There are many kingdoms in this world:
- The Kingdom of Lupé is located in the north.
- Dovarik, the land of the Dwarves, can be found in the south.
- The Kingdom of Solaz lies in the Mediterranean-like westernmost regions of Leluine.
- The Kingdom of Coverne is situated south of Solaz, within the arid Covernian Desert.
- The lands of the Gailene are found in the hot, humid jungles of the southernmost parts of the continent.
- The Kingdom of Kujitenne is in the eastern ocean, estranged from the rest of the continent.
The monks of Vilinoir and Talinor reside in the tribal lands of the northwestern sea, which is also separated from the mainland.
- The hidden realms of the Amverium race are found in the deep forests of Lupé.
- The Kingdom of the Elves is situated in the east, guarding the Gates of the Necropolis and preventing those within from escaping, known as Qo'non.
- Lastly, there is the Cursed Necropolis, a land that is part of both this continent and the void.
This is my first time sharing this, and I would love to hear your thoughts. Please feel free to offer any advice or constructive criticism; I am open to all feedback.
I want to clarify that this is my original work, and I am still in the process of finishing it. I kindly ask that you do not steal my work. If you enjoy what you see, I have much more to share, so please let me know what you think!
Thank you!