

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Milner got to a vacant alley. His armor reverted to his normal clothes. Milner sighed. He didn't want to kill Mhilov. Milner was surprised at himself, within a week he had kill count exceeding ten. His conscience wanted to antagonize him for being a murderer.

"The kills I made were necessary." – Milner said to console his conscience.

Milner stepped out to a street. The people at Pyro hotel had reported the death of Mhilov. It was reported on the news on a public TV. A bounty was put on Black_Riot77 in the name of Black_Riot76 which they mistook him (Black_Riot) for.

Milner decided that he won't be returning to Ohz today. After all, he fed his hostages with food which could keep them going for three days. Milner went to a two star hotel. These were hotels people in the low class could afford; they were hotels for the poor. The good thing about them was that they managed to keep the place clean and appealing to the eye. The con was that the food they had was wack. Milner came into the reception. The receptionist, a teenage boy asked for Milner of his ID. Milner presented it to the receptionist.

"Are you staying for the night or for 24 hours." – asked the receptionist.

"Just for the night." – replied Milner.

The receptionist scanned Milner's thumb to a room number on the register book. Milner was assigned room 225. Milner's time at the hotel was going to expire by 9:00am tomorrow. Milner was carrying his sword in a travel. Milner went in to an elevator to take him the fourth floor where his room was at. The hotel's elevator was Milner's worst elevator experience. Milner was settled in his room. From the reviews online about the food of two star hotels, Milner didn't want to experience what their food was like. Milner paid for packaged snacks and it was delivered to him. The hotel surprisingly had good TV service. TV service was also a competitive market like the energy grid market. For the first time after he killed his friends (fellow survivors and Emergency management crew members) at Ohz, Milner settled to watch TV. He wanted to know what the news was saying.

On TV, the Capital city police had denounced the bounty on Milner's (Black_Riot76's) head. Someone had given the police solid evidence about Mhilov being a mafia boss and being involved with the Unds. The Capital city police called Milner a hero to the people of Tohhzmbe.

"Wow!" – exclaimed Milner. "When do I tell the world that I'm not Black_Riot76?" – thought Milner.

That would be a thought for another day. Milner went to sleep. He forgot to turn off the TV.

Milner woke the next morning. He got out of the bed and did some stretches. He took his bath and wore his clothes. Milner left the hotel with his travel bag.

Milner got to the car park where he parked his car by bus. Milner took off to the city's park.

Milner arrived at the park. There was an area for vehicles to park. Milner parked there. Milner wandered down to opposite corner of the park. He was reflecting on things that had happened to him this week. He was sure that if most teenagers were exposed to this kind of experience he had they would be traumatized. But that wasn't what he came here to think of. He wanted to ponder on the convention of Vhradoz's Unds supporters which Mhilov told him of. The convention was in four days time. The convention would be expecting him to crash in. There would more and better security at the convention. Milner wanted to go into the convention unnoticed. When he was in, he would record of speech and action of these supporters and later on, he would expose these people. He needed someone who knew what the convention would be like. Of course, he had that someone in Evelyn. Milner went to his car and then he drove off.

Later that day at Ohz, Milner returned to his cave. Milner in his normal clothes entered the chamber where he kept Evelyn with his sword in hand. He approached Evelyn with an intimidating look. It terrified Evelyn.

"What did I do now?' – cried Evelyn.

"I heard about the convention of your evil doing friends holding in four days time. What is about? How is the meeting arena like? How many people are coming?" – asked Milner.

"The stakeholders will talk about reviving the Unds movement. There are two hundred and fifty five stakeholders. The name of the meeting arena is Kranos dom and it's located at the centre of Kranos ocean. The arena is crawling with different kinds of security innovation. Inside the arena is a theater with only VIP booths in numbers and a performance stage. That's all I know" – said Evelyn.

Milner paused to think and after a few seconds he left the chamber.

Milner entered the kitchen to prepare a meal for himself. As he prepared the meal thoughts crossed through his head.

"How can I successfully infiltrate the Kranos Dom without being noticed? Will that same kind of weapon Mhilov used on me be at the hands of these men at the convention? I don't want to die. I could abandon this mission. But, if I do these people will come up with a bigger threat, a threat that could render kids like me parentless." – said Milner in his mind.

Milner remembered his parents. He was his parent's only child. He and his parents were in there residential apartment in Ohz when the explosion hit their residential building and brought it down to the ground in shambles. When Milner and his parents were discovered, his parents were already corpses.

"I'm sure anywhere they are, they would be proud of me that I'm now a hero of justice." – thought Milner.

Milner thought about the whole zombie fiasco at Ohz then. 'Damn so those human corpses didn't turn to zombies. I guess they were all dead when the radiation hit them' thought Milner. Milner finish with the meal. It was now night. He had his dinner. After that, he did some exercise and practiced his combat skills and techniques. After doing that, he went to sleep.

The next day, Milner woke by 7:00am. He transformed into his Black_Riot armour. He went to his first three hostages. They were still asleep. He slapped each of them awake.

"Today is the day I fulfill my promise." – said Milner.

The assassins didn't believe him, they were terrified by him. They thought he wanted to kill them.

"Get over it. I'm not going to kill you. Soldiers can be merciful at times, you know." – said Milner.

Milner was aware that Claire, Theo and Matteo were wanted by the capital city Police but the Police terrified to get them because they were aware the trio were members of the Tohhzmbe grand mafia.

Black_Riot77 took the three assassins to Stonvy city. Stonvy city was another city in Tohhzmbe. He let them go there.

"Thanks man." – said Theo.

'Don't sweat it, bro. If there is anyone who deserved to be among the three of you, it's you Theo." – said Black_Riot77.

"You know my name?" – asked Theo.

"I checked on you guys identities the day I captured you. So, if you think you are free to resume your madness, just know I will track you, find you and bring you to justice." – said Milner to the trio.

Milner disappeared from the city leaving behind a wind impact. The trio left the scene to navigate the city. The assassins were fifteen minutes in, navigating the city when they were arrested by Stonvy city police. A van cornered them in front of a hotel. Five cops descended from the van and arrested the trio.

"We didn't do anything!" – protested Matteo as they were taken into a police van.

"You are wanted criminals in the Capital city and there is a bounty on your heads. We, that's me and my unit are going to deliver you guys to the Capital city police and we will collect or reward." – replied one of the cops.

The assassins were taken to the Capital city and handed over to the Capital city police. The five Stonvy city cops collected the reward.

Milner in his normal self went to the Capital city to make enquiries about the sword Mhilov used to stab him. Milner was lucky to escape death at that encounter. Milner went to a club he discovered two days ago when he was searching for Mhilov. The club fronted itself as a strip club with rooms which guests could lodge in but inside the guest rooms the illegal happened. The club ran an illegal black market which dealt in mineral resources. Selling and buying of mineral resources was controlled by the Central Resource Commision in every country on every planet. The commission dictated the kinds of mineral resources that would be sold to the public. Krayo was an element in ever dynamic state which was prohibited from sale to the public by every commission in every country on every planet across the five living galaxies. This club Milner visited dealt in Krayo. Milner went to the restroom and there he transformed into Black_Riot77. He went into one of the rooms where the deals were done. He didn't meet anyone on his way there. He entered the room. The dealers and the customers were terrified on seeing him. They (Dealers and customers) wanted to scream.

"Shsssh." – hushed Black_Riot77 commanding them to be quiet or he will forced to act wicked.

"I just want to buy a chunk of Krayo that would make me a shield." – said Black_Riot77.

"If we offer you a good deal will go quickly and not tell the police what you saw here." – asked one of the dealers.

"Yeah, of course. I know you all have families to feed." – replied Black_Riot77.

"We have a shield made of Krayo. It just cost sixty thousand units." – said the dealer.

"Sixty thousand units? It's that the price?" – asked Black_Riot77.

"Mr.Black_Riot that's lowest we could do for you." – replied the dealer.

"Wait, that's the lowest price. I wanted you guys to push the price higher. I was willing to be generous honestly speaking." – said Black_Riot77.

Black_Riot77 made other arrangements with the dealers in preparation of attending the convention at Kranos dom in two days.

The next day, Milner was at his cave. With the help of people at the club he visited yesterday, he had gotten the building plan of the Kranos Dom. The Kranos Dom was a very wide cylindrical building. One-fifth of the cylinder was above water. The top of the cylinder was a helipad; two thousand aircraft could land on it. The rest of the building was below water. A tube which housed two hundred elevators led to an auditorium. The auditorium had two hundred and fifty VIP booths and not seats for regular. There would be security men, cams, and sensors at each level of the building. Milner felt that he could beat every hurdle there.

"I just have to perfect my skills." – said Milner to himself.

Milner thought of Evelyn. He was still going keep her prisoner till after the mission at the dom was accomplished.

Two days went by, the convention day for the Vhradoz Unds supporters arrived. Black_Riot77 and some group of henchmen the dealers at the LzBusha club (The club where Milner bought the Krayo shield) hired for him had ambushed and taken the aircraft belonging to a member of Vhradoz Unds supporters who was on the way to the convention. The member and his escort crew were hidden at a secret location known to Black_Riot77 and co.

Black_Riot77 and co arrived at the Kranos dom. They landed there aircrafts along with the many incoming aircrafts on the helipad. Black_Riot77 transformed his armor into a suit and wore a mask which looked like a real human face on his helmet and it fitted well. Black_Riot77 and his henchmen descended from their aircrafts.

"FREEZE!" – yelled a group of security men at Black_Riot77 and his crew.

The security men used their Vhradoz Unds supporters ID technology to detect that Black_Riot77 and his henchmen were imposters. The imposters were shot with Krayo needles which contained Tranquilizers. Black_Riot77 fell to the floor unconscious.