

Sol did not hesitate when the monster's face was on the same level as his. He tightened the grip on his sword and stabbed it right into the centipede-like monsters eye. He did not let go of his sword and tried his best to push his sword deeper into the centipede-like monsters eye.

*keek keek*

At the same time, he stabbed the monster, the stunned state was removed. Its cries of pain resounded in the room. Its one eye was bleeding black blood. Aggravated by the pain, the centipede-like monster used its tail to swipe at Sol's body. However, Sol was nowhere to be found in the vicinity of the monster. Sol moved away from his location once he stabbed the monsters eye. He observed the monster, once it was done with its attack, Sol Dashed to his opponent a second time. Using the momentum from his Dash, he used Shield Bash.


Another loud sound resonated in the room. But this time the monster was not stunned. Sol stepped back from the monster. He made sure that the centipede-like monster will not be able to swipe at his body or lunged at him due to its anger. Sol was sure that the monster only had two attack patterns. The first attack, the monster would raise its body by its full length, and then with its incisors as its weapon, it dropped its body using gravity and its body as momentum. The second attack was its tail swipe, using the length of its tail, it would attack in a sidewards swipe of its tail. As long as he was not within reach of the monster, he will be able to avoid the attack.

As Sol expected, the monster raised its body once more, showcasing its full length. Sol Dashed to the monster while the monster was still preparing for its attack.


The centipede-like monster was stunned by the Shield Bash. Using the same move as last time, Sol stabbed at the other eye.


Black blood poured out like rain on the floor. It shone like water droplets spread on the floor. Using his previous experience, Sol stabbed his sword then twisted the hilt to put a better effect on his damage to the monster.


The centipede-like monster sorrowful wail was louder this time around. His body wiggled and moved as though it lost control of its faculties. It moved its body trying to locate Sol's location. However, it was in vain. Without its eyesight, it was unable to pinpoint Sol's location.

Sol carefully observed the rampaging monster. It was now close to the walls, without any sense of direction, it continued to move. It continued hitting the walls as though it was its enemy. A couple of minutes more of rampaging, the monster grew tired. Its movements became dull. Although it kept repeatedly hitting its surrounding, the strength was less than half. Sol seeing this approached the monster with gusto. He tried stabbing the body of the monster with his short sword.


Although the monster was weakened, its scales were too tough for his sword to penetrate. Sol felt his hand go numb from the impact. He, therefore, focused on the head of the centipede-like monster, its eyes to be more precise. Raising his sword overhead, Sol stabbed the sword till all was left was the hilt.


The monster tried to fight back from Sol's attack. It moved and wiggled its body with all of the strength left in its body. It used its tail to swipe at Sol.


The sound of air from the tail swipe could be heard. However, Sol did not even flinch even though he knew the attack was coming.


Sol was hit a couple times but he did not let go of his sword, instead, he pushed it deeper and rotated the hilt for good measure. His sole purpose was to dig deeper his sword into the enemy.


The monster wailed. With the last of its energy, it used its incisors to attack the person who was holding the sword. It was a different attack compared to the previous two. Sol considered this as its last-ditch effort to attack.


With the sound of metal hitting metal. Sol was able to deflect the attack using his shield. As though it was the last struggle in its life, the centipede-like monster collapsed on the floor with a thud.

Sol let go of the sword. His body was battered and bruised. He was bleeding all over, but in the end, he won.

Even though he won, he did not feel any happiness, rather he felt empty. He was still processing the situation in his head. As though he was sure that the monster was dead and he had won. His body collapsed on the floor.


Before his mind became hazy, and his eyes went dim, he heard a few sounds.




Sol did not know how many or what the sounds were for, but his mind and body was too tired to care. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

His breathing became even.

Soon the sound of footsteps was heard.

Three figures in white robes and masks approached the battered body of Sol. There was a golden insignia on their backs. They stood tall and majestic like rulers.

One of the three raised his hand, he was whispering words while light started to gather on his hands. The light gathered and grew brighter as he continued his murmurs. Once he was done, he approached Sol and directed the light at Sol's body.

The light disappeared once it entered Sol's body.

Looking at Sol, his body was completely repaired. The glowing of his skin looked more revitalized compared to his sickly complexion before. He looked healthier once he received the bright light.

"He is remarkable, isn't he?"

One of the robed people said with a hint of happiness in his tone.

"Tsk, he almost died from a low-level monster like that."

The person who used the healing light said as though he was disappointed.

"He needs more time to grow so we can fully exploit his capabilities."

The last person said. The two people nodded in agreement and turned their backs.

*Tap tap tap*

The slow steps were heard, slowly disappearing within the darkness.

Sol's body was suddenly swallowed in total darkness before disappearing from the room.