
Blood Venom

The venomous bug that broke through the chains of the destiny. An ordinary boy out of nowhere was thrown in the world of evolution. He was chained into marriage, squeezed by the society, pushed in the tyranny by the hunters. He didn’t know how his life would change once he had the courage to challenge himself. From abstract ways of killing beasts to wooing the emperors to chose their inheritor. He has done everything it takes to become a fear in the minds of every being in the universe. [Killed the sacred flame lion] [Skill: Luminous flame gained] [Basis can be found] Release: 7000/week Discord: https://discord.gg/yJJUMWRdBH

Dr_Hero · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Veno-Sapien

The vice president was seated on his chair and was going through the reports of the giant. The broken pieces of knife were place before him on a tray. He was extremely pissed as they lost a lot of resources and many of the weapons were destroyed while trying to cut off the skin of the giant. They could not get an inch of skin, at the end they only managed get a few drops of blood from the giant. It was big slap to the guild. He had to be answerable to them. The only winner of the incident was the person who had killed the giant.


The next moment, there was a knock on the door and an official entered his office with a report on his hand. The official handed the report to the Vice president, "The Giant was poisoned".


The vice president looked at the official with shock in his eyes. He thought the case had ended but still there was more to it. There can be a different winner of the game.


He quickly took the report and glanced though the pages. He was deeply interest in the poison which could kill a mystic monster. As much as he knew, there shouldn't exist such poison or killing mystic creatures would be a piece of cake. Kanis Knew till today, no human had the power to kill a mystic creature. Even the first mystic creature killed by the ancestors was actually a gift from some other race.


"The Giant wasn't killed by the star hunters"


"It was killed by poison."


"How much poison was there in the giant's body?" Kanis asked.


"We cannot say the exact number but from the ratio of the blood samples, we can say near about 3.5 liters"


"How the F*ck did someone get inside a dungeon with so much poison which is undiscovered till today."


"Get me the details of every member who was there in the double dungeon, interrogate every person and as specially the raid team. I want the raid team's details."


"I am going to get to the end of this case, no matter what."

There was nothing to gain from this case since the Giant was killed and the rewards the rewards were already distributed to the killer. Poison was used, so whoever had access to it was the real winner. He was certain the killer was not an ordinary person, as they managed to hide such a deadly poison and smuggle it in the dungeons, bypassing the checks at the dungeon gate. The killer hunter eliminated the Giant smoothly, without getting caught. No one knows who the real winner is. While all the guild members are suspecting the five-star hunters, and the five-star hunters are suspecting each other, only Kanis knew it was someone else. EVERYTHING WAS WELL PLANNED AND EXECUTED.


The next moment the details of the raid team came to him, he was shocked to know that only 4 hunters and 1 human came out of the dungeon while 7 hunters and 9 humans entered the dungeon. He turned the page and was shocked to see only one late evolver and others were all low level Evolvers. A double Evolver level dungeon would normally require 5 late evolvers to complete it smoothly.


This team was using humans as cannon fodder.


Kanis quickly ordered to call the remaining hunters and the only human to receive their rewards from the guild.


Kanis closed the file and though calmly that the raid team was the biggest suspect, but they were checked before entering the dungeon. As for the guild members, none of them were checked while entering the dungeon. But they went in a crowd, if someone might have acted smart.

'It would have come to my ears by now. '




Aser felt something soft in his hand, he pressured it. It was a ball, he was half conscious. He was totally into the ball for some reason. It was warm. He squeezed it a little. He felt a point on the balloon getting picky, he pressed the tip. He hears a mourn from his right side. He quickly moved his hand; he didn't even realized what it was. He woke up and looked at her.


Seney offered him a smile to make him comfortable elegantly. He had an eye contact, he felt different. Something was different as if she was more into him. He didn't understand.


"You are getting desirable day by day" Seney replied, she was getting close to his face. He quickly turned around got up, but she pulled his hand. He looked at her and swiftly pulled his hand back. He was able to fight back.


He walked away from the bed. He felt more energetic and strong. He looked himself in the mirror. He removed his shirt to have a look. He had muscles in his body. He had bulged a little. He use to look like a lean stick but now, he had got fitter and some mass was there in his body.


He closed his eyes to check his status.


Name: Aser

Level: none

Basis: 13 points

Bloodline: corrupted Veno-Sapien ( Ancient Human)

Skills: Giant's Heart, king of your kind

Titles: An unwelcomed Outsider, Giant Slayer, Luck favors the fool.

Corrupted Veno-Sapien: A new race which has no records in the past which was created through a act of daring and foolishness. No one knows the traits of the race but one thing is certain the Venom is one thing you need to look up for while dealing with this race.

Giant's Heart: A people's heart will not let you die until you have completed your promise. You are gifted with healing skill which is unimaginable and comparable to gods.

King of your Kind: You rule your kind.

An unwelcomed Guest: An unwelcomed guest, who is creating his presence. It is the key to everything you need.

Giant Slayer: it is the name that has been earned by slaying a Giant. You have the respect of every being to accomplish the impossible. Your strength is unparallel while fighting the undefeatable enemy. 

Luck favors the fool: Your foolish deeds have impressed the heavens. The luck shall favor you for every foolish deed you do but bad luck revolves around you, hardens your life.

He noticed that he had lost his level; he was a normal human again. But he felt far stronger than before. 

There were so many weird titles in his status, he wondered if they were even use to him. 

Aser had many questions in his mind as he looked himself in the mirror. He knew the only place where he would find the answers is the dungeon. He walked out of the house without saying a word to Seney. He was smooth and way agile than before. He just walked out of the house; Seney was till staring at the entrance of the house. She was not sure what just happen. Her husband was not so like her husband today. He was manly and desirable. She never felt so attracted to him.

As if aphrodisiac was added to his blood.

Aser walked into a old natured sanctuary which was close to his house. It was unmaintained by the government officials and abandoned by them. He quickly went in. many noticed him going inside but no one cared as it was full of plants and nothing special was there.

Soon, he ran deeper inside the forest. He was sure now; he wasn't the same Aser any more. He could control his body in a more proficient way. There was a big giant banyan tree its base was covered with roots. He looked around once and stepped inside the roots of the banyan tree. There were broken steps to go down deeper in the ground. Soon, he saw an old broken temple. There was a big carving on the floor or the temple. He stepped on the craving and disappeared in the mid air. It was the same dungeon which helped him to become an awakener.

Human needed Basis to start the journey of awakener but the price of basis was so high that a normal human will never be able to buy one. And in raiding teams, the carrier and supporters are entitled to get a payment in advance. So, even if they die in the dungeon their family gets the payment. There was no way for carriers and supporters to earn basis legally in the dungeon. 

This dungeon wasn't a cave like the last time. It was a wild forest with monsters of different levels. Aser knew this wasn't an ordinary dungeon. His grandpa had told him about it and gave him a warning to never climb a tree to check how big the forest was or where it ends .

He used to come and hide and look out for wild insects or snails to kill; it was his strategy to become a newborn hunter. It worked well and if something would go wrong, he would leave the dungeon quickly.

The best part about the dungeon was that he just needed to say "leave." in order to leave the dungeon. The next moment a wild piglet just growled towards him, it was size of a dog. Aser would ran or leave if he found piglet earlier. But he was determined to face it today.

The piglet dashed towards him and He was ready; he punched it with all his might.

The piglet released a scream.

[Newborn wild piglet killed.]

[Basis can be found]

The piglet's body disappeared and basis was left behind.

Aser was awestruck seeing his strength. It just took him one punch to kill the piglet. Aser was weakling for years and suddenly something had changed. The prey had become the hunter. He could finally rise his head and walk down the streets. he wanted to prove the world his new strength. Power was the only thing that ruled the world. 

The piglet's body had disappeared and basis crystal was left on its place. It may be just a newborn beast but its wild and aggressive nature makes it a hard kill. He was satisfied with his new strength. He was this strong in his normal human level if he got the strength of the newborn. He should able to match with a Evolved hunter in terms of strength.

He heard footsteps he quickly picked up a shape stick as his weapon from the ground and looked around. He was ready to leave the dungeon, the moment he sees a dangerous beast lurking around. His senses had improve, he could say they were 4 legged beasts, many were coming this way. From the sounds, they were making, it could be a sounder of swine. He was not sure.

He was waiting for them to show up.

Wild pig appeared before him, they were hostile towards him. Aser was about to leave but he felt as if he could take them on. If things started getting messy he can leave the dungeon any second he wanted. He wished he had a better weapon with him. It wasn't even a wooden spear; it was just pointy stick in his hand.

A wild hog dashed towards him, He pierced the stick into the mouth of the pig and the tip got out of its anus. His hands shake a little, he had to utilize all his strength to kill a wild boar.

[Wild Evolved Boar killed]

[Basis can be found]

"Wait, this was a Evolved Pig?" Aser was not expected, that he could kill a evolved boar.

There was silence in the battle field after the death of the senior member of the sounder. The pigs and Boars got crazy and starting attacking him all together. Aser was frightened of the number of beasts in front of him; he seriously needed a weapon to fight the herd.

He took out the same stick which he had used to kill the evolved monster, he started swinging it to throw away the boars coming near him, the piglets could not even injure him, he was wary of their teeth. Aser was defending himself against a group of evolver boars. He was familiarizing himself with the situation. He was able to cope with their speed. He realized he was agile compared to the evolver Boars and pigs.

Aser understood it was his chance to offend the beasts. He quickly used the stick as a spear. The stick was sharp enough to cut through the thick skin of the wild boars. He slashed the boars with the stick but it wasn't a blade.

The next moment the stick broke into two pieces. He was thrashing and slaying the stick like a mad man without considering his wounds or the bites he got from the piglets. He noticed one thing in the middle of the Hustle and bustle. The piglets that bite him were dying strangely. His ears were ringing with messages that he had killed the Boar. A transparent screen on his vision was showing all the notifications.

His eyes shone when he saw the notification to receive his first skill from a Boar.

[Wild Evolved Boar Killed]

[Skill: Wild gauntlet gained]

Black shining gauntlet appeared on his hands. He was thrilled to use a skill for the first time in his life. His hand was filled with power; he cannot wait to thrash the pigs with his new power. It was just a matter of time before he kills every wild evolver pig there was. After getting the gauntlet, his strength had increased by a huge margin. He was able to kill the wild boars with just a punch.

He took a breath of relax and checks his wounds. He believed that they would get healed slowly due to the title he received from killing the giant. He was right, the wounds and bites were getting healed at a fast pace.

He also realized the fact, that his blood was a deadly poison to kill mystic beings. If humans found about it, he would become a laboratory rat.

He was stinking from blood of wild boars.


The next moment he was teleported out of the dungeon. He found himself again on the strange carvings on the floor of the temple.


What do you guys think?

what kind of weapon should he get ?

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