

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Black_Riot77 woke in a cell only to discover that he was locked in bounds. A bunch of security men surrounded him. Black_Riot77 tried to muscle out from the bounds. Despite having super strength, Black_Riot77 couldn't muscle out of his bounds. The security men laughed at him.

"Laugh all you want, I will still make it to the convention on time." – snapped Black_Riot77 pretending he was vexed.

"You will need a submarine, an oxygen tank and a map because we aren't near the cylinder." – replied one of the security men.

"You talk too much, man." – said another security man to the previous one.

"He can't do anything." – said the former security official.

"You guys should take lessons learning of the Legend of the Black_Riot warriors." – said Black_Riot77.

"MIGHTY, GLORIOUS JAEGAR!" – yelled Black_Riot77.

Black_Riot77's armor transformed into a jaegar taller than last one it transformed to. The Jaegar's size destroyed the bounds holding it and destroyed the roof of the building letting surrounded water flood the room. The building which had the cell Black_Riot77 was in was located at the bottom of Kranos ocean. The building exploded to bits.

"Oh my god!" – exclaimed Black_Riot77. "I didn't even locate my henchmen." – said Black_Riot77.

Black_Riot77's henchmen were all in cells in the building before it exploded but now they were dead. The Jaegar had heightened super vision. Black_Riot77 located the Kranos Dom just seven kilometers north. Black_Riot77 piloted the Jaegar to make a mighty leap towards the Dom. Black_Riot77's jaegar landed on the Kranos Dom's helipad. It's impact shaking the building. The people in the auditorium below felt the impact. A live report of what was happening outside was shown on a theater screen. The members saw the Jaegar and panicked.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, calm down. We have our own Jaegar. We just wanted to show you a live jaegar vs jaegar wrestling match." – said a voice in the auditorium. The members calmed themselves.

The Black_Riot77 jaegar was knocked into the water by a missile. Let's call the Black_Riot77 jaegar the Jaegar Knight. The Jaegar Knight was drowning. Black_Riot77 commanded the Jaegar Knight to swim to surface of the water. Immediately the Jaegar Knight surfaced it was greeted with a powerful punch which sent the Jaegar Knight sinking again. It was a product of the Vhradoz Unds supporters jaegar called MEMA. Mema swam after Jaegar Knight.

"They have their own Jaegar." – said Black_Riot77 on seeing Mema.

Mema threw a sword at Jaegar Knight. The sword arrowed at Jaegar Knight's shoulder and sliced off it's (Jaegar Knight's) arms.

"No!" – yelled Black_Riot77.

At the auditorium, the members were happy with what they were seeing.

"Game on, idiot!" – yelled Jaegar Knight.

"Are you now ready to play?" – asked Mema.

The two Jaegars arrived at the bottom of the ocean. The Jaegar's were as tall as the Burj Khalifa building. Jaegar Knight pulled out its sword (the sword was now two hundred and fifty meters long). The two jaegers charged at each other. Jaegar smite it's sword at Mema. Mema uses its vambraces on its lower arms to block the sword. Jaegar Knight kicks Mema on the left knee causing Mema to drop on the left knee. Jaegar Knight pins Riot Blade onto the ocean floor and smacks a heavy punch on Mema's right chin. Jaegar dives into Mema's abdomen with its (Jaegar Knight's) shoulder. The two jaegers traveled a few meters and then Mema drops on the ground with Jaegar Knight on top of Mema. Jaegar Knight shoots out it's left hand like a grappler hook to get Riot Blade. Jaegar Knight grabbed its sword and smite off Mema's head.

At the auditorium, the members let out a collective nervous whisper.

"Got you." – said Mema to Jaegar Knight.

A bomb detached from Mema's breast plate and attached itself to Jaegar Knight's head. The bomb blew off Jaegar Knight's head. Black_Riot77 was now blind in Jaegar Knight's cockpit in the thoracic region.

"You thought I had eyes only on the head? I have eyes everywhere on my jaegar's body" – said Mema.

Mema went to retrieve its sword. Mema's sword was made of Krayo.

"The bomb I used on you was made of Krayo nuclear reaction. The sword I now wield is also of the same element. You have been a torn to our organization, Black_Riot." – said Mema.

Mema kicked Jaegar Knight off its feet. Mema sliced off Jaegar Knight's remaining arm and legs. Mema stabbed its sword into Jaegar Knight thoracic region aiming to kill Black_Riot77 but missed. Mema pulled out the sword and stabbed it again. Black_Riot77 saw Mema's sword come at him in slow motion.

"Burn in glory!" – yelled Black_Riot77.

A violent explosion emanated from Jaegar Knight. The Impact radius was crazy wide and strong because of Black_Riot77's adrenaline packed reaction. The explosion destroyed Mema and the Krayo sword. The explosion also destroyed the Kranos Dom. At the end, a lot of debris, body parts and burning air craft engines were seen floating at different depths of the ocean.

Black_Riot77 was lying unconscious in Jaegar Knight which was surprisingly floating. A helicopter came hovering above Jaegar Knight. Five persons descended from the helicopter. The persons tried to open Jaegar Knight and rescue Black_Riot77 but instead Jaegar Knight reverted to Black_Riot77's armor.

NB: When Black_Riot77's armor transforms into the Jaegar Knight. Black_Riot77 is naked inside the Jaegar Knight's cockpit.

The rescuers too Black_Riot77 into the helicopter and took off. When Black_Riot77 woke up he found that he was in the Vhradoz intelligence force building. A woman, Elsa met Black_Riot77.

"Thank you for your services. Our planet owes you." – said Elsa.

Elsa was the chief in the Vhradoz intelligence force. She revealed that the Vhradoz intelligence force were against the Vhradoz Unds support network but they couldn't tackle the network because they were too powerful. But, Black_Riot77 came along and changed things.

"Please, I want to make one request. I want the universe to know that I'm Black_Riot77. Black_Riot76 retired and passed the torch to me." – said Black_Riot77.

"Sure, I will do that." – said Elsa.

From this moment, the universe knew a new Black_Riot warrior had emerged.