

A broken soul in search of peace, An empty heart in search of love, A pure heart tainted by hate, A warm heart made cold with pain, I became the embodiment of the monsters I fought in my head, My inner demons became my friends, What do we do when the demons we fight in our heads can’t be won? We gaze into the abyss, And become one with it…

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 - Uninvited guest

Three days later… 

The throne room was filled to the brim as guests kept pouring in to offer their king gifts and well wishes in congratulations to the birth of the prince. Andy and Martha sat at their thrones as they received gift after gift from different visitors of different calibers. 

As the banquet carried on quite peacefully, another guest arrived. "The King of Randhart, King Orion, has arrived!" The castle herald announced as a fairly average man with a pot-belly made his way into the throne room towards the throne of Andy and his wife Martha who carried Zephyr in her arms. "Congratulations King Andy! I see you finally have a child of your own now. Martha dear, you have done exceedingly well putting a leash on this unrestrained King of yours. Truly I tell you, the only thing stronger than a powerful man is the woman after his heart. HAHAHAHA!!!" King Orion laughed loud and hard as Andy could only smile calmly in response. 

"It is indeed nice to see you too uncle. You are in good health I see." Andy laughed light heartedly as he rose from his throne and approached King Orion and hugged him. King Orion was a friend to Andy's father. Their kingdoms have been allies since the time of Andy's father. "How are you doing my boy? I only wish your father was here to see how much of a man you have become. I'm proud of you son, we all are." King Orion said to Andy as they separated from their embrace. "Welcome Uncle Orion, it will always be a pleasure having you around." Martha said as she gave a respectful bow to the old King. "Nonsense! I should visit more often my dear. Unfortunately, my Kingdom's affairs and the threats from those malignant scoundrels that call themselves Kantorians prevent me from having a leisure time myself. I really need to rest these old bones, lest I follow my dear friend sooner than I plan to." King Orion complained as Andy led him to aa separate room where his mother and her guests were. "Orion! Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Welcome dear friend. How are your affairs of late?" Anika, taken by surprise, went forward to greet her late husband's friend. "We can continue our discussion later boy, this old friend of mine requires my company. Go tend to your guests." King Orion said as he moved towards Anika whilst exchanging pleasantries. 

Back in the throne room, Martha was attending to the guests and exchanging pleasantries when an unexpected guest came through the doors of the throne room. "The King of Grimdale, his majesty, overlord of the western plains, King Murdock, has arrived…" Everywhere went silent as the herald of not King Andy, but the King Murdock announced loudly. "Argh, talk about putting vinegar in a jar of wine…" Martha said as she handed Zephyr to her sister Stella. 

"Now that's not very queenly of you is it, Martha? What do you hope to teach the young child?" King Murdock said as he walked towards Martha, a sinister grin spread on his face. "Piss off Murdock; what I teach my son is none of your business." Martha replied, fury bubbling up deep within her. After all, this was the man who killed her father during his subjugation attempt on their kingdom. It ended in his failure but not without the loss of one of the kingdom's pillars.