
Betrayed (Loving and hating you)

NOTE BEFORE YOU READ: I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER I USED, ALL RIGHTS TO THE WONDERFUL OWNER. A cursed son with a cold heart,gets married to a clumsy girl ,fights, insults ,friends betrayal,family betrayal,things become complicated when Gabby finds out Sofia her friend hates her but wants her husband and does everything within her reach to make her marriage crumble ,and when Alex finds out he is cursed but his family had hidden it from him,what would become of the whole story when Alex and Gabby are expecting a child outside the marriage ...... " come out , come out where ever you are " Sofia said with a smirk " i told you I did be back and I don't go back on promises " she said as she turned to the look at the shadows where a woman was emerging from , she smiled as she looked at the other side and there was another woman too ... it was Leo" What took you so long ? " she said her tone bearing a mocking voice " Stop this madness Sofia , I didn't raise you like this , you can still turn a new leaf while you have the chance " the first woman , Clara's mother said " awwn , what a good offer but no thanks , I like the way I am " Sofia said with a evil grin . Note: I have no rights on the book cover , all rights to the owner.

AmoreMimosi_001 · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

Date ?

Read authors note first

Gabby:(I looked at him as I blushed and I just clinged on his neck more as I held his neck tighter I only nodded my head into his shoulder taking in his manly sweet smell again,

This was like the fifth time I had smelt this as he had carried me before and I had been in his room too lately  but we were never this close,so it smelt refreshing

Soon  we were landing as I looked at him let go of the rope and then I looked up to find a helicopter flying away

I became aware that I was being stared at ,I looked up to meet Alex's deep red eyes.

As he had dropped me down carefully and was towering over me ,I wasn't  short at least I was an average  height  and all I could do was look  back at him then after some seconds of awkward silence  which seemed like forever  I looked away to check out my surroundings  then I knew we where at a backyard,a very big one but I didn't  know who's)

Alex:my villa

Gabby:(he said cutting into my thoughts  as I only nodded and muttered the "mhm")

Alex:so there's  a reason I brought  you here and we also have somethings to clarify 

Am not sure of anything yet though  but you have to help yourself  and follow the flow and the plan....mhm(he said with seriousness )

Gabby:yeah sure...and about that date?(awkwardly cratches her hair as she looked at him) the da...te?

Alex:mhm ...we are gonna have one and that's  where  our discussion  is gonna be ....

Gabby:am I gonna go back?like tonight.....home? (she says as she clumsily follows and tries to meet up with Alex who was walking towards a door)

Alex:it might be useful...let's  see first   

Gabby:(he says as we enter a dining room bigger  than the room he gave me as the dining  room was connected  to the kitchen.

We were met by a Maid,beautiful  one though as she bowed down slightly  and greeted him and she then looked at me)

Alex: my wife

Gabby:(he held my hands as he looked at the maid) 

Alex:she's  Sarah

Gabby:(and then I was being dragged upstairs  ....but I kinda noticed something does Alex hate that maid or what?as he seemed disgusted  by her and that maid why did she glare at me?

what the fuck is going on around me! (my internal organs screamed)


(So.... Alex and Gabby went into the room and Alex talked to Gabby about his  plans without  too much details though ,Alex and Gabby had a cool date tooo )


Sarah:who the fuck is she!!!!?wife my foot,Lisa's gone and now a pretty pinky head is after what's  mine.

,fuck them alll .....ain't  gonna allow anyone mess  up my plans !(she says  to herself annoyed as she snared at the door in front of her and walked away)

move!(she suddenly  pushes a maid angrily).


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