
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Vs Superman Part 2

April 30th, 1998

General POV 

Kaboom! Kaboom! 

Hal Jordan fired off green hard-light rockets at the Parademon army in front of the base. He made a giant boxing glove, punching part of the army back. Once the pressure was off him, he flew down to reinforce the barrier John had made blocking the base. 

"I'm home for the first time in three years and still dealing with alien invasions. Ever since you joined John, things have gone to shit." Hal complained jokingly.

"Yeah, sure. It's totally my fault that the moment I joined Sinestro betrayed the core. Better yet, I planned this invasion as a welcoming gift for you. How do you like my present?" John joked back with a pained smile. It was tough for him to hold a barrier blocking the entire base. Before they continued their conversation, small cracks began to form on the barrier. 

"Not good. This is Hal. We could use that reinforcement right about now." Hal called out on comms before helping John hold them off. 

"Help is on the way." A friendly female voice called out to them. 

"Felicity?" Oliver asked, firing off another arrow. 

"Now's not the time. Green Arrow, someone else is also about to arrive in your city. Flash, see if you can get them to follow you outside the city. He'll be able to destroy them all in one strike if you can." Felicity explained. 

"Ok, I'm on it," Flash said, running off to get the army's attention. Back at the military base, a figure landed right in front of the Lanterns barrier. He was dressed in all-black robes with a black hood. He reached into the sides of his robe and threw out two items with superhuman speed. 

Woom! Woom!

Red and Blue Lights flashed into the army. Everywhere they touched, a Parademon was sliced in half. Some tried to dodge, but the lights seemed to follow them without fail. Less than half of the army was left when the lights returned to the man. He then opened his hand towards what was left of the Parademons and made a crushing motion. 


Another half of them fell. Their next snapped by some invisible force. Hal and John were shocked. Not because of the display of power, they could easily do the same if they weren't focused on defending the civilians that relocated at the base. They were shocked at how the man ended the Parademons. Hal then recalled what Zio had said earlier about their true nature. He shook his head and was about to thank the stranger for helping them when he called out to them. 

"I leave the rest to you." The man in black said, taking a massive leap in the air. Out of nowhere, a small futuristic plane came out of the clouds. He landed on it, and they took off. 

"Did we just get saved by a Jedi?" Hal asked, half-jokingly and half-serious. 

"What is this world coming to? Come on, let's finish the rest of them off," John said, making more hard-light constructs. 

In Central City, the Flash had most of the army hot on his tail. He zig-zagged out of the way from the blaster fire that was coming behind him. He saw a young boy hiding in a corner of a collapsed building and grabbed him. 

"Flash to the team. I have most of them on me now. So I could use that assist now. GA, I'm dropping a kid off on 47th & McNab in a bush by the fountain. He needs medical attention." Flash explained, dropping him off before racing off with the Parademons still after him. 

"I got it. I'm closer." Black Canary replied before using her sonic scream on some Parademons.

"Speedster, take them out on the water by the docks. Felicity, have our people taken care of everyone else in the vicinity?" a suave voice asked. 

"Our people? You joined them?" Green Arrow questioned as he fired off more arrows.

"We'll talk about this at the cave later. Everyone has been evacuated. We're good to go." Felicity calmly confirmed. 

"Guys I'm in position!" Flash yelled, running across the water. He was about to call out again when he saw a massive light flash in the sky above. 

"Thank you, Speedster. I'll take it from here. Run as fast as you can to escape the blast." The suave voice said. 

From the sky, a massive blue thunderbolt came down. It destroyed everything in its path as if Zeus himself came down from the heavens to smite the Parademon army.


'Holy Shit, ' Flash thought, looking at the blast before running at his fastest speed to escape the city-wide blast. He barely escaped back to the city when he saw part of the docks collapse. The shockwave from the attack had knocked most of the containers over. He looked up and barely made out a blue dot in the sky. Just as he looked over, it flew away.

"Felicity, I want in on this meeting at the cave. These new friends of yours sure are powerful." Flash said, looking at the aftermath of the attack. He shook his head before speeding back to help find anyone else who was injured. 

Around the same time, the Guardians were standing at the ready in a massive jet. Each was decked out in black N-7 armor(Mass Effect) but with a new logo. The logo had a G inside of a shield. Price stood in front of them and gave a quick speech. 

"Alright, gents, you know what time it is. We have been preparing for three years for a day like this. New world, new enemies, but we still have the same mission. Protect and Serve. Let's give em hell, boys. Who are we?" Captain Price yelled. 

"Guardians!" The Guardians yelled back to him together.

"What do we do?" Price asked even louder. 

"Protect the world and Defend the Universe!" The Guardians screamed together while giving a salute. Price smiled as the hangar to the ship dropped. They all jumped out together and started blasting the Parademons below. 

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The shots and explosions of powers went off as the Guardians started slaughtering the army. A small contingent then broke off, going to help civilians needing medical attention. Kara and Batman looked over in shock at the massive army of super soldiers that seemed to have come out of nowhere. Price flew over to them.

"Who are you guys?" Kara asked, taking a much-needed breather. 

"Creed's Guardians, I presume," Batman said. Sure, that's who they were. 

"Captain Price of the Guardians. We're here to help." Price said with a grin before they all went to finish off the Parademons. 


I wanted to post the final part of the battle with Superman altogether, but It still needs to be edited. I'll do my best to post as soon as it's done will probably be a longer chapter with everything it will cover. Please leave a review!

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