

"GRAB THAT IDIOT!", Ordered the one that seemed to be the leader of the gang of thugs, before the order only two attended the call since the others were busy responding to the blows given by Takashi, Imamura and Morita. Saya was hidden behind a garbage can.

"RAPID, let's catch the fat one", exclaimed the thug with strong characteristics of dark hair, next to him, he was accompanied by a colleague of his but with drastic differences with respect to his physique.

Hirano, realizing they were going for him ... took his time to breathe and take a breath to concentrate on his shot ... he did his "calculations", claiming something like: time, distance, direction of the current of the air...

If that was an action movie ... Kohta Hirano was doing an excellent job as an actor.

"Full Calculation," he said in a relaxed voice and eventually executed his shot, hitting the muscular hoodlum in the face causing him to kneel and cover his face due to the instant pain.

"Nice Shot", he exclaimed proudly reciting the phrase in English, this was due to the fact that he was very fanatical about the cinema of action and wars that American cinema offered.

Eventually after his celebration, he took another stone and proceeded to place it in his spring, later he went back to doing his "calculations" and being the man looking almost weak only 10 meters executed his shot ... but the result was the opposite ... Hirano realized that his new objective was not strong in physical matters ... rather the idea that he was the type that thought things ... in other words ... unpredictable. The weakling, there was a somersault on the ground ... how the soldiers do it, managing to evade the projectile and later being fluid with his movements he continued running towards the Otaku boy of the weapons.

"Rays ... I ran out of stones", Hirano was very worried when he realized that his ammunition had run out.

"You do not run from this, you bloody hamburger addict!", He expressed annoyed and also mocking mentioning the fast food due to Kohta's physique ... later he continued to run but he looked at his partner and he also came running but covering the left side of his face a little bloody.

"Mother bitch ... I think I'll die a virgin," he shouted with some fear ... (Truth did not want to go to heaven without at least having used his "secret gun").

The two thugs managed to reach the tree, but seeing that Hirano was reluctant to go down ... between the two began to shake the tree to make the fearful boy lose balance.


Saya was impressed by Takashi's aggressive attitude, he had only dispatched two thugs while the blond and the redhead could barely contain their opponents. Morita had bad luck, since he was fighting the leader of the gang ... even though Morita was fighting in the same way with a baseball bat ... he did not count on the leader wearing steel knuckles ( in both hands) ... in a blunder of the blonde ... he left his face exposed.

"Die," the leader shouted forcefully, hoping to connect a good hook to Morita.

Morita closed her eyes for fear of pain and just waited to feel the impact.

"Ahhh," the leader shouted in pain.

Morita opened his eyes hoping to find out why he never felt the blow ... and right there was the answer ... the leader was being suffocated by Takashi ... the boy had placed his bat on the neck of the gang leader of brown hair and at the same time, he applied pressure on the area to torture him for lack of oxygen.

"Aghh ... let go ... you ... give me (cof) ... you will pay", scarcely and could the threat be made by the crook.

When seeing that Takashi had problems in containing the torture (the leader could still connect elbows in his abdomen), Morita recovered from his previous fright and continued to kick one of the boy's feet with steel knuckles to make him unbalance and fall on his knees ... Komuro saw that he could still exert more pain ... he put his right knee on his victim's back and exerted pressure while leaning back to demand even more the lack of oxygen.

It was incredible that the leader of the gang could resist enough (for something was the leader), so when Morita was going to have the final blow ... someone else did ...

"Take this ... damn nasty bastard," the cry of fury came from the same original victim of the gang ... Saya Takagi.

The leader was knocked out by the tremendous blow he received in the face ... it could be said that Komuro and Morita were impressed not by the sudden action of the pink hair ... rather by its strength. Evidence of that is ... he broke his nose to the damned son of a bitch.

"Takagi ... I did not know you had this strength," Komuro said impressively, then dropped the knocked-out thug on the ground.

"Do not tell me ..." Saya said in the same way.

"Well, you know that the Tsunderes are strong because they are bipolar", he who said it was Imamura who was walking towards where they were posing with their bat on their shoulders and their left hand in the pocket of their pants giving themselves airs of the cool boy of the group...

(* comic scene: If you ask what happened to your adversary ... it was enough to see the garbage bin where Saya was hiding ... in that garbage bin ... it highlighted the fact that the thug was inside that container. exposed only his feet ... of which he was barefoot on the right foot).

"What did you say, chimuelo?" The commentary won the laughter of Komuro and Morita ... except, obviously, of Imamura himself.

"You ... damn", could not finish his dialogue since the cherry-haired girl went directly to hug Takashi.

"Thank you Takashi," she said, very happy, even though a few moments ago she was angry.

"Hehehe, do not hug me hard, my body hurts," he said complaining about the strong embrace of the Takagi girl ...

Although the truth, although it had bruises ... it hurt almost nothing ... Takashi was nervous to feel the breasts of Takagi on his chest, mentally assured that he felt very soft breasts of his childhood friend. Even though she avoided looking down, she let herself be carried away by her curious side and when she looked at her ... she could see perfectly how Saya's breasts clung tightly to her chest, now she understood why the gang was harassing her.

"HELP!", The cry came from far away ...

Takashi took advantage of this situation to get rid of Saya's mellow and continued to look for the origin of the voice ... Morita had pointed out that Hirano was in trouble and realized that the tree where he was helping them ... were the two remaining thugs of the gang violently shaking said tree ... when finally Hirano lost his balance, he could not avoid falling on one of the gang members.

"Kohta," Takashi exclaimed and eventually turned to his friend running in a hurry ... being followed by the others present.

Kohta slowly opened his eyes and realized that he had fallen on one of his attackers ... specifically on the weakling, which was flattened by the weight of Kohta.

"Ite, ite, ite", expressed the boy expert in weapons ... had scrapes but contained a bit of pain because the one that he thought "intelligent" did not formulate the current situation ... in which he had a somewhat heavy end .

"Now, you will not run away from your deserved ...", said at the same time the type of muscular aspect that thundered his knuckles as a sign that he was going to hit him severely.

"Hehe ...", he laughed nervously at the situation.

"Kohta!", The one mentioned saw Komuro approach with a bat in his hand.

Takashi threw the bat to the gang member who wanted to attack his friend ... who was easily evaded ... but that individual ignored the fact that Takashi threw himself into the empty space that generated the beat of his opponent's legs ... which was large due to the height of the latter (almost 2 meters).

Everything happened so fast, in slow motion you would observe the incredible wit of Takashi Komuro:

As he had already said ... he threw his bat towards the burly guy, but he did not count that he evaded it, so Takashi let himself be carried away by his instincts and made that frontal jump ... but in that jump he outlined his straight arms to the sides of his body to be able to cross the opening of the compass of the legs of his enemy ... later and almost immediately after having made his jump ... he joined his legs and proceeded to lift them almost as if it were a scorpion tail. ..and with his heels he managed to hit the "gold balls" of the gangster with a strong appearance.

"You ... how could you", the individual was kneeling touching his noble parts for the hellish pain.

"That happens to those who dare to hurt my friends", eventually after his hero dialogue, he knelt and placed himself against his opponent's back and placed his right hand on his jaw and his left hand directly on his forehead , only to be able to pull forward with violence and cause damage to his neck, and he had succeeded ... very much in the style of his favorite character "Ezio Auditore" (The Florentine Assassin).

The last gang member had been rendered unconscious and finally by inertia from the ligaments of the knees, the body fell to the ground.

"Requiest in Pache", he said in a slight whisper ... how he wanted to imitate the videogame scene.

Takashi looked at Kohta ...

"Are you okay?" Said the boy passively offering his hand to Kohta

"Thank you very much ... Takashi," Hirano said happily accepting Komuro's help so he could get off the ground.

Imamura, Morita and Saya, witnessed the final scene not very far from there ... in fact they were so impressed by the bravery and more than anything by the feat that one would normally see in Hollywood movies (in reference to their peculiar movement imitating the scorpion), which technically did not move at all and left that Takashi did everything ... definitely Takashi Komuro was someone you could trust.

On the part of Imamura and Morita, they asked themselves if Komuro really could do that kind of actions ... that whom they considered very innocent because he had been defeated by his feelings and by the infidelity of Rei Miyamoto with his best friend ... that thought, the blonde and the redhead formed a smile something macabre ... since they both looked into each other's eyes and apparently had in mind the same conclusion ... they wanted to see a confrontation between Takashi and Hisashi.

Saya on the other hand, it seems that witnessing this act of heroism and bravery to save her ended up even giving her all those scenes of incredible dexterity and strength when she saw how she faced two criminals, who were also much older and stronger, and even so he could defeat them. Not to mention this said moment in which he faced alone against the strongest and showed a versatile ability. Saya could not take it anymore ... her heart melted with love for the boy she had always watched from kindergarten ... she was a real man ... the man she always dreamed about so innocently.

"Hey ... crazy, wake up from your dreams," the speaker was Imamura snapping her fingers in front of the eyes of the enamored Takagi.

"What happened to him?" Morita said worriedly, the blond knew a little about her ... he had realized that she was the daughter of that fearsome politician ... in fact he was just going to investigate her, since he had heard rumors that the girl had breasts of bikinis model ... in fact she checked at that moment ... when under her eyes and could perfectly distinguish the valley of her breasts ... and more than anything the proportions of them.

"What are you looking at?" He said with an annoyed tone Saya.

"Ehhh," the frightened blond exclaimed when he once again looked up at the face of the female ... and apparently was very upset.

"Disgusting pervert," he yelled furiously and eventually kicked the blonde's crotch. Apparently the pain was so strong that it left him unconscious on the spot.

Meanwhile, Takashi helped Hirano since the boy had injured his right knee, so now Takashi returned the favor of the morning, when they approached where the others were, they saw that Morita was on the ground and Imamura only covering his mouth to avoid laughter.

"What happened to Morita?" Takashi said worriedly.

"Let's just say, I was seeing something wrong with the Tsundere girl," said Imamura.

"What did you see?" He asked curiously and looked at the only female present.

"Emm ... I ... emm ... he saw something", the Tsundere was nervous.

"And what was it?" Said Takashi insistently.

"He saw ... ~ something that belongs to you ~" said the Takagi heiress in an almost inaudible whisper.

"What did you say ?, say it again," said Komuro

"Forget it ... baka!", The pink-haired girl ran from there.

"Ehh, wait Takagi!" Takashi shouted ... but it was in vain ... the girl was out of sight.

Hirano was on the lookout for the girl, he observed his reactions to Takashi and his nervous way of speaking ... he may not have had a girlfriend ... but the otaku boy of arms ... he drew his conclusion almost immediately ... Saya Takagi liked Takashi ... he only admitted his defeat mentally ... he did not want to even try ... since the girl had not even noticed his existence ... all the time he never took his eyes off the Takashi's eyes.

Imamura, Morita was taken from the shoulders to his motorcycle, and once there, he got him into the two-wheeled vehicle.

"Thank you Imamura for helping me ... although I do not know what Morita did to Takagi," Takashi said and then laughed nervously.

"Ahh this guy ... the pervert is never going to get rid of him," said Imamura and then got on his motorcycle ...

"Perverted? What do you mean," said Komuro curiously.

"You know ... he's collecting information for his supposed fan club he wants for his band ... and knowing Morita, said fan club should be full of attractive girls ... and I think it caught his attention a certain aspect of your friend ", before said the redhead made the gesture with his hands of what seemed to be carrying something about the height of the chest.

Takashi and Kohta blushed at the gesture ... with that it became clear.

"You say ... Morita," nervous Komuro said.

"It was obvious that this idiot, I was seeing your friend's tits," he said in a normal tone and then turned on the motor of his motorcycle.

"Oh, by the way ... take your bat," he said to deliver the object.

"It's true, I forgot ... thanks," said the redhead ... eventually proceeded to keep the object in the compartments that have his motorcycle.

"We'll see each other again ... Komuro, Hirano," said this ... the redhead left the place taking his still unconscious companion.

"Takashi, I'm fine now ... you can let me go," Kohta said in a normal voice.

"Are you sure?" Komuro said worriedly.

"Sure, it was just a scratch and the pain is not much after all ... that idiot helped me to cushion the fall," he said in a somewhat happy voice ... to give confidence to his friend.

"But anyway I'm going to accompany you to your house, do you agree with that?" Komuro said worriedly.

"Okay," was the simple response of the otaku boy.

Subsequently, Hirano and Komuro similarly left the place. The place where the fight was fought ... there were still all the gang members still unconscious lying on the ground and even though it had been 10 minutes since the conflict ended ... apparently they gave no sign of waking up for a good At that moment ... everyone was badly injured, there were 4 in the central area and only two were at the end almost near the park, at the foot of the tree where Hirano was.

The results of the fight were:

Imamura, Morita: Injured in the arms and with blood on their faces ... Morita took a bonus in his crotch courtesy of Saya Takagi. The blond faced the leader ... he could not defeat him ... due to his resistance, so Takashi took care of the rest and with an assistance from Saya and himself, it was how they defeated the leader. Imamura had problems with only one opponent but he emerged victorious.

Hirano: Injured on both legs and with scrapes on the arms. The boy in glasses assisted his companions in the distance, left one injured and, by stroke of luck, knocked out another.

Takashi: It was more participative, the guy who had no experience in the fight ... was that the least injured, only with bruises on his arms and abdomen ... something of not much concern unlike his friends. Technically he defeated almost the entire gang, he faced and defeated two adversaries, he assisted Morita avoiding that the leader will leave him unconscious and with fatal injuries. He helped him by strangulating the leader with the bat, he was helped by Morita himself to subdue the individual even more, and by Saya, who terminated the activity of the one who dictated the orders of the one who wanted to rape her. He also helped Kohta, defeated the strongest of the gang with only a couple of moves ... with an impeccable dexterity applied a kick as if it were a scorpion tail and ended the fight when he applied a movement of his favorite game. .. incredible as it sounds.

But what the people never knew ... is that the whole fight was recorded ...

"Do you have it?", Said enthusiastically a nice girl with brown eyes and hair of a slight chestnut color, said hair had braided in a ponytail that dropped it on his left shoulder ... had a creamy skin color with very attractive body measurements (90-56-85), his name was: Toshimi Niki.

"If I recorded everything ... who would say that what we were going to have of evidence to hand over to the police about how they were going to try to rape a classmate of the school ... it became an action movie having Komuro-kun of protagonist ", said excited a pretty girl with onyx eyes and dark brown hair, which is tied in a high bun from which she covers it with a piece of cloth (like the traditional Chinese bows), and was fur creamy like her friend. The only difference was determined in the size of her breasts, which had a modest size, but despite that ... it was undeniable that her butt was of excellent appeal (79-55-85), it is presented: Misuzu Ichijo

The declared best friends Toshimi and Mizusu, were walking in that urban area after having made their purchases in the departmental stores of etiquette, decided to go to the house of Mizusu, but did not count on hearing the call for help from a girl in trouble, which was normal since in those neighborhoods they were dangerous because of the gangs that dominated their territories there, if you did not get into their territories you could go unnoticed from those neighborhoods ... Toshimi who knew those neighborhoods like the palm of his hand, had never gotten in trouble like the unfortunate one of now.

When they arrived at the place they saw how a guy tried to hold the girl's back ... who quickly recognized that it was Saya, Toshimi took out his phone and started recording the facts, with the sudden arrival Takashi Komuro, Mizusu saved his phone with the phone number of the police in it ... and he let himself be carried away by how the facts were developed ... Takashi saying without fear that he would protect Saya, at that moment the two blushed to see such a brave boy how he ... both were jealous of Saya who was in Takashi's arms ... later with the arrival of Imamura and Morita they saw the fight ... and of course, recording everything at once.

Apparently they fell in love with the way Takashi fought, they showed amazement when Takashi defended Morita and eventually showed jealousy when they saw Saya embrace Takashi after the defeat of the leader of the thugs ... and finally they saw how he ran to help to his friend who was in trouble in the area far away from the fight ... they did not know who was the guy in glasses ... but little did they care when they were impressed by Takashi's versatile ability to jump with speed towards the legs of that one muscular type, and make that movement and finally render that scum of society unconscious. That was when Toshimi stopped recording and they only listened behind the pile of trash until everyone had left.

"And now what we do," said Mizusu.

"Well first of all you have to tell the police to pick up all these villains," said shy Toshimi.

"But do not you think they take revenge?" Mizusu said worriedly.

"I do not think so, when you broadcast this video on the Internet and eventually get the attention of the media ... the news that will reach the hands of Takagi-san's father will be published," said the girl with light brown hair, formulating the consequences for the villains,

"It's true, when Mr. Takagi finds out that these damned ones tried to rape his daughter ... blood is going to run, I feel sorry for them," Mizusu said excitedly.

After their conversation, Toshimi called the police and gave notice of the events remaining anonymous and in a matter of minutes the authorities came to "take the trash."

The inseparable friends arrived at the house of Toshimi, and following their plan, they uploaded the video to the Internet ... and they titled it "THE HERO OF TOKONOSU" and his friends.

Once they did their job they clasped their palms in success to their goal.

Once in bed, the two girls ...

"Ne, ne, Mizu-chan," said Merry Toshimi.

"What happens Toshimi-chan," said Mizusu.

"Now that I remember ... Komuro-kun," said curious Toshimi, "did she have a girlfriend?"

"I do not think so, before I had always seen him behind Hisashi-san and Miyamoto-san," said Mizusu putting his hands behind his head like a second pillow.

"Ehh ~" he said sighing and putting his index finger on his chin, "what if he likes Miyamoto-san ?.

"I do not think so, many already know that Miyamoto-san is Hisashi-san's girlfriend," he said, playing down the subject.

"So that means that Komuro-kun is free?" Toshimi said excitedly.

"Of course, but I will have no problem doing it my boyfriend ... I will be more than happy to be in those arms so manly," he said with a sigh and letting see a glint in his eyes.

"Do you like Mizu-chan too?" Said the pretty girl, showing her amazement.

"Ehh," she expressed impressed by her friend's revelation, "did you like it too?"

"Of course, what girl would not like to have a brave knight who protects you to consist of his life," said Toshimi blushing, while touching his cheeks of grief.

"Ahh, I know who would not like it," he said, catching the attention of his friend, "Miyamoto-san."

"Ehh, why do you say it?" Said Toshimi.

"Remember that when we went to swimming class, she would start talking about Komuro-kun's pests and only harassed Hisashi-san," she said accurately in her comment.

"You're right, in the locker room he talked very badly about him, that's why all the girls avoided Komuro-kun and they really thought he was a stupid or useless boy, in other words ... a lazy guy," Toshimi said sadly.

"Oh no!" Mizusu was upset.

"What's wrong Mizu-chan?", She was worried.

"We believed the story to Miyamoto-san and when Komuro-kun had asked us if we had a little money to lend him for his food ... we made him look ridiculous when we threw our shakes on his face and we call loser ", detailed Mizusu.

"You're right! I did not remember," Toshimi said impressed.

"What we did, Toshimi ... surely will not speak to us again", his fears were evident.

"Moh ~, now that I want it," Toshimi said with a pout.

"And yes ... we reward him," said Mizusu.

"How?" Said Toshimi.

"Would not you mind sharing Toshimi-chan?" Said Mizusu.

"You say that between us we conquer it?" Toshimi said doubtful of her friend's intentions.

"Of course, we are the best friends ... I guess we could even share the same cute boy, do not you think so?", The onyx-eyed girl was confident with her statement.

"So, so be it ... we could also be happy in those strong arms that Komuro-kun has," said Toshimi happily.

"Besides, I do not think Miyamoto-san cares ... she apparently only melts for Hisashi-san," said Mizusu convinced.

The girls, joined their little fingers in proof that they will seek all the necessary measures to achieve their goal ... although apparently, they have no idea that it will take them a long time to achieve their goal, since the aforementioned Takashi Komuro was not interested in any girl after the betrayal of Rei ... although apparently, the doors of the heart of Takashi, were reopened due to the warm and tender look of the beautiful heiress of the Busujima.


The heiress of the family, had gone unnoticed from the view of her parents, although she only notified that she had arrived screaming from the stairs, eventually she went to her room, almost running, so that no one would notice what was most important. your arms.

"Phew ~" Saya sighed in exhaustion.

Later, he closed his door with insurance and then all his curtains for anyone to see, his little secret.

The genie girl, she had taken Takashi's blue jacket. How was it that he had obtained it ?, because apparently, the Tsundere girl took the opportunity to pick him up from the ground when he fled from the presence of his platonic love when he had only asked him to repeat what he had whispered in a very low tone about of what Morita had seen to make her angry. The shame of repeating such a statement had consumed her, so she could not take it anymore and only fled from there and it was there when she noticed the boy's clothes to a place removed from the place where he fled.

"Moh ~, how dare Takashi make me repeat something so shameful, I would shout it to him if we were alone ... where nobody would listen to us", said Saya to later leave that garment on his bed-

Later she went to her bathroom and proceeded to take a shower, after a few minutes ... the girl came out of the bathroom with her pajamas and a towel in hand, since she was still drying her hair.

Finally when she was ready to go to sleep, she did not avoid seeing Komuro's garment ... she with a little blush came and took it again, confident that her room was dark and also her windows were covered by the curtains, let out his perverted side and he prepared to sniff the jacket for a few minutes. She became addicted to the masculine scent that came from the garment, which technically did not stop deluding itself that Takashi hugged her and took her to bed.

"I wish it were true," he sighed.

After a few minutes of so much smelling her lover's item, a perverted idea came to her ... that technically excited her ...

"I want to feel you with me ... Takashi," Saya sighed excitedly.

The girl continued to get out of bed and leave the garment right there, then the girl began to unbutton her pajamas and then take it off and finally show that she was wearing a white bra ... although her mind was almost consumed in lust so she she eventually removed it at once to reveal her F cup breasts, those breasts that were adorned with pretty pink nipples and that were also somewhat erect. Honestly, Saya's breasts had proportions that would make the judgment of every man with morals ... but for the girl, said attraction only belonged to the young man who was always in love: Takashi Komuro.

"Feel me, Takashi ... enjoy my breasts ... I want you to taste them incessantly ... as if you were my baby", said the girl completely dominated by lust while she massaged herself with her right hand her left breast, and with her another hand ... was sucking his index finger and when he withdrew his finger from his mouth, he could see the line of saliva that was hanging ...

Saya Takagi, now took Komuro's garment and then dressed with her to then take the ends and join them and then start to climb the zip up to the neck, but due to the volume of her breasts, she could only close the jacket to chest height ... but this did not stop her and then she started removing the bottom of her pajamas to reveal her panties that were the same color as her bra ... but even so, she also took them off and was completely naked.

The girl, due to her vanity, showed her vagina completely free of pubic hair since she shaved very often ... but that was not the most important thing ... now the fact is that she once again masturbated with moaning due to the exigency to which she subjected herself to her most sensitive part, and that was: playing with her clitoris, inner and outer lips and finally enjoying the fingers she introduced ... the heiress of the Takagi after a few splendid minutes of pleasure and finally reaching the climax, With the act over, she went to the dream world completely satisfied and therefore ... very happy.


The boy Komuro had arrived at his home a little late, due to the fact that he accompanied his friend Hirano, who due to his injuries, could arrive safely to his respective home.

The first thing that occurred to him was to go for a bath, to cool off the tension of his body a bit ... apparently he was suffering from the injuries and also the adrenaline that had had him at its highest point a few hours ago. His body began to numb because he was not used to so much physical activity ... and fighting in a way that was based only imitating the movements of the murderer of his favorite video game ... had left him practically without strength how to stay awake for more weather.

So once he was clean, he just put on a boxer and a light shirt ... he finally went to his bed, but before he left his cell phone charging the battery on the table attached to his bed.

Although before, he only took a look again at the photo of the announcement about the promotion of Parkour and Muay Tai classes, to remember his goal of going to the venue where such activities are carried out ...

"I just hope that tomorrow is a quiet day and nothing out of the ordinary ... I had enough to lose my jacket", he had faith that his prediction was correct, then he left his mobile device and just settled and sheltered in his bed .

Finally, Takashi let himself be guided by the path of Morpheus and fell into a deep sleep, in which only consisted of a summary of everything that happened ... from the heartbreaking revelation of Rei's betrayal and that of his best friend ... happened ... although, I could not deny that after all those memories, I could not stop smiling after visualizing the beautiful smile of Busujima-senpai ...