
Chapter Nineteen

After seeing Gohan's momentary use of Ultra Instinct I continued to push him in battle over the coming days.

A month had gone by and he hadn't shown any signs of it since then. His battles with me were brutal but subconsciously he had put me on a level far above him.

He needed a more suitable opponent. One that he would push to the limits and would be pushed in return. One that he would have a chance of defeating.

Nevertheless, he had perfected his ssj Blue form and could hold it for extended periods of time.

I looked to Earth and saw that the Majin Buu saga had already started. But first, I had a task to complete.

'Gohan I'll be leaving for a while.'

'Where to, teacher?'

'Just a minor matter. I'll be back soon. Don't slack off.'

He nodded and I disappeared.

I reappeared before Zuno. He looked at me in surprise which doubled when I gave him a peck on the cheek.

'There! Now, where are the Super Dragon Balls?'

Within a few hours, I had collected all 7 planet size dragon balls. After absorbing Zamasu, I could speak the language of the gods.

I began the summoning. The giant gold dragon appeared in a beautiful display.

'Make it so I can never be erased by Zeno or any other deity. Grant me this wish!'

The dragon's eyes glowed as my wish was granted.


I chuckled softly to myself as I returned to Vampa.


'Yes, teacher?

'There is a man you must defeat before you can graduate. Let's go.'

We disappeared and reappeared on a desolate planet in Universe 11.

'Wait here.'

I tracked Jiren's energy to a certain planet. He had just finished wiping out a group of criminals. I appeared and he turned towards me.

'Hello, Jiren. My name is Rei. There is a man who wishes to face you in battle. Do you accept?'

He rejected me coldly.

'Don't be like that. How about this. If you defeat him I will grant you one wish. Whatever it may be.'

His attitude changed slightly before he acknowledged my proposition and accepted the battle. I teleported us back to Gohan's location.

'Here he is Gohan. Best of luck to you both.'

And with that, I returned to Earth. The Majin Buu saga had already begun. Majin Vegeta and Goku fought full throttle while Buu had just been hatched. Buu began to fight with Dabura and before he could kill him I swooped in and saved him.

'Sorry for the intrusion. Please, as you were.'

Kibito Kai looked at me speechless as I vanished. I reappeared on Vampa and swiftly put my arm in Dabura's chest.

'Begin the absorption.'

With Dabura's lifeless corpse on my arm, I absorbed him. He did little to increase my power but it was a welcome boost. I took the time to grab something to eat. An hour had gone by since I left Gohan and Jiren together so I returned to look into their progress.

The battle was beyond intense as both fighters fought shirtless and bleeding. I whistled softly as I saw Gohan pushing himself to limits I hadn't seen before in our sparring sessions.

Gohan fought with shocking power despite having fallen to his base form. He fought with will power alone until he once more manifested the power I had seen in him.

The Ultra Instinct sign.

His hair had a silvery hue and his eyes a silver glint. His maniacal fighting style became more calm and refined. He moved quickly without any doubt or wasted movements.

Jiren was caught off guard and pushed himself to match Gohan. Gohan himself only held the form for a minute before it disappeared and what remained of his energy, with it. He collapsed in exhaustion while Jiren remained standing, his energy near depletion.

'Sigh. I guess this round goes to you then Jiren. Well done.'

I grabbed Gohan and returned to Vampa. I put a senzu bean in his mouth before I once more appeared before Jiren.

'I have defeated your champion. You will grant me my wish.'

I smiled broadly when all at once, my energy reached its peak. I appeared before Jiren and delivered a devasting attack to his chest before quickly retreating.

'Phew. That's a relief. I was worried you still had some fight left in you.'

He stared at me in shock and disbelief as I strode over calmly. I raised a finger and blasted a beam through his skull.

'That went better than expected. RoBro. Absorb.'

I had Gohan weaken Jiren in a drawn-out battle to deplete his ki as much as possible, then I had attacked with my full power without giving him a chance to react.

His body disappeared and I felt my own power double. My body felt different. It felt...complete.

This was, without doubt, my largest gain yet. I returned to a fully healed Gohan who looked somewhat ashamed.

'I failed you, teacher.'

'You fought well Gohan! Look how much your power has grown. That zenkai alone was worth it! You graduate in my book! Though you must train to perfect that form you used towards the end.'

He had some recollection of using Ultra Instinct. He remembered the effortless flow of his movements. Given time he would master it.

'You must be hungry. Come. Eat.'

He nodded and began eating his well-deserved meal.

The Buu saga was reaching its conclusion. Goku and Vegeta stood injured and exhausted as Kid Buu walked over with a sinister laugh.

'Gohan. Its time for you to go home.'