
Chapter 1

"Hey! Jordan are you listening?"

I was brought back to reality when I heard Captain Ronald calling my name. " Uhm, yes cap" I said quivering.

Just like the other captains, Captain Ronald was the same. Cold blooded moron who always think of himself. He thinks he was all that high, and no one can reach him. That's why he acts indifferently when meeting with us. But face with much higher position, he cowers and became like a dog.

I gathered my strength to look around, everyone was looking at me. Giggling while others are mocking.

For my whole life, I was always keep asking why everyone I met look down upon me. Like I was a garbage to their eyes. A garbage that no ones even bother to clean.

Rage creep to my heart, I want to smash their face badly. Like they will not be able to stand for the rest of their life. But I can't, I don't have the courage nor the strength to do that.

I don't really want to be part of the special ops. I just want to have a good life. Having a good job and a family. My wife will kiss me saying take care when I left home and return back. Such a fantasy that will never gonna happened.

My father was the director and general of the Star fleet Gia. He was very powerful. Everyone respect him because of his status. Not only that, he got the track record only I, myself will never gonna achieve.

"Look kid, I don't want you here at my team. If I have the chance, I will kick you out but because of you father I need to endure...Make your balls ready!... Everyone dismissed!" the captain stormed out from the conference. He was clearly furious. Well, I don't care, I already used to it..

He was totally wrong, I made it here because of my hard work and not because of father.

My father never treated me like his son but instead a servant. An expendable servant.

I took a deep sight and collapsed back to where I was seating. I looked around, everyone already lift the room. I think I should get ready, the time id already near.

I pushed myself and went out the conference room. At the hallway, there was a big window at the right side where you can see the whole hangar outside. I stop on front and looked down. I saw my cruiser on the center. Twin drive system and have enough fire power to disintegrate any ships on its radar. Beyond the cockpit, there was a tiny space enough to house in our mission this time. We are ordered by the empire to brought back the so called NexGen, which is I really don't know what it was because of confidentiality. There are rumors but none of them matters. So I just sent it back away on the back of my head.

"I thought you are readying for the mission?" a voice coming from my back. I turned around and saw who it was. Dressed on white and blue uniform with the emblem on her right side. She was walking gorgeously.

"Captain Annie" I saluted as sign of respect "What made you here?" I asked.

"Same with you, your father wants me bring back a mummy from Plutos." she said while walking to my side to look out the window. She got a blond curly hair with slight red strand. On her hips, I saw the standard issue black and white plasma gun on her waist.

"He was making fun of you, I guess" I said laughing while following her. But she never react, maybe she got a bad day or my humor doesn't add up with the situation

"She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes....Waite who are we talking again." I asked confusedly.

She looked at me, raised one brow "Your cruiser"

"ahh, yeah maybe because of the twin drive system"

She took one last glance and walk away while waving" see ya around"

After that, I turned around and went the nearest elevator. It was pretty quick, before I could blink the door opened and I was already at the hangar.

I walked straight to my cruiser without lifting my head to look around. Everything went blur; I really hated my father. After my mother's death, he never asked how I was doing or if  I am even still alive. Every time we meet, I can see it on his eyes how he look at me. I was a nobody, a servant, a robot to follow his orders.

In the first place I don't want to be a pilot or being part of the special ops. I just want a normal life with a normal career. When I was a child, I want to be a botanist. Planting plants and helping our very own planet to heal from the wound the human inflected is my greatest desire.

Now here I am, serving the empire without knowing what we are doing. I just need to pull the trigger and it's done.

I looked up, I realized that I was already at the front of the my cruiser. Using the ladder on the side, I made my way to the cockpit. Strapping myself using the belts, after that, I pulled the records regarding to the NexGen. On the screen, there hundreds if not thousands archive. I lost count, thought I forgot, in the left bottom side the counts was presented. It says ten thousand three hundred twenty five archive. My head ache just looking at those numbers. If I will gonna read all those file inside the archives, I might gone crazy.

Anyway to my watch, there was already no time left before the mission will begun. So I decided to power up my ship. Making push here and there the cruiser came to life with a humming of the twin drive that reverberate through my ears like a symphony. It was really awesome and the feeling during the activation is very addictive.

Upon completion, the ship returns back to its state like it was never activated.

Not to long, Gate 1 opened and Angel made its way out.

Others called it "The Fallen Angel" because of the name. Angel was supposedly a destroyer, with her flexible mobility coupled with speed that no other cruiser can match. Adding the firepower she possess in the formula, she was considered the "Death" itself. No one can outrun or can scape from her during the glory days. But her she was, become a cargo cruiser. It was just a waste of its ability not to put in action. But when I think of how much old she was, I cannot help but to feel sad. Serving three generations of captainship, she was considered retired.

I watch her until she became too small for me to see. When I was about to shift my attention to other things, I noticed something. Beyond Angel is a red light that slowly growing or maybe its coming to us. No! it's definitely coming to us, It was an attack!  I exclaimed.

Angel make a sharp turn barely escaping. Using the sensors on my cruiser I zoomed in. Angel manage to avoid it and only got minor damage. Shifting to the incoming attack, I remembered something. The only thing that can generate such high level energy beam is the weapon used by Azrock. The enemy we've been fighting for twenty years.

The energy beam was still coming towards us. What should I do? I'm pretty sure the Guardian posted outside noticed what I just saw.

In every tick of the clock, the attack came closer and fiercer.

What should I do? I crepe to my cockpit. If I will stay, I'm sure that the base can handle it and if it is not. The Guardian can surely stop that thing. But if I will escape from my post without the orders. It is only means breaking the orders and will eventually charge as treason.

The attack is still heading towards us, it got near. I can even feel the heat from it.

"F*ck!" I cursed loudly. I don't want to die! I made my decision.

"Frrnngg!!" I punched the control and the cruiser jerk off. I used the gate where Angel went out because it was still opened for God knows why. It should be closed specially right now there are enemies.

I made my way out just in time the attack hit our shield. And it barely hold for half a second and shattered into shards leaving the base unprotected. When the attack was about to hit the base, one of the Guardian suddenly appeared on its path.

I felt relieved, Guardians are basically overpowered giant robots. It say, they are one man army piloted by the best of the best. One of the reason why it was very powerful is because of Instantaneous Synchronization System. Which is the machine itself is connected the human nervous system. No matter what the pilot think, the machine will follow. It is like the robot is the pilot itself, moving or fighting like his own body.

It raised its arm and a magnetic shield appeared. I was shock because only flagship Guardians has those capability. Now, I was completely sure that we are safe, Flagship Guardian are way too powerful compare to ordinary one, it is like comparing a hand gun to a rifle.

The attack was completely block, I wasn't surprised. Guardians can even withstand holding the explosion Torpedo missile which is one hundred times much powerfully than   the strongest bomb ever built on Earth before.

But the next thing happened left me unable to to think clearly. The Guardian that is supposedly undefeatable was sent away plunging to the base body. Craps and other parts of the base was sent away because of the impact.

I was to worried, I zoomed in. My jaw drop as my cruiser show me what happened to the Guardian and the pilot itself. All its limb was torn away, half of its body was nowhere to be found, and the head was crack revealing the miserable death of the pilot.

Cold sweat started dripping out on my forehead. What the hell just happened? Just like that? The Guardian was defeated?

I couldn't believed what was just happened.

I look back to where the Angel is. I'm still worried about Anne. Thank fully they were okay. But my jaw drop when all my sensors turned red. On my screen was an entire armada of Azrock marching towards us. Giant battle ships, destroyers, bombers, and fighters which I didn't know exist.

"control, are you seeing this?" I contacted the base through my com link.

"Yes, and we are advising you to report to your captain immediately for further instructions." said by the other side.

"Copy" I replied. I rub my forehead tried to sync to what was just happening. Everything happened suddenly like I am not prepared. Last time I was just chilling out inside my cockpit and now we are going to fight the entire armada!

How could this happened? The controls should detected them from a far giving us some ample time to prepare. But we are totally unaware and was even surprised when they showed up.