
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Tranh châm biếm
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As months passed, Blackbeard reveled in the newfound glory of his expanding empire, his crew tirelessly conquering territory after territory under his command. With the Whitebeard territories firmly under their control and an agreement reached with Shanks to divide his holdings, Blackbeard's dominion grew to unprecedented proportions.

The once-feared territories of Kaido and Big Mom now trembled under the might of the Blackbeard Pirates, their forces overwhelmed by the sheer power and ferocity of their onslaught. With each victory, Blackbeard's influence spread like wildfire, swallowing up even the most defiant of foes.

As the largest territory holder among the Emperors, Blackbeard's reach extended far and wide, his authority unchallenged by all but the most foolhardy. Even some world government countries bowed to his might, recognizing the inevitability of his ascendance to power.

Meanwhile, Shiruyu and Bullet, ever loyal to their captain, spearheaded campaigns to conquer the West Sea, their strategic prowess and unwavering determination paving the way for Blackbeard's dominion to expand even further. With Redfield now venturing into the North Sea, there seemed to be no limit to the territories that would soon fall under Blackbeard's control.

Amidst the chaos of conquest, Blackbeard found solace in the arms of his harem, the nights filled with passion and desire as they reveled in their newfound freedom and power. As the crew grew more audacious, their antics more wild, Blackbeard found himself drawn deeper into the pleasures of their company, his lust matched only by their own insatiable desires.

With each passing day, the coffers of the Blackbeard Pirates swelled with untold riches, billions of bailey pouring in as tribute from the conquered territories. The wealth flowed like a river, fueling Blackbeard's ambitions and ensuring that his empire would continue to grow unchecked.

As Blackbeard looked out upon his vast domain, a wicked grin spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with the promise of even greater conquests to come. With the world at his feet and his harem by his side, there was no limit to what the future held for the fearsome Emperor of Darkness.

As if Blackbeard's conquests weren't enough, Van Augur, the cunning sharpshooter of the crew, had his own methods of expanding their wealth and influence. Using his ability to vanish into the shadows with the Phantom Void Fruit, Van Augur became a master of espionage and thievery, infiltrating kingdoms under the World Government's rule and absconding with their riches.

With his keen eye and stealthy prowess, Van Augur pilfered vast sums of money from these kingdoms, crippling their ability to pay the exorbitant taxes demanded by the World Government. Faced with economic ruin and the looming threat of rebellion, many of these kingdoms had no choice but to seek refuge under the banner of the Blackbeard Pirates.

The mere mention of Blackbeard's name struck fear into the hearts of would-be attackers, for they knew that not only would the Blackbeard Pirates obliterate their forces, but they would also exact a merciless vengeance upon their families and loved ones. This reputation, coupled with Van Augur's clandestine operations, solidified the dominance of the Blackbeard Pirates across the seas.

But Van Augur's exploits didn't end there. With audacious daring, he would occasionally slip into Marineford under the cover of darkness, using his Phantom Void abilities to evade detection as he pilfered supplies and treasures from under the noses of the Marines.

Over time, Van Augur's efforts bore fruit, as he acquired not only vast sums of bailey but also coveted Devil Fruits of immense power. Among his prized acquisitions were the mythical Griffin Devil Fruit, granting its user the power of flight and ferocity, and the Paramecia Seduction Devil Fruit, which bestowed upon its wielder the ability to enthrall and manipulate others with seductive charm.

With each successful heist, Van Augur bolstered the wealth and strength of the Blackbeard Pirates, ensuring that they remained a force to be reckoned with on the seas. And as long as his Phantom Void abilities remained at his disposal, there seemed to be no limit to the riches and power that he could acquire for his captain and crew.

With his vast fortune swelling to approximately 350 billion bailey, Blackbeard found himself in a position of unparalleled wealth and influence. Yet, amidst the gleaming treasures and bountiful riches, Blackbeard remained vigilant, discerning the true value of each acquisition. Recognizing that not all Devil Fruits were worthy of his crew's power, Blackbeard made the shrewd decision to sell off those he deemed unworthy.

From the kingdoms that had submitted to his rule, Blackbeard gleaned a myriad of Devil Fruits, each with its own unique abilities. Some were formidable, while others proved lackluster in comparison to the might of his crew. With a discerning eye, Blackbeard sifted through the assortment, selecting only the most potent and promising fruits to keep for himself and his crew.

Among these acquisitions were the Slippery Slippery Fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that granted its user the ability to become incredibly slippery and elusive, making them nearly impossible to grasp or restrain. Though it possessed utility, Blackbeard deemed its combat potential lacking and decided to part ways with it.

Similarly, the Libido Fruit, another Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, offered intriguing yet limited abilities related to enhancing one's desires and impulses. While it could potentially be useful in certain situations, Blackbeard found its applications too niche to justify keeping it within his arsenal.

However, not all fruits fell short of Blackbeard's expectations. Among the treasures he acquired were several potent Devil Fruits that would prove invaluable to his crew's power and dominance. One such fruit was the elusive Phantom Beast Black Phoenix Fruit, a mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that bestowed upon its user the ability to transform into a fearsome black phoenix, wreathed in flames of darkness. With its formidable powers of destruction and regeneration, the Black Phoenix Fruit held immense potential in the hands of a skilled user.

1. Nine-Tail Fox Fruit

2. Island Fruit

3. Phoenix Fruit

4. Diamond Fruit

5. Siren Fruit

6. Quake-Quake Fruit

7. Slippery Slippery Fruit

8. Libido Fruit

9. Black Phoenix Fruit

10. Griffin Fruit

11. Seduction Fruit

"System, upgrade my physique three times," Blackbeard commanded, his voice tinged with determination as he braced himself for the transformation.

After the painful command, Blackbeard's physique underwent a remarkable change. His muscles bulged with newfound strength, his skin shimmering with a faint hue of darkness reminiscent of the corrosive liquid he had expelled. Despite the initial shock, Blackbeard's expression remained resolute as he felt the surge of power coursing through his veins.

The girls, witnessing Blackbeard's transformation, were initially alarmed by his condition. However, they trusted their captain's judgment and waited anxiously for his next move. With a reassuring nod, Blackbeard signaled for them to hold their concern.

As Blackbeard emerged from the pool, droplets of water cascading down his glistening form, the stench of the black corrosive liquid gradually dissipated into the air. His physique radiated an aura of unparalleled strength, his imposing presence commanding respect and awe.

With a newfound sense of vigor coursing through his veins, Blackbeard strode confidently towards his crew, the remnants of his tattered clothes barely clinging to his transformed body. He exuded an air of dominance, his eyes ablaze with determination as he prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

With a determined gleam in his eyes, Blackbeard devoured the three Devil Fruits—Black Phoenix Fruit, Slippery Fruit, and Quake Fruit—in quick succession, his jaw working methodically as he consumed each one.

As the potent energies of the Devil Fruits surged within him, Blackbeard felt a profound transformation taking place. The power of the Black Phoenix Fruit enveloped him in a cloak of dark flames, while the Slippery Fruit granted him unparalleled agility and elusive movements. And finally, the Quake Fruit bestowed upon him the ability to command the very earth itself, unleashing devastating tremors with a mere thought.

With a surge of exhilaration coursing through his veins, Blackbeard commanded the system, "Awaken them!"

In response to his command, the system hummed to life, infusing each Devil Fruit with newfound potential. The Black Phoenix Fruit's flames blazed even hotter, incinerating everything in their path with an infernal fury. The Slippery Fruit's agility became even more pronounced, allowing Blackbeard to move with unmatched swiftness and grace. And the Quake Fruit's seismic powers intensified, causing the ground to tremble and quake beneath his feet with unprecedented force.

Absolutely, here's a detailed exploration of the awakened abilities for each of Blackbeard's Devil Fruits:

**1. Black Phoenix Fruit (Kurotaka Kurotaka no Mi):**

- **Shadow Flame Manipulation:** With the awakened abilities of the Black Phoenix Fruit, Blackbeard gains even greater mastery over the manipulation of shadow-infused black flames. These flames burn hotter and more intensely, capable of reducing anything they touch to ash in mere moments. Blackbeard can control the shape, size, and intensity of these flames with precision, engulfing his enemies in a relentless inferno.

- **Shadow Phoenix Transformation:** Upon awakening, Blackbeard's ability to transform into a shadowy phoenix is enhanced, granting him an even more imposing and formidable presence on the battlefield. In this form, he radiates an aura of darkness and destruction, his attacks imbued with the power of the mythical phoenix. He can soar through the air with unparalleled speed and agility, raining down destruction upon his foes from above.

- **Rebirth from Ashes:** The Rebirth from Ashes ability becomes even more potent with the awakening of the Black Phoenix Fruit. Not only can Blackbeard regenerate from his own ashes, but he can also absorb the life force of those consumed by his flames to fuel his own resurrection. This allows him to return to the fray stronger and more relentless than ever, turning the tide of battle in his favor with each resurrection.

**2. Quake Fruit (Goshin Goshin no Mi):**

- **Seismic Manipulation:** As the Quake Fruit awakens, Blackbeard's control over seismic energy reaches new heights. He can generate earthquakes of unprecedented magnitude, capable of shaking entire islands and reshaping the very landscape. The shockwaves he produces are felt for miles around, instilling fear and chaos in all who oppose him.

- **Quake Armor:** With the awakened Quake Armor, Blackbeard becomes an unstoppable juggernaut on the battlefield. His body is enveloped in a swirling vortex of vibrating energy, rendering him impervious to harm and dramatically enhancing his physical strength and endurance. He can plow through enemy ranks with ease, shrugging off even the most devastating attacks without flinching.

- **Tectonic Rupture:** The Tectonic Rupture ability undergoes a dramatic transformation upon awakening. Blackbeard can now create massive rifts and chasms in the earth's crust, causing catastrophic upheavals that swallow entire armies whole. The sheer destructive power of this technique is unmatched, leaving devastation in its wake and solidifying Blackbeard's reputation as a force of nature.

**3. Slippery Fruit (Suberu Suberu no Mi):**

- **Friction Manipulation:** With the awakened Slippery Fruit, Blackbeard gains unprecedented control over friction in his surroundings. He can make surfaces as slick as ice or as sticky as glue, manipulating friction to his advantage in combat. His enemies find themselves slipping and sliding uncontrollably, unable to gain traction or maintain their footing against his slippery onslaught.

- **Slipstream Movement:** Blackbeard's Slipstream Movement becomes even more fluid and graceful upon awakening. He can dart and weave through the battlefield with unmatched speed and agility, leaving opponents bewildered and unable to keep up with his elusive movements. His slippery footwork makes him a ghostly blur, appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye as he strikes with precision and finesse.

- **Deceptive Illusions:** The Deceptive Illusions ability takes on a sinister edge with the awakening of the Slippery Fruit. Blackbeard can create hallucinatory effects that disorient and confuse his enemies, leading them to doubt their senses and make critical errors in judgment. His illusions are so convincing that even seasoned warriors find themselves falling victim to his deceptive tricks, unable to discern reality from fiction amidst the chaos of battle.

With these awakened abilities at his disposal, Blackbeard stands as an unparalleled force in the world of One Piece, wielding the combined might of three fearsome Devil Fruits with unparalleled mastery and skill. His enemies tremble at the mere mention of his name, knowing that they face a foe whose power knows no bounds and whose ambition knows no limits.

As Blackbeard basked in the freedom of his time, he found himself indulging in the company of his harem more and more. With each passing moment, he teased and delighted his companions, reveling in their newfound beauty and desire.

Using the powers of his Hormone-Hormone Fruit, Blackbeard enhanced the allure and sensuality of his harem, making them even more enchanting and irresistible. Their figures became statuesque, their features more alluring, and their desires heightened to a fever pitch.

In their heightened state of arousal, the members of Blackbeard's harem found themselves drawn to him like never before, their passions ignited by his mere presence. They vied for his attention, each seeking to please him in their own unique way.

Blackbeard, in turn, reveled in the adoration of his harem, taking pleasure in their attentions and desires. He teased and tantalized them, stoking the flames of their passion until they burned with an insatiable hunger for him.

Together, they indulged in moments of ecstasy and pleasure, lost in the intoxicating embrace of desire. Blackbeard's harem became a haven of hedonism and delight, where every whim and fantasy was fulfilled with abandon.

As the days passed, Blackbeard and his harem forged an unbreakable bond, bound together by desire and passion. In their midst, Blackbeard found solace and fulfillment, surrounded by those who adored and worshipped him without reservation.