
Blood Dragon Khan

It was blood for blood. That is the rule of the golden throne. Kingdoms, tribes, and sects fought for it but only one will remain and sit on it. The throne of gold and power that is what they describe it. Who ever sit on the throne always seek to conquer the lands and let the enemies of the throne kneel and bow done rejoicing to those who sit on the golden throne. But it was no longer subject to return to the hands of mortals. Because the unstoppable force of the 9 Heavenly dragons took the power and the glory of it. The so-called guardians of the skies and the heavens, but like all those who maintain peace, there is always chaos among peace, and so the battle of the Ruling Dragons started. They named the first dragon after the shining brilliance of light that came when it fly down from the heavens. They called it “Eternal Dragon”. Followed by its brother, the second dragon, who bites on the handle of the throne and is wise and intelligent, the “Enlightened Dragon”. From the left side of the throne, the third brother grips on the handle and roar loudly and its claws embedded itself on the golden throne and named the “Ferocious Dragon”. Then followed by the fourth brother that slithers on the back of the golden throne known for its sweetness and gentleness, the “Blossom Dragon”. Then the fifth dragon known for its love for money and gold, the “Fortune Dragon”. That ended the 5 heavenly Ruling Dragons, but it did not end there. As there are still the four Dragons who did not get near the Golden throne because of their destructive power. Known as the 4 Demonic Dragons of Asura. First was the 6th brother known for mercilessly exterminating innocents and giving the art of war to the mortals. And widely known as the “Dreaded Dragon”. The 7th brother who sided with the Dreaded Dragon, known for liking the color of blood and created the river of blood of Asura the “Blood Dragon” and the 8th brother known for the thinking of the dark arts and created the dark demonic styles of fighting. The only rival of the Eternal Dragon, the “Ravenous Dragon” and the last of the 9 Heavenly Dragons that sided with that Dreaded Dragon and breaking the stalemate among the heavenly dragons for good, the “Thunder Dragon”.

ArkAnghel · Huyền huyễn
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34 Chs

More Blood Qi

Li Xin did not let them take a single step forward as he pierced his spear to their chest simultaneously. In a matter of seconds, the 2 demons drop dead on the ground.

Their blood instantly absorbed by the Blood Spear, which drains their blood. Then the Blood spear create Blood Qi for Li Xin to enjoy and absorb into his body. Li Xin turns around and looked at the woman who was being cornered by the Demons.

"Don't come any closer," the lady says, while her face has already painted with sadness and trauma. "Please let me help you. I have food here to calm you down," he says calmly while pulling out food from his ring. The woman looked fascinated when he saw the space ring and the food that Li Xin is now holding.

The woman looked at Li Xin's eyes and after a while she walked slowly towards Li Xin. The woman stands close enough to grab the piece of bread.

After that he turns around and runs back to near the tree log where her eyes glowed green and after that her skin turned slowly invisible as a transparent glass. Because of that, it amazed Li Xin that his jaw dropped. He was also intrigue on how can a woman suddenly turn invisible after finishing the bread and the woman did not feel any poison.

She revealed herself once again and say, "If you think I am a normal human, I guess you are wrong." Li Xin leaning on the tree while waiting for her to reveal herself. When he heard her voice, he suddenly stand up and felt overjoyed.

He was calm and he quickly asses the surrounding if there are still demons around, luckily he felt no such feeling or aura that was emitting with the same Demon aura that he killed earlier. After assessing the surrounding he reply, "Would you mind telling me what kind of race are you, because I am really fascinated"

Li Xin smile like if he is seducing the woman. A white hair woman with pointy ears. Her eyes with a certain glow of green and her fine body. Her dress was silk covered everything from her neck to her ankle, a dress that can give an aura that is above 2 realms from Li Xin.

The woman was hesitant to tell Li Xin what she really was, so before Li Xin could ask more questions about her. She suddenly vanished like what he did when she was eating. Li Xin just smiled, but then he turns around and there he could see 3 more Demons arriving. Li Xin put his spear on his shoulder.

"If I kill one more, I can enter the 1st class of the External Blood Training Realm," Li Xin whisper through the air while the Demon who is standing on the other side has already exerted their aura and is ready to fight him. The first two on the side were the first one to charge. He quickly raised his spear and fend them off.

Their weapons clashed, and it created a battle of steel and aura. Both of the demons that came were stronger that the ones that Li Xin have killed earlier and because of that, he was slowly being pushed back until he step on a trap which Li Xin received a wound by the demonic sword. Li Xin jumps back as he used the blood swirling dash style. He raised his guard. The two demons smiled because they know that Li Xin have lost the moment tum to fight them both.

The other Demon that was left behind laughed and said, "I cannot believe my brothers died by your hands a pawn of the humans have they made" and Li Xin looked at the two Demons who were also laughing at him. Li Xin gripped his spear firmly and then charged as he used the 1st part of the Soaring Red Blood Flame, which was igniting the spear with flame and the flame that cannot get extinguished.

The two demons charged once again. But when they did, their attacks got deflected back against them. They retreat a few paces and then charged again, but at the second time they charged, Li Xin used the Blood swirling dash style to increase his movements, which gives him the advantage over the Demons.

When they clashed, the 2 Demons that earlier was gaining the upper hand dropped dead with their bodies burning with the flame. Li Xin looked at the Demon, who was laughing earlier. "I told you, don't be too happy before your head flies off." Li Xin last words before he decapitated the last demon.

The body of the Last Demon drops on the ground and the Blood Spear has absorbed its blood. After that it transforms it into Blood Qi and then Li Xin felt something incredible in him. Because of that, he meditated using the red flame blood technique. He sat down and cross his legs while the flame from the blood spear came above his head as he meditates.

After that, the blood that was absorbed from the demon formed a void covering Li Xin inside. "ARHHHHH!" Li Xin veins and blood Qi experienced an upgrade that even his aura change.after that the blood that engulfing him exploded and burst in all directions.

The blood splattered all around and everything it drips on died instantly. Li Xin new body has grown exponentially. Even his muscles and bones have well refined from the previous class.

Li Xin looks around as his shirt is also turned into fine dust. He looked into his space ring and luckily he still has a spare of clothes to wear. "I really need to control the power of my class upgrade or else I will always turn my shirt robe to dust." He exclaimed while stretching his arms and feet. After that he looked around and tries to find and a road to search a city that he can ask and take information.

Li Xin goes inside the forest and while he was traveling he saw a phantom beast that was crossing in front of him. It was Forest Bear Lion. Which is a Middle rank Class D Phantom beast. Li Xin smiled as he sneaks and tries to prepare to attack.

Before he was about to jump to attack, an arrow suddenly hits the phantom beast which it turned to a berserk mode as its eyes turned dark red. And roared like a wild phantom beast from his usual peaceful stance earlier. After that, large rock spikes charge in all directions.