
Being reborn with gravity manipulation in MHA

Gaming_Empire · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs


"How long has it been;" I said to myself aloud I was floating in a void by myself I couldn't feel or see anything but it felt like I was suffocating and it was silent there was no sound all I did was float there unmoving. I've been here for so long that I lost track of time all I did was think about different memory's that I loved; before the void, it kept me sane while I was here. But as time passed my memory slowly started to fade I couldn't remember the face of my friends and family. I tried to remember their faces and voices so mean times but I just couldn't. I couldn't remember what they were like before or if I had a good or bad relationship with them before I died. I was only able to hold on to the memory of two series that I loved when I was alive My Hero Academia and Scarlet Nexus. I was able to hold on to that for so long but it finally started to slip away from me and I was scared. I was terrified because I thought I truly would be alone at the point I would lose everything; If that happens to me.

A bright light engulfs the void blinding me at first It was pitch black now, my eyes were being scorched by the sun. But I'm glad that I got to see something new other than the black void. I covered my eyes to protect myself from the light around me. Slowly the light started to dim around me I noticed that the void turned into a white room everything was white. I looked around and notice a man sitting in front of me; I was excited to see another person.

"I'm very sorry!" The man yelled as he bowed his head slamming against the table. I was surprised that he suddenly yelled I wanted to ask why he was sorry but he all ready started to explain.

"I messed up I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to go to the 7th layer you were meant to go to the golden city. I'm truly very sorry;" He said as he bowed his head slamming against the table in between us costing the glass to shatter apart. It's all right everyone makes mistakes I wanted to say.

"How long was I stuck there?" I asked my voice dry and monotone

"Umm, close to... Seven thousand years;" He said in a low voice hoping he wouldn't be heard.

"I was stuck there for thousands of years, and you want me to just say all is forgiven just because you say sorry;" I asked my voice just as low as a whisper.

"I know you wouldn't forgive me just that easy for this mistake, that's why I want to give you a gift;" He said

"What gift?" I asked

"I'm glad you seem interested, I want to offer you a new life in any reality of your choosing be it movie, comic, show, cartoon, or anime with 3 wishes;" He said as he explained his offer to me.

"Any reality?" I asked my face brightening up a bit. He nodded his head and snapped his fingers as all types of bubbles with different realities playing in them appeared all around me. Some I vividly remember, some seemed completely new but that when I so it. One reality bubble with the events of episode 1 of my hero playing and I knew which reality I wanted to go to.

"I accepted your offer;" I said ready to start my new life.

"That great, now we can get started;" He said as he clapped his hands together and a pack of paper appeared in front of me.

"Well actually before we can do that, I need you to sign this contract stating that you have forgiven me and that you won't try to seek any legal action against me;" He said with a bright smile on his face handing me a pen.

"Hmm, yeah sure what could go wrong;" I signed the contract without reading it.

"Great now that the legal stuff is out the way; tell me where do you want to go and try to be specific;" He said

"My Hero Academia I want to be the same age as Deku;" I said

"Ok I can do that, what are your three wishes;" He said my face lit up when he said I could go to my hero.

"Ok, ok for my first wish I want a strong Gravitokinesis ability for my quirk;" I asked he nodded his head signaling me to continue.

"And for my second wish, I want brain drive and brain field and to be able to use it naturally;" I said he didn't say anything so I just continued.

"For my final wish, hmm, I want a regeneration ability;" I said

"I can grant those wishes, but I can't give you an overpowered regeneration ability like the Sacred Ancestor from Vampire Hunter D;" He said I didn't know what he was talking about.

"But I could give you a healing factor the level of Ulquiorra is that ok;" He asked I nodded my head hoping that a good one I didn't know who or what a Ulquiorra is.

"Great your wishes are now granted I hope you enjoy your new life;" He said the room around me started to go dark my eyes were getting heavy I closed my eyes. And when I opened them I was in a room my body was smaller I think because as soon as I tried to walk I stumbled.

"So this is my life now;" I said to my aloud not noticing that someone was behind me.

"Who are you talking to brother?" I hear a voice behind me I turned around and see a girl barely up to my chest with auburn brown eyes and hair that was bobbed and curved inwards at the ends.

"Uraraka?" I asked my mind racing where was I right now wait did she say brother.

"Hmm, when did you start calling me Uraraka brother?" she asked as she tilted her head slightly.

"Umm umm;" I started to stammer to myself I didn't think anyone was around and usually in anime or fanfic no one could her you when you talk to yourself.

"Are you ok? Your acting weird;" She said as she started to check my forehead for a fever.

"I-I-I'm ok, I'm sorry I hit my head earlier I'm just feeling a little loopy;" I said hoping she would believe me.

"Oh I'll go get mom she'll make you feel better;" She said

"No, I'll be ok I just want to sleep now I'll see you tomorrow;" I said to her hoping she would take the hint.

"Ok, I'll see you;" She said as she left the room I look around the room it look like a bedroom. There wasn't that much stuff in the room. Some posters and some toys all of them Thirteen related. I'm guessing this was my room or she wouldn't have left. I just laid down on the bed and closed my eyes I was really tired. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness I tossed and turned in the bed even though I was tired I still couldn't go to sleep. Until I felt a warm embrace that calmed me down. And I finally let the darkness overtake me.