
Black Clouds of Catastrophe

"That's people falling out from the hole!" The black hole suddenly appears in the skies of the Khairat City of Azqur. It's expanded throughout the civilizations of Renmoud, pouring over catastrophes and problems in the form of magical forces that are devastating yet dangerous. Khidr, the tactical commander of Confederation, that have seen every destruction and disaster at Khairat, trying to investigate what's going on with his team, in order to stop it, and stop humanity's humiliation.

shien_shi · Fantasy
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9 Chs

#2 - Rescue of The Şirket 1

"See it now?" Vignette exclaimed. "We have to check it, Khidr. We have to look for it." She said as she took the sub-machine gun from her back.

"W-Wait, why did you take your gun? We're not going to open fire, right?" I asked while I hold my sword sheath, prepared for what the reason she had.

"I feared we have to do so, Khidr." She reloads the gun. "Look, humans falling from the unknown black hole. Did you ever think that is.... crazy and unfamiliar to you? There are even no planes in the sky, they can't be coming from there!" She asserted while looking at me with a bit of a worried face.

I think she's right. I looked up at the sky, and sees some shadows bigger than before. I sighed, still thinking what the hell is going on as I took my communication device and started to ask for reinforcements from the Azqur police.

"Sir Usman, come in, Sir Usman!"

"Sir Usman here. Lord Khidr, are you okay? Are you still at the capital? That's dangerous, evacuate immediately from the tornado!"

"It's not a tornado, sir. It's a portal!"

"What? Portal? My Lord, are you serious? It's not the time for jokes!"

"I can send you the zoomed-in pictures of the black hole now. I'm not joking, there are many people, falling from that hole!"

This communication device has a built-in camera on it, and it's the device that has been used by all countries' military, including the Azqur Kingdom. So, I can just take the pictures and send it to him.

 I then tried to send two pictures of the black hole, that show the indication of humans falling out from it.

"See it now? I and Vignette will check it, we need some people to hold our backs if it's the same as what we think about it."

He thinks in ten seconds, and then he shocked by the answer he got from his brain.

"You mean... Invasion using the portal? What the hell...."

He stopped mid-sentence. He maybe needs more time to process this information. Then I hear some loud voices from the device that sounded like Sir Usman's. Looks like he's started to commence another plan.

"We've been sent a group of troops to check it out. For this time, My Lord, you have to fall back and evacuate too. You have to report this serious problem to Confederation, right?"

"We can connect to the Confederation while walking through the problem. This is our mission too. By the way, thanks for the reinforcements."

"Hey, wa—"

I turned the connection off immediately. I nodded to Vignette, then she responds with a nod too. I unsheathed my sword and prepared for the worst-case possible.

That worst-case possible then appears at a second, when two big birds fly from the portal and made their way to the east with fired stones on their feet.

"What the... Now it looks really dangerous!" She mumbled as we stopped because of that birds. I look in the direction of the birds' target. I realized something, then I started to pursue those birds with the fastest speed I can reach.

"W-Wait! Where did you go? We're going to the portal, right?"

"You go first, Vignette!" I commanded. "I have to go check another place. I'll follow you as soon as possible."

Without waiting for her another answer, I keep running away from her and going to rescue another important one.

I headed to my little sister's office, where those birds targetting at.

"İzmir Sihirli Şirket... I have to go faster. Wait, little sis. I'll come to the rescue."

When I'm in the middle of my way, I encountered some of the unknown troops. I then hide from them immediately before they can see me. Judging from their outfits, I then shocked because they are the troops that I saw before coming from the portal.

"Let's destroy another place, comrade! We will show them the power of Magist!" Someone that maybe their commander shouted to another, commanding them to do another destruction.

His troops then responded with a loud shout too, something like "Horka!" to me. Then they started to advance to the same direction as me.

Yes, to İzmir Sihirli Şirket.

"Ugh, I need to reach them faster…."

I picked up my pace, and started to advance again too. I encountered again many enemy troops, and they go to İzmir Sihirli Şirket too. I then thought why they're targetting it. Is it just a coincidence? Or they are into something there? I am started to worry about that.

When I luckily arrive at the office before the enemy waves, I am really shocked, there are really quiet. My worrying is increasing, even though there are still no enemies lying around it.

I entered the office, and sees a lot of destruction on many sides of the office.

"What the hell...."

I ran faster to the second floor, and now I see three fainted workers lying on the ground. I started to feels if I'm too late to stop anything. I try waking up one worker, and luckily he woke up.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "What's going on here? Where's everyone?"

"W-Who are you?" He asked back.


"Are you one of them?" His face then looks really scared. "Let go of me!" He tried to get his hand out of my grip. He then took a knife from his waist, and point it out at me.

"No, no! I am an Azqurian, who just wants to lend a hand." I tried to reassure him, who had started to grip his knife shakily.

"How do I believe you?"

To answer that question, I throw my sword at his feet, and stretch out my hand.

"You can take my life if you do not believe in me." I said.

In other countries, maybe this will be a foolish yet dangerous move. But in Azqur, we hold the "Trusts gained with sacrifices" philosophy. It means we should do anything to gain trust from another, and won't betray it ever.

Looks like the worker in front of me knows it, he then lowered his knife, and held my body trembling and a more scary feeling painted on his face.

"W-We d-don't know... There are many... a-armed soldiers breaching the office. T-Then t-they k-killed them all. All r-remaining a-alive people running away and h-hiding f-from... Agh!"

The sound of shoes occurred very clearly on the second floor, making the worker in front of me even more scared and then grabbed my hand.

"Hey! W-We must hide... Now!"

"But from who?"

"Just follow me!"