
beyond the present

Having been caught in a life of three worlds apart, Dracel finds her way in a life she does not propose but was born into as she's set to find her purpose and reason why she's been targeted she discovers more to herself, her abilities and decision will make a change on the world. changing from been a forbidden one in the realms of the high ones to the relevant one there's no life without struggle, but will there be life without blood shed for her.... living to be provoked and push could turn an angel to the devil himself. let each words lead you through the anger and love that the main character goes through.

chiroyalty · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Pain of rejection

They shouldn't be far from here, a man in black said.

This plan is stupid! The red haired man cursed, they were all drained in the rain and it wasn't ready to stop.

And we can't go home without her right? If she's so powerful why does she keep running like a wild animal? Another complained.

Everyone retreat, the rain won't make her push forward, the red haired man said.


After knocking for several minutes, someone came to the door hole to look, after observing for some seconds, the door opened with a woman standing by the door.

Dracel fell on her knees, lifting her sister above the water with her eyes looking straight to the woman's eyes.

Come in, the lady said with a surprised face.

Dracel got up and entered into the house, the wind was forcing the door to stay opened but she pushed it closed with a hand and stood by the entrance. The lady looked at her from her head to her toes, the girl she held on her hand looked like one who was dead, fear gripped her but she maintained her composure and walked inside to bring new clothes for the girls.

She gave them a towel and clothes to change up, the other girl was not moving and she could see that her sister was trying to warm her up with little whispers coming out of her mouth.

Please help me, Dracel whispered with sorrow in her voice.

The lady was confused, she carried bella and took her to the fire place to warm her up, she went to the kitchen to get warm water as she had noticed her teeth were jammed together. She felt her pulse and saw that she still had life, she raised her head and opened her lips and put the water gently and some poured out while some went in her mouth. She turned to the door to see Dracel frozen in fear, she still had not changed into the dried clothes.

You might catch a fever if you keep standing that way, the lady said and continued attending to Bella. She got up and went to prepare a hot bath for Bella, she didn't know what to do as she had no idea of what was wrong but she knew the girl had a cold. She came back to the sitting room and saw Dracel at the entrance but she was on her knees sobbing silently, still on her wet clothes.

The lady sighed, sadness filled her heart, she understood how she felt, it was the fear of loosing a loved one, a tear fell from her eyes, an old feeling came back which she didn't want to get again. She wiped her tears and inhaled deeply, after much work from keeping the kitchen fire awake, she had poured the large pot of water to a big bath bowl, she carried the girl and placed her into the water, though she had mixed it from becoming too hot so it won't burn her skin.

You should be strong by the time your sister wakes up, I won't be able to attend to the both of you if you eventually fall ill.

Dracel stopped sobbing and pulled off her clothes, she dried up her body and put on the dry clothes. Unlike girls her age they would want to change in a corner where their body were not seen because they were shy but it clearly showed that at this point she didn't care much about herself.

I've been in your shoes before, the woman said as she looked at the sad face Dracel was putting on. I used to have a sister, one I loved so much, she would take care of me like a mother, bath me up and put me to bed, despite us been scared of thunder sounds she still acted like a big sister and would calm me down, she was bold and courageous unlike me, but I failed to pay attention to her, I never knew she had caught a fever because I just wanted to be wrapped in her arms.

She paused and looked at Dracel and gave a smile which didn't reach up to her eyes. She's now In heaven, watching me, now all I can say is if only she were here.

You don't want that for your little sister, then come help me.

Dracel didn't hesitate and followed her to where Bella was been warmed up, it turns out the lady was a herbal healer, she was making a balm and needed Dracel to join her so the procedure could be fast.

I have been making this since morning I just wanted to check if my windows were not leaking because of the huge down pour before you knocked. That brings me to you, where are you from?

Dracel paused, she was thinking before she speak as she didn't want to be thrown out if the lady knew where she came from.

Listen dear, she said mashing up the leaves on her palm, I can't help you if I don't know where you are from, what if your parents starts finding you, I can take you back to them, that's one of the reasons I didn't think twice before helping you.

My parents are dead, she spoke for the first time.

The lady stopped what she was doing and had her eyes fixed on Dracel.

Since when? I mean... How long have the both of you been homeless like this? Don't you have any family members?

All dead, she said swallowing hard. We used to have a younger sibling but we can't find him.

The lady's jaw dropped as many things kept playing in her mind, she regained her composure and covered her tummy with her hand and then continued what she was doing.

You're pregnant? Dracel asked without looking up.

Are you guessing?

I know, I could hear the baby's heart beat when I got here and he seems to be in a very good position. If that is what you need this balm for then it's almost useless, a good lying posture would be better when you sleep to avoid back pain.

The lady looked at Dracel in awe, how could a girl like her know so much about pregnancy?

When my mum had my sister, Dracel continued, I used to be inquisitive, I wanted to be close to her every time, I used to reach out to her in my mother's tummy, that was how close we were. She sighed and took a look at Bella before continuing what she was doing.

There was a moment of silence between them till the balm was successfully made. The lady got up and carried Bella from the water which was now lukewarm, she applied the balm on Bella's body, her skin was no longer pail but was coming alive but she stopped at some point.

What happened to her, the lady asked looking at the bruises on Bella's body, who would do this to her?

Dracel gnashed her teeth as her hand turned into a fist, after few minutes of silence she spoke out.

She was abused, some men took advantage of her, I saw her when another one was about to do the same and we ran away, that's how we got stuck in the rain.

Poor things! The woman cried, it turned out that she was a very emotional person, why would anyone want to do such thing to a child, she's not even ripe for such activity, why are humans so heartless, she cried loudly.

Were...were you bruised too, she stammered with tears running down her eyes.

Dracel Shaked her head in disaproval but the lady got up and went to cry at a corner. She looked at her sister, there were both whipe and scratching bruises on her sisters body which made the fury inside her increase.

I'm sorry, she said to the sleeping Bella as she sobbed, I'm sorry she said, I don't even know how our brother is doing out there, mom and dad I'm very sorry for dissapointing she cried.

As her hand applied balm on her sisters body, she remembered Rapheal's face and froze, she remembered the pain in his eyes as he felt betrayed by her, she held her heart and sobbed even more and all she kept saying was sorry.