
Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

The legendary mana finally reached planet Earth, causing all living things to officially enter the path of evolution. Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and humans who managed to withstand the wave of mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating powerful enemies. The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws fell. The only law was the law of the jungle where the strongest devoured the weakest. Bai Zemin, an apparently normal college student, turned out to be an unparalleled genius in the path of magic. This caught the attention of a beautiful demoness who would become his partner in this journey to the absolute top. God, Angel, Demon, Dragon, Vampire, Werewolf; no existence will be worthy of being his enemy! Disclaimer: The 'Earth' in this novel is not the same Earth we are currently living on so do not use our common sense for this novel. This is pure fantasy, after all. *** Successes achieved: #Top 1 in sales for more than 1 year in a row. #Top 1 in Golden Tickets for 10 months in a row. #Among the top 25 in all the charts since its release. #Winner of 1st place in the most popular webnovel event in 2021. #Winner of a possibility of adaptation. *** Support me: pat reon.com/XIETIAN

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Liam Anworth

Under the guidance of the two princesses, Bai Zemin soon arrived at the area where the soul evolvers who would participate this time in the competition of kingdoms and who would fight for the Gales Kingdom were gathered in an attempt to grant victory not only to the Builux Kingdom but also to their home.

The area where the soul evolvers who would fight for Gales in this year's competition of kingdoms were located was underneath the stands, underground. However, there was a long corridor leading to the central arena. In some aspects it was quite similar to the coliseums on Earth where gladiators used to fight to the death in ancient times, except that this arena was much larger and the area where the participants rested much more luxurious instead of gloomy.

Although there were not many participants from Gales, the number was still more than Bai Zemin had expected to find.