
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Tranh châm biếm
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Vs Superman Part 1

April 30th, 1998

General POV

Skreech! Skreech! Skreech!

The Parademons went into a panicked frenzy at the disappearance of their leader. They looked around for a while before they turned their attention back to the crowd. A leader among them screamed, pointing his weapon. It was clear to everyone there they were about to start their attack. The crowd below screamed in fear when two loud explosions went off right in the middle of the Parademon's army.

Kaboom! Kaboom!

Batman had arrived in his Batwing with Supergirl right behind him. Kara was heartbroken at seeing how her cousin's mind was corrupted. She wanted to rush over the moment she saw him, but Batman had reminded her to stick to the plan they made.

"I'll make you pay for what you did to Kal!" Kara yelled in fury.


Kara created a sonic boom as she rocketed into the Parademons. As she shredded through them, she fired her heat vision as hard as she could. Her blast sliced through hundreds at once. The Parademons roared angrily and focused the rest of their army on her.

"Bring it on!" Kara said as she charged once again at them fearlessly. In the Batwing, Batman shook his head.

'She completely forgot the plan was for me to draw their attention and for her to help evacuate civilians. At least most of their attention is on her and not the civilians.' Batman thought before deciding to see how the other cities were fairing.

"Testing. This is Batman. Myself and Supergirl have most of the Parademons in Metropolis focused on us. What's the situation in each of your cities?" Batman questioned.

"Batman! Sir, I'm a huge fan. The way you fight crime without any powers is nothing short of remarkable. I can't wait to tell my dad about this next time I see him." A voice called out with Glee.

"Flash, now's not the time. I'm Green Arrow. We are doing okay in Central City. We've isolated most of them downtown. A.R.G.U.S. just arrived and is giving us some much-needed backup." Green Arrow explained.

"Stewart here. They're attacking the military base at Coast City. I'm currently holding them off, but I need backup. Hal, do you read me. How far out are you?" John called out.

"Hello, do you copy? I'm about to enter Earth's atmosphere. I should be home in about 10 minutes." Hal said back to him.

"Anyone copy at the Capital?" Batman asked, seeing that they were the only ones yet to respond.

"Yeah, we're here a little busy at the moment. Zio, you got em lined up yet? I can't hang from this monument forever." A rough voice said.

"I'm a minute out, my friend. Good day to everyone else. It's an honor to fight among you. I am Zio of the Brotherhood. We will be finished with all the Parademons at the capital shortly. My brother Creed's Guardians should show up any moment to assist each of you. Also, I suggest everyone use lethal force. I know you usually refrain from doing so, but these creatures have no souls. They are husks from species that Darkseid has already conquered. Once they are turned into Parademons, their minds are corrupted only to kill and obey the will of Apokolips. Nothing can turn them back. Death would be a mercy for them." Zio explained.

"I can only speak for myself, but I won't be killing anyone today," Flash said before refocusing on fighting. He didn't want to dwell on the new info he had learned.

"Suit yourself. It was only a suggestion. When we are finished here, we will join you in each of your cities." Zio said, not minding what Flash said.

"Won't it take hours for you to reach any of us?" Black Canary chimed in for the first time as she took a slight breather. Her throat was hurting from all the screaming she had done.

"He has his ways. Oh, you're finally here and you brought our friends with you. I can finally let loose all this power I've been charging." The rough voice sounded out with happiness.

"I never did catch your name friend." Green Arrow asked. He was the only one in the channel that was utterly unknown. Even Zio had become somewhat known in the Hero community after infiltrating the White House and helping with the comet.

"Oh yeah, Creed mentioned that I needed a hero name. What did Zeke say they used to call me? The Hero of New Marais or Patron Saint. Naw, those are too long. I think I'll go with Infamous, but I wouldn't say I like going by my alias with people I work with. Creed did say everyone in this call is trustworthy, and I trust him. My names Cole. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." Cole MacGrath said, standing on top of the Washington Monument. The entire army of Parademons was less than a mile away, following Zio. He nodded at Cole and disappeared. While the Parademons were shocked, Cole jumped off the monument, flying straight at them. He had lightning crackling in his hands.

Whoom! Krackoom!

Cole fired off his signature Ionic Vortex(Lightning Tornado) and followed it up with an Ionic Storm(Lightning Storm). The two massive attacks devastated the Parademons. They screamed as a crackling storm ripped them to shreds. Cole hovered, firing off more Lightning missiles at anyone who tried to escape. When he was done, nothing was left of the Parademons. All that remained was a man hovering effortlessly in a lightning storm. The man grinned, marveling at being able to use his full power for once.

At the Nevada Nuclear Testing Site, three figures arrived. The moment they landed, Creed used Hidden Mist Jutsu to create a fog, and Omni apparated(teleported them away). Superman used his super-vision to see that they teleported to the empty town two miles away.

"You won't get away from me." He growled, but two giant robotic hands sprung from the ground before he could take off. As they began to hold his feet, three more humanoid tank-like robots(Anthem Colossus Javelin) jumped from the ground, holding him in place. Superman's eyes lit up in fury at their interference.

"You think these toys can hold me, the son of Darkseid?" Superman roared in rage, firing off his heat vision. Before he could do damage, three clones of Creed appeared in the sky. They each used the force to hold him down. Superman screamed in agony, firing off his heat vision at the clones. The force blocked the heat vision but was quickly losing ground in the battle between the powers.

Creed and Omni were watching all this on the monitor in the empty Doomsday town nearby. They were coming up with a plan to take Superman down.

"We've bought ourselves a minute or two at most. Jarvis, have you finished analyzing his armor?' Omni asked.

"The armor is made of an unknown alloy. It should be on par with the Mark 3 and the Javelins based on current readings. The armor also appears to be blocking out all forms of radiation." Jarvis explained.

"Telepathy is also a no-go with that helmet on his head. We'll go with plan A. Oh Shit!" Creed yelled as he grabbed Omni, blocking the oncoming Superman attack with a barrier. He had thrown the broken scraps of the robots. He had fought at them with full strength.


"Ughhhh," Creed and Omni groaned as they crawled out of the destroyed house they had been hiding in. Superman, under his mask, smirked. His eyes glowed menacingly as he shot off to finish them off.

"Boss, he'll be on you in 30 seconds!" Friday warned them.

"Template!" Creed and Omni said together. Creed transformed into a black Jedi robe and summoned the full might of the force. Stopping Superman's fist that was about to split him in two.


"Ahhh, I can't hold it. Do it now!" Creed screamed as blood flew down his nose.

"Crucio." Omni cursed the man of steel after turning into a wizard.


A streak of green lightning hit Superman. He began to scream in agony. Nothing he had ever felt hurt as bad as this attack. The pain was worse than any amount of kryptonite he had ever felt.

"I'll kill you! I swear it!" Superman yelled in pain, his heat vision firing hotter than ever before. Creed then used the force and blasted him away. At the same time, Omni summoned ten more javelins to fight with them.

"We only pissed him off. Jarvis, how long do we have to hold out if plan A fails?" Creed asked, taking out his light saber.

"It will be at least 30 minutes for either plan B or C reinforcements to arrive, sir," Jarvis said solemnly. Omni's eyes flashed at that answer. He looked up at the sky and sighed. He looked over and saw Superman was on his way back.

"Is this how Tony felt up against Thanos?" Omni asked with a dire laugh.

"Actually, our situation is arguably worse," Creed said, shaking his head. They had to survive against a Bloodlusted Superman with way less help than Tony had on Titan.


Superman landed in front of them once again. His rage for them was easy to see, even without seeing his face. Neither side said anything and charged at each other. Two Colossus Javelins were the first to reach Superman.


Superman immediately blew them back but created an opening for the rest of them. Superman was about to throw another punch when he felt dizzy. Omni had hit him again with a Stupefy spell. He quickly regained his senses only to notice Creed had closed in on him with his green lightsaber.

"Hinokami Kagura Dance." Creed said in a low, cold voice as he slashed at him. Superman malevolently smiled under his mask. He has seen through this attack and reached out to grab Creed's arm. He was about to crush him when he saw a smile under his hood.


"Petrificus Totalus!" Omni yelled at the dazed Superman, who was trying to comprehend how Creed disappeared. This strange spell sealed his movement for the moment. He was trying to break free when he heard a sonic boom above him with his Super Hearing.


"Hinokami Kagura Clear Blue Sky!" Creed yelled, slicing Superman in the back.


"You'll pay for that," Superman roared, breaking free from the spell and firing off his heat vision. Before it could hit Creed, Omni appeared by his side, apparating them a short distance away. Superman was furious, but he didn't give chase this time. His eyes narrowed as he felt lingering pain from his back.

"Kryptonite. The one thing Father said could hurt me on this backwater planet." Superman growled.

"Courtesy of Bats," Creed said as he ended his Total Concentration Breathing and 6th gate of Joy. He had to use these powers sparingly in this fight. Stamina was vital in this battle of attrition.

"He'll die after I'm finished with you," Superman swore, charging at them once more.