
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


The next day, Kuzan arrived with the phone bug of the Five Elders, demanding that Blackbeard release Doll and Sakura. Blackbeard, however, laughed maniacally in response, mocking Kuzan's expectation. Before Kuzan could react, Jesus Burgess intervened, his physique transformed into a monstrous display of strength, surpassing even Kuzan.

In the scorching heat of their clash, Jesus Burgess unleashed a relentless barrage of bone-crushing strikes, each blow a testament to his overwhelming power. With every punch, the ground trembled beneath him, echoing the thunderous force of his assault. Kuzan, though formidable in his own right, found himself battered and outmatched against the brute strength of his adversary.

With eyes ablaze with determination, Jesus pressed forward with unwavering resolve, his muscles bulging with raw power as he unleashed the full extent of his abilities. Each movement was a symphony of destruction, tearing through the very fabric of reality itself.

Despite Kuzan's best efforts to withstand the onslaught, he could feel his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault. His Armament Haki strained against the overwhelming force of Jesus's attacks, threatening to shatter like glass under a sledgehammer.

As the battle reached its climax, Jesus's fury knew no bounds. With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, he delivered a devastating blow that sent Kuzan hurtling through the air, his body crashing against the unforgiving earth below.

With Kuzan defeated and broken, Jesus stood triumphant, a colossus amidst the chaos, his victory a testament to the indomitable strength of Blackbeard's crew. As the dust settled, there was no doubt that the name of Jesus Burgess would be etched into the annals of history as a true force to be reckoned with.

The clash between Kuzan and Jesus Burgess commenced, lasting for an intense six hours until Jesus ultimately defeated Kuzan, leaving him unconscious.

Witnessing this display of power, Nico Robin, who was aboard the ship, couldn't help but feel a sense of terror towards Blackbeard. She realized that Blackbeard's crew members seemed to gain extraordinary abilities and strength when called upon by their captain. Despite her concern for Kuzan's well-being, she dared not intervene, fearing Blackbeard's wrath.

Meanwhile, Blackbeard, with a triumphant grin, looked down at Kuzan, his foot resting upon the defeated admiral's head. He taunted Kuzan, suggesting they take a photo for the headlines the next day. With a dramatic gesture, Blackbeard revealed Doll and Sakura, shocking Kuzan with their unexpected appearance. Doll and Sakura, unable to comprehend the situation, could only express disbelief.

To further exacerbate the situation, Blackbeard tossed Kuzan back onto his navy ship, causing panic among the soldiers as they scrambled to tend to their fallen comrade.

**Blackbeard**: It's Blackbeard. I have Portgas D. Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, in my custody. He's the adopted grandson of Garp and the son of Gol D. Roger, the Marine hero. 

The Five Elders were jolted by Blackbeard's declaration. Their expressions shifted from disbelief to grave concern as they processed the implications of his words. 

**Elder**: Are you certain of this, Blackbeard? Portgas D. Ace is not a name to be taken lightly.

**Blackbeard**: Absolutely. Ace's lineage is undeniable. His blood ties to Gol D. Roger and his connection to Garp are well-established.

The tension in the room was palpable as the weight of Blackbeard's revelation settled upon the Five Elders. They exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the magnitude of what was at stake. 

**Elder**: This... changes everything. We must proceed with caution.

**Blackbeard**: Indeed. Ace's presence in my custody presents an opportunity—one that could reshape the very foundations of this world.

The Five Elders exchanged uneasy glances, their minds racing with the implications of Blackbeard's demands. 

**Elder**: To think that the Garp had been harboring Roger's son... No wonder our efforts to locate him were in vain.

**Blackbeard**: (interrupting) What I want is simple: 50 billion berries and a position among the Warlords. I don't engage in negotiations. I'm confident that if I were to demand a ransom from Whitebeard, Garp, and Shanks, I could fetch a much higher price. Just give me a straightforward answer: yes or no.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as the Five Elders deliberated. After a moment of silent contemplation, they reached a decision.

**Elder**: (hesitantly) Very well, Blackbeard. Your proposal is accepted.

The weight of their decision hung heavy in the air, as the Elders understood the repercussions of aligning themselves with the enigmatic and formidable pirate known as Blackbeard.

Kuzan, now fully conscious, grappled with the humiliating defeat he suffered at the hands of Jesus Burgess, a subordinate of Blackbeard. The realization that an Admiral was bested by one under Blackbeard's command gnawed at him, a bitter pill to swallow.

Meanwhile, on the island, the arrival of CP0 signaled the completion of the deal. Blackbeard handed over Portgas D. Ace to the Cipher Pol agents, ensuring that his demands were met. With a smirk, he reminded them not to overlook the announcement of his ascension to the position of Warlord, scheduled for the following day.

As the CP0 agents departed with Ace in their custody, Blackbeard's laughter echoed across the island, a harbinger of the chaos yet to come.


The day following the execution of Ace and Blackbeard's ascension to Warlord status, the news reverberated throughout the world, sparking discussions and debates among both pirates and Marines. In the midst of it all, Blackbeard stood tall, his laughter ringing out as a testament to his newfound power.

Turning his attention to one of his trusted crew members, Blackbeard beckoned Bones forth. With a commanding presence, he instructed the System to enhance Bones' abilities to their fullest extent. In an instant, Bones felt a surge of power coursing through him as his Haki reached its peak, his physique transcended the limits of humanity, and his Devil Fruit abilities awakened to their full potential.

As the upgrades took hold, Bones could feel the immense power surging within him, ready to be unleashed at his captain's command. With a smirk, Blackbeard nodded in satisfaction, knowing that his crew was growing stronger by the day, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead.

Blackbeard, fully prepared to assert his dominance over the world, received a summons to attend the Warlords meeting at Marineford. On his way there, Blackbeard indulged in the pleas for mercy from Sakura and Doll, their desperation only fueling his sinister amusement. Arriving at the Navy headquarters, Blackbeard greeted everyone with his trademark laughter, his presence signaling the beginning of a pivotal gathering.

In the meeting room, Blackbeard sat with an air of arrogance, his presence commanding attention. However, Moria, unable to contain his disdain, questioned Sengoku's decision to invite a newcomer like Blackbeard to the meeting. Blackbeard's laughter filled the room as he dismissed Moria's words, taunting the weakest Warlord for speaking out of turn. Infuriated by Blackbeard's brazenness, Moria attempted to strike him, only to have his punch effortlessly caught by Blackbeard.

With a menacing grin, Blackbeard tightened his grip, crushing Moria's hand with raw, overwhelming strength. The room fell silent as the other Warlords watched in shock, realizing the true extent of Blackbeard's power. Sengoku, already aware of Blackbeard's formidable crew, understood the implications of such a display — Blackbeard's crew alone posed a threat greater than that of the Yonko themselves.

The meeting swiftly concluded, with Blackbeard securing permission to journey to Impel Down. Sengoku, mindful of the brewing tensions between Blackbeard and Whitebeard, acquiesced, urging Blackbeard to return before the impending war. He understood the volatile nature of their rivalry and sought to avoid further provocation.

Upon reaching Impel Down, Blackbeard's arrival sparked immediate conflict with Magellan. Taking advantage of his Yami Yami no Mi powers, Blackbeard intensified Magellan's poison abilities, incapacitating him. In a decisive move, Daz Bones joined the fray, his blades honed to perfection with unparalleled Armament Haki. With a swift strike, Magellan was cleaved in two, his formidable defenses no match for Blackbeard's dark prowess and Daz Bones' lethal precision. This display of power solidified Blackbeard's dominance, leaving Impel Down in disarray and his enemies quaking in fear.

Blackbeard presented the Poison-Poison Fruit to Doc, recognizing its potential to further enhance his crew's strength. With a commanding presence, he ordered the System to awaken the Devil Fruit, ensuring that every member of his male crew would surpass even the mightiest of generals. This strategic move bolstered Blackbeard's forces, positioning them as formidable contenders in the battles yet to come. With his crew's power reaching unprecedented heights, Blackbeard's ambitions for domination grew ever closer to fruition.

As the alarm blared through the halls of Impel Down, Hannyabal rushed to the scene accompanied by Domino and a fearsome beast. With fury in his voice, Hannyabal unleashed his command, but Doc Q swiftly countered with a deadly veil of poison, disintegrating the beasts in an instant. Van Augur followed up with a precise shot, ending Hannyabal's resistance with a single bullet to the head.

Now only Sadi and Domino remained, facing the overwhelming might of Blackbeard and his crew. In a swift motion, Blackbeard absorbed them into his vortex without a moment's hesitation, signaling his departure. However, amidst the chaos, Blackbeard's keen eye caught sight of Buggy confined in a cage. Without hesitation, he tore off Buggy's head, seizing his Devil Fruit, and consumed it without delay. With newfound power coursing through his veins, Blackbeard continued on his path of conquest, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

As Blackbeard consumed Buggy's Devil Fruit, the Bara Bara no Mi, he felt a surge of power coursing through him. With a command to the system, he demanded an awakening of its abilities, amplifying its already formidable nature to new heights.

1. **Fragmentation Shockwave:** Blackbeard's body splits with a thunderous shockwave, obliterating anything in its vicinity upon impact. The force unleashed is cataclysmic, capable of tearing through structures and foes alike with devastating power.

2. **Hyper-Speed Regeneration:** In the blink of an eye, Blackbeard's severed body parts regenerate at an astonishing rate, knitting back together even the most grievous wounds. His resilience in battle is unmatched, as injuries vanish almost as quickly as they appear.

3. **Dimensional Displacement:** Blackbeard's fragmented form flickers in and out of existence, slipping into another dimension at will. His attacks become unpredictable, striking from unexpected angles as he seamlessly shifts between dimensions to confound his adversaries.

4. **Elastic Fragmentation:** Blackbeard's limbs stretch and contort with elastic flexibility, allowing him to ensnare foes from a distance or deliver bone-crushing blows with unmatched reach. His attacks are as fluid as they are lethal, adapting to any situation with ease.

5. **Telekinetic Manipulation:** With a mere thought, Blackbeard commands his fragmented body parts with telekinetic precision, manipulating them from afar to assault his foes relentlessly. His control over his own anatomy borders on the supernatural, granting him unparalleled versatility in combat.

6. **Psychokinetic Fragmentation:** Blackbeard infuses his fragmented strikes with potent psychic energy, imbuing them with devastating force capable of overwhelming even the strongest defenses. His attacks are as much a psychological assault as a physical one, instilling fear and dread in his enemies' hearts.

7. **Temporal Fragmentation:** Time itself seems to bend to Blackbeard's will as he accelerates or slows down his movements at whim. His speed becomes unmatched, allowing him to outmaneuver opponents with blinding swiftness or strike with precision timing, leaving no chance for escape.

With these awakened abilities, Blackbeard becomes an unstoppable force of destruction, wielding the power of fragmentation with unparalleled mastery. He is a living nightmare on the battlefield, capable of annihilating anything that stands in his way with ruthless efficiency and overwhelming power.

As Van Augur activated the abilities of his Phantom Void Fruit, enveloping Blackbeard and his crew in an invisible, intangible barrier, they were swiftly transported to the 6th level of Impel Down. However, amidst their descent, Blackbeard sensed a peculiar anomaly in the layers of the prison.

"Hold," Blackbeard commanded, his keen instincts alerting him to a hidden presence. "This is the 5.5 layer, where Ivankov is rumored to lurk."

With a directive to Daz Bones, Blackbeard ordered the assassin to eradicate any obstacles and retrieve Ivankov. In an instant, Daz Bones vanished using his Shave technique, his blinding speed propelling him into action. Blackbeard's crew, honed through rigorous training, remained vigilant as they awaited Daz Bones's return.

In a matter of moments, Daz Bones reappeared, dragging an unconscious Ivankov before Blackbeard. Without hesitation, Blackbeard devoured the Hormone-Hormone Fruit, adding its formidable abilities to his arsenal. With a command to the system, he demanded its awakening.

With the awakening complete, Blackbeard's newfound powers surged through him, granting him control over hormones and physiology. However, the system's warning followed, notifying Blackbeard of his depleted funds.

Undeterred, Blackbeard gazed upon the unconscious Ivankov with a sinister grin, knowing that with his newly acquired abilities and formidable crew, he was prepared to confront any challenge that lay ahead in the treacherous depths of Impel Down.