

Sol opened his eyes.

He was now familiar with the room. However, he still looked around, trying to see if there are differences. But it was still the same as before. His armor was still laid down on a table at a corner with his shield, short sword, and bag. He then put on his armor. He made sure all the parts were secured. Once he felt his preparations were enough. He stood in front of the magic circle and waited for the light to appear.

Bright lights once again encircled the magic circle. Sol kept his eyes on the circle even though the lights blinded his eyes. He did not want to be surprised to whatever thing would come out of the circle. His eyes widened in surprise once the lights subsided. Luckily, he did not throw away his sword. His body was covered in goose bumps. He felt his body shivered once he saw the appearance of the monster. Compared to the centipede-like creatures that were as big as a dog, this one was special.

The centipede-like monster was as big as a lion. If he was to describe it, then its length was that of a large anaconda on steroids.

"What the fudge is that!"

Sol could not help himself from cursing out loud. The body was currently curled up like a ball. The feet were all hugging its body; the body was filled with steel like hair all over. If the incisors of the previous ones were like a bread knife, this one was definitely the size of a butcher knife. Its body shined under the lights, showing a glossy and slippery surface like polished metal.

"System what the hell is that?"

Sol asked the unreliable system to get some kind of answer. However, the system kept mum as Sol was left there standing in panic. He wanted to move but his feet did not want to listen to his thoughts.

The giant centipede-like monster stretched out its body, its full length and glory were shown under the dim lights. This frightened Sol as the centipede-like monster's length was longer than his own body, while its body size was thicker than his own. Thinking how he had to get near that thing to defeat it made him want to shed tears.

It was only one monster, but Sol thought that this hurdle was a bit too much. He was certain that the system was giving him a hard time.

*hiss hiss*

The giant centipede-like creature hissed at Sol as though trying to taunt him to attack.

"I should have picked a different weapon. Something longer like a spear would have been better."

Sol was trying to accept his impending doom. He did not know if there was a way for him to defeat the monster in front of him. Even his short sword might not be able to penetrate such a stout body. However, Sol's hesitation was seen as a chance for the monster to attack.

Using the length of its body, it stood as tall as its full length could. It then used the height to drop its body with the momentum and gravity. Sol was not able to respond by dodging, therefore, he did the second best thing he could. He covered his head with his shield and prepare for the impact.


A loud noise was created when the body of the monster hit Sol's shield head on.


Sol could only collapse on the floor while vomiting blood. His arm that was supporting the shield was bent in a weird angle. Sol looked at his arm, but it felt unreal as he could not feel pain. He did not know if it grew numb due to the damage or if it was because he was in his dream. He could see the red blood coming out of his mouth, the arm dangling on his shoulder, the shield still fixed on his arm due to it being securely fitted on his arm. His mind was in a mess, he could see red covering in his eyes, and red liquid was spreading on his face, little by little. There was a buzzing sound in his head. This made him unaware that the monster was preparing for another attack.

The centipede-like monster used its tail to swipe sidewards. Sol grunted when the heavy impact fell entirely on his side. His body was lifted from the floor as he flew.


His body only stopped when he hit the wall. He once again coughed up a mouthful of blood. The centipede-like monster did not move from its spot. Sol was staring at the monster with glazed eyes. He could not feel his body. He looked at his damaged arm.

'I probably won't be able to move this.'

His brain processed the information in his impending crisis. Time seemed to slow as he thought of his current situation. He looked at his other arm and tried moving his fingers.

'It moved.'

Sol was processing his thoughts, but on the other hand, he also felt like it was mechanical. He was devoid of feeling, only the process was left. What he needed to do, what needs to be done, in the most effective way.

He reached for his inventory and took one bottle of health potion. He put the liquid to his mouth and drank every drop. He felt his body revitalized. The damage to his body slowly healed. His arm which was on a weird angle repaired itself. He flexed both his fingers, they both worked fine. He checked his feet, and both were able to move. He looked at the centipede-like monster in front of him. His face was devoid of any emotion as he rushed to the monster.

The monster was preparing for another attack. Its body was stretched to its full length when Sol used his Dash skill, within seconds he was in front of the monster. The monster was unable to change its stance from the surprise. Sol used the momentum from his Dash and attacked with his Shield Bash.


A loud sound was created. The sound of metal hitting metal reverberated in the dim room. The centipede-like monster was stunned by the attack. Sol remained close to his opponent, his chance came as the monster was stunned, its body crumpled in half from the pain from Sol's attack.