Stopping Voldemort would've been the main priority for any person reincarnated as Harry Potter, but why limit the ambitions to the dark tosser? Why not set the sights on every delight the Wizarding World has to offer? Why not conquer Wizarding Britain instead, and everything that comes with it? Powerful SI into Harry Potter. Harry/Multi. Smut.
Harry walked out of the classroom on the abandoned corridor with a smile on his face. Pansy Parkinson was not someone he had envisioned, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in its mouth.
The girl was loyal to him now, and in time, she would be his. He was going to make sure of that. He once again marvelled at the stupidity of Draco Malfoy. The boy was a Grade A cunt. He would've understood if he had wanted Pansy to have sex with him, but offering her to a few other cunts was something entirely fucked up.
Harry once again recalled the look of despair on the cunt's face during the breakfast and a satisfactory smile came over his face. It felt good to see him knocked off his fucking perch.
"Potter! Wait a moment!"
Harry whirled around at the shout and looked at an older Ravenclaw running towards him. He recalled him being their Quidditch captain after Davies graduated last year.
"Uh, hey. What is it?"
The guy stopped in front of him, panting and slightly out of breath before he stood up.
"Uh… how are you, after, you know…"
Harry looked at him in confusion. He didn't even know this guy. Why was he asking?
"I'm fine. It was touch and go last night, but we survived. That's what matters, right?"
The guy nodded. "Listen Potter, I've talked with a few players from other houses. With the morose atmosphere around school, we thought why not have a game of Quidditch to lift the spirits? It doesn't need to be on a house basis. We can mix up. What do you say?"
Harry pondered upon it for a moment, nodding when he realized that it was a good idea.
"Alright, I'm down. I don't have anything to do right now anyway. Who else is joining us?"
The guy grinned.
"You'll see. You've got your broom back, right?"
Harry nodded.
"Nice. Meet you at the pitch in fifteen. Don't be late."
Harry watched, bemused, as the guy sprinted away.
"He's gonna start huffing again," he muttered as he walked towards his dormitory. He didn't encounter anyone of note on his way. However, as he entered the common room, he saw Hermione sitting on the couch reading something. He stared at her for a moment, his eyes trailing down to her shirt and he noticed she had a button open, showing just a hint of her cleavage. Shaking his head, he ignored her and walked upstairs towards his dorm.
His Firebolt was right where he kept it, and he picked it up with a smile. His smile broadened when he felt the familiar thrum of his faithful broomstick.
As he descended the staircase, he saw Katie coming from the opposite side. Their eyes met and they grinned. Harry joined her at the junction as they walked together.
"Shafiq invited you too, huh?"
"Yeah. Seemed like a good idea. You know, after what happened last night," he muttered. Katie frowned before bumping his shoulder good-naturedly.
"Cheer up, Harry. We've got a match to win," she grinned, and Harry couldn't help but join in. Her smile was infectious.
"So, you're gonna be on my team, huh?" He teased, smirking when she flushed slightly.
"I'm always gonna be on your team, Potter," she winked and elbowed him on the side. Harry let out a grunt and made to grab her, however, she quickly jumped and ran towards the exit. With a chuckle, Harry ran after her across the common room and through the portrait hole, unaware of a pair of chocolate brown eyes watching him chase after Katie with a frown.
Harry caught up with Katie right at the staircase and pinched her side, smirking when she hissed.
"That's what you get for being violent, Kitty," he grunted.
"Man, do you always behave like this when girls get violent?"
Harry smirked. "Why don't you try to find out?"
Without a backward glance, he walked away, leaving a willowy brunette behind who stared at his retreating figure with no small amount of lust in her gaze before following him.
They arrived at the Quidditch pitch in time, and Harry saw a small crowd gathered in the stands.
"Seems like word got around rather quickly," he remarked to the girl standing by herself, noting the green and silver trim on her robes.
"Potter," she greeted politely.
"Greengrass," Harry nodded with a smile.
Daphne Greengrass was regarded as one of the most beautiful girls in Hogwarts. With her ivory skin and delicate features paired with her well-endowed frame and silvery-blonde locks, it was understandable why some thought that she carried veela blood. Harry was no stranger to Daphne. They had been paired by Snape in potions a few times over the years, and Snape loved to give her all the points while leaving him with nothing but snide remarks. Harry had gotten used to it over the years.
As he looked at the girl out of the corner of his eyes, he admitted to himself that he would like it very much if she became his. However, he had no idea what she thought of him. She always remained aloof, keeping only her best friend Tracey and her sister Astoria in her company. She was a private person, alright.
"I heard about what happened last night in the ministry," she remarked softly. Harry chuckled.
"You're not alone. I believe a few in your house got a rather personal message as well. It was quite blatant to see."
Her lips quirked slightly in amusement as she fixed her sapphire-blue gaze on him. "Quite. And a relief as well. It was hectic to keep listening to their drivel all year round. A healthy dose of reality seems to have gone a long way in fixing their attitude."
Harry absently nodded, looking over at the small collection of students standing near the pitch with brooms in their hands.
"You play?" He asked, gesturing towards the Nimbus 2000 in her hand. Daphne looked at him with a smile.
"Tracey and my sister do. I watch them sometimes. Not that much of a fan of flying, to be honest," she admitted. Harry chuckled.
"I'm not judging," he smiled easily as he looked to the side. A pretty brunette hurried over and took her broom from Daphne, followed by another pretty brunette.
"Davis, Greengrass," Harry nodded at them.
"Potter," Tracey nodded, "What are you doing here?"
Harry smiled.
"What everyone here is, to be honest. We're playing a match, aren't we?" He remarked, gesturing towards his Firebolt. He saw their eyes on his broomstick for a moment before they smiled.
"Well, good luck if you're on our team, and may you fell off if you're not," Astoria remarked with a chuckle as Tracey grinned. Daphne simply shook her head.
"Well then, I'll just have to make sure I get you on my team," he chuckled, "let's get going then. Shafiq's calling us over."
The two girls nodded and started walking, and Harry admired their swaying backsides in their tights for a moment before looking at Daphne.
"Maybe I can give you a ride one of these days, who knows, you might start liking it," he smiled, before walking forward, not noticing the widened eyes of the beautiful blonde as she stared at him.
"Alright then, we've got the fourteen players here. Who wants to be the captain?"
Katie pushed Harry forward, who looked at her before shrugging.
"Alright, Potter and I are the captains. Let's start picking one by one, sounds good?"
Harry nodded. "Mind if I go first?"
Shafiq grinned.
"We'll have a toss," he said and he pulled out a galleon from his pocket.
"Ready?" Harry nodded and called out.
Shafiq bent down and picked the galleon up.
"Well, looks like you won, Potter. Go ahead."
Harry smirked. "Katie," he nodded at the brunette, who walked over with a grin.
"Smith, come over."
The pompous Hufflepuff went over to stand beside Shafiq.
"Davis," Harry grinned when the girl smirked and came to stand beside him.
Shafiq looked around for a moment. "Chang."
Harry looked as the girl glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes and stood beside Smith on the opposite end.
"Greengrass," Harry nodded, smiling when the brunette walked over and nudged Tracey.
"What's this, Potter? Picking two girls who don't even play for their house teams? So eager to lose?"
Harry looked over at Smith with a sigh.
"Tell me, Smith, when are you going to get a potion to fix your premature ejaculation? You ran your mouth before I disarmed you. Now you're running your mouth before the game has even started. Seriously, get it fixed or you're gonna leave a woman very dissatisfied," he remarked without even looking at the guy, "or a man, if you prefer."
Sniggers erupted from almost everyone as Smith went red-faced.
"Alright, that's enough trash talk for now. Let's select the teams and start. Corner, with me," Shafiq called out, and Harry watched Michael Corner walk ahead to stand beside him.
"Boot," Harry called out to Terry, who he knew was a good enough keeper.
They quickly selected the remaining players and shook hands. A sixth-year Hufflepuff was acting as the referee, and in no time, they were off.
The match went on quite well in Harry's opinion, as he hovered over the players looking for the snitch. He saw Cho hovering a little distance opposite him, her eyes fixed on him, either looking for any movement or because she wanted to. He was aware of her attraction towards him, and wouldn't mind having her as well. After all, it wasn't her fault that Edgecombe was such a bitch.
He watched on with a grin as Katie, Tracey and Astoria worked like a proper team and annihilated the opposite team. Shafiq kept trying to rally his chasers into formation, shouting for the beaters to do their job, but his chasers were in a league of their own. Of course, he knew of Katie's ability, but Tracey and Astoria were frightening. It was both a relief and a shame that Slytherin was filled with those sexist pricks that these talented girls didn't get the chance to play for their House teams.
Currently, they were leading 140-30, and Harry was in no hurry to catch the snitch. He had already seen it a few times but made no movement when he saw Cho didn't even pay the snitch any mind, her attention focused solely on him.
The girls were having too much fun, and Harry decided he wanted to join in as well. With a wink to Cho, he flew down at a breakneck pace. He saw Smith make a pass to Corner and quickly intercepted it before making a Crossfield pass to Tracey who latched on and flew towards the hoops. Shafiq saw this and cursed, bracing himself for the save. Right when he thought Tracey was going to shoot for the left hoop, she crossed the quaffle to Katie who threw it into the empty hoop.
The girls laughed in delight as Harry looked on. He dodged an incoming bludger and ascended on his broom, gaining a birds-eye view of the whole pitch. Whenever he felt like it, he played the role of an interfering seeker, helping all his chasers score. Shafiq's team also got a few, but not enough, not even close.
The score was 330-80, and Harry thought that it was enough. With another grin, he winked at Cho who blushed once again, before rocketing past her. She tried to follow, but it was all in vain as his fingers closed around the elusive golden ball.
The sixth-year Hufflepuff blew his whistle, signalling the end of the game as they beat their opponents 480-80 – a total humiliation.
The other team took their loss as gracefully as expected. Smith frothed at the mouth while Corner frowned. Shafiq could only smile helplessly as he looked at the figure of Harry Potter being hugged by his three chasers.
'Lucky Bastard,' he thought with a grin as he walked over to the dressing room for a quick shower along with his team.
Harry laughed as he was toppled over by the three overexcited girls. He didn't even know who grabbed his face and kissed him firmly. However, given the fact that he felt three different lips on his, it was quite apparent that all the girls had taken turns. Not that Harry minded.
"Alright, alright. I get it. You had a lot of fun and you're all very happy. Can we get up now?"
"Having fun, Potter?"
Harry looked up and saw the beautiful visage of Daphne Greengrass as she came into view. Her eyes were looking at him with a curious gaze and he found himself slightly entranced. He shook his head and chuckled.
"Can't say I'm not," he remarked, looking at the three girls who were slowly standing up before pushing himself onto his feet. He patted his back to get as much dirt out as he could, shrugging when it didn't help much.
"Are you a wizard or not?" Daphne remarked with a huff as she waved her wand, and all the dirt and dust crumbled away.
"Nice. Thanks, Daphne," he smiled.
"Daphne? Quite forward of you, Mr Potter," she teased as Harry shrugged.
"Why waste time when you don't need to?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, his eyes issuing her a silent challenge.
"Okay, you two can flirt when we're not here," Astoria butted in, grabbing Tracey and Katie by their hands and dragging them away to the dressing room.
Harry and Daphne looked on as they vanished inside, before turning to look at each other.
"You wanna go on that ride right now?" He asked with a smile. Daphne stared at him.
"Potter, you really need to work on your speaking skills."
Harry chuckled.
"Still going with Potter? Call me Harry," he smiled, before taking a step forward. "So, what do you say? Wanna ride?"
"Some other time, never if I can help it. Now go and take a shower. You stink."
Harry looked at her scrunching her nose and grinned.
"Alright then, see you around," he smiled as he swung his Firebolt over his shoulder and walked off towards the dressing room.
Daphne stared at his retreating figure for a moment before she sighed and looked away.
Harry entered the men's partition of the dressing room and stripped off his sweaty clothes. All the other guys had already taken shower and gone back to school, leaving him as the sole occupant of the men's dressing room. He could hear the girls on the other side of the wall and shook his head. Those girls were something.
He turned the shower on and hopped in, sighing as the cold water cascaded down his muscular frame. He lathered his palms with the soapy liquid on the rack before rubbing it all over his body. The fragrance of the soap wafted with calmness as Harry breathed deeply and closed his eyes.
He was rubbing his hands over his toned chest, cleaning all the grime and sweat away when he felt a pair of hands, not his own, rubbing his chest. The softness of flesh that could only be a pair of bountiful tits against his back clued him in further.
"So," he heard her whisper in his ear, "am I really that innocent?"
He chuckled.
"Now I know you're not," he replied, turning around and coming face to face with none other than his teammate, naked as the day she was born, only significantly grown up. As he looked down at her heaving tits, he reaffirmed his previous observation. Very significantly grown up.
"And what do you think you're doing?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her naked and wet body flush against his own naked and wet frame.
"What does it look like?" She whispered, looking up at him through hooded eyes. Her brown hair clung to her scalp, tresses clinging to her cheek and shoulders as cold water cascaded down her curvy frame. He stared at her peaks and how water dripped off the tips in rivulets, before looking back at her sexy visage. Damn, he was hooked!
"Well then, if that's what you want, I'd be the biggest moron in the world to refuse," he smirked and cupped her naked rear. Katie grinned and jumped as he lifted her, and wrapped her legs around his waist, his semi-hard cock grinding against her bare centre as their lips met in a frenzied kiss.
Katie moaned as she felt his fingers probing her damp cunt. She felt him parting her pussy lips and swiftly inserted a finger inside her.
"Shit," she whispered against his lips as he inserted another finger inside her and started moving them around, probing from within.
"And who told you to pull away?" He grinned, and Katie could only moan as he plunged his tongue roughly inside her mouth. He gave no quarter, his tongue exploring her entire mouth as his fingers explored her entire pussy.
Never had she thought she would feel like this – this utter bliss, euphoria, ecstasy, and every other adjective of abject pleasure mixed in, and she had not even had his rock-hard prick inside her. She shuddered simply at the thought of that.
Katie groaned when Harry pulled back from the kiss and she raised her head to look at him. He was smirking as he fingered her pussy, and she was so far down that she could do nothing but hold on to his shoulders. Her back was pressed against the cold wall of the shower and she looked around. They were almost in the open, with only a long wall separating them from the other side where the other girls were showering. The thrill of being caught mid-act sent another wave of pleasure through her.
"Tell me what you want, Kitty," Harry whispered against her lips. His fingers never ceased their movement as Katie shivered under the cold water.
"I want you to fuck me," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of water splashing against the floor.
"What was that, Kitty? I didn't hear you," the bastard smirked, and Katie glared at him.
"I said, fuck me, you asshole!"
Harry grinned and grabbed his cock, now rock-hard, and ready. He lined it up against her gushing cunt, and pushed forward. With a pop, the head slipped inside her, stretching her wider than she'd ever been stretched, and Katie held on for dear life. Without wasting a moment, Harry pushed further, slowly stretching her pussy walls to accommodate his girth.
Katie panted as she felt him bury his cock inside her. Fuck, but she'd never been penetrated this deep before. She had only had her toys to play with, but she'd never dared to conjure anything that might be remotely frightening in length or girth. Just how big was he?
"I'm halfway," he replied as if he'd read her mind, and Katie looked at him incredulously.
"What!? You're already tearing me in half, and you're only halfway in!?"
Harry grinned.
"Don't be overdramatic. Hermione took it all in and didn't complain so much," he grunted and pushed further inside her. Katie hissed.
"You fucked Hermione!? When?"
Harry sighed.
"Can we talk about her later? I'd rather focus on you right now."
Katie nodded, slightly abashed, but happy that he wanted to give her his full attention. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as Harry held her ass firmly and pressed her against the wall, his cock sliding out of her before pushing in, a little bit further with each thrust.
Katie's moans were loud, and he was sure the other girls could hear what was going on, but he found he didn't care. Not one bit. Slowly, but steadily, Katie's pussy gave way to his cock and as Harry continued to slide in and out of her, his cock buried even further than before until he was buried to the hilt inside her.
"Ohhhhhh fuccckkkkk!" Katie cried out in pleasure as she shivered on his cock, and Harry groaned as his cock was squeezed by her intensely tight pussy.
"Merlin, you're so fucking deep inside me! Fuck!" Katie cried.
"Damn Kitty, you're so fucking tight, fuck!"
Fully inside her, Harry started to move and slowly fuck her. Katie wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her bountiful tits against his face, and Harry nuzzled her cleavage before taking her nipple inside his mouth.
"Merlin yes! Suck them, baby," Katie groaned as Harry continued to move her ass on his cock, his member sliding in and out of her. Slowly, Harry pulled back and with one mighty thrust, slammed his raging hot prick roughly inside her. Katie almost cried out before biting his shoulder to muffle her voice as Harry continued to pick up the pace and started drilling inside her.
Only a few metres behind them, a pair of brunette ladies were looking on, their bodies naked and their fingers playing with their pussies.
"Merlin, he's huge," Tracey whispered as she stared at Harry's cock moving in and out of Katie's pussy. It was massive, and she wondered just how it managed to fit inside Katie's tight cunt.
"Lucky bitch," Astoria muttered as she played with her folds with one hand, the other fondling her bare tits as she stared at the display of sheer eroticism in front of her.
The girls had been with Katie inside the shower when they heard Harry come in, and barely a minute later, Katie had left. It didn't take a genius to figure out what the older girl's intention was, and they exchanged one look before following close behind. Safe to say, they had not been disappointed in the slightest.
"Tori, Trace, what the hell!"
They turned around in shock and came face to face with none other than Daphne Greengrass. Clad in her casual attire, Daphne looked at their naked bodies with wide eyes. While it was not unusual to see them naked since they had glimpses of each other over the years, it was shocking to see them in such a state of undress and playing with themselves in such a public place where anyone could come in at any time and see them.
She heard a loud cry and stood up straight in alarm. Without waiting for the two or bothering to ask for any explanation as to why they were in such a state, Daphne bolted straight ahead and crossed the wall.
The scene she was met with sent her reeling. Her eyes took in what was going on, and she could do nothing but stare with her eyes wide open and her body frozen in what could only be an abject shock. She didn't even notice Tori and Trace come up to her, or their hands as they wandered all over their bodies, playing with and fondling themselves. All she could see was the back of none other than Harry Potter as he mercilessly pounded into Katie Bell, who shook over him with her face buried in his shoulder to muffle her cries as best as she could.
"Fuck Kitty, here it comes," Daphne heard Potter grunt, and she jolted as Katie cried out in pleasure as she shivered violently on his cock. He saw how his balls seemed to tighten before he thrust harshly and kept still.
Katie's cry was enough to bring her back to her senses, and without any further thought, she grabbed Trace and Tori by their arms and dragged them back to the women's section of the dressing room.
"Clean yourselves up and get back to the common room. Anyone could see you here."
That was all she said, and she quickly exited the dressing room and walked back towards the school. However, try as she might, she failed to get rid of the image of Harry Potter's large cock as it ploughed Katie's pussy without mercy. She couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to be with him like that, to give herself to him and be at his tender mercies. Her mind wandered to places previously unknown to it, exploring possibilities and she felt her knickers getting damp.
The moment she saw the girls' bathroom on the ground floor, she bolted straight in. Ignoring the other girls, she entered an empty stall, shut the door behind her, and cast a multitude of privacy and silencing charms before giving in.
Her top came undone, her lace bra fell to the floor, and her knickers dangled along her long legs as she bunched her skirt up to her waist. Unbidden, the image of Harry, naked for her, came into her mind and she started rubbing her clit. Soft moans of Harry's name left her lips, her mind conjuring the image of the man fucking her as he wanted, as she inserted a couple of fingers inside her damp pussy, her hand playing with her tits and rolling her nipples.
It didn't take long for her to come undone, and Daphne panted as she realized what she had just done. However, above that, the realization that she was sexually attracted to Harry Potter, the man who was forbidden in Slytherin, sent a thrum of pleasure straight into her core. The almost taboo nature of their union stimulated her in ways unknown, and as she thought about it, she realized the same held for Trace and Tori as well.
Slowly, a small smile came over Daphne's face. After all, it was public knowledge that Harry held the lordships of Potter, Black and Peverell. Yes, that could work. Though only if Harry wanted. Still, she had to try. He was a good person, one she could easily imagine spending her life with, and if the sex would be as good as she had seen, then she knew she would live a very happy life with him.
Yes. She had to try at the very least. After all, you missed all the chances you didn't take.
To be continued…
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