
besties/by me my imagination story/

yoonzam143 · Thanh xuân
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*2 year's letter*

zamzama:-Our studies are completed

saniya:-so what are you thinking

zamzama:-e think now we should think about our career

saniya:- hmm ya your right

yoongi:-what do you think you will be

zamzama:-i want to be a k-pop idol

yoongi:- i am too

saniya:- i want to be a model

mustaq:-i want to be a model too

zamzama:-I think we'll be separated now

saniya:-yes, i feel bad

zamzama:-This is what we will meet when we become something

saniya:- yes, zamzama and yoongi I miss you

yoongi:-what you said

Saniya:- i miss you guys

yoongi:- no no .before that

saniya:- zamzama and yoongi

yoongi:- yesssa you took my name correctly the first time

(everyone started laughing)

zamzama:- so guys bye we will meet

saniya:- ofcourse we will meet

*times skip for tomorrow*

zamzama:- yoongi you are ready or not we will late for addition

yoongi:- yes ready kitten

"2hours letter"

yoongi:-i became a rapper yahhhhhh

zamzama:- yoongi cantrol i became a dancer and leader yahh And there are two other members with us who are a boy and a girl i am so excited to meet them

yoongi:- i am too

??:- annyeong my name is Nancy

zamzama:- annyeong my name is zamzama nice to meet you Nancy

??:- annyeong my name is teahyung

yoongi:- annyeong my name is yoongi we are in one group

tea:- yes we are in one group

manager:- you will meet each other

zamzama:- hmm sir

manger:- ok than your training start from tomorrow

zamzama:- al-ass-eo(okay)

manager:- hmm jal jayo( sleep well)

Nancy:- tanks sir

yoongi:- you are now each other

tea:- yes we are childhood friends

Nancy:-you know each other too

yoongi:-yes we are in girlfriend boyfriend

tea:- ohhhh

zamzama:- yoongi kheu-man-hqe(stop it)