
Blackbeard's Conquest : Reign of Shadows

From the shadows emerges Ryuga, now Blackbeard incarnate, fueled by the malevolence of the Yami Yami no Mi. With a system driven by the spoils of conquest, he leaves a trail of destruction, his heart set on a sinister ambition: to subjugate the world under his tyrannical rule. In "Blackbeard's Conquest: Reign of Shadows," witness the eclipse of morality, where the screams of the vanquished echo through the darkness, and evil knows no bounds.

Ethan_Storm · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


As Blackbeard stirred from his slumber, roused by the clamor that filled the air, Jesus burst into the chamber, a triumphant grin spread across his features. In his hands, he brandished stacks of wanted posters, each adorned with the ominous visages of the Blackbeard Pirates.

With a flourish, Jesus presented the bounties to Blackbeard, his eyes alight with anticipation. As Blackbeard scanned the posters, a smirk of satisfaction played upon his lips. His own bounty had skyrocketed to an astonishing 5 billion berries, a testament to the sheer magnitude of his power and influence.

But it was the bounties of his crewmates that truly caught Blackbeard's attention. Each one boasted a staggering bounty of 2.5 billion berries, a reflection of their unwavering loyalty and formidable prowess in battle. From Enel's mastery of lightning to Crocodile's control over sand, they were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in equal measure.

Yet amidst the sea of exorbitant bounties, one stood out among the rest. Shiruyu, the enigmatic swordsman, still bore a bounty of 1 billion berries, a testament to his own formidable skills and unwavering resolve.

As Blackbeard absorbed the significance of their newfound notoriety, a sense of pride swelled within him. Together, they had become legends in their own right, their names whispered in hushed tones across the seas. And with each bounty increase, their legacy grew stronger, their legend more indomitable.

With a nod of approval, Blackbeard accepted the bounties, knowing full well that they were but a prelude to the trials that lay ahead. For as their bounties soared to unprecedented heights, so too did the challenges that awaited them, lurking on the horizon like shadows in the night.

With the mantle of a Yonko now resting upon his shoulders and the memory of Whitebeard's fall lingering in the air like a specter of the past, Blackbeard's mind wandered to a forgotten treasure tucked away in the recesses of his chamber.

With a sly grin, Blackbeard activated the swirling vortex of his darkness, the yawning maw of his power eagerly awaiting its next acquisition. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned forth the legendary Quake-Quake Fruit, once wielded by the mighty Whitebeard himself.

As the Devil Fruit materialized before him, pulsating with latent power, Blackbeard's eyes gleamed with anticipation. With a reverent touch, he added it to the ever-growing collection beside his bed, each fruit a testament to his insatiable thirst for strength and domination.

Yet amidst the rush of triumph and the allure of power, Blackbeard's gaze softened as it fell upon Conis, his beloved companion. With a beckoning gesture, he called her forth, his voice laced with warmth and affection.

"Conis, my dear," he murmured, his eyes alight with a newfound intensity, "come with me."

With Conis by his side, Blackbeard ascended the stage, his presence commanding the attention of his crew. As his voice boomed across the deck, he made a proclamation that echoed through the ranks: "Mates, from this day forth, she is Conis, your mistress, and she shall be my first wife."

A roar of approval erupted from the crew, their cheers ringing out like thunder in the night. They welcomed Conis with open arms, embracing her as one of their own, for in the world of pirates, loyalty and camaraderie were prized above all else.

With the formalities concluded, the crew wasted no time in launching into a raucous celebration. Tables groaned under the weight of sumptuous feasts conjured forth from the mystical food machine, each dish more delectable than the last.

Amidst the revelry, Blackbeard's crew indulged in their newfound freedom, savoring every moment of respite from the rigors of their perilous journeys. They laughed, they sang, and they toasted to their victories, each glass raised high in honor of their captain and his chosen companion.

As Blackbeard and Conis basked in the glow of their newfound union, the female members of the crew watched with a mixture of envy and resentment. They understood all too well the power that Conis now held, second only to Blackbeard himself, and the implications it carried for their own standing within the crew.

Dressed in resplendent wedding attire, Blackbeard and Conis stood before their assembled crewmates, the air electric with anticipation. With a flourish, Blackbeard knelt before Conis, producing a gleaming ring that sparkled in the dim light of the chamber.

"Will you marry me, Conis?" Blackbeard's voice rang out, filled with sincerity and affection.

Conis's heart swelled with emotion as she gazed into Blackbeard's eyes, her love for him shining bright. With a radiant smile, she accepted the ring, her voice barely a whisper as she replied, "Yes, Blackbeard. I will marry you."

With the exchange of vows complete, Blackbeard and Conis sealed their commitment with a tender kiss, their love for each other palpable in the air. As they retreated to their chamber to begin their wedding night, the crew erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating the union of their captain and his beloved.

Behind closed doors, Blackbeard and Conis reveled in the intimacy of their bond, their passion igniting like a flame in the darkness. In each other's arms, they found solace and joy, their love transcending the chaos of the world outside.

As they embarked on this new chapter of their lives together, Blackbeard and Conis knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them united, bound by the unbreakable bonds of love and devotion.

As Conis ventured out into the early morning light, a sense of serenity washed over her. However, her tranquility was short-lived as she encountered Jesus and Van, who greeted her with the utmost respect and deference befitting her newfound status as Blackbeard's first wife.

"Good morning, Mistress Conis," they chimed in unison, their voices tinged with admiration and reverence.

Returning their greeting with a warm smile, Conis acknowledged their presence with a gracious nod. Yet, little did she know that her interactions with the male crew members only fueled the flames of jealousy burning within the hearts of the female crew.

Among them, Hinata, fueled by envy and resentment, called for an emergency meeting, gathering the female crew members to air their grievances and plot a course of action.

"In the meeting, Hinata took the floor, her voice trembling with emotion as she addressed her fellow crewmates. "When I sought an audience with Blackbeard, I was mere moments behind Conis. Yet, I overheard Blackbeard promise her any Devil Fruit she desires. It seems that Conis holds a sway over him that none of us can match."

Her words struck a chord with the others, their expressions mirroring her sentiments. "And look at Blackbeard," Hinata continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. "He's transformed into a vision of strength and masculinity. It's as if he's become untouchable, and Conis is the one basking in his favor."

Nods of agreement rippled through the room, each woman silently nursing their own feelings of envy and inadequacy. However, unbeknownst to them, in a secluded corner of the room, Doll, Sakura, Sadi, and Domino were bound and gagged, their voices silenced in a bid to prevent them from thwarting Hinata's plans.

As Blackbeard strode into the room, his presence commanded attention, his laughter ringing out with a hint of mischief in the air. "Don't be jealous, ladies," he chuckled, his voice rich and resonant. "I love you all equally."

With a fluid motion, he shed his garments, revealing his chiseled physique beneath the fabric. As he activated the powers of his Hormone-Hormone Fruit, a palpable shift washed over the room, an electric charge of desire tingling in the air.

The female crew members, ensnared by the intoxicating effects of Blackbeard's hormones, felt their inhibitions melt away. Their hearts raced, their breath quickened, and a feverish heat coursed through their veins as they cast off their clothing, their gazes fixated on Blackbeard with unabashed desire.

Driven by an insatiable lust, they closed the distance between them and Blackbeard, their hands exploring his sculpted form with eager anticipation. Their movements were primal, fueled by an overwhelming need to be close to him, to feel his touch upon their skin.

As the night unfolded in a whirlwind of passion and desire, Blackbeard found himself entangled in a web of ecstasy, his every whim indulged by the eager embrace of his devoted harem. With each encounter, the flames of lust burned brighter, igniting a fervor that knew no bounds.

First, it was Vivi, her regal beauty a stark contrast to the primal intensity of their union. Her soft moans mingled with Blackbeard's own as they surrendered to the throes of their shared desire, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony as they sought release in each other's embrace.

Next was Zala, her fiery spirit matching Blackbeard's own as they collided in a tempest of passion. Their lovemaking was fierce and untamed, fueled by an insatiable hunger that left them both breathless and spent, their bodies intertwined in a dance of carnal bliss.

Then came Mikiata, her exotic allure a tantalizing invitation that Blackbeard could not resist. Their encounter was a symphony of pleasure, each touch and caress sending waves of ecstasy coursing through their veins as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment.

Marianne followed, her innocence a stark contrast to the darkness that lay within Blackbeard's soul. Yet, in the throes of passion, she proved to be a willing participant, her eager moans a testament to the depths of her desire as she surrendered herself to him completely.

Hinata and Hanabi, the twins whose beauty was matched only by their insatiable appetite for pleasure, were next to succumb to Blackbeard's charms. Theirs was a whirlwind of ecstasy, their bodies entwined in a dance of carnal delight as they rode the waves of pleasure to new heights of ecstasy.

Finally, it was Himawari, her innocence and purity a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded them. Yet, in Blackbeard's embrace, she found a refuge from the chaos of the world, her cries of pleasure mingling with his own as they surrendered to the passion that consumed them both.

For hours on end, Blackbeard reveled in the company of his harem, each encounter more intense and exhilarating than the last. The girls, driven by an insatiable hunger for his touch, begged for more, their cries of ecstasy echoing through the night as Blackbeard took them to the brink of pleasure and beyond.

As the night wore on, Blackbeard found himself consumed by a primal urge, his desire reaching new heights as he reveled in the intoxicating embrace of his devoted harem. With each passing moment, he grew larger and harder than before, his lust knowing no bounds as he surrendered himself completely to the pleasures of the flesh.

As the night stretched on, Blackbeard found himself consumed by a voracious hunger, his insatiable lust driving him to new heights of ecstasy with each passing moment. With Nico Robin in the corner, her own desires laid bare before him, Blackbeard approached her with a predatory gleam in his eyes. 

With a mere flick of his fingers, Blackbeard unleashed the full force of his Hormone-Hormone Fruit, sending waves of raw desire coursing through Nico Robin's veins. She was overcome by an insatiable need, her inhibitions shattered as she surrendered herself completely to Blackbeard's commanding presence.

But even as Nico Robin succumbed to his advances, Blackbeard's hunger remained unsated. Turning his attention to Doll, Sakura, Domino, and Sadi, he indulged in separate encounters with each of them, their cries of pleasure filling the air as he took them to the brink of ecstasy and beyond.

For hours on end, Blackbeard reveled in the company of his harem, their bodies entwined in a frenzy of passion as they explored every carnal desire imaginable. Some girls, driven to the brink of madness by their own lust, resorted to desperate measures in an attempt to seduce Blackbeard further, their bodies contorting into provocative positions as they vied for his attention.

But even as the night wore on and the intensity of their encounters reached fever pitch, Blackbeard remained insatiable, his hunger for pleasure driving him ever onward. With each new encounter, he pushed the boundaries of ecstasy further and further, his lust knowing no bounds as he reveled in the intoxicating embrace of his devoted harem.

As Blackbeard emerged from the chamber, his body glistening with sweat and his muscles pulsating with the remnants of passion, he couldn't help but feel a surge of primal satisfaction coursing through him. The air was thick with the heady scent of desire, mingling with the lingering aroma of their frenzied lovemaking.

With a lascivious grin, Blackbeard savored the memory of the night's wild indulgence. His crewmates had unleashed their innermost desires, their insatiable lust driving them to new heights of ecstasy. Each touch, each kiss, each fevered caress had ignited a fire within them, burning with an intensity that left them gasping for more.

As he surveyed the aftermath of their erotic revelry, Blackbeard's senses were overwhelmed by the sight of his harem entwined in a tangle of limbs and desire. Their bodies, slick with sweat and flushed with passion, lay intertwined in a tableau of carnal bliss, their moans of pleasure echoing through the chamber like a symphony of ecstasy.

But even amidst the hedonistic haze of their post-coital euphoria, Blackbeard knew that there were practical matters to attend to. Supporting his burgeoning harem would require resources, and that meant he needed to find ways to capitalize on their newfound desires.

With a hungry gleam in his eyes, Blackbeard resolved to seek out opportunities that would allow him to exploit their insatiable appetites for his own gain. For in the depths of their primal urges, he saw not only the fulfillment of his own desires but also the means to secure his power and dominance over the seas.

With Redfield's new Devil Fruit securely in their possession and their coffers enriched by the discovery of ancient treasure, Blackbeard wasted no time in putting his plans into motion. As the crew gathered for a meeting aboard the Ark Maxim, anticipation crackled in the air, each member eager to see what their captain had in store.

Setting course for the Sleeping Town, a mysterious locale rumored to hold untold secrets, the Ark Maxim sliced through the skies with unparalleled speed. In just two days, they arrived at their destination, the ruins of an ancient castle looming in the distance.

Exploring the crumbling remnants of the once-mighty fortress, the crew soon stumbled upon the coveted Devil Fruit hidden within its depths. Alongside the Devil Fruit lay a trove of ancient treasure, a small mountain of gold gleaming in the dim light of the ruins.

Eager to claim their prize, Redfield wasted no time in devouring the Devil Fruit, the power of its otherworldly abilities surging through his veins. With a triumphant roar, he unleashed a display of newfound strength, the very air around him crackling with electricity.

Turning his attention to the remaining crew members, Blackbeard issued his command to the system: awaken the dormant powers within Bullet, Shiruyu, and Redfield. With a hum of power, the system complied, imbuing each member with enhanced abilities beyond their wildest dreams.

But with great power came great cost, and Blackbeard watched as their coffers dwindled with each expenditure. Undeterred, he forged ahead, determined to see his crew ascend to new heights of strength and dominance.

With Shiruyu's Haki elevated to its pinnacle and his physique reaching the limits of human potential, Blackbeard knew that his crew was now a force to be reckoned with. Despite the dwindling funds, their power was unmatched, their resolve unbreakable in the face of any challenge that lay ahead.