

A broken soul in search of peace, An empty heart in search of love, A pure heart tainted by hate, A warm heart made cold with pain, I became the embodiment of the monsters I fought in my head, My inner demons became my friends, What do we do when the demons we fight in our heads can’t be won? We gaze into the abyss, And become one with it…

UDUJI_Anthony · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Banquet

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please spare this poor King and leave him some face my ladies. It is not my fault I am simply overjoyed, is it?" Andy winced in pain as he pleaded reason with his mother and wife. "If you do not control your joy you are bound to bring this entire castle down. Will your joy be satiated by then?" Anika, Andy's mother and the previous Queen berated him. "Mother! We all know that the castle walls are reinforced with magic." "Is that something someone of your monstrous power should be saying??? You damned unfilial brat, I've spoiled you so much that you do not even remember that your power is more than enough to bring down this castle. Have you lost your common sense? How many times did your father have to rebuild parts of the castle because of your crazy strength while telling the people that it was just a mana experiment accident??? Weren't the walls reinforced by then??? Huh???" Anika kept berating her son. "Alright mum I'm sorry, I'll behave. Where is my son?" Andy gave up on reasoning with his mother and asked. 

"He's with my mother love." Martha replied. Just then, Magda walked in with Zephyr in her arms as he cried. "He must be hungry dear." Magda, Martha's mother said as she gave Zephyr to his mother. Martha was attending to her crying child when Luca, the chief guard and Stella the chief mage walked into the court. "Congratulations, brother. We now have a young King in our home." Luca said as he hugged Andy. "Well done sister, he is so handsome already. I'm sure he will grow to be a fine young man just like his father." Stella said to Martha. 

Luca was a fairly tall knight with a blonde hair, only a head shorter than Andy. He has been Andy's best friend ever since they were kids, sparring and going on hunts together. Luca's father was one of the ministers of the court to Andy's father Zachary at the time. They both became acquainted after sparring for the first time when they met in the knight's academy, recognizing each other's strength. Andy was a year older than Luca at the time as he was 9 years old and Luca 8 years old. They became closer as the years went by and when Andy ascended the throne, Luca decided to be his right-hand man; being the chief guard in charge of the royal knights of the kingdom. 

Stella on the other hand is Martha's blood younger sister, born two years after Martha was born. She became the chief mage of the castle mages after showing outstanding talent in ice magic. Unlike her sister who had bright red eyes and ruby red hair, Stella had long, silver hair which cascaded down her back and ended just above her waist region with silver pupils. 

"Thank you both for coming today." Andy and Martha said. "It's high time you both give me my grandkids from your side don't you think?" Magda said, teasing Stella. "Please mother! Don't make such jokes! It's only been a few months since we got acquainted. We aren't even married yet!" Stella said as she blushed in embarrassment. 

Everyone laughed as they kept teasing the duo of Stella and Luca while looking forward the banquet that was to take place in a few days. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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