





FAR FROM THE CITY: 03:00 am.

We are located in a military base that is far from the city of Tokonosu, this outpost was very heavily guarded by elite special units of the United States of America. In said Military Base, it was noted that a quarantine zone was established, the entire perimeter of the infrastructure was covered with huge extensions of special plastic to prevent anything from leaving the perimeter.

All personnel within said perimeter, were dressed in special suits that are mandatory use according to the standards of the safety protocol in the radioactivity zone or due to the constant interaction with highly dangerous substances or processes.

All this for reasons, a pact signed by the American Government with the Japanese Government, the designated area was due to the offer and proposal of the politician Shido.

Ichiro Shido, was a highly powerful politician in terms of actions without jurisdiction, and in this case he was not the exception, he took a determined area to the remoteness of the city of Tokonosu. The International treaty is top secret, and that was the reason why security measures were extremely rigorous and severe. It could not be allowed to filter the information of what was happening in the depths of that private zone.

Going into that area, you could see hundreds of people working on something particular and that was the reason why so much secrecy ... The creation of a Biological Weapon.

This simple fact, committed to these nations in an act that would be in serious trouble with other world superpowers, especially Russia and China. The mere fact that it was leaked that this event was taking place behind the backs of world organizations such as the UN, would cause the leaders of these nations to decay and compromise.

But that is why Ichiro Shido, who held a private hearing with the Japanese Prime Minister, designated this area that was abandoned and for the simple fact that it did not appear on the maps, traffic was non-existent.

Inside one of the laboratories, a yellow substance with a green one was examined. The scientists specialized in the matter, made calculations of the possible effects ... but apparently, nobody knew how devastating the development of this biological weapon would be. Outside the test and exhibition areas, was the head of personnel and leader of the guild of scientists responsible for production talking on mobile phone.

"Apparently the results show that producing at least one sample of this artificial specimen will take a long time, Mr. Shido," the scientist spoke by telephone outside the laboratory area.

"I do not care about the time, I just want you to finish it ... if this project is not finished, I'm afraid ... your head will not be the only one that will roll, you understand what I mean ... right?", The voice of the corrupt politician was heard from the mobile device of the chief of staff.

"Do not worry, but in truth, you'll have to be very patient", he was honest and nervous at the same time about the one after his boss.

"In what time do you think the project is finished?" Shido's voice was heard.

"I'm afraid, that in a year's time ... we'll be able to test the first sample to create the first super human," the scientist explained.

"There is no other, I just hope it works ... I want to have all those millions of dollars in my pockets," he heard the politician anxious for benefits.

"If there is no more to say, I will retire ...", said the Chief of Staff in charge of the project.

Only the static sound of the telephone signal was heard. The first to cut communication was the tyrant who was responsible for covering all illegal actions from the view of the media. But apparently, the scientist began to dial a specific number, once the action was done, I wait for them to respond.

"Go ahead, report," a male voice was heard on the cell phone.

"The project already has an action date, it will be the first test sample within a year ... it is better to inform Takagi-san about what Ichiro is doing behind the scenes, and I have a bad feeling about what will happen" said the nervous scientific.

"Do not worry, tomorrow I'll be back to Tokonosu ... and so far it's just me who knows about this secret, despite being thousands of miles away," said the unknown man.

"I hope you do not delay much, I technically am locked in this place and I hope that Takagi-san gets ready ... because when he gives me these feelings ... it's because it really will happen," said the scientist.

"Thanks for sharing the information, but we still can not get involved against Shido, that bastard is backed by who knows how much money, and political or diplomatic influences," said the stranger.

"With no more to say, it is better that I return if you do not begin to suspect me ... let Takagi-san know as soon as possible, you are not his best friend ... Tetsutarou Doi", said this, the scientist who in secret functions was a spy, hung up the communication.

"I hope we have time ... who knows what the future holds, but I hope I can help you, my friend," said the man named Tetsutarou Doi thoughtfully.

Tetsutarou Doi, Souchiro Takagi's best friend, was traveling by plane back to Tokonosu, waiting to be able to inform Mr. Takagi about such infamy. Tetsutarou was a loyal and very noble man ... he was the type of person, who would give his life for his family and for his friends ... and well that within a year, he will definitely make it clear.



Takashi Komuro, had been woken by a small urgency ... apparently his dreams had become a bit risen, when inexplicably to be only dreaming at the time he met Saeko Busujima, he happened to dream the beautiful girl on his bed , crying out for her not to stop at every onslaught that was lashing her hard with her male member in her femininity. Takashi felt the glory come, and finally he ran inside his purple-haired aphrodisiac.

But as mentioned, it was only a dream although the consequences ... if they were real, so he had to go to the bathroom and take a shower.

Once clean, he dressed lightly in a boxer and a black tank top. He went down to the first floor and went to the kitchen, decided to have a simple sandwich with a glass of orange juice. As he enjoyed his breakfast, he lit the small television that was on the side of the table.

Takashi turned on the device and took a seat.

(TV): "Good morning everyone, reporting the morning news, we will present more information about the interview we had with Mr. Ichiro Shido, about his campaign to be able to join the national cabinet, apparently his goal is to become the first Minister ...

Takashi had breakfast without paying attention to the television, but that suddenly changed when ...

(TV): "And now, we present the news that without a doubt, is giving something to talk about on social networks ... the video was uploaded on the Internet only at night and today it is a trend throughout Tokonosu, but it seems that is going viral all over Japan. "

This small fact, made Takashi not finish biting his sandwich, leaving his teeth embedded in the food, since now he devoted himself to listening.

(TV): "Apparently, we have a hero in our city ... it's incredible, that this happened just yesterday, in the depths of the city, precisely in the neighborhoods of the gangs."

Takashi felt a small chill when the news anchor mentioned the information.

(TV): "This event was recorded with a mobile phone, in this video there is an attempted rape, in which the victim was no more than the daughter of the politician Takagi, the girl of just 16 years was going to have a lamentable end , but that's when this young man who protected Miss Takagi from those thugs appeared ... without any more than adding enjoyment of the video courtesy of YouTube that is titled: THE HERO OF TOKONOSU AND HIS FRIENDS ".

At that moment, the news was tuned in every home in Tokonosu.


The gentlemen of the house, lend with seriousness the information, Yuriko at least was relieved that her daughter was protected by the boy, while Souichiro, showed interest in the news, which undoubtedly came as a surprise since he I was ignorant of the event. The gentlemen watched the news from their dining room, while Saya did the same in her room, previously when she woke up she had accepted her nocturnal actions and at least, before turning on the television in her room, she enjoyed a few more minutes of excitement inciting herself with the Takashi jacket.

Returning to the present, Saya proceeded to observe the news in the same conditions with which she was, naked and only wearing the jacket with the zipper open up to the chest. On the emotional side, I was amazed that everything that happened was already news throughout the city, while in social networks towards their own so that it became a national and slightly international trend.


In the same way, father and daughter watched the news, it was clear that Saeko was amazed that the boy, who thought him vague and unworthy, will show such courage to defend the girl of the whole gang. He let himself glimpse his annoyance and anger when he observed the part of the video in which Komuro hugged the girl to provide protection. He had been born the need to try his bokken a bit against that girl.


Rei Miyamoto, had shown his amazement at the news, and similarly was Hisashi. The couple was in bed watching TV. After the fainting of the girl, Hisashi took her to the room where they were staying and she remained asleep until just a few minutes ago, since when she woke up, Hisashi was asking her to have some morning sex, to make up for lost time. Hisashi was impressed when Rei, did not return the syrupy gesture with which he was talking, and simply decided to turn on the television and try to get the boy to give up on the idea, Rei found it a bit annoying the proposal of his boyfriend due to his tremendous headache, however, that pain disappeared when they announced on the news the actions of Takashi Komuro: the name Karma of the couple.


Takashi was more than impressed, he was scared now that the news was national coverage, and his name was starting to become a trend on the internet, websites like Facebook and its labels, Twitter with its hashtag ... slowly towards Takashi Komuro, a person that began to stand out in society.

The television showed everything lived in that fight; the arrival of Morita, Imamura and the help of Hirano to the distance, but nevertheless ... the video began to have a special follow-up of his fluid movements according to his physical prowess, defeating two gang members for later the torture applied to the leader of the gang. The video ended when he defeated the bastard who was about to hit Kohta, and of course ... his scorpion movement was also recorded along with the application of a final move in the style of Assassin's Creed.

Takashi got up from his table and did what anybody would do at a time like that:

"~ EHHHH! ~", Takashi expelled all his astonishment in a single scream that could leave him hoarse for life.


In the dining room, the surprise on the faces of the Takagi Lords was clearly visible for two reasons:

For having allowed Saya to have gone alone to the residence of her childhood friend and for refusing to believe the exploit of that young man who had seen him since he was an innocent child.

"Incredible! Komuro-kun really is a man, I see why Saya is in love", the one that spoke with emotion was Mrs. Takagi, although she had forgotten that her husband was on the side so she proceeded to cover her mouth with your hands.

Souichiro Takagi remained passive for a few moments and finally took a small sip of his coffee, then cleared his throat to speak.

"I honestly had no idea that this happened in front of my own nose, although I already knew what Saya wants to Komuro-kun in a more committed way," Souichiro said without losing his typical tone of voice.

"And how did you find out about that ?, Souichiro-san," Yuriko asked.

"I listened to you two yesterday, when you were planning your plan to conquer Komuro-kun," said Souichiro.

"And what are you going to do now, darling," the fine lady with violet hair asked her husband.

"At the moment, I will first attend to some issues and then I will talk to Saya," said Souichiro, who then left the table and left the room.

"It's better to talk to my girl, it really scared me that this happened to her last night and she did not say anything to me," Yuriko showed concern for her daughter when she went to her room.


Takashi was nervous and shocked since he saw the news, after that he went to his room and turned on his laptop, now he inspected the Internet effectively checking all his "fame".

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE!", The boy still wanted to deny that this was the reality and not a dream.

On Facebook, his wall had collapsed, the notifications had already lost the count (99), and although he did not have Twitter, he did not stop seeing his name with the unique hashtag (#) and of course, the famous memes invaded both networks social.

On the other hand, YouTube was the happy video as main trend of the aforementioned video page, in the comments section flowed every 5 seconds, there were comments in English as: The Assassin of Tokonosu city, Takashi is the man, His a cute boy, i wanna be your girlfriend, i wanna fuck him.

Takashi, as he did not know English very well, went to Google Translator and later learned the meaning of the messages when he read it in Japanese.

"I want to fuck you," Takashi said in a defeated voice.

"It can not be, they want to rape me ... who wrote that", Takashi investigated the account and directed it to a user named nAstygirl 80J, Takashi realizing that there was a link that linked him even more to that user clicked and eventually He directed an American website and it was ... pornographic.

Takashi's face was red with embarrassment when he saw the same girl from the user image in a XXX video of the gangbang, big tits and MILF type.

"A porn actress wants to fuck me ?, the hero remained silent and only devoted himself to watching the 10-minute video.

A loud bang came at his door, which caused Takashi to take his eyes off his screen. The boy reacted and went to the entrance of his house. When he opened the door, his friend Kohta came in full sweat.

"Takashi, you have to close all the windows and doors of your house," Hirano said, very exalted.

"Hi Hirano, what's wrong with you? Why do you say that?" Takashi was concerned about his friend's attitude.

"No time, I already warned Morita and Imamura to come as fast as they can," explained Hirano.

"Why is Kohta so loud? What's going to happen?" Takashi said.

"Did not you see the news?" Kohta said as he closed the windows of the Komuro home.

"Of course I saw it! I do not understand how it is that everyone knows what happened yesterday," Takashi declared following his friend.

At that moment, the engine of a motorcycle coming from the outside was heard and when checking in the back of the house, they verified that it was the Morita and Imamura duo.

"Take Takashi, put on these pants and leave here with Imamura," Morita said hurriedly.

"Enough! Explain what's going on," Komuro said angrily.

"In 5 minutes, your whole house will be invaded by reporters from all the television channels," Imamura declared with his bad boy tone.

"Why is this happening to me?" Takashi showed signs of desperation when he pulled his hair.

It was clear, that the story now ... took a different direction, a path in the Takashi Komuro in support of Kohta, Morita and Imamura will share, will make them ready for a challenging future not too distant ... the beginning of a new story began in that moment.

| * MUSIC (ENDING) * |






* Rei will receive a strong emotional impact, and will make her reflect on her actions.

* Asami Nakaoka, Kyoko Hayashi, Koichi Shido, Shizuka Marikawa and Rika Minami appear.