
Blood Dragon Khan

It was blood for blood. That is the rule of the golden throne. Kingdoms, tribes, and sects fought for it but only one will remain and sit on it. The throne of gold and power that is what they describe it. Who ever sit on the throne always seek to conquer the lands and let the enemies of the throne kneel and bow done rejoicing to those who sit on the golden throne. But it was no longer subject to return to the hands of mortals. Because the unstoppable force of the 9 Heavenly dragons took the power and the glory of it. The so-called guardians of the skies and the heavens, but like all those who maintain peace, there is always chaos among peace, and so the battle of the Ruling Dragons started. They named the first dragon after the shining brilliance of light that came when it fly down from the heavens. They called it “Eternal Dragon”. Followed by its brother, the second dragon, who bites on the handle of the throne and is wise and intelligent, the “Enlightened Dragon”. From the left side of the throne, the third brother grips on the handle and roar loudly and its claws embedded itself on the golden throne and named the “Ferocious Dragon”. Then followed by the fourth brother that slithers on the back of the golden throne known for its sweetness and gentleness, the “Blossom Dragon”. Then the fifth dragon known for its love for money and gold, the “Fortune Dragon”. That ended the 5 heavenly Ruling Dragons, but it did not end there. As there are still the four Dragons who did not get near the Golden throne because of their destructive power. Known as the 4 Demonic Dragons of Asura. First was the 6th brother known for mercilessly exterminating innocents and giving the art of war to the mortals. And widely known as the “Dreaded Dragon”. The 7th brother who sided with the Dreaded Dragon, known for liking the color of blood and created the river of blood of Asura the “Blood Dragon” and the 8th brother known for the thinking of the dark arts and created the dark demonic styles of fighting. The only rival of the Eternal Dragon, the “Ravenous Dragon” and the last of the 9 Heavenly Dragons that sided with that Dreaded Dragon and breaking the stalemate among the heavenly dragons for good, the “Thunder Dragon”.

ArkAnghel · Huyền huyễn
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34 Chs

The underground

"Don't joke around with me. We all know how strong the leader of the black dragon is, gang. And you know what will happen if they lost their leader.

The other gang, such as the Golden Monkey gang, Blue Raven gang, and Thunder phoenix, gang will go on and take the territory of the Black Dragon gang. And if that happens, you know a battle will happen here in Destiny Town." The response of the other armored guard.

Then, after a few minutes, a sudden loud scream and clash of sword is too loud and heard outside of the inn. The two armored guards looked at each other and they quickly unsheathe their swords and went out.

"Holy, the 3 gangs are in a gang war in the town and even the guards of the town have take casualties." One bystander said while peeking at the window of the inn. "Now that I think about it, maybe I should control the gangs here in this town and the gangs in the Northern Star city.

That will be nice, having my army of gangsters." Li Xin smiled and stand up and goes to the cashier where he paid the amount needed. He then walked out of the inn and there he can see a lot of swords clashing and styles being put to the test.

"You little monkey!" one Blue raven gangster said as he tried to slash his sword. But got blocked by the Golden Monkey soldier. Li Xin smiled when he sees that there were a lot of gangs doing fighting. Then he looked at one of the dead gangsters from the Blue Raven gang. Li Xin checks the body of the Blue Raven member while checking the body.

One gangster from the Thunder Phoenix yelled at Li Xin. "Hey You! With the spear kid, stand up and get away from that man's body!"

Li Xin turns around and looks at the Man. "Well, what can I say? Maybe in 2 months I can take over all the gangs in this town and then next is the Northern Star City." He whispered so that the gangster who shouted at him will not hear what he said earlier.

The man gritted his teeth and charged at Li Xin. Li Xin takes off the cover of the blade of his spear and charged forward using the blood swirling dash style. And when they get up close the thunder phoenix gangster raised his sword but before he can slash Li Xin his hand cleanly cut off, then it followed by a stabbed at his back and the blade of the spear pierces through his flesh and came out at his chest.

Li Xin pulls immediately and when they go landed in their opposite positions, the gangster dropped dead on the ground. It did not make a sound or scream as it dropped to the ground like a soulless body. Li Xin turns around and looks at each of the bystanders and customers looking at him.

One blue raven gang witness everything that happens so the battle between Li Xin and the Thunder Phoenix gangster. He also witnesses the fight between all three gangs, the Golden monkey, Blue Raven and Thunder phoenix. But they quickly dispersed when one of their comrades had alarmed them of a coming soldier from the town garrison soldiers.

The gangsters quickly dispersed into their own territories. And because the Black Dragon gang has no leader it created a civil war, an inner fighting where the higher ups of the gang have been fighting or there are two successors and because their leader died in a sudden, there were no written testament who will take on the name leader for the Black Dragon gang. Meanwhile, Li Xin cornered a Golden Monkey gangster.

Li Xin put his spear on his shoulder and said "I will ask you once again and never lie to me am I clear?" the Golden monkey gangster that was wearing a yellow headband and a yellow mask with his light armor and a sword sheathed on his waist.

"Now tell me, where can I find the Black Dragon hideout? And if you can tell me where it is, I will give your life back. And if not, I will take it to an endless suffering. Am I clear?" the golden monkey gangster nodded and said.

"Their hideout is located north of the town and if you can find a shabby old inn, it's their principal place. Under that inn is their headquarters. And from what I heard from my peers is that the Black Dragon gang is in turmoil because there was no written heir who will be the next leader of the Black Dragon Clan."

Li Xin nodded and whispers to himself. "Well, I guess that was a great opportunity there." Li Xin turns around and then turns around and smiled at the Golden monkey gangster that was on the ground looking at him.

"Well, you are one poor of a guy" he said before cutting the head of the Golden Monkey gangster. Li Xin traveled north of the town and there he sees the old shabby inn. And when he entered the place it went quiet and then goes back to having fun. When he reaches the north part of the town, Li Xin see a lot of children trying to survive the hardship and pain of the world.

Li Xin then tries to find the shabby looking in. And when he entered, all the customers looked at him. And then returning to where they stopped for Li Xin to enter the inn. He looks around and saw that there were a lot of damages in the house. That is why the owners wanted it bought it at a cheap price because of the interior.

When he reached the middle part of the place, he then shouted, "Who here is part of the Black Dragon gang?" and when they heard it, all of them stand up from their seat. And then looked at Li Xin and said, "we are part of the Black Dragon gang and what is your problem? Are you going to cause a problem because if you are, we are going to beat you to the pulp?"

And the gangster from the black Dragon walked up close to Li Xin and said, "Prepared because I don't think you will last for a couple of minutes. Then all of them unsheathe their weapons and get ready to fight. And then one of them charged forward and then Li Xin quickly knocked the cultivator down, slamming its face on the concrete floor.

The cultivator fell unconscious after what happened. Then another one charged forward because of the blood circulation meditation technique.