was impossible to affect two sources of blood at the same time. Now it felt like if he wanted it to, the blood inside the target would act as two completely independent sources at his command, separating and going in different directions.

No such extravagance had been seen before today's encounter. Not even mentioning the two rabbits, even the blood within one beast acted in bulk and without the current responsiveness.

What he really wanted to believe in was the possibility that what is possible once is possible twice. It was necessary to find out the reason for the radical and drastic changes, and if possible, to repeat them, which would not only bring blood control to a completely different level, but most likely also allow to increase energy reserves, which in turn is reflected in the increased time periods of use of the ability.

He wasn't a fool, and he could already notice that the time intervals for using the skill had increased. And so he needed to check if the total amount of reserves had increased. That shouldn't be hard to figure out though. If it takes more than six boars for headache and nausea to set in, then the increased time of use of the blood manipulation is due to increased endurance reserves.

Of course, the distance bonus shouldn't have been forgotten either. Perhaps it was the new uniqueness of manipulation at fifteen meters that held the young man's greatest interest. Wild animals and humans will pose much less of a threat thanks to this important upgrade.

Still the numerical superiority was a threat to the lad's well-being, for if his energy reserves were depleted, the increased distance performance would be as much use as a cheese chopstick.

As he renewed his thoughts on sensation and ability, Isaia was convinced that his intuitive actions had paid dividends and were trustworthy.

He had originally decided to take a chance and trust his senses for once, for they were the ones that told him that these people were so remarkable and attractive from a sensory standpoint for a reason.

The reason why they felt like bonfires now took on the outlines of logic. With their help Isaia was able to decide on the necessary measures, and otherwise he would have been forced to hide and act cowardly, for the strangers might have reported to law enforcement or done something else.

It was silly to deny it, they had indeed shot at him, thus signing their own verdict, but that was a useless subtlety nowadays.

Trusting his senses, he'd chosen this course of action, and he'd been right. Perhaps the sensations were just hinting at the increased energy value, for Isaia needed to kill six boars to renew his reserves completely, but the same value was restored by absorbing the blood of one man.

It was almost an impossible task to say exactly how many animals were required, because sometimes there were giants of their kind, other times there were some up to a hundred kilograms, but another thing was human blood – just one was enough.

Perhaps the sensations hinted at the fact that by absorbing the blood of these people, or at least one of them, he would get a large increase in his physical and magical abilities.

Isaia had no reliable and systematic knowledge of the skill, hence the difficulty of saying which of these was the correct reasoning.

The simplicity and ease of the skill itself allowed to move seven-mile steps in the direction of progress, but the biggest problem was the lack of a clear and precise understanding of what direction is required to go and what actions need to be done.

If there were any manual, tips of any written or verbal form, it would be clear what to focus on and what is required to develop the skill. Unfortunately, there was no such thing at all, and he had to act on guesswork and general understanding, searching for the truth in the absolute obscurity.

Analyzing and going headlong into hypotheses can be endless, so the need to stop and focus on circumstances at hand, which Isaia decided to do.

After a short thought, he came to the conclusion that the first priority for him was to find clothes, find people and their places of residence, as well as to learn the language, but it turned out that it was best to start with the latter, because the first two tasks would be easier or even enter the zone of access as soon as he gets such an important skill.

The people he had met earlier were an excellent indicator and proof that without understanding their language every encounter with representatives of his species will end in bloodshed.

There was little use in negotiating with beasts, but when he met with humans, he would have liked to have a mutual understanding and peaceful resolution of the issue.

Isaia realized that he had changed a lot, and now the value of human life was no higher than the dirt under his feet, especially if that dirt attacked him first or stooped to dishonorable behavior.

He had no idea if he could kill an innocent or one who did not deserve to be treated as a victim and a source of energy to his greedy ability. It is one thing to ponder possibilities and think hypothetically, but another to be faced with a choice, especially when wounded or exhausted and the only way to renew your strength is to take the life of an innocent.

Life is full of surprises and challenges of fate, so telling himself that perhaps such a day would never come was at least naive, even more so was foolishness.

Alas, he had no answer, he did not want to be a hypocrite and comfort himself with the thought that a man who had grown up in the embrace of civilization would never stoop to such behavior.

The truth was that a person's true colors can only be seen at the moment of trial, and the latter often becomes distinguishable if one's own life and survival are at stake.

Isaia wanted to prepare himself in advance for anything, for having come here and killed not only humans but also a large number of animals in the forest, all for the simple reason of wanting to survive, he had discovered something new about himself.

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