
Blood Dragon Khan

It was blood for blood. That is the rule of the golden throne. Kingdoms, tribes, and sects fought for it but only one will remain and sit on it. The throne of gold and power that is what they describe it. Who ever sit on the throne always seek to conquer the lands and let the enemies of the throne kneel and bow done rejoicing to those who sit on the golden throne. But it was no longer subject to return to the hands of mortals. Because the unstoppable force of the 9 Heavenly dragons took the power and the glory of it. The so-called guardians of the skies and the heavens, but like all those who maintain peace, there is always chaos among peace, and so the battle of the Ruling Dragons started. They named the first dragon after the shining brilliance of light that came when it fly down from the heavens. They called it “Eternal Dragon”. Followed by its brother, the second dragon, who bites on the handle of the throne and is wise and intelligent, the “Enlightened Dragon”. From the left side of the throne, the third brother grips on the handle and roar loudly and its claws embedded itself on the golden throne and named the “Ferocious Dragon”. Then followed by the fourth brother that slithers on the back of the golden throne known for its sweetness and gentleness, the “Blossom Dragon”. Then the fifth dragon known for its love for money and gold, the “Fortune Dragon”. That ended the 5 heavenly Ruling Dragons, but it did not end there. As there are still the four Dragons who did not get near the Golden throne because of their destructive power. Known as the 4 Demonic Dragons of Asura. First was the 6th brother known for mercilessly exterminating innocents and giving the art of war to the mortals. And widely known as the “Dreaded Dragon”. The 7th brother who sided with the Dreaded Dragon, known for liking the color of blood and created the river of blood of Asura the “Blood Dragon” and the 8th brother known for the thinking of the dark arts and created the dark demonic styles of fighting. The only rival of the Eternal Dragon, the “Ravenous Dragon” and the last of the 9 Heavenly Dragons that sided with that Dreaded Dragon and breaking the stalemate among the heavenly dragons for good, the “Thunder Dragon”.

ArkAnghel · Huyền huyễn
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34 Chs

Black Dragon Influence

[Headquarters of the Thunder Phoenix gang].

"So we also lost the chief that we sent there?" The leader of the Thunder Phoenix is the lighting cultivator of the plains Peng Shi. The assistant raised his hand and form an oval to give to let the leader to give him mercy for not handling the matters perfectly.

"Yes, you are right Leader, we lost that battle and now the current control of the northern gate is the Black Dragon gang."

The assistant answered the leader's question. The assistant did not dare to look at the leader because he know he could get killed if he looked at the leader when the leader was angry.

"Well then, we shall retake what is ours for the taking and let this town know the might strike of the lighting of my wrath!" he shouted at the assistant and the assistant reply "Yes, Leader, your wrath will begin." And with that, the mobilization of the Thunder Phoenix has started.

[headquarters of the Golden Monkey]

"I feel that the two gangs that lost a chief will retaliate. But for us, who did not lose a chief and know the strength of the leader of the Black Dragon gang? We should not be too greedy and focus on our training regime." Yu Geming said known to many as the first king golden monkey. And the current leader of the Golden Monkey.

"That is what we have instructed to the other chief's leader. We dare not do unplanned moves like the other two gangs." The adviser of the leader added. "But we need to increase the training of our fighters so that we can take on the fighters of the Black Dragon gang."

The leader added while looking at the Martial instructor. "Yes, Leader, the training regime of each recruit and fighters will double." The Martial instructor replied. Yu Geming nodded and then dismissed the council.

[4 hours have passed]

Xiao Shirong knocks on the door of the leader. Li Xin slowly opens his eyes and felt dizzy. "This is the problem when I drink too much." He whispered while walking to the door. When he grip the door, he opened it wide and there he could see Xiao Shirong worried.

"It looks like you are worried, head adviser. How can I help you in the late at night?" the leader asked. Xia Shirong first greeted Li Xin and said, "Leader, I have received reports from our spies that the Blue Raven gang and the Thunder Phoenix are going to retaliate and attack early morning."

Li Xin suddenly felt excited, as if he did got intoxicated a moment earlier. "Well then, that will be great. It will be a training for the recruits and for the regulars. Tell the Martial instructor about this and tell him also that we need to increase recruiting fighters." The leader instructed after that Xiao Shirong greeted once again the leader before turning around and walks down the stairs.

Xiao Shirong headed back to the Inn. The guards that were guarding the entrance greeted him and when he entered, he sees Su peng on the table sleeping. When he get near Su peng, he already smelled the bear that was coming out from his mouth and body.

"This will be a problem for the entire gang. All of them are drunk." Xiao Shirong sighed and slaps Su peng so hard that Su peng goes back to his senses.

But when he comes back to his senses, he can't remember who slapped he got shocked to see that Xiao Shirong is in front of him. "What in the hell happened?" Su peng tried to remember, but he can't.

"We have a problem. The leader said that we need to train the new recruits and the fighters. But also there is an imminent treat that is heading at the northern gate. The Blue Raven gang and thunder phoenix gang have shared a common interest and join forces. Their forces have estimated around 1,000 people and for us, we are numbered too much." Xiao Shirong is slowly keeping pace but is still panicking.

"Ah, that will be a no problem. 1000 fighters. And not all them received their training properly and also most of them are under equipped. Now it's not that I underestimate their strength. It is just I believe that the Blood Dragon gang will rise across the continent and crush those who oppose us." Su peng added while looking at Xiao's Shirong scared face.

[The first day passed]

"So this is the place that almost most of my men died trying to fight. The evil pursuers." One of the chief that came from the Blue raven gang. "I guess newly promoted leader is being too talkative. And I don't like it" commented by the chief of the thunder phoenix. And when they arrived at the location, a lot of passerby looks at them. But they meet the garrison guards with their swords raised and shields are up.

"What are you looking at?" the garrison guard warned the gathering of gangs in the marketplace. Then, soon enough, they all stopped on a Black Dragon gang supporter stall. Then the chief of the Blue Raven looks at the man and immediately grabs the man by the collar and shouted.

"Tell me why are you a premium contributor for the Black Dragon gang!" the man did not speak nor try to say a thing to the chief of the Blue Raven gang. Then a loud voice echoed in the marketplace. "The rats have come and risen from the canals?" Li Xin said while looking up at the man while he put his spear on his shoulder.

The chief of the Blur raven gang looked at Li Xin. And because Li Xin is not in the mood for talking, he quickly punched the chief and when the chief stumbles down, Li Xin quickly sliced the chief's neck. While the bystanders ran for their lives, the remaining chief of the thunder Phoenix and the other fighters behind them were being cautious as they witness something scary and vicious.

They, too, are afraid to step forward.

"Now, for you guys who wanted to fight us without planning, heres what you are going to do. Go back to your leaders and say,

"We are the new gang, the Blood Dragon gang. If your gang won't submit to me for the next 5 hours, there will be a gang that will be wiped out from this town." And that said to the others who have stayed.

After that, the fighters from the Blue Raven retreated. Meanwhile, the chief of the thunder phoenix did not hesitate and charged forward behind him were also charging to move forward. But they meet with blades and they put the head of the chief of thunder phoenix on a stake and paraded it at their inn door.