
Black Clouds of Catastrophe

"That's people falling out from the hole!" The black hole suddenly appears in the skies of the Khairat City of Azqur. It's expanded throughout the civilizations of Renmoud, pouring over catastrophes and problems in the form of magical forces that are devastating yet dangerous. Khidr, the tactical commander of Confederation, that have seen every destruction and disaster at Khairat, trying to investigate what's going on with his team, in order to stop it, and stop humanity's humiliation.

shien_shi · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs

#3 - Rescue of The Şirket 2

We keep running and hiding in some rooms at the office, twirling around even though there's no sound of steps following us anymore. After many minutes, that worker then entered a room, lock the door, and let go of my hand as he still trying to hear the sound from outside.

"I hope we will be alright. Tch," He sighed. "Who are they? And importantly, why they are targetting this office? Is there nothing outside this office that can be destroyed for their own sake?" He keeps mumbling about this. He maybe gets stressed out because of this situation.

"Hey, you know why," I said, "you right. There's nothing outside this office that can be destroyed anymore."

His face turned pale after hearing my words. He already knows what I mean by that.

"That means… All of them…"

"Yes, that's why I am here." I asserted. "There'll be evacuation troops dispatched to this location soon. We need to find another survivor here, and hold up until reinforcements arrive."

"Yes, you're right… But, who are you? Are you from the Azqur military?" He asked as he take a look at my appearance.

"I am just… an ordinary people." I said while I keep my identity. "My little sister work here. I am worried about her, so I'll go check it out myself, and I found this mess." I explained.

While I explained the reason why I am here, he grabs the key from his pocket and unlocks the door back.

"We have to pick up the pace. Let's go." He said as he run to the outside. He then said that we heading to the stairs. When I ask why, he tells me that another worker and researcher make their way to the third floor while the first wave of an enemy comes.

We encountered some footsteps and even some soldiers lying around when we headed to the stairs. Luckily, we managed to hide-and-run and successfully reach the third floor.

"Where do we headed then?" I asked.

He answered my question with a run to the left. I followed him twirling around again on the third floor.

"Hey, can you explain what's going on before?" I asked again when I am finally managed to catch him.

"I don't know too." He responded. "All I know is those fool just comes up and destroys everything. They even kill some of us…"

"Did you know where they came from?" I asked.

He shakes his head. "No." He answered. "We all busy watching the black hole that suddenly appeared in the sky…"

"They are coming from there."

He looked at me with a surprised face.

"What do you mean by that? They are coming from that black hole?" He asked.

"Yes." I asserted. "It's not a black hole, it's a portal." I said.

"So, in that means, those soldiers are Magisters?"

There's no other explanation for it. A portal like that can only be occurred by pure magic spells. In that means, the one who can open it is only the Magisters, the pure controller of the Magist energy. I nodded as a response to his question. He then sighed, and look back at the front again.

We then look at some rooms, and we found other workers and researchers with very scared faces. But I can't find where's my little sister hiding. I try to ask people we found, but no clues I get.

"We have found many survivors… Do we have to find any? There are maybe many more…" That worker asked. I keep thinking about that, but then some clap and many footsteps surround us. In seconds, many unknown Magist soldiers we have talked about before are in our surroundings.

We've been trapped.

The claps we all hear before revealed himself, as a man who carried two short knives in his hands, looked at us with psychic yet scary smiles. Looks like he is the leader of this army, judging from how his soldiers make way for him with great respect

I prepared to unsheath my sword, I prepared if someone from them suddenly attack us. I prepared if their leaders suddenly pointed his hand to us.

I have to protect them. That is my duty.

"Well, well. How did it feel to be surrounded by unknown people, trying to kill all of you without knowing the reason why we do so? Hmm... It'll feel like death in vain. Huh?" He laughed as he said it. His eyes open and show his determined red pupils.

"Who are you? What's the reason for this?" I exclaimed, unsheathed my sword a little.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." He said as he came closer. "How about we make an… agreement?" He smiled. He held out his hand to me.

"What kind of agreement you are talking about? Agreement to surrender? Hah, we will not. We will never be surrendered to you!" I exclaimed. I then completely unsheath my sword, and cut his hand that came closer to me.

"Agh!" He took a few steps back.


With my command, we try to run from them. But it's not that easy. After we cut their leader's hand, what they will do? Of course, they will attack us madly and violently.

I tried to make our way by breaking the enemy's body barricade. After that, we make it to the first floor. But then our luck runs out there.

Enemy soldiers are stationed too at the entrance of the office.

We're now completely surrounded again, but now, we will be punished.

"I don't want to be killed!"

"How do we gonna escape from this?"

This scared, hopeless faces… I started to think, is there any way out of here?

The enemies came closer. Someone from us screams in fear, fear of being killed. The worker that has been with me in the first place prepared his knife, he bravely watched the enemy's hands and feet, trying to predict what they will do.

With a mad shout, the enemy attacks us at the same time. I and him look at each other, and then wings our weapons at the same time too. But before our weapons clashed, suddenly some lights occurred, followed by someone shouting. I closed my eyes and took a step back because of the glare caused by that.

When I opened it up, all of the enemies lying on the floors, not moving or breathing anymore. They are all dead.


I turned to the voice I heard, and I see four people at the stairs, and the one in the middle running to me while happily smiling. I know who is her, and I run to her with smiles too.

"Ah, Hajjar, my little sister... You're safe." I said as I cried a bit.