

He is in love with the sister in-law of his cousin. Loving someone is not a problem. But the fact is the woman that he want to be with for the rest of his life is younger than him of twelve years. Along his way of living, he learnt that Adel is also in love with him.

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7 Chs


"W-what are you doing here, Ahmad?"

How could she Nancy not stammer when even in the blink of an eye it never occurred to her that the last person she wanted to see would visit her.

"Of course. It's just simple because you're here, my dear. But wait, what happened to your foot? Why you are walking so strange?"

"But---but how did you know my exact address? How did you find my place?"

"If there's a way there's a wheel, my dear. So stop bothering yourself in thinking how I found your place. Come closer and I'll check your ankles."

"W-what are you doing?"

"Your foot is swollen but you managed to get around. How important is the person you're talking to on that laptop and you're in such a hurry to get out?"

That's why instead of being thankful for his concern, it's not because the annoyance came to life in his heart. Naturally, the person he will talk to on his laptop is very important to him because this is the man who loves him and most of all he loves.

"It's out of your business, Ahmad. Who and how important is the person I'm going to talk to and go. That's why you can leave now."

She couldn't hide the sarcasm in her voice, but she's even more annoyed by his answer.

"Of course I care because from now on you can't talk to anyone. As long as I'm alive you need my permission where you go or what to do. Just like the man who made a long distance call. I've cut off your relationship with him. So don't dream of talking to him on the laptop anymore."

He shrugged and sat right next to her. She wanted to ask him what did he tell her boyfriend but she couldn't because of disappointment and annoyance prevailed from him.

"And where on earth did you get the right to ban me from any decision I make for life? How dare you to act for myself? Get out of this place before I'll call the police to fetch you!" she shouted as she stood up to approach the phone. It was just that he pulled her so she sat down again but the difference is that he was holding her palm.

In his swift move, Ahmad let Nancy lay down on the bed and without permission from her he positioned himself on top of her.

"What! Let me go! Get out of there!"

"Never! Over my dead body, Nancy! If this is the only way to get you under my control, I will totally do it. I have permission from your parents. They said that I can do anything to you just to bring you home and besides this is the reason why Why do you want to live here in America more than in Saudi, don't you? To live with freedom including being liberated. So, don't worry I'll fulfill that desire of yours with benefit."

No matter how she tried, it was useless. She even bites him several times to stop him but to no avail. She couldn't move her legs properly, especially her left leg because the left side of her hip towards foot was injured when she fell.

"No! Don't! No!" Just some of the words he released to stop it from what it was planning, but everything was useless because he was determined.

His unexpected move startled him causing his vision to blur. It's a broad day light but her sight became very poor.

"Like I said, I'll do this with my benefit, dear. Although its all against your will but I'll marry you later but in our country. You're Saudis so as I am and that reason is too much for you to marry me." Ahmad stand up and take off their clothes.

In other words, she became hopeless. She even doesn't know how many times he indulged to her. Where else will she go when he's got her purity? What else is the reason for her to fight when in fact she is also to blame or she is the reason why he reached the point of taking her against her will? If only they weren't close relatives, she would have agreed to marry her a long time ago, but in their condition, she has no reason to refuse. He got what he wanted according to his parents' permission.

"Fix yourself, Nancy, because we're traveling back to Saudi tomorrow morning. Don't worry everything was ready. Pack all your things because you'll not come back here anymore," he said after indulging her body before heading to bathroom and showered first.

Pack all your things he said but she was like a statue that didn't move. She's like a corpse on top of her bed. Apart from the physical pain caused by repeatedly taking her, she was not in herself to act. He just realized that his tears were flowing.

THE NEXT DAY in the Philippines, Reynold Wayne was shocked because of the slap of a Pontius Pilate. That's why he suddenly sat up while holding his cheek as he wasn't sure if it was his sister or one of his parents who woke him up.

"What are you doing here? Then why are you slapping me?" His eyebrows raise up as he question.

"I'm the only one who dared to slap you, my dear brother. Why? Mommy heard that you were having a nightmare, so she came in to wake you up. You couldn't be shaken, so she called Daddy but they still can't wake you up. Then they when came to my room, so I presented to wake you up. What did you dream that you were visited by Satan?" His sister continuously asked.

"It looks like you drank too much last night, son. That's why you're having nightmares. Avoid drinking too much, son, because that's bad for your health," his father said.

With their explanations, the scenario in his dream returned. His girlfriend was bloody and was being handed to him but no matter what he did, he couldn't reach her. She continued to plead with him until she finally breathed his last. At the same time as his palm fell, he let out a deafening scream according to them.

"We're asking you, Hijo. What happened? Maybe you're in trouble, son?" his father continued to asked him.

"I had a bad dream but forget about it. It's just a dream," he replied. But deep inside of him it looks like a reality.

"Okay, son, and we're going to prepare ourselves going to work. You too, son, calm yourself and start to prepare for your work." Even his mother added.

"Sometimes dreams are warning to us so be careful in every move that you do, my dear brother. I will also be ahead of you and we will have a hearing today." His sister always had a toothpick on his lips, so they called him kapre.

Until his parents and sibling left, he didn't had a single word escaped his lips. He didn't know but he felt that his dream was so real that his tongue was almost wet.

"My God, don't let anything bad happen to my girlfriend because even though I feel a suspicions for her because of the man who answered my call, I still don't want anything bad to happen to her," he whispered. When finally he was the only one in his room.

Because of his dream, he did not act immediately. It still took him a few moments before he had the strength to move. Even though he almost soaked his body in the cold water from the shower, his dream did not come true.


All of that flashed away and temporarily lost everything in his mind because of the appearance of his beloved cousin. If he thought deeply before he passed by their ancestral home to pick him up, it would look different.

"Oist, arab cousin, what happened to you? You look like the funniest man alive. Is there's something wrong?" he asked.

But he couldn't wait for an answer to him that's he turned his head toward their grandmother.

"But why, 'La? What happened and it looks like his voice has also been affected?"

Instead of answering his question, she said something else.

"You go to work first, Hijo. Go and file an emergency leave for you and Khalid. Make it an emergency leave so they can approve it immediately. We will explain later," he said.

With a surprised look, he looked around and into his cousin who it seems that carrying the burden of the whole world. But then Khalid Mohammad finally say a word.

"Kindly do it for me insan? Right after you'll submit our emergency leave come back as fast as you can here because we're going somewhere. As Lola said, I'll explain later," Khalid finally said.

Even though he (RW) was wondering, he didn't ask any more questions. He went to work alone even his mind was full of questions. Even though he didn't hear anything else from the people around him, he just kept his lips shut because he knew they had a reason.

IN the other part of the world...

"I canceled our flight tomorrow, my dear, so that your time in packing will be enough. We have one more week here in America so take your time," Ahmad urged the woman he loved the most.

He knew it was wrong to forcibly take her but he didn't care. What is important to him is that it belongs to him and above all that he can bring it home to their country. To the country where they were born and to the country where they belong.

"One week? We still have one more week here in America. I still have hope of escaping from him. But how can I do that when he's just going to pick me up? Since he came here, he hasn't even stop taking me in," she said to her mind while packing up all her personal things.

Because she put the rest in the big box and the clothes in the suitcase. Some of her things will be transported via cargo and her luggage will be in air freight. But it doesn't matter to her how all her stuff will get to Saudi because the only thing on his mind is how he can escape from it. When she will be home with him, she had no choice but to marry him as hug as a husband because when they get home there is no choice especially and he already took her femininity again and again.

"If you're thinking of escaping from me, discard that from your mind immediately, my dear. You can never escape from me and besides who will accept you? Where do you want to go? Your Filipino boyfriend? If, it's that case don't get your hopes up because I'm sure he already knows what's going on here. He'll still think that you betrayed and cheated him. So, if I were you just focus yourself in packing all your things before the next schedule of our flight come along." Ahmad sat next to his girlfriend who was packing.

She must have been deep in thought so she flinched when she heard his voice. Upon hearing that, she glanced at it and she was surprised because he's watching is a s*x videos. It's also not just sex videos because the two of them are having s@x.

And before she could get what he wanted to convey, he had passed it on to her Filipino boyfriend. Anyone who can watch the dirtiest videos will surely think that it's scandals. Upon realizing what's happening she immediately got up to hit him on what's he's doing but suddenly she fell because of body pain. Body pain caused by him to d!gged her repeatedly.