
beyond the present

Having been caught in a life of three worlds apart, Dracel finds her way in a life she does not propose but was born into as she's set to find her purpose and reason why she's been targeted she discovers more to herself, her abilities and decision will make a change on the world. changing from been a forbidden one in the realms of the high ones to the relevant one there's no life without struggle, but will there be life without blood shed for her.... living to be provoked and push could turn an angel to the devil himself. let each words lead you through the anger and love that the main character goes through.

chiroyalty · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

somewhere in no where

Having run a hundred miles away from the people of the town, Dracel stopped for her sister to catch her breath, she had noticed the presence of those looking for her and she made everything quick because it would be hard to get out of their hands like the last event that happened.

I'm....I'm exhausted Bella cried, her sister had carried her along the run but she felt like she was going to blow up from much breeze.

How do you manage to run that fast, she asked after catching her breath.

There's no time to talk, we just have to keep going! Dracel shouted.

We're going no where, there's no where we're going that would be safe, it's either we run into the hands of robbers or they will come after us.

Dracel inhaled deeply. Bella can you trust me, we have to keep moving, it's better to run than get killed by those shameless people.

But there's no way out of here, I'm scared, she said with a shaky voice.

She held Bella's hand and squeezed it lovingly, you just have to trust me, we will get out of here, it's not safe I know but we can go somewhere safe.

What are you doing? Bella asked as Dracel bent down.

Let me carry you on my back, it will be easier and faster.

Your eyes, she stammered.

What about them?

They are red, Bella said as fear had crept all over her body, the incident in the brothel crept into her brain.

Without hesitation Dracel flung her to her back and ran with the speed of light, she had already begin to sense them that they were close.

Close your eyes Bella, close your eyes and you won't feel tired or scared. Bella obediently did as her sister said and grabbed her dress tightly.

The gush of wind that came made her sight blurry, she hid her face in her sisters back. In a short time she felt water drops touching her skin, she opened her eyes and saw a heavy down pour from the sky but they were only touched by few drops, fear gripped her and she slipped from Dracel's back but Dracel was quick to pull her.

I told you to close your eyes! Dracel yelled in anger as she made a stop, she inhaled deeply and lifted her eyes to the sky, thunder struck across the sky and for some reasons she felt like howling to the sky but restrained herself from doing such.

There's a a town not too far from here, she said as she carried her little sister who was sobbing into her arms and carresed her wet hair gently.

Don't cry, we will be there soon, don't cry, she said using her hand and body to try wedge the rain from her. This time they didn't run but they walked with Bella in Dracel's arm, they got to a small shade coming from a farm house and they went in.

Anyone here, Bella said with a shaky voice as a result from the cold.

No one's here, Dracel said and opened the door revealing a stable which was empty, she ushered her sister in and made her sit on a dusty chair, from the appearance of it, the stable has been abandoned for a very long time and the roof were leaking.

There was silence between the both of them as they didn't know what to say to each other, the rain was the only disturbing sound outside and the leakage from the roof. In a short time of silence rumbling sound came from Bella's tummy.

I've not eaten since last night, she said embarrassed.

I'll find you something to eat when the rain goes down, Dracel said.

I didn't kill that man, I really didn't kill him, I just saw it on my hands, she said admist the rain.

I believe you, Dracel said I saw it all, you didn't do it, she felt a deep guilt within her but at the same time was convincing herself she did the right thing.

They will call me a killer, I don't want to be hunted by ghosts, she cried out and broke down in tears.

Dracel again wrapped her in her hands, you will not see ghost, he was a bad person, he deserved what happened to him ok.

But, but....

No buts, you should have no regrets, besides if something like this had not happened to him maybe you would have been in his position.

Bella calmed down and stopped sobbing, she was cold and shaky, making Dracel to start worrying.

Hold on ok, I'll find somewhere safe for us, when the rain goes down I'll find us somewhere safe.

After her statement the rain worsened and heavy wind hit the farm house making the leakages in the roof to extend, thunder started rumbling like the sky was in a deadly mood, Bella hid her head in her sister's body as she was afraid of the thunder.

Dracel sighed in frustration and carresed her sisters head, immediately she fell into a trance with a loud gasp escaping her mouth, she saw blood, she saw people scream in fire and pain and mocking laughter coming from people, lastly she saw the man with red hair with a wide grin on his face.

Are...are you ok, Bella asked within gnashing teeth as she had noticed her sister went off.

Dracel started panting, two different visions in one day, she questioned herself, when ever she saw that red haired guy she knew her life was at stake. Fear gripped her and she knew they were not safe at their resting place.

We have to leave, Dracel said holding up her sister.

But....but .the rain...

It won't be a problem, we can't stay here, it's not safe.

I feel like I am going to pass out, Bella said weakly but was ignored by Dracel.

Dracel held Bella in her hand firmly, she couldn't bear the thought of loosing her younger sister like she had lost her friend, she started running, though the thunder and wind didn't bother her but it affected her sister that she started jerking in her arms.

Bella, she called, hold on, hold on for me, she said folding her hand in her palm, the rain didn't look like it would stop anytime, it just continued pouring on them to an extent Dracel could barely see that she had to slow down her pace. In a few minutes she felt her sister loosing hold of her hand.

Bella, she called but there was no answer, a deafning thunder followed the call and Dracel fell down losing her standing posture, she sat on the mud water and held her sister close to her chest, she couldn't imagine something negative happening to her, she began to panick.

No no, no you have to stay with me, stay with me Bella, she cried as she started rubbing her palms to stop them from getting cold.

Come on, come on! She shouted screamed to the sky in frustration. The water level on the ground she sat had covered her leg and part of her sister's body, she got up panicking and tried concentrating to see if she was close to any home, luckily for her she was just a mile away from a small settling, she walked as fast as she could because the water was getting high due to the down pour.

Finally, she said as she finally got to a door.