
Chapter Eleven

It took a while for Trisha to form coherent words, as she still couldn't believe all that Elle had told her.

"I'm torn between two right now mom!", Trisha said looking into the distance.

Paula was confused, it was only on rare occasions that her daughter spoke cryptically.

'Torn between two what?!' Paula thought as she looked at her daughter.

She suddenly didn't feel comfortable on the kitchen stool, so Trisha pulled her confused mother towards the couch to have a deeper conversation.

'Oh God!', Paula thought as she willingly let her daughter pull her towards the couch.

"Elle told me something today!", Trisha said. The suspense she had instigated not getting any better.

"What's that honey?! You know you can tell me anything, right baby?", Paula asked wrapping the cardigan around herself.

"She came to my office today, and she hit me with a big one. She said Collin was cheating on me. With Adriana mom!", Trisha said, streak of tears falling from her eyes.

"Oh my God. Oh Trisha!!", Paula said, coming closer to her daughter to wrap her in a hug.

"It's alright! You'll get through it!", She whispered, as she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that her step daughter and her daughter's boyfriend were having an affair.

"I don't want to beleive her, but I know she won't lie to me! Elle would never!". Trisha said, her voice breaking amidst sobs. All the tears she had been holding in finally letting loose.

She continued to hug her daughter, slightly thankful that the step daughter or her father in question weren't in the house.

She wondered how she would perceive Adriana from then on, considering the fact that she loved her blood daughter more.

"What do you want to do now?", Paula asked her daughter as she cleaned all the snot and mucus that had formed on her daughter's face with her bare hands.

The action smudged Trisha's makeup but the duo weren't bothered as they didn't plan on going anywhere else.

"Would you confront him, or her? I can't believe she could be this cruel. She's your step sister, and he's your boyfriend!", Paula exclaimed the last part, a shocked expression crossing her face.

"You know mom! For tonight I just want to have a long nap, I don't even want to think about any other thing!", Trisha said, taking her phone and her bag before heading upstairs.

Paula watched her daughter's back as she headed upstairs, 'she feels so lonely!', she thought.

Her daughter's current situation reminded her of what she used to feel like when Trisha's father died.

Considering the fact that she and Adriana didn't have a good relationship to start with, she wondered how she would treat Adriana on instinct being aware that she hooked up with her daughter's boyfriend.

She sighed wondering what Trisha was going to do. She took a glance at the stairs before she headed to the kitchen.


At Collin's apartment, Adriana and Collin had just finished the fourth round of intense passion.

They laid there spent, their breathing heavy as it was intense.

"I don't know how you can go on and on, I told you that she found out and you went on and on!", Adriana said, annoyed, yet she couldn't deny that she didn't have good time.

Collin scooted closer and kissed her shoulder before wrapping her in a hug.

"I told you that we would deal with it as it came!", Collin said.

Annoyed by his response, Adriana decided to just leave.

"I'm going now, I have to have dinner. I need to know if the bitch told your damned girlfriend!", She said, her voice bitter.

Collin had no idea why she suddenly left him to tend to the wave of pleasure that went through him as he hugged her.

He spread his arms out for a hug, a hug that was never returned, as she threw the duvet in his face before she went towards the bathroom to clean up


When Adriana went back to the house her father shared with his wife, she didn't know why Trisha didn't join them for dinner.

Paula kept stealing glances at her, wondering how she didn't feel guilty about the whole thing.

Dave on the other hand couldn't stop smiling. Everything he had been waiting for had fallen in place, he couldn't be any more happy.

Paula and her daughter had no idea what was about to hit them