
Betrayal at Eldoria

"Betrayal at Eldoria" follows Ray, a knight in training, as he uncovers a web of betrayal and conspiracy orchestrated by the jealous Prince Edward.

Sherlocksama · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The First Day of Training

Ray was a young man with a dream of becoming a knight. He had always been fascinated by the tales of knights and their noble deeds. He knew that becoming a knight was not an easy task, but he was willing to work hard and prove himself worthy.

As he walked towards the castle, he couldn't help but feel nervous. Today was his first day of training as a squire, and he knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult. He had heard stories of harsh training and demanding tasks, but he was determined to persevere.

As he arrived at the castle, he was greeted by a tall, imposing man. This was Sir William, the master-at-arms, and the man who would oversee his training. Sir William was a seasoned knight with many years of experience, and Ray knew that he had much to learn from him.

As they walked towards the training grounds, Sir William introduced Ray to the other squires. There was John, a tall and muscular young man with a serious expression, and Anna, a bright and cheerful girl with a talent for archery. Ray felt a sense of camaraderie with them, knowing that they were all in this together.

The training began with basic exercises. Sir William showed them how to properly hold a sword and shield, and taught them the fundamentals of footwork and balance. Ray struggled at first, but he was determined to improve.

As the day wore on, the training became more intense. They practiced sword fighting, sparring, and even horseback riding. Ray was exhausted, but he felt a sense of accomplishment as he saw himself improving with each passing hour.

As the sun began to set, Sir William dismissed the squires. Ray felt a sense of pride as he walked back towards his quarters. He knew that he had a long road ahead of him, but he was determined to become the best knight he could be.

As he lay in his bed, Ray thought about the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that he would face many obstacles and trials, but he was ready for whatever came his way. He drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the day when he would become a knight, a defender of the realm.