
Betrayal at Eldoria

"Betrayal at Eldoria" follows Ray, a knight in training, as he uncovers a web of betrayal and conspiracy orchestrated by the jealous Prince Edward.

Sherlocksama · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: The First Test

The next morning, Ray and the other squires were up before dawn. They had a long day of training ahead of them, but he was eager to prove himself. As they made their way to the training grounds, Sir William told them that they would be sparring with wooden swords today.

The sparring began with a round-robin tournament. Ray faced off against John in his first match. The two squared off, each with a wooden sword in hand. John was a formidable opponent, but Ray was determined to win.

They circled each other, looking for an opening. Ray made the first move, lunging forward with his sword. John parried the blow, and the two began trading blows in a flurry of action. Ray was faster and more agile, but John was stronger and more experienced.

As the match wore on, Ray began to tire. He had never fought for so long before, and his arms felt heavy. John saw his opportunity and lunged forward, his wooden sword aimed at Ray's chest. Ray reacted quickly, dodging the blow and striking back with a swift counterattack.

The blow caught John off guard, and he stumbled backwards. Ray pressed his advantage, striking blow after blow. Finally, John dropped his sword and raised his hands in surrender.

Ray had won his first match. He felt a surge of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was proud of himself for doing so well.

As the day wore on, the matches became more intense. Ray faced off against Anna and several other squires. He won some matches and lost others, but he learned something from each one.

As the sun began to set, Sir William announced the end of the tournament. Ray felt exhausted but elated. He had passed his first test and proved that he had what it takes to become a knight.

As he walked back towards his quarters, he thought about the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that there would be many more fights and tests to come, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead. He was determined to become the best knight he could be, and nothing would stand in his way.