
Birth Of The Strongest Guardian

Ezra Caster, an orphaned detective, attempts to solve the series of mysterious murders in his city. Working with his alien female partner, Lemon, they are violently pulled into the affairs of a world beyond the world they knew. They called it the world of Guardians and Knights, assigned to protect the stability of the Multiversal System. In this world, it is revealed to Ezra that he is one of the Guardians. As the pieces of the puzzle starts coming together and they discover the connection between the Guardians and the murders, Ezra and Lemon are forced into a violent battle with the mastermind organization behind the murder mysteries. In an attempt to protect him from an attack, Lemon sacrifices herself to save Ezra, but disappears in the process. Outraged, Ezra goes berserk and seeks revenge, as well as the whereabouts of Lemon, and therefore forsakes his duties as one of the Guardians. What fate does the fabric of reality and the Multiversal System hold now that Ezra has gone rouge and the balance has been disrupted? And what fate awaits Lemon in the strange world that had abducted her? Please add to your library and leave a comment, power stones and golden tickets. Please leave reviews too.

Eronse_Edward · Khoa huyễn
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52 Chs


Foma's eyes started glowing blue, wind gyrating around her and her hands lighting up like a hot plate. She was about to shoot when the Luminary jumped off and blasted a fireball at her. Lemon swiftly shielded her and Fegor jumped before her sister, using telekinesis to push the Luminary away.

"Do we get to use our system?" Foma asked, her glowing eyes had stopped.

"I don't think we have a choice."

The girl in the hood looked at me and then levitated away. An obvious trap but who doesn't like following obvious traps? I ran after her with all mallice in my eyes. Lemon attempted to follow me but she was blocked by the Pesodent.

"Your business is with us," he said.

Lemon grabbed his shoulder, picked him up and threw him away.

"My business is with my partner," she said, running after me.

I had ran towards the midst of the dead bodies. The girl in the hood had stopped just above where I was standing, she had a smirk on. That godforsaken smirk they always had on made my skin crawl. I pulled up my finger gun, aiming directly at her, ready to shoot without hesitation. But before my energy blast could come out of my finger, she spoke.

"Your mother is alive Ezra," she said. "You need to save her."

"Wait, what?" I asked, dropping my finger gun.

The moment I let my guard down, she grinned maliciously, vanishing and reappearing right behind my back, she was so close to my ear.

"Your mom's gonna die if you don't save her," she whispered into them, her hands dancing over my head. It seemed she was casting a spell on me.

"Get away from him!" Lemon yelled. She stopped right before us and clapped her hand so hard it sent a soundwave strong enough to get the girl off me and push her far away.

But the damage had already been done. Her mind manipulation had worked and what she wanted, if that was really what she wanted, began happening. My eyes began glowing blue and I could feel energy coursing through my veins. It was like a gradual build up to some unfathomable. My subconsciousness was fighting to take over. I was not responding to anything, or anyone, just paused there in the midst of the bodies. Lemon could not get to me.

"What did you do to him?" She yelled looking at the girl. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!"

She ran after her as the girl levitated away, back to the battle field with the others. The twins were pulling out weapons out of a box almost similar to the one Ratchina used to store her close, the treasure chest. They pulled out one after the other, using it on their opponent, but every they pulled out became evenly matched by every weapon the Luminary pulled out from his arsenal and also, the counterattacks he made with his arms. That was the moment that Lemon actually confirmed that they really were Knights, rogue Knights.

"If you're not a guardian or a knight and you find yourself in a situation with a rogue knight like the Null Standing," Ratchina once told her. "It would be better if you surrendered or even better, you ran away."

Well there was no going back now. The twins accessed new powers from their system, Foma activate freeze rays she shot from her eyes with glee and held a blue lasso that she kepted whipping in front of the Luminary. Fegor's was lighting, electricity coursing through her body, her hair especially, also she held a large mallet like hammer that seemed like a mixture of a sytch and a hammer. The hammer helped her control the direction of the lightening…a total 'Thor, son of Odin' thing. But none of this made the Luminary flinch.

"Get a load of these wannabes," he chuckled. "You're dead!"

He ran head on into the fight with them. Honestly it was surprising how that tiny demon could hold his own with the two of them. Meanwhile, Laos, despite not understanding what he was seeing, held his ground against the Pesodent.

"What do you want from detective Ezra and detective Lemon?" He asked, standing face to face.

"Dead men do not ask questions," he replied.

"Very well then," Laos said pulling up his metallic arm up and shape-shifting it in to a large bazuka blaster gun and pointing it towards the enemy. "I'll get my answers one way or the other."

Nuclear blasts were fired straight out of his cyborg arm, going straight for the head of the Pesodent, but he also had a few tricks up his sleeves. He clapped his hands and pulled them apart quickly with a struggle, and just there in the middle, a tiny pocket dimension opened up and the blast passed through it and disappeared. Laos was surprised, but that didn't stop him. Rather, he upped his game, shooting more and more, but the Pesodent kept evading the shots one way or the other.

Then, tired of evading, he turned to a few dead bodies around,

his eyes became dark and his arms blasted out dark energy on the bodies and then he said;

"Rise up, and defend me."

That was how the zombies came to life. Laos did his best to push them back, shooting their heads off with his line of sight still fixed on the Pesodent.

By his side fought Lemon, a hot hand to hand battle with the girl in the hood that she had already caught up with. Her hands moving faster than a professional martial artist, and her strength being matched effortlessly. She kept asking her what she did to me, but the girl remained silent, fighting with all her strength, sweating. Clearly she underestimated Lemon's strength. Their arms clashed and they came face to face with each other.

"You know nothing of the second guardian, witch," she angrily said, pushing against her with all her might.

Lemon growled, pushing her backwards one step after another.

"Tell…me…what you did to EZRA!"

Her voice echoed, loud enough for my subconscious to hear. A subconscious that had finally taken over my brain just like last time at the Himalayas. But this time, something was different. The subconsciousness was… conscious, intelligent.

"I will handle this," my lips said. There was no one around so I only assumed my subconscious was talking to my consciousness, which stood at the background…the back of my mind.

The moment it said that time slowed down drastically, it was as if he had stopped time itself. I didn't hear activate system or anything like that, but from where my consciousness sat, I could see it, the system activated, the abilities section on display and all the powers I had unlocked during my time hunting down bosses in the arena all unlocked. It was using the system without saying a word. Freeform.

As soon as time froze, my body moved passed the dead bodies, walking towards the fight…the Luminary had the twins in a corner, his body on fire and his hands out with a fire blast coming out of it. My body squatted close to the creature. It looked at his face and then at the twins, then it placed my hand on the forehead of the Luminary and said with a collective voice;

"Dethroned. You are released from your duties as a knight."

Nothing happened at that moment. Then it walked towards the Pesodent, staring at him for a while. The creature's eyes twitched, it turned looking at my face…his eyes dilated. My arm stretched out and my hand grabbed onto his neck.

"Restored…you are released from your shackles as a false knight."

Nothing happened at that very moment. Then it walked towards the girl fighting with Lemon, but first it stopped before Lemon. A smile formed as we stared at her, her eyes turning slowly to look at my face, surprised. It then turned to the girl and walked towards her, closer to her face.

"This one, this one looks familiar," it said. "She is not worthy of her powers."

Her pupils turned looking at me. She could not move her lips but her eyes and brows, they said it all, she was scared shitless. As my hand was about to reach out and grab her forehead, her eyes widened with fright and in an attempt to save her life she vanished. My hand stopped midway.

"Interesting," the subconscious said. "She was able to evade time freeze. That one might be trouble."

Again, it felt like the subconscious was having a conversation with my consciousness but there was no response. I had nothing to say.

"Well," it said looking around. "I guess that's that. Let's do this again, Ezra."

At that it snapped my fingers and time resumed.