
Chapter Twelve

Like every other night since she got married to Dave, his daughter , Adriana acted like a free loader, and the air of arrogance around her made it even annoying.

Even if the conversation she just had with her daughter was not less than two hours before dinner, things started to clear up. In Paula's perspective, she could now see clearly, like her sense of reasoning was affected before.

She started to view Adriana differently, not only because she was proud, but because in Paula's opinion , she was just a 'stuck up bit*h diagnosed with princess syndrome!'.

For some reason, dinner was weird, like it was forced. Not like the other dinners they had was filled with love, the table just felt suffocating.

Paula got up to pack dinner, with the help of the two helpers employed to do domestic chores around the mansion.

As expected, Adriana stood up to go back to her room, earning a glare from Paula.

Dave followed suit, "honey you really read my mind tonight, I craved seafood and you made a very nice dish!!".

He kissed her twice on each cheek before he headed upstairs.

''I still have some documents to review tonight so don't wait up for me!", He said before leaving the dining space.

A very ambiguous exchange happened with Dave and one of the helpers which Paula and the other maid didn't notice.

I mean what could a nod and a wink possibly mean If they didn't already have a preplanned agreement.

Paula waited up to oversee the cleaning before everyone went to bed. It didn't seem proper, but she still did it anyways, old habits as they say die hard.

When the helpers were done and Paula thought they had retired to their rooms, she went to check all the doors before sleeping, a habit that formed while she was still dating Dave.

"Ohh, I have to get the tea! This seems like big news!", Paula said to herself as she went back to the couch to catch up on some social news among her peers.

Apparently, there were several rumors that had originated, claiming that a big shot who has been married for a considerable amount of years is being cheated on.

After she was satisfied with the facts that she had accumulated, she decided to retire for the night.

But, since Dave said he was going to review some documents, she might as well check in on him to see if he needed anything.

"He might need coffee at least!", She muttered to herself as she headed to his study.


"Yes, just like that!"

Deep grunts kept resounding from the study, it wasn't loud at first, but when she got closer to the room, the sound becomes louder, thus, Paula confirmed the situation merely by the sounds made.

It doesn't take long for Paula to piece one and one together to create two.

"Not Dave, not you Dave!", Paula thought as she opened the door to the study.

The scene she barged into, the action that was taking place in the room was something she never thought she would experience. The confrontation however was far worse.

Dave's study was designed in such a way that the table was facing the door, which means, when someone opens the door, the table is the first thing that person would see.

Some documents were pushed back as Dave sat, more like rested on the table, his trousers pooling around his feet and one of the maids in between his legs.

She wasn't a baby not to know what they were doing. It was when she lost a grip on her phone and it fell that the two people who were involved in the affair snapped out of what they were involved in.

The maid who she identified as Sonia stood up, crocodile tears streaming down her face.

"It was a mistake ma'am, I'm sorry, t- the boss, he forced me to do it ma'am, it was never my intention!!", The maid named Sonia said as she grabbed her legs and sobbed quietly.

Realization dawned on Dave as a cold breeze blew on his erection. He quickly pulled his touser up.

"How long?", Paula finally said as her eyes already seemed dead.

"How long?!", "How long?!"

"You have the guts to ask me that ridiculous question!! You foolish woman, you're as sick in the head as you are undesirable!! You have no right to ask me anything. It's my life! You hear me!

My life!!!!" Dave said as he turned to grab the car key and stormed out.

After hearing such harsh words from the man she thought shared mutual feelings with her, her heart broke into a million pieces, and the tears she thought would come with it didn't show any signs of making an appearance.

She picked up her phone and headed to her bedroom, it was like she was in a bad dream, 'it would be all better when I wake up!', she thought.

Paula had no idea where Dave drove off to, nor did she know if the girls heard any of the ruckus that she witnessed the night before.

The tears however finally made an appearance, like the unexpected gush from a burst pipe.

They flowed like rain as realization dawned on her. 'This man constantly lied to me, after so many years. In the house we have built together!'.

Paula didn't even know how she got ready or how she went out of her room, but she found herself right in front of the room Sonia shared with the other maid.

Paula knocked twice before she heard shuffling from inside the room, she quickly adjusted her disposition, she didn't want to make it apparent that she had been crying.

'First, Sonia, now who?', the other maid groaned as her sleep was being disturbed twice even before she was expected to wake up.

"Ahhh, ma'am!", The other maid shrieked as she didn't expect her boss would personally wake her up that morning.

"Is Sonia awake yet?", Paula asked, as she wanted to inquire somethings from her.

"Sonia?", The other maid asked again, Paula hummed confirming her question.

"She left really early morning. She said she had a family emergency and she would inform you with a call ma!"

"Ohh, see me later then!", Paula said as she headed towards her room.

"Should I help you with the morning news ma'am!", The other maid offered as she knew she had to cover Sonia's jobs till she came back.

"Right, the morning news!", Paula said, as she led the way to the living room.

The other maid put on the television and handed the remote to Paula before she ran off. Not like she didn't grumble on the way because of the amount of work she had to do.

She wasn't able to follow the news from the start, however, she was just in time to see the headlines one more time before the end of the news.

One in particular caught her attention, something she didn't know was the truth all along.