
Betrayed (Loving and hating you)

NOTE BEFORE YOU READ: I DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER I USED, ALL RIGHTS TO THE WONDERFUL OWNER. A cursed son with a cold heart,gets married to a clumsy girl ,fights, insults ,friends betrayal,family betrayal,things become complicated when Gabby finds out Sofia her friend hates her but wants her husband and does everything within her reach to make her marriage crumble ,and when Alex finds out he is cursed but his family had hidden it from him,what would become of the whole story when Alex and Gabby are expecting a child outside the marriage ...... " come out , come out where ever you are " Sofia said with a smirk " i told you I did be back and I don't go back on promises " she said as she turned to the look at the shadows where a woman was emerging from , she smiled as she looked at the other side and there was another woman too ... it was Leo" What took you so long ? " she said her tone bearing a mocking voice " Stop this madness Sofia , I didn't raise you like this , you can still turn a new leaf while you have the chance " the first woman , Clara's mother said " awwn , what a good offer but no thanks , I like the way I am " Sofia said with a evil grin . Note: I have no rights on the book cover , all rights to the owner.

AmoreMimosi_001 · Fantasy
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  Sofia:(knocks on Alex room door)Gabby are you there?

Gabby: come in

Sofia: (enters and sits on the bed as she looks around)

have missed you(hugs her)

Gabby:I have too(smiles)

so anything new?

Sofia:no not really,

oh that reminds me,when last did you see your parents?

Gabby: it's been a long time though(thinks)

buh I still talked to them lately

Sofia:are you not thinking of visiting them

Gabby: Alex says not to go out yet...

Sofia: why don't you ask for his permission ,three to four days won't hurt,you know

Gabby: mhm you are right

I will ask him,you have always been a good friend...

Hanah: (knocks)

Gabby: come in

Hanah: (opens the door)the guests have arrived, young master wants to see you

Gabby: okay,be there in a sec(Hanah leaves)

Gabby: I have to go downstairs

Sofia:sure(she leaves and enters her room,and her phone rings)

🐣:the person is in the house now

Sofia: are you sure?

🐣:yes master 

Sofia:a man or a woman?

🐣: a man


🐣:no details yet master,but he is the closest to Alex

Sofia:okay,I will find out myself(ends the call)📱📱📱📱

(Goes downstairs and sees Gabby shaking hands with guests)

Sofia: (looks around and sees a guy talking to Alex)"I guess he is the one"(she thinks)

Alex: Gabby

Gabby: yes (moves closer to Alex)

Alex:this is Ben Hart

Gabby: hey (stretches her hand forth)Gabby

Ben:have heard a lot about you(shakes her)

Gabby: oh

Ben: I am Alex friend,I think at least the one and only friend

Alex:he would be staying here for 2 weeks too

Gabby: okay,please feel at home(smiles)

Ben:yeah ...thanks (smiles at Gabby before Gabby leaves)

Sofia:(scoffs)why does it have to be him of all people?!shit!

  (After dinner that night everyone was out except for Gabby and the maids)

Gabby: Hanah (calls out for her )

Hanah: yes ma'am (she bows slightly  )can I help you?

Gabby: did Sofia tell you where she was going ?

Hanah: no ma'am

Gabby: thanks(Hanah leaves)at least she should have told me she was going out(she plans on going to her room when Ben enters)


Gabby: hey (smiles),I was going upstairs, please feel at home and order anything you want(she plans on leaving but Ben holds her hands)

is anything wrong?(she politely removes Ben's hands)

Ben:nothing,just wondering why people could be so wicked?

Gabby: personal issues I guess?


Gabby: (smiles) please don't  mind me am kinda busy right now and would like to take my leave(she leaves)

Ben: skin is still as soft as before😏😏😏😏 ,Alex won't enjoy this for long(Sofia enters without been noticed by Ben)

Sofia:what a pity?(she scoffs)

Ben:(turns back)who are you ?(talks oddly calmly)

Sofia:I wonder what Alex would say when he finds out that his friend is after his wife and not only that ,he has a secret too that tsk tsk... he isn't Ben(looks at him)

cut the crap acting Ben,you are getting on my nerves

Ben:shut the trap witch!

Sofia: (chuckles lightly)make me

Ben:cut the chase,what do you want?

Sofia: for you not to meddle in my business

You shouldn't have come her Lio

You know more than meddling  in the prophecy  

Ben :says who?

The one who wants  to destroy  the whole prophecy  herself?(scoffs)

you know what? say what you want (yawns out of boredom)

Sofia:(smiles)we both want the same thing"the password and the safe " and for the fun part once we get what we want from them both you take Gabby and I get Alex...


sounds competitive

Sofia:get Gabby of my way(sneers)

Ben: fine but I don't like to be ordered

lemme know what's going to happen if I don't listen to you

Sofia: this( Fire comes to surface on her palm )

Ben:(laughs)you are allowed to use  power in this realm?what are you?

Sofia:snow whites step mother or worse(she leaves)

Ben: fuck!

(his phone rings)



Alex:I wouldn't be able to come today




Alex:take care...


I would take care of your wife too (he mutters to himself with an evil grin).

📱📱📱📱📱 ends the call

Ben:this all I need(laughs wickedly to himself)

  (In Alex room)

Sofia: (knocks)

Gabby: come in 

Sofia:hi,sorry I went out

Gabby: yeah I noticed

Sofia:still have to go out again,I have a date

Gabby: (smiles)oh,okay

Sofia:bye(she leaves)

    (In the living room)

Sofia:make sure not to fail

Ben :I will try 

Sofia:you better do(she leaves)


Hanah:yes Sir

Ben:Ben(corrects Hanah)

Hanah: Ben?

Ben:give this to Gabby, (gives her a drink)

Tell her Alex told me to give it her

Hanah: okay mister...Be?


Hanah: (carries the tray and leaves)

Ben:I am sorry Gabby,but I have to do this but it's alright it's just going to be my baby


 (In Gabby's room)


Gabby: come in 

Hanah:young master says to give this to you 

Gabby: where is he?

Hanah: he won't be able to come tonight .....

Gabby: okay,thanks(hanah leaves as she to pick the glass cup up from the tray her phone rings,she picks her phone and mistakenly the cup falls down and broke)oh my gosh(she stands up and picks the call while removing the duvet off the bed)



Gabby: hello Clara

Clara:how are you?

Gabby: fine

(After the call...then suddenly someone  taps Gabby from behind)

Gabby:(startled)what the f....k(she screams but someone covers her mouth ...she calms her breath as she removes the person's wide palm off her mouth)


what the hell are you doing here?

Alex:(holds her by her left hand and drags her towards the  door built with the walls )you will know soon

hold on tight (he says as he suddenly  and unexpectedly  carries Gabby in a bridal style)

Gabby:(holds unto his neck tightly  as he opens the door leading to  her seeing  railings  and there where  three comfortable chairs to sit and view the night as the space  between the wall and the railings was big and vast ...she held on tightly as he crazily  stepped on the railings but she didn't  know how he did it though....her mind  was in choas) Are you crazy? go commit suicide  on your own (she said still clinging  to Alex's neck)

Alex:(looks at Gabby as he found her adorable  the way she looked)you are my wife,if I ever want to die you should die with me (jumps off the railings)

Gabby:Ahhhh(screams)physco .....what the fuck is wrong with you ?you wanna die?let me go(she says dipping her teeth into his shoulders)

Alex:(not buldging at her biting him ) you want me to let go of you?

mhm?(he asks as she suddenly  stopped biting into him)

Gabby:(looks at him as she noticed that they were near to crash into pieces)remember  this ....I don't  love you(closes her eyes expecting  the worst when  she noticed  they were moving into the air ....she opened her eyes slightly  as she looked at Alex and then she saw they were not falling but flying  she looked at Alex  left hand as he was holding her with his right as if she weighed nothing and she saw that there was this long rope he was holding)

Alex:(chuckled)what do you think  about getting to know each other?


A date?.

still working on the editing, am sorry for any grammatical errors.

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