
Between love and power

Olivia is a powerful warrior princess of the Lotus Kingdom. The kingdom she lives in is under constant attack by the enemy kingdom, the kingdom of Regia, which has been trying for years to take possession of the Lotus kingdom by killing its rulers, King Octus and Queen Olga, Olivia's parents. Enveloped by the feeling of revenge for the murder of his wife and Queen of Regia, Edna, King Ectos is willing to avenge his wife, using any and all means to do so. However, the princes and princesses of Lotus will not surrender without a fight. Amidst the chaos, Olivia tries to balance her romance with the charming soldier Hero and her attempt to protect her kingdom against the enemy's attacks. However, is love and war worth anything? Romance, magic, supernatural powers, and epic battles await you in this fantasy trilogy with a dash of passion.

bruna_souza · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Camouflaged by darkness

- Still awake at this hour, Mom? - I disagreed.

- I'm the one who asks, what are you two doing up so late at night? - my mother put the cup on the sink and turned to us.

- We just talk and drink tea, and forget about the time. - Oliver shrugs.

- But you haven't answered my question, what can't your father and I find out? - by the gods!

- I didn't say you can't find out, Mom, I said I don't even want to see it when you find out. - Oh, thank you, brother, that was really helpful.

- And then? Find out what? - my mother asked impatiently. - Olivia?

I take a deep breath, trying to find a plausible answer.

- It's no big deal, Mom. I had a disagreement with Mariah this week, that's all. Oliver and I thought that you and Dad would be angry if you knew. - I said calmly. Oliver was watching me out of the corner of his eye.

- And what was the reason for the disagreement? - my mother wanted to know.

- It was my fault actually, she scolded me and I didn't like the tone in which she spoke to me, that's all. - I shrug.

- Well, I'll talk to her anyway, and it's about time we had a meeting with all the instructors. - she said, heading for the door.

- Mom, I don't think there is any need to talk to Mariah...

- It's okay, Oliva, your disagreement will be just one of the topics for the meeting. Good night, my children.

- Good night, Mom. - we reply.

After my mother left the kitchen, my brother and I remained silent for a few minutes, until I remembered that he almost gave away my secret to her, leaving me in an uncomfortable situation.

- Why didn't you just tell her everything if that's what you wanted? - I asked angrily.

Oliver played offended.

- I wasn't going to tell you anything, you crazy woman! I would never give away your secret, I was just teasing you, that's what brothers do. - he laughed nonchalantly.

- You petty, vile little prince. - he threw his head back and laughed.

- Stop it, I know you love me. - he said.

- Lucky for you it's true.


By nightfall the next night, Oliver, Liana and I were ready to put our plan into practice. When the big pendulum clock hanging in the main hall struck 10 pm, Oliver and I left after our parents had already retired to meet Liana near the birch trees, as agreed. The night was starry and warm, so there was no need to put a sweater over our shoulders. Oliver carried a torch in his hands to light the path ahead of us, after a few minutes of walking, we reached our destination. My friend was standing beside the trees, her gaze lit up when she met Oliver's, my brother smiled shyly at her.

- Good evening, Liana. - my brother kissed her hand in greeting.

The light coming from the burning flame of the torch that Oliver held, illuminated his face that was instantly flushed by the sensation of Oliver's lips on his skin.

- Good evening, Oliver. Shall we go then? I want to do it soon. - she said eagerly.

- Yes, let's go soon. - I said.

The three of us walked carefully through the forest of wild roses, Victoria's house was not far from here, and soon we saw the big wall that surrounded her large stone house.

- Do you think you can use your power from here? - I asked Liana.

- I think so. - she replied nervously.

- May the gods help us! Let's hope they can't sense our presence here. - said Oliver.

- Don't worry, these ice witches only possess the power of freezing, as you already know. - I say with irony.

- Shiii! Be quiet! - asked Liana. My friend tucked a strand of hair behind her ear to clear her hearing. - I hear it.

- What do you hear? - I asked anxiously.

- Shiii! Then I won't hear anything right. - she scolded.

Oliver and I stood motionless beside her, and after what seemed like forever, Liana finally broke the silence:

- They're talking about your parents.

- What are you talking about? - Oliver wanted to know.

- Virginia is telling her husband that the King and Queen's government is not efficient.

- Damned witch! - I cursed.

- Did you hear anything else, Liana? - asked my brother.

- All they are saying is bad things about the king and queen and about the disappearance of the villagers. Victoria said that at any moment one of her servants could be the kidnapped one.

- This wretch is only thinking of herself, who will brush her hair if her servant is kidnapped, right? - I say angrily.

- Olivia, I don't think there's any point in staying here any longer, they're not saying anything incriminating. - said Liana.

I sigh, thinking about it.

- Liana is right, sister, it is getting late. We can try again tomorrow. - said Oliver.

- All right, let's go.

- Will you accompany me to my house, please? - asks Liana.

- Of course I will. - Oliver offers her a broad smile.After dropping my friend off at her place, we head back to the castle. Upon arrival, we find Hero waiting for me outside, beside the gate.

- Is he crazy by any chance? - whispered my brother close to my ear.

- Only if it's for me, little brother. - I say maliciously.

- I'll wait for you inside. - Oliver warned, and walked past Hero without greeting him. My brother still hadn't forgiven Hero for making me cry the other day.

- What are you doing here? - I asked, holding out my hands to him, Hero held them out and brought them to his lips.

- I was dying to see my little princess. Where were you?

- Oliver and I were at Liana's house. - I lied. I was going to tell him about the plan, but not right now. - Since you've come all this way, why don't you give me a kiss?

- With pleasure.

Hero pressed my body against the castle wall at the same time that he lifted my legs, making me wrap them around his waist. His mouth met mine, our tongues danced together, in a breathtaking kiss. His strong, agile hands lifted the skirt of my dress to my waist, I quickly unbuttoned his pants and touched his already rigid member, Hero sighed with pleasure as he guided himself inside me, his mouth over mine muffled the moans I couldn't contain. My back ached from the contact with the hard stone wall, each thrust made my back slam against it even harder. Bathed in moonlight and hidden above the darkness of the night, we loved each other desperately.