
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs

Things just became more Interesting

"I wonder, was it indispensable to create such a commotion?" Yoruichi asked the likely amber-eyed boy whose head was currently resting on her lap as he watched the TV.

She could get why he wanted to prevent all enmity with the Soul Society by healing them all since he decided to recruit Aizen... for whatever reason. But why did he need to go to such lengths for that? The matter could have been easily resolved without the need to make that big of a commotion.

"Hmm... that is a good question, why did I choose to do it this way...?" Shin looked away from the TV as he locked eyes with his beautiful woman.

"There are three reasons for this." He said as he broke the eye contact and enjoyed the feeling of having his hair stroked. It felt good and comforting.

"One, by making this scene I created a somewhat domineering impression of myself to the different Shinigami."

"Just say that you love showing off, I would understand you know." Yoruichi chuckled, she already noticed that this guy loved his flex, he would take any and all occasion to do it.

"Yeah, that is true." He didn't act embarrassed nor did he deny it, it was his hobby after all... Thinking about it, he wondered if he should visit Cid Kagero. They could probably get along well. Food for thought.

"At least deny it!"

"You really see me doing that?" He rose an eyebrow in response.

"I guess you are right." She sighed.

"Anyway, the reason was that I wanted to infuriate Yamamoto, which was not easy without killing or gravely injuring someone." Shin revealed which surprised his partner thus she asked. "And why would you want to do that?"

"Ah! I forgot I didn't tell you much about my main ability." It was at this moment that Shin realized that point, so he explained. "My ability basically allows me to reign over and manipulate knowledge, but that you already know right?" She nodded so he once again resumed speaking.

"Now going into the details, some of what I can do is access the memory of the world, a place outside the regular flow of space and time, a metaphysical location disconnected from the physical world and described as the source of all events and phenomena in the universe. It stores and archives information on all possibilities and events, past, present, and future, of the world."

Yoruichi paused in her movement as she tried to digest this new information. This was the first time she heard such information, she didn't even know something like that existed, and Shin could access something like that. Reach a place outside of time and space? That was just too shocking.

As she looked at her man on her lap, Yoruichi couldn't help but have stars in her eyes, she really hit big, he was just too amazing...

Unaware of his woman's thoughts Shin kept speaking. "I call it: the Akashic records. Moving on, apart from the fact that I have access to all those knowledge, I discovered that I could do much more with my ability... like learning Hado, Bakudo, Barriers... and the like by directly impregnating myself by the residual knowledge manifested in the world when they are used or directly gaining someone knowledge and experience by accessing their mind."

Wait, He could do that too? She didn't know, she knew none of that, how much more overpowered was this ability? At this point it's not even fair anymore... not like the world had been a fair place, to begin with.

But, still how is that even allowed? And they say Aizen and Yamamoto's abilities were powerful... This guy at some point could probably become omniscient... omniscient...

Yoruichi's eyes grew wide in realization as she hesitantly spoke... "...Don't tell me..."

"Hm...? You have realized? Well done..." Shin found himself pleased at how quick-witted she was.

"Turn out, I can do something similar with Zanpakuto abilities, but there is some condition for me to be able to replicate said abilities... First I need to have total/complete knowledge and 'Understanding' of said ability. Second, I need to see said ability in action at least once. Third, I must be stronger the processor of the ability, and Fourth I need to be a recipient of the ability... meaning I must experience it myself by being subject to it. If any of those 3 conditions are not fulfilled, I won't be able to copy it... Even then, there are probably abilities that can't be copied." I explained as he used his finger to better make himself understood.

"..." Yoruichi didn't speak. At this point, she didn't even know what to say.

"..." Shin seeing as he had been welcomed by complete silence after his explanation, he couldn't help but smile a bit.

Yeah for an ability not really combat-related, it's indeed an overpowered one.

He left her lap as he sat down, pulling her closer to him he hugged her as he enjoyed her scent he spoke some more. "Don't be like that, it is indeed overpowered but not as overpowered as you may think. It's easy to access the Akashic record but really difficult to navigate through the flow of information and find what I am looking for since the place is not really organized or anything. If you think about it, there is all information concerning not only our present universe but also parallel ones, how many grains of sand there is in a desert? How many atoms are in a universe? Now think about the fact that all of that information is over there to the power of all existing parallel universes, considering all of that there might as well be an infinite amount of information over there. Thought I always end up finding what I am looking for somehow... the more familiar I am with my powers, the easier it gets. Nonetheless, it's an ability that requires a considerable amount of time to make full use of." That did make her feel a little better.

"Let's stop talking about my abilities for now. Since it's almost time, how about I cook something for dinner?" He offered in the hope to get a reaction.

"Let's go!" And it worked, who doesn't like a well-cooked meal? Even more when it's cooked by someone possessing a cooking mastery skill.

"But... We gotta go shopping first since there is almost no ingredient left."


3 Days later.

"So you are saying that you are ready to go?" Shin asked the man sitting Face to him.

"Yes, I believe there is no longer anything of importance for me to accomplish in this world... I already lost my original purpose." Aizen said, he no longer wished to remain restrained in this world if he could extend his influence elsewhere, and become something more at the same time.

"Sorry about that..." Shin expressed, a little embarrassed, but it was the choice to make.

"There is nothing to be sorry about, to each their objective in this world, and sometimes those objectives can clash and the resulting consequences are most of the time rather... disappointing for one of the concerned. But our case is different, while you did rob me of my original purpose... you gave me something way more interesting in return."

"I guess you are right." The embarrassed expression disappeared just as fast as it appeared. As if it was nothing but an act.

"If you think that it's time for you to go, then I won't stop you." he crossed his arm as he spoke. "I will send you the important information about the world you are visiting through the Soul Corridor, But in exchange, I want you to do something for me. Rest assured it won't be anything disadvantageous for you, on the contrary, it should help you too."

Aizen thought about it for a second before accepting. Shin then proceeded to open a portal for him to go through. But before he could go, Shin addressed him the last time.

"This world is one where you can achieve Godhouse." There is literally a cultivation realm called the 'Deity realm'. "But it's in no way the end of your adventure, there are many other worlds waiting for you to explore."

Aizen didn't respond and merely gestured at him, but if before he was dealing with Shin just because of their contract, now he felt himself liking him a little more as a person.

Unbeknown to Aizen he started seeing Shin as someone on the same level as himself, someone eligible to perhaps be called a friend in the future.

"Fww..." With Aizen gone, Shin let out the sight he sat back on his chair, now he was alone in this fortress... Las Noches, the place Aizen had been living in for the last couple of days.

"Oh? Yes, there was that, I almost forgot." It was at this time that Shin remembered that he still didn't use his Gacha ticket. Thus he called upon his dear system.

"Lune, you know what is up!" He said no more.

[Understood, Rolling the Gacha.]




[Congratulation you have won:]

*5 Level ball (Pokemon)

Library Of Heaven Path (The manhwa)

Evolution Cube (Legendary Mechanic)

Omnilingual Translation (Cypher in Marvel)


Receiving the full description and knowledge about his new prices, a made its way to Shin's face as he couldn't help but marvel at the irony of fate.

Why? It was about his third prize... the evolution Cube, it was something the recently departed would love to possess or at least experience.

Its description went as follows:

The Evolution Cube was a relic of the Evolutionary Civilization that was very close to becoming a Universal Civilization before they were destroyed. The technological essence within it had long been lost. The Evolution Cube can stimulate the potential of a living being, allowing it to evolve greatly in a short period of time. It can automatically adjust the gene structure of an individual to ensure that it is the optimum gene structure. Furthermore, the Evolution Cube can increase one's mental strength. The upper limit is still unknown. It can absorb multi-dimensional and dark energy to charge up automatically.


See how damn useful this was? With just this Aizen could become a transcendent without the help of the hogyoku... probably.

Now he could probably do what Aizen did in the original and accelerate Hollows' evolution with the help of this cosmic wonder... Not only that he could create himself an army of relatively strong being a go all Emperor and conquerors of Worlds.

Not that he wanted to do that... yet. No just kidding... or was he?

Anyway, this evolution cube was indeed one of the most useful prizes he got from the Gacha to this day.

Now comes the Library of Heaven's path, he didn't even need the system's description for this one since he already know what it was, he read the manhwa after all, and his conclusion? Perfect.

There were little things better suited for him apart from this, the library of heaven path "LOHP" for short was centered around knowledge, and contrary to his original ability it was easier to use and more "concrete".

The Library of Heaven's Path is a skill that allows Shin to compile a book on a Being as long as the Being executes a battle technique or something similar in front of him or by touching a person who is unconscious. The compiled book would contain information about the being's background, abilities, and flaws.

At the same time, the Library of Heaven's Path can compile books on ongoing processes such as an activated formation or a pill forging process through direct sight, and on artifacts or non-living objects through direct touch. Similarly, the book would reflect information concerning the ongoing process or the artifact, including its flaws. A book is also compiled by eating a dish of food, it shows how it was cooked and its history, completing a superior Gourmet skill.

Other than that, the Library of Heaven's Path also has the ability to collect books through touch. This ability can be activated regardless of the presence of seals on the book itself

The Library of Heaven's Path also has the ability to compile books of similar nature together, and by taking the correct portions from each individual book, it's able to form a flawless manual. The strength of the abilities of the Library of Heaven's Path depends mainly on the power of the User.

The stronger the user is, the stronger the skill is, thus it is able to upgrade itself.

"And that's not all!" Shin said, another ability of this skill is based around disciple, if he took a disciple in when he earns the earnest gratitude of his students as a result of his impartation of knowledge, the Library of Heaven's Path has a chance of condensing a golden page in the Book of Heaven's Path. This golden page was really versatile and could be used to do a number of things.

"What if I coupled this with my already existing abilities based on knowledge? The result should be phenomenal! That's the feeling! The feeling of being overpowered. This ability is really a system sent!"

[You're welcome. Though it was just that your luck was pretty good.]

"Pretty good? You call that only pretty good?" Shin felt his excitation leaving his body.

[Considering you could have obtained some powerful Essences, or even the template of overpowered beings like Anos Voldigod or Yan Sen, perhaps even Akuto Sai... Then yes, it's only pretty good.]

He couldn't even retort... It was true he was nowhere near strong enough to contend against the top beings of all of the realities.

"Anyway, no use thinking about it, I just gotta keep doing what I have been doing until now." With that, he looked at two last rewards... Level Balls and Omnilingual Translation.

Level Balls descriptions were pretty straightforward, it could capture any beast or monster I would consider eligible to be a familiar. The more the difference of levels in my favor, the higher rate of success.

The last one however was... more useful than I first thought. The innate ability to speak intuitively and communicate in any language, even if it should have been completely incomprehensible to the human mind. This extended even to raw computer binaries, dead written languages for which no Rosetta stone exists.

This ability was... way more than it first seemed to be. Imagine, language is the ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication and a language is any specific example of such a system. There are over 6000 languages on Earth alone...

The potential of this sole ability was off the chart. He could speak the language of Gods and Demons. And in some universes, such language has the power to bend the law of the world.

The most obvious example was runes, in many realities runes exist, a magical language through the use of which it's possible to create various effects... And since it's technically a language, he should be able to instinctively understand and use them as well.

As his shadow expended and covered his whole body, Shin couldn't help but think. 'Things just became more interesting.'