
Between love and power

Olivia is a powerful warrior princess of the Lotus Kingdom. The kingdom she lives in is under constant attack by the enemy kingdom, the kingdom of Regia, which has been trying for years to take possession of the Lotus kingdom by killing its rulers, King Octus and Queen Olga, Olivia's parents. Enveloped by the feeling of revenge for the murder of his wife and Queen of Regia, Edna, King Ectos is willing to avenge his wife, using any and all means to do so. However, the princes and princesses of Lotus will not surrender without a fight. Amidst the chaos, Olivia tries to balance her romance with the charming soldier Hero and her attempt to protect her kingdom against the enemy's attacks. However, is love and war worth anything? Romance, magic, supernatural powers, and epic battles await you in this fantasy trilogy with a dash of passion.

bruna_souza · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

A daring plan

Victoria called out to me with her gaze, those sky blue eyes reflecting the same feeling I have in my heart for her, hatred. I approached her quickly, whatever she had to tell me, I wanted her to tell me right away.

- So it's not only the slant-eyed soldier who gets you tangled up in the dry leaves of the forest, isn't it? - she said, her voice sharp.

- What are you talking about, you wretch? - I clenched my fists hard to avoid punching her.

- You think I don't know what you do at midnight? You think I don't know about you and the soldier? - she whispers in my ear as she walks around me.

- You don't know anything, Victoria. I suggest you stay out of my way, you and your family are the scum of our kingdom, you should all be banished from our lands, false, envious, traitors. - I say, very close to your face.

- You... - before she could use her power against me, I had already disappeared from her face and reappeared right behind her.

- I think you need more training, Victoria. Ask your mother for help. - I say, before disappearing again.


On the way home, I had an idea that could help us find out who was the traitor among us, and Liana would help us. With her ability to hear any sound from miles away, we could very well watch Victoria's house and listen to everything that was said, but first I needed to convince Liana to help me, and I would count on the help of my dear brother for that.

Oliver was in his room, scribbling in his secret journal, when I entered without knocking. He quickly closed the notebook, hiding it under his pillow.

- You know that I could take this diary if I wanted to, don't you? - I approach his bed and lie down on my back beside him.

- Yes, I know, but then I would have to torture you into giving it back to me. - I laugh.

- That would only be possible if you could reach me. - he laughs. - Why do I get the feeling you want something from me? - he turns his face to look at me.

- I need your help with something.

- It's nothing forbidden, is it? - he suspects.

- Sort of...

- Oh, Olivia...

- I just need you to help me convince Liana to help me with a plan.

Oliver sits up straight on the bed.

- And what plan is this? It can't be good, since you need my help to convince your friend.

- It's for the good of our kingdom, brother. You know that Liana can hear you from miles away, don't you? - I say, sitting down too.

- Everyone in the kingdom knows. - he says without patience. I suppress my irritation.

- I thought about using Liana's power to spy on the conversations in Virginia's house.

- And how would you do that?

- We will stay hidden, of course. I will be close by and will get us out of there at the slightest sign of any danger.

- There's a good chance that Victoria and her mother will freeze you forever if they catch you. - he worries.

- Don't mention this to Liana when you try to convince her. - I ask.

- Who says that I will try to convince her to do anything crazy?

- Because you, as much as I, want to find out who the traitor in our kingdom is, just for this, brother, and also...

- Also? - Oliver looks at me curiously.

- Nothing, forget it. Are you going to help me or not?

Oliver reflects for a while before answering:

- All right, I'll help you. But you're coming with me.

- Yes, I'm going, come on. - I stand up and pull him by the arm.

- Now?

- Of course, we can't waste any more time.

The ride to Liana's house didn't take much time, since Oliver forced me to use my power to get us there faster. He was anxious to see her, and thought he was fooling me, but I know him better than I know myself. Oliver was loving the idea of spending more time next to my friend.

Liana stood up stunned from the couch when she heard my idea of spying on Victoria and her family:

- Have you lost your mind, Olivia? - she said.

- That's what I told her. - intruded Oliver, whose cheeks were flushed just from being in the same environment as Liana.

- Be quiet, Oliver. Liana, this is the only way we can find out if someone from that hateful family is our traitor. - I said in a low voice so that Liana's parents wouldn't hear. - You also want to find out who it is, don't you?

- Of course I do, but it's too risky what you're proposing, and it's too dangerous too. - she sits down again, crossing her hands on her lap.

- Liana, I understand the fear you are feeling, but you possess an incredible power, a power that can help us find out who is working together with our worst enemy. - Liana smiles at Oliver. - I will be there with you, I can't leave two princesses alone. "I know," I think. - I will protect you. - she says at last.

- It will work out, my friend. We'll be careful, I assure you. - I take Liana's hands in mine and squeeze them.

- All right, I accept, let's do it. When do we start? - she says anxiously.

- Tomorrow at dusk, we'll be there.


Later in the castle...

- I didn't know you were willing to participate in the plan too. - I say to Oliver, while we have a delicious cup of tea in the kitchen.

- I couldn't let you two take risks alone, it could be dangerous, especially at night. - he shrugs.

- I'll pretend to believe that's all it is. - I laugh.

- What about you and Hero? - he changes the subject. - Were you able to get along?

- Hero and I love each other, we will always be able to get along.

- I don't even want to think about what might happen when our parents find out.

- Find out what? - we didn't even notice when my mother came quietly into the kitchen, with a shawl over her white sweater and an empty cup in her hands.

I need to think fast, I need to think fast, I need to think of something.