
Birth Of The Strongest Guardian

Ezra Caster, an orphaned detective, attempts to solve the series of mysterious murders in his city. Working with his alien female partner, Lemon, they are violently pulled into the affairs of a world beyond the world they knew. They called it the world of Guardians and Knights, assigned to protect the stability of the Multiversal System. In this world, it is revealed to Ezra that he is one of the Guardians. As the pieces of the puzzle starts coming together and they discover the connection between the Guardians and the murders, Ezra and Lemon are forced into a violent battle with the mastermind organization behind the murder mysteries. In an attempt to protect him from an attack, Lemon sacrifices herself to save Ezra, but disappears in the process. Outraged, Ezra goes berserk and seeks revenge, as well as the whereabouts of Lemon, and therefore forsakes his duties as one of the Guardians. What fate does the fabric of reality and the Multiversal System hold now that Ezra has gone rouge and the balance has been disrupted? And what fate awaits Lemon in the strange world that had abducted her? Please add to your library and leave a comment, power stones and golden tickets. Please leave reviews too.

Eronse_Edward · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


"I can't believe you did that?" Fegor argued with her sister.

"There was no other way," Foma replied.

"No other way?" Fegor asked. "This is the worst possible way, there's a normie in the Training Arena, what would the Keepers think, what would the Guardians say?"

They where on a farin mountain. These were one of the few boulders in the Arena that were transparent in nature with a shiny surface like quartzites and seemed to have a black monster sleeping within it. It was four thousand feet high. The twins stood over Lemon's body.

"You think she's dead?" Foma asked, folding her arms.

"I don't know," Fegor replied. "But if she is, I don't think our paycheck is gonna cut it…and Mr Ezra seemed to like her very much."

Foma exhaled pacing. "I thought normies couldn't even enter the Arena?"

"They're not supposed to," her sister said, squatting near the body. "This is new, plus, has her hair always been silver? I could have sworn it was white."

"We need to take her to a Keeper, maybe they'll know —"

Lemon swiftly grabbed Fegor's neck, making Foma stop her sentence midway.

"You guys talk too much," she said, getting up on her feet while her hand still remained on Fegor's neck.

Fegor's hands were up like she was being targeted by police guns. Foma stretched her hands, ready to shoot another blast at Lemon's head.

"Put my sister down," she said.

Lemon looked around and she smiled at the amazing things she saw. The mountain they were standing on, the unorthodox skies with the aurora and the spiral clouds, and the scenery below with the strange trees, paths, creatures and monsters.

"So this is the Training Arena?" She grinned. "It's more beautiful than he explained."

"You're…choking…me," Fegor struggled to say.

"Oh right," she replied, putting her down.

Fegor caressed her neck, coughing a little as she stared at Lemon, her eye brows furrowed and her nose judgy. Foma walked up to her and checked her neck.

"You okay?" She asked, looking at her sister.

"She's not supposed to be able to stand on her feet in here," her sister replied looking at Lemon.

She slowly walked closer to her, noticing the minute details she hadn't initially noticed. Not only was Lemon's hair now silver, but it seemed to be glowing too, and a faint silver tattoo of a claw mark was gradually materialising on her neck.

"Who… are you?" She asked, looking in to Lemon's eyes.

Right at that moment a sharp headache surged through Lemon's head. She grabbed her head, squeezing shut her eyes and falling down her knees. She struggled, shaking her head and grunting out of frustration while the twins froze in shock, staring. Lemon's eyes suddenly glowed silver and she gave a loud outburst, screaming at the top of her lungs, which sent out a sonic boom soundwave all over the arena.

Many creatures started running towards the mountain they stood and monsters started climbing the boulder towards them. The mountain itself began shaking, the creature inside had awaken.

"What the hell, what the hell, WHAT THE HELL!" Foma exclaimed.

Lemon's eyes still glowed, and according to her, she could not see anything.

"We've gotta get out of here!" Fegor exclaimed, kicking away the tiny rodents trying to climb Lemon.

"Yeah, no kidding Sherlock," Foma replied, shooting down the Shilois that were approaching and claiming the pixels.

"Are you freaking kidding me right now?!" Her sister exclaimed.

"I saw an opportunity, I took it" She replied. "Don't judge me!"

"Argh!" Lemon exclaimed, bending down. Her eyes still glowed.

"Quick, your knight's passage Foma!" Fegor exclaimed, turning towards Lemon and supporting her on her feet. "Hurry!"

"I'm working on it!"

The Knight's passage was swiftly opened and they immediately jumped through, closing it up the moment they were back in their rooms. With quick breaths and deep exhales, the twins looked at each other, gradually building up a shared laughter. Lemon was in Fegor's arms, her eyes had stopped glowing and her hair colour had returned back to white. She rubbed her head, sitting up.

"Are you okay?" Fegor asked. They looked at her, hoping that her brain was not fried.

Lemon moaned, attempting to stand on her feet.

"That…was awesome!" She smiled, finally getting her balance.

"She's fine," Foma smiled, standing up.

"What happened back there," Fegor asked, leaning forward to Lemon. "And how did you you about the Arena?"

"She must be a Knight."

"I'm not a Knight," Lemon replied immediately.

"Then how?" Fegor asked. "You can't be one of the Gaurdians, the Knight's passage would have crumbled just by your presence. And what was that with the soundwave and the creatures coming at us?"

"I don't know what that was, I…"

Lemon got interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Laos and I. We had been looking for her all over the hotel.

"Hello," Laos said. "Is anyone in?"

"Not a single word about this to anyone, understand?" Fegor whispered.

Lemon nodded.

"Especially not your boyfriend," Foma said. "Don't know what he'll do if he finds out I hurt his precious partner."

"You didn't make a dent," Lemon replied. "Plus, he's not my boyfriend!"

They looked at her raising a brow. She folded her arms, flustered.

"Well not officially anyway," she shrugged.

"I don't think anyone's in," Laos said, looking at me.

"Give them time, they'll answer," I replied.

I could see them, or technically, their heat signatures through the door and the mark of the knight shone brightly on the arms of the twins. Couldn't tell what they were talking about though.

"Hello!" Foma smiled after swinging the door open.

"Hi there," Laos replied, smiling back. "We're looking for…"

He stopped talking when he saw Lemon reveal herself. He gave a sigh of relief. I smiled folding my arms.

"See," I said. "I told you she'd be safe."

He nodded looking at me. Lemon walked out of the room, clearing her throat.

"Well, girl time was fun," she said after walking out. "Right girls?"

"Yeah, yeah," they replied. Fegor laughing awkwardly.

"We should do that again sometime," Foma chuckled.

"Hehehe," Fegor grinned nervously. "Probably."

"Something awkward is going on here," I said, looking at the three of them.

Right at that moment a man in an ankara gown-like attire ran into the hotel screaming in the native tongue.

"Oja, Oja!" He exclaimed, which meant 'market, market '. "They died, they laughed and they died!"

Another came running in, screaming at the top of her lungs. "Demons! Demons and kings of the undead. They are coming!"

We all ran into the lobby immediately to hear what all the racket was about. There had been an attack at the market, they finally explained, and commotion and trouble reigned outside the hotel. People running for their lives as three individuals caused terror in the village and the marketplace. They first appeared through a portal in the midst of the market, with sinister smiles on their faces. Then one of them, the shortest one among the tree, pulled out a harmonica and started playing it. Long story short, the people present laughed to death.

We immediately rushed to the scene of the crime, despite Laos efforts to stop us. Along came the twins, armed with their powers. Upon arrival at the the market square, we encountered a mass of dead bodies, their eyes widened and their mouths a crescent of a smile, each had blood coming out of them.

"What the hell," Foma said with a frown.

Children and mothers, dead. The stalls quiet and the bodies resembling something that had been dead for days. The culprits were not far off.

"Well look who decided to come out and play," a voice from above us said.

We looked up to find the three culprits. A Pesodent, a Luminary and that person we saw back in Yolo Central, the one in the hood, that took Silas away when he was cornered. She had her hood off this time…it was a female human, a young lady that looked quite familiar.

"See," the Luminary said. "I told you he'd come out, didn't I? Like hosing out a rabbit!"

He grinned, leaning down to look at us closely. Luminaries were aliens with the ability to control and create fire, their biggest and most hated quality was their overconfidence and smugness. They were also very small.

"Keep your distance," the Pesodent said. "The boss said not take any chances with the kid."

The boss? Probably Silas. Pesodents looked like walking zombies…their eyes looking dull, their dark patches around their eyes looking as if their had not slept in centuries and their skin extremely pale. The only difference they had from zombies was that they were very articulate in their speech…intelligent and skillful, reliable and stood erect. We had a few in the force. Their abilities ranged from super strength to super breath (they could freeze things with their breath), but there was no records of them being able to turn anyone to a zombie.

"How did they find us?" Laos muttered to himself.

"You killed all these people, women, children, just to lure one person out?!" Foma asked, anger surging through her vocal cords.

"Capture the Zoarite and the Guardian, kill the rest," the girl in the hood said.

The battle began.