
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Thanh xuân
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40 Chs



There was a basic music theory book on Bai Xi's desk. When Ye Jingxian saw it for the first time, she felt that she had studied vocal music.

After convincing Bai Xi, she didn't ask too much from her. She didn't let her participate in choreographed dances like Xu Xi did. She just asked her to simply sing a song at that station, and Bai Xi didn't refuse her.

When it comes to song selection, Bai Xi only said that she was more familiar with Yan Lu's songs.

After some final thought, Ye Jingxian signed her up for "Re-reading the Old Days".

When discussing with Bai Shi tonight, Ye Jingxian thought that the best outcome would be for Bai Shi to change her song. She also considered that Bai Shi might not continue to participate in the National Day welcome party.

Sword dance, spear, guzheng?

"Wait, junior sister," Ye Jingxian looked down at Bai Shi, the light in her eyes growing brighter and brighter, "You know so many things?"

Bai Shi was still leaning back in her chair, with a slightly lazy attitude and clear eyes. "I haven't tried it for a long time."

The long sword was still there last time at Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

"How about the guzheng?" Xu Qian, who was standing next to her, responded. She looked at Bai Xi's delicate and lazy look, and her clothes also matched the classical beauty of the guzheng. "Knives and guns are not very safe."

She chose a guzheng that matched Baishen's temperament.

"Guzheng won't work." Ye Jingxian had other thoughts. She had already received the program and knew that Bai Shaoqi would be playing Guzheng at the welcome party.

The School of Finance wants the School of Physics to change its song because the music of the two schools overlaps.

Bai Shaoqi's short video account is very popular.

Both she and Song Min are good at winning people over, and the student union of the Finance Department gets along well with them. Ye Jingxian feels that the president of the Student Union of the School of Finance has already trained Song Min as the next president of the Student Union.

Most importantly, Bai Shaoqi revealed that he studied with Jiang Yin's teacher.

The level of playing the guzheng must be quite good.

This time the show included singing, musical instruments, and dance sketches, but the "sword dance" and "spear" proposed by Bai Xi were not included. Apart from this welcome party, Ye Jingxian had never seen them on any other stage.

Very novel.

In the past two months, because of "Da Yong", there have been many editing sessions about the surprise attack, and Ye Jingxian remembered that Bai Xi had an autographed photo of Yan Lu.

I guess he is also a fan of Yan Lu.

Not only Ye Jingxian, Kong Wei also spoke up. She swept the floor and threw the flowers on the table. "Senior, how about letting her try a spear or sword dance? I have never seen a similar performance."

Bai Mi Any one will do. She put her hands on the armrest and said, "You guys can watch it."

"Schoolmate, are you sure you can use a spear?" Ye Jingxian thought for a moment, "I'll introduce you to a spear."

When Ye Jingxian asked this, Bai Xi just raised her eyebrows slightly.

Compared to the guzheng, she was more familiar with the spear that had accompanied her for many years, and the seniors were quite good at choosing.

"Okay," Ye Jingxian looked at her expression and made the final decision, "Then I'll give you this. Do you have any requirements for the costumes and props?"

Ye Jingxian and Bai Xi finalized the details.

Bai Shi narrowed her eyes slightly. The spear she used to have had a specific height and hardness, but that was used on the battlefield. There were not so many detailed requirements for school performances.

Moreover, Ye Jingxian and the others might not be able to get her the material she wanted.

"It'll be fine if the spear is a little heavier," Bai Zhu was used to it, but the material he was used to would be easier to use, "Don't worry about the costumes, I'll talk to my grandfather."

Jiang He now goes to school during the day, and Ji Heng has nothing to do during the day, so he likes to take his chessboard to the nearby park to play Gobang with college students.

Otherwise, find an opportunity to go fishing with Director Chen and the others.

Now there is one more thing to do, which is to go to Xu's house to see Ji Mulan.

He had quite a few descendants, but he did not see Bai Mi and Ren Wanxuan when they were born. The premature child of Ji Mulan was the only grandchild he had seen.

"Your grandpa can make clothes?" Ye Jingxian, Kong Wei and others were a little surprised.

Bai Su lowered her eyes and smoothed her sleeves, "My clothes are all made by grandpa."

"Did your grandfather make this dress, too?" Kong Wei walked over to Bai Xi, touched the fine stitches on her collar, and sighed, "Your grandfather's craftsmanship is so good."

Xu Qian also lowered her head to observe Bai Xi's clothes and was a little surprised. Last time, Bai Xi gave each roommate a card, and she could tell something from it.

There are no logos on Bai Xi's clothes, but every stitch and shape fits her figure perfectly.

With Xu Qian's eyes, she could naturally tell that this was a custom-made item.

Their ready-made clothes were all custom-made a quarter in advance. Xu Qian originally thought that Bai Mi's clothes were the same, but she didn't expect that her clothes were actually made by her grandfather.

The people in the dormitory looked at Bai Shi's clothes for a while.

Ye Jingxian stood up and said, "Okay, I'll discuss the details with the president tomorrow. The clothes will be handed over to your grandfather. If you need anything else, just tell us. We will meet your requirements."

Not only did Baishen not withdraw from the performance, but she also changed the show, which was a pleasant surprise.

Ye Jingxian was very satisfied with this trip tonight. When she was about to leave, she saw the book on Bai Shi's desk and said, "Jiang Da Physics? Isn't this taught next semester? Oh, junior sister, you are in the same class as Feng, it's different."

After the list of names of Tongfeng's class was revealed last night, only the students in the Theoretical Physics Class 1 burst into tears.

After Ye Jingxian left, Kong Wei patted Bai Shi's shoulder and asked, "How is your spear?"

Bai Xi looked down at the phone in her hand, which was still on the phone. "Not bad."

She turned the chair back and signaled to Kong Wei that she was going to make a phone call. Then she stood up with her hands on the table, walked to the balcony, leaned against the small table on the balcony, lowered her eyes and continued to talk to Jiang Fuli, "It was my senior sister who came over just now."

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Fuli turned on the speakerphone. While Bai Xi was talking to Ye Jingxian and the others, he slowly took the Rubik's Cube from Jiang He's hand while he was sitting on the carpet.

Hearing Bai Xi talking, he casually stuffed the half-restored Matrix Rubik's Cube into his hand, stood up, picked up the phone and turned off the speakerphone, "Is your college holding a welcome party?"

"Senior has come to see me several times." There was no air conditioning on the balcony, and Bai Shi was leaning on her legs lazily.

Jiang Fuli asked: "What time?"

"At the end of the month. I didn't ask when exactly."


302. Jiang He looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand which had been restored to more than half.

He looked up at Jiang Fuli who had his back to him. He climbed up from the carpet with the Rubik's Cube that had not yet fully recovered, opened the door of room 302 and went downstairs.

The door of 301 was open. Ming Dongheng followed Jiang He all the way to 103 and waited until the door of 103 was closed before he went back. **

The next day.

At six o'clock in the morning, Baishen got up on time.

She changed into a set of sportswear, took out a few pieces of iridium from the closet and tied them around her hands and feet, put on Bluetooth headphones, and went downstairs to run two laps while listening to English.

Now she lives in the school dormitory, she cannot see Ji Heng when she wakes up every morning, and she has no way to impart knowledge to Ji Heng.

It was so early, and there were not many people who got up early in Jiangda University. Most of them went to the library to reserve seats. Bai Mi ran around the main road of the dormitory building twice before going back. She took a shower and changed into casual clothes.

Physics Building 307.

It was around seven in the morning when Bai Xi arrived, almost everyone in the same class had already arrived. Bai Xi, Tang Ming, Ning Xiao and the others were still sitting in the same place.

When Bai Mi came yesterday, everyone in the same class was studying hard.

The students in the same class were quite excited today. They gathered together and discussed something in a low voice.

In addition to the students in the same class, Bai Su saw that there were two rows of people who were not students in the same class sitting in the last two rows of the classroom.

As the representative of the group, Tang Ming went to find out what was going on.

"You don't know?" The people in Ding Wenyang's group were very excited. When they heard Tang Ming's question, they suppressed their excitement and said, "We have topology every Tuesday morning. I heard from Gao Yuan that the one who teaches us this year is Academician Ma.

Hearing the name of Academician Ma, Xu Zhiyue, who was sitting behind Bai Wei, couldn't help but look up.

Liang Wu Yu obviously knew that Academician Ma would come to class today. After listening, his eyes involuntarily looked outside the door.

Ding Wenyang was not surprised by his reaction. "The group of doctoral students in the back are all here to attend the class! Did you see Dr. Gao in the middle?" He lowered his voice, "Dr. Gao Jiachen..."

When Bai Mi heard that Academician Ma was coming to class, she just raised her head slightly, then nodded, and didn't say anything else.

Except for Baishen, Tang Ming's reaction was slightly indifferent compared to others.

This was not the first time Tang Ming had heard of Academician Ma.

When Academician Ma went to the Boyuan Base to listen to their lecture, there was a long row of bigwigs in the professional field sitting behind him, and Tang Ming was also very nervous.

However, Tang Ming met Academician Ma from afar once during the summer vacation, and the other party even chatted with Bai Shen for a while.

When he heard that Academician Ma was giving them lessons, he was very receptive.

Ding Wenyang looked at Tang Mingning, Xiao Baiwei and the other two and chuckled twice, wondering in his heart whether there were three outsiders in their team.


Eight o'clock.

The bell rang and footsteps could be heard clearly in the corridor.

307 fell silent, and everyone's eyes turned toward the door.

The door of the classroom was pushed open and two people came in. One of them was an old man wearing glasses. He was wearing loose clothes, had messy hair, and was unkempt.

As soon as he appeared, everyone, including the group of doctoral students studying in the laboratory behind him, turned their eyes to him with eager eyes.

Zhou Wenqing followed Academician Ma and helped him turn on the projector. He then opened his courseware and said, "Academician Ma, please use this."

He handed the remote control to Academician Ma.

"Thank you," Academician Ma coughed. He didn't bring a lesson plan or a book. He just stood in front of the podium. "I didn't bring a book today, but don't worry, I know everything in the book."

The classroom was very quiet. Everyone, including Zhou Wenqing, was listening to Academician Ma's lecture.

Bai Mi only lowered her head to glance at her topology book, on which the name of the editor-in-chief was clearly printed.

Ma Tongfeng.

Topology is also taught from 8:00 to 12:00. Even during the break, no one in the entire class goes to rest.

At nearly twelve o'clock, Ma Tongfeng left a topic. He pointed to the topic on the PPT and said, "This is the homework I leave for you. Please hand it in to me next Tuesday."

Zhou Wenqing has been sitting in the first row, serving as a temporary teaching assistant to Ma Tongfeng.

With half an hour left, Academician Ma took his cell phone and went out early.

Behind them, a group of doctors sitting in the last row also stood up. Gao Jiachen chased after them with his notebook, "Academician Ma..."

The other students in Tongfeng's class were still sitting in the classroom.

Zhou Wenqing watched the people in the last two rows leave, and then he said to the people in this year's class, "Everyone is very lucky this year because Academician Ma is teaching you. Of course, everyone knows that Academician Ma has left questions, and I hope everyone will work hard on them and discuss them within the team. These will be recorded in Academician Ma's separate regular score for topology."

As soon as he said this, the students in the same class started discussing louder.

"Gao Yuan, it's really Academician Ma! What your brother said is right..."


The others were divided into groups and were all working on their own projects, and everyone was equally excited.

Ding Wenyang's group was also discussing, "The topic that Academician Ma gave us is very important. Let's discuss it together at noon and have a meal together in the second canteen next door."

He also called Tang Ming, Ning Xiao and others.

Bai Shen looked down at the news that Academician Ma had come to her on her phone. After a moment's thought, she handed Jiang Fuli's meal card to Tang Ming and said to Ding Wenyang, "I'll treat everyone to a meal. I have other things to do at noon. I'll share my thoughts with the group later."

Tang Ming and Ning Xiao had some guesses. He took Bai Shi's meal card and said, "Okay."

When Ding Wenyang heard Bai Xi say that he would treat him to a meal, he did not show any reaction. After all, he was a newcomer, so he just wanted to get to know everyone in advance. He did not think that Tang Ming and the others could come up with any excellent suggestions.

Ding Wenyang went to find other people in the same group and informed them of this matter.

Wang Xin from the same group put away his books. He hadn't been to the bathroom all morning and he had just washed his hands.

Hearing Ding Wenyang's words, he took out a tissue and slowly wiped his fingers, then looked up: "She's not participating in the discussion?"

"Yes, the second cafeteria," Ding Wenyang washed his hands and went out first, "We'll wait for you."

After he left, Wang Xin took out the phone from his pocket, opened WeChat, scrolled down, found Zhou Wenqing's WeChat, and sent a message directly -

[Hello, Professor Zhou, I would like to apply for a group change.]


Chapter 257: Assigning positions, your niece's Liang style writing is good (second update)

Academician Ma has a special lounge at Jiangnan University.

It was a bit far from the physics building, so Bai Su took a school bus to get here.

As soon as I got off the school bus, I saw people from the School of Finance waiting at the bus stop. Bai Xi has been quite popular in Jiangnan University these days. She is very recognizable both for her face and her restrained temperament.

She was wearing a simple long T-shirt and black jeans today, and Ji Heng was keen on embroidering something on her clothes.

Today, there is a simple and lazy black cat embroidered on the left side of the T-shirt.

The loose top made her look thinner. She wore Bluetooth headphones and stood straight, which made people who wanted to ask for her WeChat retreat.

"This is Bai Shi from the School of Physics," Yan Zhiming, the director of the School of Finance, turned and spoke to Song Min beside him, "She is indeed this year's popularly elected campus beauty. Did you know that she will also have a performance at the welcome party?"

Song Min looked at the figure going away, and came back to his senses. He remembered that he had seen Bai Xi at Jiang Yin last time, and his heart moved slightly: "What show?"

"Singing?" Yan Zhiming scratched his head. "I think it's this, but I'm not sure yet."

Song Min came back to his senses, nodded, and didn't ask any further questions.

The two returned to the School of Finance, and Song Min mentioned this matter to Bai Shaoqi.

Bai Shaoqi asked the senior.

"You're talking about this," the senior from the School of Finance laughed on the other end of the phone. "She was originally going to sing, but her song conflicted with yours, so our president asked them to change the song. I see, she's now changed it to... a show. But it doesn't matter what they change, it won't affect you much. I see many of your fans have said they want to come to our School of Finance to watch the welcome party."

Bai Shaoqi has a considerable influence, and it is also good publicity for their School of Finance.

As for asking Baishen to change the program, the School of Finance didn't care much about it at all.

I don't think this will have any impact on them.


Academician Ma's lounge is located in the school's comprehensive building.

At this time, most professors go to eat.

In the lounge, Dean Huang was sitting at the meeting table and talking with Academician Ma. Seeing Bai Shi, Dean Huang was not surprised and greeted Bai Shi with a smile: "Student Bai."

"Academician Ma, Director Huang." Bai Xi greeted them one by one.

Assistant Yun already knew that Bai Shi was coming, so he took a disposable cup and went to make tea for Bai Shi.

"Take a seat," Academician Ma took off his glasses and pointed to the empty seat next to him. "I heard you participated in the Mathematical Modeling Competition?"

"Yes, and he won the first prize." Dean Huang added.

Academician Ma looked satisfied. "It's good to participate in more competitions. How was your class today?"

It is not easy for freshmen to understand Academician Ma's lectures. He is a bit like Jiang Fuli. When he encounters something that he thinks is too easy to understand, he tends to skip it.

Bai Su was used to Jiang Fuli's way of explaining and could keep up with the pace.

"It's okay." Bai Xi took the tea that Assistant Yun poured for her and thanked him.

"Yeah." Academician Ma was naturally satisfied with the person he took a liking to at first sight. Of course, he would be even more satisfied if Jiang He could come with him.

He gave Bai Mi several academic reports as soon as he came back. Now he asked her a few questions, and she could answer them one by one.

Dean Huang sat next to Academician Ma, holding a teacup, nodding and watching.

"There will be a research meeting in the middle of the semester. You will select a group from your class to participate in a project," Academician Ma asked, and then got down to business. "You should perform well. There are not many projects that you can follow up during your freshman year. At this stage, what is tested is the teamwork ability."

"I know." Bai Shi nodded.

"Also, there will be a new quantum literature later. I'll give it to you," Academician Ma thought for a moment, "analyze it carefully and try to write a report."

Bletilla striata has read enough reviews now, and Academician Ma hopes that she can receive more academic training.

After Bai Xi left, Dean Huang put down his teacup and sighed, "She is really very intelligent."



Tang Ming, Ding Wenyang and his group swiped their cards in a grand manner.

The group found a seat and sat down. Ding Wenyang and Tang Ming went to order food together. "Why is Bai's card different from ours?"

The freshman cards show the gate of Jiangnan University campus and the sky, which are blue.

Although the card Tang Ming took was also from Jiangda University, its overall color was brick red.

This card belongs to Jiang Fuli. Tang Ming said casually, "Sister Xu put a sticker on it."


Why aren't there any celebrity stickers?

But Ding Wenyang didn't think much about it, because the next second he saw the balance on the card -


Ding Wenyang is a native of Jiangjing and his family is considered to be okay. But no matter how well-off his family is, he has never seen anyone use his meal card as a bank card to charge money.

He looked at the balance on the card and fell silent.

Ding Wenyang hadn't reacted until the group gathered together for dinner.

"What Academician Ma said today was too complicated," someone at the dinner table began to discuss today's topology class. Few people at the table could understand what he was saying. "Liang Wuyu, did you understand?"

Liang Wuyu was eating beside him while looking at his phone. Hearing this, he looked up and said, "I have listened to most of the lecture content, but the ideas for the remaining topics are not very clear."

It's normal to have no ideas, and Ding Wenyang also had no clue.

Tang Ming looked at the group chat between him, Bai Mi and Jiang Fuli. Jiang Fuli only said two words -

[Eight o'clock.]

He began to slowly poke at the food and started to wonder whether he should bring an extra recorder tonight. "Hey, where's the great Wang Xin in our group?"

When Tang Ming saw that Wang Xin had not arrived, he asked Ding Wenyang.

Ding Wenyang said that Wang Xin is the soul of their group.

"He'll be here soon," Ding Wenyang was saying when he saw Wang Xin coming from the gate. He waved to Wang Xin and said, "Here is the

Wang Xin approached them and nodded in a friendly manner, "Hello."


The afternoon classes for the Tongfeng class are from 2:00 to 5:30.

The class in the afternoon is electromagnetism. There are no classes in the evening, but there is self-study, which is also the time for groups to communicate and discuss academic issues.

In addition to the questions from Academician Ma, the group also had a literature report assignment at the regular meeting. Ding Wenyang and Wang Xin were very familiar with the process. "Professor Zhou asked us to find new literature to report on. I found a few, including this one on quantum theory. I also need to check some data support..."

He posted the document to the group, mainly to ask for the opinions of the five freshmen.

Liang Wu Yu and Xu Zhi Yue had no objection.

Ding Wenyang turned his gaze to Bai Di and the other two. Bai Di was receiving the paper given to her by Academician Ma. She raised her head slightly and said, "Okay."

Ning Xiao and Tang Ming had little experience in reading papers, but both had collected data.

Liang Wu Yu pushed up his glasses and said, "I'll get the review done."

"Sister Xi can give the overall report." Tang Ming suggested.

As the regular member of their group, the reporter is also very important. This person must be able to respond to the professor's questions calmly. The report that Bai Mi made at the Boyuan base has been deeply imprinted in the minds of Tang Ming and Xu Zhiyue.

Upon hearing this, Ding Wenyang looked at Bai Shi.

The other person was sitting in the upper seat, with his back straight, his slender fingers resting on the keyboard, looking up to listen to them talking, his brows like distant mountains, and a very relaxed demeanor.

Liang Wu Yu and Xu Zhi Yue had both seen Bai Xi express his passion on the podium, and neither of them had any objections.

Seeing that Liang Wuyu had no objection, Ding Wenyang also thought it was feasible. The professors would definitely appreciate such a clean, pretty and intelligent girl. "Okay, then let's do it. Bai Shi, you just need to familiarize yourself with the paper, make a PPT and write a summary."

"...That's fine," Bai Xi originally wanted to prepare data for them and write the research background.

She has read a lot of reviews, especially this project report which is in line with her research direction.

But they decided to let her speak, and she didn't refuse.

At half past seven, Bai Mi, Tang Mingning and Xiao left.

"Are you going back now?" Ding Wenyang looked up, and Xu Zhiyue also looked at Bai Wei.

Seeing that the others were still studying seriously, Tang Ming lowered his voice and said, "Let's go and learn from them. Don't worry. When I figure out Academician Ma's problem, I'll explain it to you."

It is not easy for them to study Academician Ma's question thoroughly now, unless they have a doctoral brother to tutor them like Gao Yuan.

However, Ding Wenyang did not undermine Tang Ming's self-confidence, "Okay, I'll wait for you."


At this point, there are no seminar rooms available in the library.

There was no empty lecture hall to be found either.

Jiang Fuli is in the cafe downstairs of No. 1 Doctor Building.

Many people check in at the Doctoral Building, but this also puts a lot of pressure on Jiang University students, and few people dare to come to the cafe downstairs of the Doctoral Building to drink coffee.

When Bai Xi and the other two arrived, Jiang Fuli was already sitting on the sofa against the wall.

There was a computer in front of him. He leaned slightly against the backrest, his brows were grim, and he typed a few words on the keyboard with one hand to reply to the paper, while his other hand tapped the table impatiently.

There is an aura of "keep away from strangers".

The waiter holding a cup of coffee was five meters away from him, hesitating and not daring to move forward.

Bai Shi walked closer and reached out to pick up the coffee on the waiter's tray, "I'll get it to you."

She walked over to Jiang Fuli, sat down calmly, and pushed the coffee over to him, "Teacher Jiang, your coffee."

Jiang Fuli heard the voice, raised his head, took off his glasses, and slowly sat up straight: "What class did Academician Ma give you today?"

"Yeah, but I didn't explain it as clearly as you did." Bai Xi took out his mobile phone and found the exercises left by Academician Ma in the morning.

Tang Ming and Ning Xiao sat opposite each other somewhat awkwardly.

Jiang Fuli then reached out and took her phone, saying calmly, "Oh."

One glance and you can tell the general idea, Jiang Fuli still patiently explained it twice. Of course, considering the IQ of Tang Ming, he explained it in quite some detail.

Ten o'clock.

The class ended. Because Jiang Fuli was there, Tang Ming and Ning Xiao tactfully packed up their bags and left first.

"Oh, your grandpa told me," Jiang Fuli slowly followed her towards the girls' dormitory, remembering this, "Your grandpa's grandson's full moon party, he invited me to go, are you going?"

No one dared to mention this matter to Bai Shi, only he was brave enough.

Xu Zhiyue had been seeing Bai Xi for so many days, and although he often harassed her on WeChat, he never mentioned this matter.

Bai Su stepped on the shadow of the tree and tilted her head to look at him. "Why are you asking me?"

Jiang Fuli raised his delicate eyebrows, with a look of "If not you, who should I ask?" He said indifferently: "If you go, I will go. Why should I go if you don't go?"

He took it for granted.

He was holding Bai Xi's computer. She clasped her hands together casually and raised her head slightly, "Let's talk about it later."


at the same time.

At the Mu family, housekeeper Lou also passed the news to Mu Yining.

"Full moon party?" Mu Yining had just finished her work and reeked of alcohol. She took off her coat and thought for a moment, "Let me check the time."

Apart from anything else, Bletilla striata still needs to be respected.

The housekeeper poured her a glass of water and looked around. "It seems that the uncle hasn't been back for a long time. He will have to meet the master when the time comes. You should take the uncle to meet him."

The son-in-law he was talking about was Mu Yining's husband, Dong Xiaobai, who was an artist and seldom stayed in the Mu family.

The Dong family is also quite famous in Jiangjing. They are a family of scholars and are on par with the current Liu family.

"He has been..." Mu Yining thought for a moment, "seems to be very close to Wanxuan recently."

"Miss Ren?" The housekeeper hadn't heard this name for a long time.

I haven't seen Ren Wanxuan much in the past few days.

"Yeah." Mu Yining said, took out her cell phone and made a call, and the call was quickly answered by Dong Xiaobai.

"Yining," Dong Xiaobai's voice sounded quite surprised on the other end of the phone, "I'm still out now. Did you know that your niece's calligraphy is much better than yours and Mu Zhao's? She also writes in Liang style with great style, but there is still room for improvement. I didn't expect that your Mu family has a child with good artistic talent. My old man likes her very much."


When Mu Qing was unable to return from the snowy mountains, the Dong family was very understanding and allowed Mu Zhao to follow the surname Mu Yining and be included in the Mu family tree.

Mu Zhao is indeed more inclined towards the Mu family and linear thinking.

"She has learned calligraphy?" The Mu family was not very concerned about such things, and Housekeeper Lou had not asked about Ren Wanxuan in detail. Mu Yining smiled and listened to Dong Xiaobai for a while before explaining what she meant, "When can you come back and take some time to meet Shao Jun and the others?"

Ji Shaojun also studied painting before this and had common topics with Dong Xiaobai.

"Okay, I understand." Dong Xiaobai smiled.

"It seems that your family admires Wanxuan very much?" Mu Yining felt that he was in a good mood.

"Not really. Many people in my family write well. Wanxuan's style and technique are far behind." Dong Xiaobai paused for a moment and said seriously, "But she is your niece."

The couple only has one son, Mu Zhao, and Ren Wanxuan is Mu Yining's niece, so he will naturally be more lenient towards her and have a bit of a filter.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yining's eyebrows slightly frowned

Ren Wanxuan is different from Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing. Although Shen Qing is openly materialistic, she is also very sober and has never done anything out of line since coming to Jiangjing.

Housekeeper Lou looked at Mu Yining and comforted her, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to Miss Ren."

"I hope so," Mu Yining pressed his forehead, "but I really didn't think that she just happened to learn calligraphy and happened to step into the key point of the Dong family."

"Many people in Xiangcheng learn calligraphy."


The question left by Academician Ma is not difficult.

It took Baimu two days to barely finish the calculation.

On Friday, Ding Wenyang, Ning Xiao and Bai Xi were still having their meals in the cafeteria next to the physics building.

She habitually put on a pair of Bluetooth headphones, which played some professional terms and academic texts, which were read very slowly. She listened while eating.

Ning Xiao sat on her left and Xu Zhiyue sat on her right.

At the dinner table, Ning Xiao and Liang Wu Yu were mainly discussing the quantum theory paper. Ding Wenyang was listening on the side. The more he listened, the more surprised he became. In fact, in the past two days, the team had discovered that although these two people were both taking the college entrance examination, they were not weaker than anyone in the national team.

Ning Xiao has rigorous logic, while Liang Wu Yu is obviously very familiar with various experiments and papers.

There is almost no need to worry about the literature report at the regular meetings when two people work together.

This put Ding Wenyang and others under a lot of pressure.

"I feel great with you two here," Ding Wenyang took a sip of soup, "We will have a regular meeting next week, and I'm sure I'll get a B for the literature report."

"Yes, Bai Shi will make the report," another person also looked up and thought for a moment, "As long as you are not nervous in front of Professor Zhou and others and can handle the pressure, a B+ will be easy."

After spending these few days together, they could naturally see that among Bai Shi's five people, Xu Zhiyue, Ning Xiao Tangming only obeyed Bai Shi's orders.

Ding Wenyang looked at Baishen thoughtfully.

"It's Friday now. Let's try to finish all the papers this weekend. Don't forget one more thing," Ding Wenyang couldn't eat when he thought of the questions left by Academician Ma. "Do you have any ideas for the topology question?"

Xu Zhiyue shook her head.

Liang Wu Yu slowly picked up the vegetables in the bowl and said, "It's been solved a little bit, but it's stuck in the middle."

Wang Xin looked up and said, "I don't have any idea either."

Tang Ming glanced at Bai Shi. Bai Shi was holding chopsticks in one hand and slowly swiping her phone with the other hand, with her brows lowered and no expression.

He lowered his head and continued to eat the rice in the bowl without saying anything.

After dinner, we arrived at 307.

Tang Mingcai took out the backpack under the table, took out the general process he had written, walked to the middle position, and handed it to Ding Wenyang.

Ding Wenyang was talking to other team members, and Wang Xin was discussing topology questions with Gao Yuan and others in the front.

After receiving the A4 paper handed over by Tang Ming, I was stunned for a moment before I realized that it was the topology question.

"You do your research first," Tang Ming said to him, "I'll go back and look at the literature first."

Ding Wenyang lowered his head and used paper and pen to calculate for the whole afternoon, but he hadn't finished yet. Before the afternoon electromagnetism class started, he looked up in shock and moved his seat from the middle to next to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming was collecting data on his computer. When he saw Ding Wenyang coming over, he looked up and greeted him, "Hi, brother."



Bai Su, Ning Xiao and others did not live in the school. Zhang Shize would come back every weekend, and Shen Qing would also come from the next district.

Shanhai Apartment will be very lively at this time.

Shen Qing was holding a tape measure and measuring the size of Bai Shi.

"You've lost weight." Shen Qing measured Bai Shi's waistline and wrote down the size.

Jiang Fuli was sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a white shirt, his fingers casually resting on the armrests. He was not wearing cufflinks, and his cuffs were rolled up twice, revealing his slightly bony wrists. His phoenix eyes were lazily raised.

The other hand was holding a teacup, and upon hearing that, he nodded.

Ji Heng and Jiang He were sitting on the small carpet next to each other playing Gobang. Jiang He made a move casually, then looked up at Ji Heng. Ji Heng was holding the black piece and looked at Jiang He expressionlessly: "..."

Bai Xi had already finished measuring the size, so Ji Heng handed Hei Zi to her and took Shen Qingji's size. "A Xi, you are going to perform a spear show, do you have any requirements for the costume?"

Bai Xi bent down and calmly placed the black piece on the chessboard, then slowly took out another one. "Let's go with white. Keep it simple."


Ji Heng originally wanted to prepare a red performance costume for her.

"Okay." Ji Heng walked into the yard, lowered his eyes, lit a cigarette, and thought about his performance costume.

Bai Su sat cross-legged opposite Jiang He by the glass door, holding the last black piece between her middle and index fingers. Her fingers looked even whiter. She lowered the black piece to a certain position and said slowly, "Jiang Xiaoniao, watch this."

"This move is called the Cabbage Formation."

Jiang He on the opposite side: "..."

Next to him, Jiang Fuli put down his teacup on the sand and came over to admire the white cabbage array of the white sedge. "Okay, let's do it this way next time."

Speaking of cabbage, Shen Qing asked Ji Heng: "Is the cabbage in the flowerpot outside ready to eat?"


After playing chess with Jiang He, Bai Xi looked down at his phone and saw a message from a friend.

Ding asked Yang.

Ding Wenyang: [[Document]]

Ding Wenyang: [Are you also a fan of Jieshen?

His was the literature that the research group wanted to discuss. Bai Fu said something to Ji Heng and went back to the third floor. She was going to start working on Ding Wenyang's document PPT.

After she left, Ji Heng added some tobacco to his pipe.

His eyes turned to Jiang Fuli.

Jiang Fuli came out holding Jiang He's Matrix Rubik's Cube.

"What did she say?" Ji Heng was asking Bai Mi whether she would go to the full moon banquet.

He always felt that Bai Shi had weak kinship and got along well with her friends. Ji Heng couldn't help but think that if he was gone a hundred years later, Bai Shi's friends would have all started families, and she would still have a few people around her at that time.

Xu Wenyao, Xu Zhiyue and Bai Di all get along very well.

Ji Heng hopes that the child born by Ji Mulan will have a good impression of Bai Shi, so that Bai Shi will not be left alone.

"She has a welcome party at the end of the month," Jiang Fuli casually turned Jiang He's Rubik's Cube in his hand, "If I can't make it, then I won't go."

"When is the orientation?" Ji Heng also wanted to go and see it.

"Afternoon of the 30th." Bai Mi didn't know the time yet, but Jiang Fuli had already found out in advance.

Ji Heng exhaled a smoke ring, and the smoke swirled upwards, "I'll tell Xu En."




When Jiang Fuli came in, Bai Wei was opening a PPT. She had never made a PPT before. The previous ones were all made by Wang Xu and his team.

I just opened the PPT and saw the cover with only four big characters "Quantum Theory". "Literature report?" Jiang Fuli leaned on the table with his hands, bent down slightly, and thought for a while, "I have a template. I'll copy it for you. Just fill it in."

People who do scientific research need to make reports every few days, so Jiang Fuli is not surprised.

He usually uses his own set of templates, which are concise and clear.

Jiang Fuli took his computer and gave Bai Shi the usual literature report PPT template. He sat in Bai Shi's seat and tilted his head slightly, "Let me show you."

He opened the data report compiled by Ding Wenyang and Liang Wuyu.

As soon as I read the abstract, my brows furrowed.

He Wen's papers were criticized for a long time by him. Ding Wenyang Ning, Xiao Liang Wu Yu and others compiled them. He would doubt his own understanding after taking one more look at them.

Bai Xi leaned in to watch his operation, and saw his expression out of the corner of her eye, "... Ning Xiao and Ding Wenyang are only freshmen, Teacher Jiang."

Jiang Fuli had a cold face as he filled in the PPT and pointed at the copied line. "Look, this data is a standard error."

Baishen: "…"

Jiang Fuli finished the entire PPT and stood up to make room for Bai Shen. "Try it?"

"I won't change yours," Bai Zhu sat down and opened the paper that Academician Ma gave her, "I'll try this one."

Jiang Fuli took a look and saw the amplitude of the spatial two-photon state.

You can tell at first glance that it belongs to Academician Ma.

He put one hand in his pocket and looked at the summary and conclusion written by Bai Shi. Only then did he feel that his eyes had been cleansed. "It's very well written."


Tuesday morning is Academician Ma's class.

Ding Wenyang and his group have completely mixed up with Tang Ming. He came to Room 407 early in the morning with A4 paper and was going to hand in the answers to the questions to Academician Ma today.

He waited for Bai Mi, Tang Ming and others at the door on purpose.

"Wang Xin, how's your homework going?" As soon as Ding Wenyang came in, he saw Wang Xin sitting next to Gao Yuan. A few people were chatting in low voices.

When they saw Bai Mi and Ding Wenyang, they stopped and greeted them.

Wang Xin stood up and explained, "I don't have any clue."

Ding Wenyang's expression changed slightly. Wang Xin was the great master of their group, but in the past few days, Liang Wu Yu and Tang Ming had been sharing their understanding of Academician Ma's topology, while Wang Xin hadn't said much.

No one doesn't want to leave a good impression with Academician Ma. Academician Ma certainly won't accept students now, but as long as they have a letter of recommendation from him, they can go anywhere.

Ding Wenyang glanced at Wang Xin and said nothing more.


At seven o'clock in the evening, the Tongfeng class has its biweekly meeting and a literature report open to the public.

Tongfeng Class is very popular on the forum.

Countless alumni have asked where the Tongfeng class's biweekly meetings are held.

"It's in the lecture hall of the comprehensive building." Jiangda has few classes on Friday nights, so Kong Wei and Yu Simin both brought their phones. "People from the school newspaper are going to give a report, and many people at the forum are going to cheer you on. We're going to cheer you on too."

She specially brought her own hand flowers.

Bai Shi took her computer and went to the lecture hall with them.


School of Finance Building.

Bai Shaoqi was discussing the promotion of the welcome party with the student union. Song Min looked at his phone and stood up from the study room with a book in hand.

"Where are you going?" Bai Shaoqi followed with his cell phone in hand.

Song Min whispered, "In the lecture hall of the Physics Building, everyone in the same class will have a public meeting today."

Same peak class?

Bai Shaoqi was slightly stunned. Which class was Bai Xi in?

She followed Song Min to the Physics Complex Building. The lecture hall here was very large, and the tiered classroom could accommodate four to five hundred people at the same time.

Because of the relationship between Bai Shen and Ning Xiao, the Tongfeng class is very popular this year. At this time, the back of the lecture hall is already full of people, and everyone's eyes are looking at the students sitting in the middle rows.

There was almost respect in his glances.

Everyone knows that this is the IQ ceiling of Jiangda University.

Wang Xu and Pei Qin were also among the people observing in the back row. When they saw Bai Shaoqi and Song Min, they recognized them and asked in a low voice, "You are here too?"

Reporters from Jiangda school newspaper were filming on the scene.

Song Min looked at the unusual expressions of the crowd and asked the reason.

"See? Sitting in the first row is Dean Huang," Wang Xu explained to Song Min, "He's the Dean of the School of Physics and the second disciple of Academician Ma. We met him last time. He's here to attend the regular meeting of the Tongfeng class.

This academic atmosphere is truly contagious.

But the crowd watching behind can also make people nervous.

Bai Shaoqi's eyes were fixed on the girl sitting next to him in the last row.

The first group has already given their speeches. They were neither humble nor overbearing as a whole. What they talked about were all academic papers, which are basically not what normal undergraduate students learn.

Dean Huang and Zhou Wenqing did not give them high scores, most of them were C and D.

This was the first time Bai Shaoqi had heard such a report. She tilted her head and spoke to Song Min: "The score seems a bit low. I wonder if my sister can keep up."

Not only her, most of the students who came to watch also wanted to know how Bai Mi and other freshmen would perform.

The last row in the middle.

After Gao Yuan's group finished their literature report, Dean Huang looked up and nodded, "Very good. I give you a B+. This research is beyond the scope of your current research."

Baimei and his group are the last group.

However, since Gao Yuan's group came on stage, Ding Wenyang and his group stopped discussing.

Because Gao Yuan and his team chose the same topic as Ding Wenyang's group. Not only that, they also optimized Liang Wuyu and Ning Xiao's ideas and further discussed every detail and step.

Zhou Wenqing smiled and said to Dean Huang, "It's the next group."

Dean Huang also nodded.

In the last row, Ding Wenyang's face turned pale. Every regular meeting was included in the total score. In addition to this, today there was a group of people watching from the back, and people from the school newspaper reported on it.

more important...

Zhou Wenqing and Dean Huang are here!

Not only did their group choose the same topic as Gao Yuan's group, but even the data was the same, and Gao Yuan's group even made some optimizations.

It just so happened that Gao Yuan's group spoke first, and as a result, others would probably think that this group borrowed the data and topics from Gao Yuan's group.

Ding Wenyang's eyes fell directly on Wang Xin beside him, and he clenched his hands, "I'll go explain to Professor Zhou."

"Will he listen to you?" Tang Ming stopped him, his aura visible between his eyebrows, "Teacher only needs results, and we are not very persuasive."

"But the data is ours..." How could Ding Wenyang not know this? The probability of choosing the same topic is basically 0, and the other party did better than them.

This group was slow to come on stage, and the students watching from the back were already discussing the situation.

Bai Shaoqi narrowed his eyes slightly: "What happened to them?"

Song Min also frowned.

In the back row, Liang Wuyu looked up. He was more familiar with Zhou Wenqing. "I'll tell Professor Zhou that we won't be giving the speech this time."

It was very stressful to give a speech at this time.

Bai Xi unplugged the Bluetooth headset, took out the computer from the backpack, stood up, dressed neatly in a green dress: "No, the professor will ask questions later, you don't have to answer, leave it to me."

It just so happened that she made two PPTs.


Chapter 259: The Strength of This Year's No. 1 Scholar (Part 2)

At today's regular meeting, Bai Su, Ning Xiao and others were very popular.

Therefore, Liang Wu Yu considered not to give the speech for the time being and not to get the points this time.

If they really gave a speech after Gao Yuan's group today, there would definitely be a lot of rumors and speculations about their group, and there would definitely be constant rumors and gossip in the future.

Ding Wenyang and Liang Wuyu thought of the same thing.

But they didn't expect Bai Xi to dare to go up and give a speech at this time. Her mental quality is not ordinary. Ding Wenyang came back to his senses and looked at Tang Ming: "Tang Ming, Bai Xi..."

"Sister Xi has her own considerations," Tang Ming looked at Bai Xi. He had never doubted Bai Xi, "Let's take a look first."

Ning Xiao nodded.

The two of them had experienced many storms and waves, so they remained calm at this moment.

Dante Wenyang was not as calm as the other two. Not only was he worried about the effect of Bai Shi's speech, he was also worried about losing the regular points this time, and what their estimated scores would be in the final exam.

In particular, when the PPT content came out, which was almost identical to or even worse than that of Gao Yuan's group, he could almost imagine the reactions of the alumni watching behind.

Bai Wei went to give a speech at this time when she was at the center of the storm, and even Ding Wenyang felt that she was too strong inside.


Bai Mi is already standing in front of the podium.

She seldom wore school uniforms since she was in college, and Ji Heng was keen on making various types of clothes for her.

Today she was wearing a long green silk skirt with red silk thread outlining several patterns on the hem, and the red thread surged as she walked.

At the back, Kong Wei was holding a flower in his hand but hadn't started shaking it yet.

He just tilted his head and asked Yu Simin, "I remember that her PPT was copied to a USB drive. Why did she bring the computer with her?"

Yu Simin was also nervous. Her eyes fell on Ding Wenyang and his group, and she instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Facing so many students who came to watch and having to face the camera of the school newspaper, including the Dean of the School of Physics Huang Yushuo, this kind of pressure is not something that ordinary people can bear.

On the stage, Bai Xi had already connected the computer to the projector.

She didn't download many software on her computer. Except for the video software under Jiangjing TV, the others were social and learning software, with only two PPT icons on the left.

One name is "1" and the other name is "2".

Bai Mi reached out and clicked on the "2" icon.

Ding Wenyang originally looked up at Bai Xi, and when he saw her click on "ppt", he couldn't help but lower his head, not daring to face the title that was the same as the previous group.

Wang Xin sat on the far right, watching Bai Mi open the PPT with an expressionless face.

Gao Yuan and a few others who were sitting in the front couldn't help but narrow their eyes when they saw Bai Xi coming up to give a speech.

Liang Wu Yu and Xu Zhi Yue both stared at Bai Xi, their hands on the table slightly tightened.

When you open the courseware, you will see a simple light blue page with clear lines and colors.

There are no other fancy icons, only a blue origin and a blue dividing line.

When the picture is enlarged, there are seven blue regular characters:

Real-time photon entanglement

"The focus of our group's talk this time is two-photon digital holographic imaging technology," Bai Xi held up a red laser light and raised it casually. The red laser was locked on the part she was talking about. She spoke in a leisurely tone, "These scientists have used the advanced digital holographic technology developed in recent years to expand it to entangled superposition state two photons. The resolution of this camera is at the nanosecond level."

This paper on quantum entanglement is very new, and Academician Ma specially gave it to Bai Mi and asked her to think about it carefully.

Now Academician Ma seldom gives Baishen papers. Usually he gives her He Wen. It takes Baishen a lot of time to thoroughly understand each of Academician Ma's papers.

Baimei has basically been reading this paper for the past ten days.

She usually uses the Feynman learning method when explaining her papers, interspersed with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. Even freshmen Kong Wei and Yu Simin understood the main content of her PPT this time.

As soon as she said "two photons", Ding Wenyang felt unfamiliar because this was not their topic!

Ding Wenyang looked up suddenly.

Bai Mi has already talked about the next page. She half leaned on the podium, holding a laser light in her right hand and pointing at the picture on the PPT. "This picture is the interference image left by passing the pump beam through a yin-yang shaped mold. The other one is the photons in entangled superposition, which reconstructs the amplitude and phase structure of the image..."

Bai Shi stood on the stage, dressed in green, and remained calm. She raised her hand and the slide switched to the next one.

In the audience were the professors and dean of the School of Physics, and sitting were classmates from the same peak class. Standing in the back were a bunch of students who came to watch the fun.

The lecture hall, which had been bustling with activity just a moment ago, was now silent.

All eyes were on her. Her expression was gentle, but there was always a sense of unbridled elegance pouring out from her every move, gentle yet ruthless.

Baimu spoke slowly from the beginning to the end.

Until the last page.

All PPT presentations always have a "thank you" or "thank you for watching" at the end.

Let's summarize.

But Mr. Jiang was very polite to be able to share his research results with others. The last page of his PPT always had only one word -


There is not even a punctuation mark.

Bai Mi changed the last page of the "Quantum Theory" PPT to "Acknowledgments", but she did not plan to give a speech on this PPT, so she did not change it.

She looked up and slowly stared at the blue English words for a while.

After a while, he turned aside as if nothing had happened and politely said to Professor Zhou Wenqing and several other professors in the first row, "This is the end of my speech. Thank you for watching."

In the first row, Zhou Wenqing stared at the watermark with the words "CRFS Dark Matter Research Institute" in the lower left corner of the last page of the PPT, and did not dare to say anything at the first time.

Even Dean Huang was silent for a moment.

Bai Xi adjusted the PPT to the cover page again. She did not wait for Zhou Wenqing and Dean Huang to respond. She paused, looked at Dean Huang, who she was more familiar with, and expressed her doubts.

As the head teacher of the Tongfeng class, Zhou Wenqing has followed some good projects and listened to Jiang Fuli's project summaries. His project reports are all made by himself, which are the unchanging PPTs for science students.

So does he.

He and Dean Huang recognized where the template came from almost immediately.

Professor Zhuo Lan, who was sitting next to Zhou Wenqing, did not recognize him. He just looked up and saw the big words "Real-time Photon Entanglement". His eyes became very gentle when he fell on Bai Shi: "So the purpose of these pictures is to analyze the wave function."

Bai looked at Professor Zhuo Lan who was asking the question and answered calmly: "It does depict a wave propagating along the positive X direction with an angular frequency..."

She was talking, and Professor Zhuo Lan couldn't help nodding as he listened, with a smile on his face that he could hardly conceal.

All that was shown was admiration for her.

"Professor Zhou, Dean Huang," Zhuo Lan couldn't help but turn around after hearing her answer, "I think the analysis of Baishen's group is very good. Real-time photon entanglement has only been published for a month, and few people in China really understand what this paper is about. I give it an A+."

Zhou Wenqing's eyes finally moved away from the PPT and fell on Bai Shi.

After a few questions, they confirmed the ability of the girl in front of them, "A+, right?"

The professors had no other opinions at this time. After all, Gao Yuan's group got a B+, and Bai Shen's report surpassed their group in terms of quality and depth, so giving an A would inevitably feel too low.

"Dean, what do you think?" Zhou Wenqing looked at Dean Huang. He originally thought that the performance of this group of freshmen would be mediocre, but he did not expect the result to be beyond his expectations. "It is not easy for this group of students to achieve this level."

Dean Huang looked in the direction of Bai Shi.

Zhou Wenqing thought that this PPT was made by Ding Wenyang's group, but Dean Huang knew that this paper was given to Bai Shi by Academician Ma, and it was not the topic of Bai Shi's group, which means -

Such a high degree of completion was accomplished by Bai Shi alone.

He gave the result, "A+."

Dean Huang's words finally ignited the group of people behind him, and the quiet classroom began to become noisy.

The people in Ding Wenyang's group finally reacted at this time. They had never interacted with Bai Shen before, and this was the first time they experienced all the magical operations of the God of Picking. They just looked at Tang Ming.

It has only been less than a month since the publication, which means that Bai Xi also completed this PPT during this period of time. "So... while she was attending Tongfeng's class and studying quantum theory literature with us, she also found time to study a paper on "Real-time Photon Entanglement" on her own?"

Is this the strength of this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination?


Chapter 260 The 260 forum is going to explode again, come and pick up Sister

Tang Ming looked at Ding Wenyang and thought for a while.

Then he shook his head deeply.

"Not really. She has to do long-distance running recently and also practice spear practice at night." Tang Ming explained to Ding Wenyang.

Long-distance runner Ding Wenyang understood, but he didn't follow Tang Ming's train of thought: "Long spear?"

For a moment he couldn't figure out what the relationship was between the spear and the entanglement of light quanta.

"Oh, yes." The School of Finance has been vigorously promoting their performances recently, and Tang Ming seized the opportunity to promote it to Ding Wenyang, "There will be a welcome party jointly held by the School of Physics and the School of Finance on September 30th. Remember to come and see it."

Xu Zhiyue raised her head and said in a low voice, "9.30?"

Liang Wu Yu looked down at her: "..."

Why can't I always grasp the key points?

When Bai Mi returned to her seat, Tang Ming was still selling the product to Ding Wenyang.

Everyone in Ding Wenyang's group was very excited. They all looked at Bai Shi and wanted to say something.

The spatial two-photon state amplitude in her speech was so brilliant.

This group of people didn't even bother to greet the professors in the first row and surrounded Bai Mi.

"Sis, from now on you are my sister!" Ding Wenyang said, his eyes falling on Wang Xin who was sitting alone on the right.

There is actually no need to think about who in this group is close to Gao Yuan's group.

"You are so handsome." Kong Wei and Yu Simin finally squeezed through the crowd. After talking to Bai Xi, they carefully greeted Liang Wuyu, Ding Wenyang and the others.

Standing with this group of people, it is indeed very stressful.

Later, the members of the school newspaper finally reacted and went to interview Baishen with cameras.

"I knew she would definitely not be weaker than the previous group," Wang Xu said excitedly in the crowd, "Song Min, I'm going to look for Sister Bai and the others, are you two coming?"

They have all been to the Boyuan base and are very familiar with each other.

As soon as Wang Xu spoke, Song Min came back to his senses, "You guys go."

Wang Xu and Pei Qin didn't care and went to the front to look for Bai Di, Tang Ming and the others.


After the last group of speeches, the professors sitting in the first row were still reluctant to leave. It was a real pleasure to listen to a high-quality academic report.

Gao Yuan went to greet several professors and Dean Huang.

"Gao Yuan," Zhou Wenqing stood up with the documents rolled up, "Your group is very good, keep up the good work."

As the Gao family's wealth increased, these professors would also give them face.

But today, several professors were discussing the literature report of Bletilla striata's group, speaking with amazement, and had little communication with Gao Yuan.

Dean Huang didn't have much friendship with the Gao family. He walked at the front, and occasionally a student would come to say hello to him.

Zhuo Lan packed up her things and followed Dean Huang thoughtfully.

He had already begun to imagine how proud he would be if Bai Mi was his student and he led her to fight in various academic battlefields, watching her from the audience.

Zhuo Lan whispered to Dean Huang about the possibility of this matter.

Dean Huang's mouth twitched when he heard this. He glanced at Zhuo Lan and said, "I advise you to give up this idea."

"Why?" Zhuo Lan guessed, "You also like her?"

Dean Huang touched the top of his head and didn't reply.

This is his junior sister.

Young Master Jiang didn't even compete with Academician Ma for the person this time. Did he take a fancy to him?

Does he dare to take a fancy to it?

The crowd was gathering, and Wang Xin went to find Zhou Wenqing with his computer and schoolbag.

Zhou Wenqing knew him and was surprised, "Wang Xin, are you still considering changing groups?"

"Yes," Wang Xin grabbed the backpack strap and lowered his eyelashes: "Gao Yuan and I have already discussed it."

The literature report was beyond his expectations, but Wang Xin did not regret his choice. As a member of the Gao family, Gao Yuan had far more resources than Ding Wenyang and others.

Zhou Wenqing nodded, "Just discuss it between your two groups, but Wang Xin, I think Ding Wenyang's group will have great potential in the future, so you should reconsider it."

Great scalability?

How much scalability will there be?

Gao Yuan can enter major laboratories without doing anything. Such resources are only in the hands of academic tycoons, and ordinary people have no chance to succeed.


This is white peony.

As soon as Wang Xu and Pei Qin came over, Kong Wei recognized them. She reached out and poked Yu Simin beside her, "Damn, that's Pei Shen."

"I know." Yu Simin also stood up straight instantly.

Although Pei Qin and Wang Xu did not get into the Tongfeng class, they both dominated the senior high school students in Xicheng and are now studying in the Boyuan class.

Its influence is no weaker than that of Bletilla striata in Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Hearing the voice, Pei Qin and Wang Xu greeted Kong Wei and the others in a friendly manner, "Hello."

Then, Wang Xu cried to Bai Xi, "Sister Bai, why don't you come to our Boyuan class? I really can't solve the math problems left by the professor.

"Who said on the forum that it's a good thing that Sister Xi is not in your math class?" Tang Ming ruthlessly exposed Wang Xu.

When Tang Ming wasn't pretending to be profound, he talked more and chattered with Wang Xu.

Bai Shi picked up the computer and walked out of the lecture hall. "Okay, give me the question later. I'll take a look."

"Really?" Wang Xu was shocked. "It's better to do it now than to wait for a better day. I'll do it now."

Without Bai Shi's words, Wang Xu usually didn't dare to harass her.

After all, Bai Xi rarely replies with text. A "1" and a "." kills everything instantly. She looks gentle, but inexplicably makes people feel that she is very lethal.

He opened his phone and gave Bai Mi the difficult question left by the professor of the Boyuan class.

When Ding Wenyang's group heard that the people from Boyuan class wanted to give the question to Bai Mi, they looked at each other.

The Boyuan class asked Baishen for math problems?

They are in the same class, right?


The group of people gathered together to talk. Kong Wei, holding a flower in his hand, mixed in the crowd and added Pei Qin, Wang Xu and others on WeChat.

Ding Wenyang invited everyone to drink milk tea.

Kong Wei held his phone and looked at the WeChat account he had added.

Pei Qin and Wang Xu looked at each other in surprise. They were in charge of the freshmen of Xicheng High School and the School of Mathematics. They were also the rising stars of the School of Mathematics this year. However, these rising stars seemed to be led by Bai Mi.

"Hey," Ding Wenyang looked at the red slogan outside, "The welcome party on 9.30 is the welcome party you mentioned?"

Tang Ming looked over and saw that most of the people in the School of Finance were capitalists. It was the richest school in Jiangnan University, so naturally they were willing to spend money on advertising - [9.30 Great Hall, the School of Finance will celebrate National Day with you, where will you meet a soulmate in the mountains and rivers?

Tang Ming was not familiar with the School of Finance. Kong Wei and Yu Simin were the executives of the Student Union and knew most of the situation. "Yes, this Gao Shan Liu Shui should be referring to Bai Shaoqi. She is a very popular Guzheng blogger on short videos. The School of Finance is using her as a model for promotion."

"Also," Kong Wei waved the flower in his hand and reminded: "Everyone, remember to come and support us when the time comes. Cheer for Baishen. We can't lose to Pai Chang."

"What's the point of losing so much?" Ding Wenyang said with a sigh, "After tonight, the forum will explode again."

Although the school newspaper did not interview Bletilla striata just now, it took a lot of photos.

A+. In all the years of being in the Tongfeng class, there has never been a group that got A+ in the freshman year.

Gao Yuan's group's score was relatively high, B+, while most of the other groups were C and D. If he had not been in the same group with Bai Shen, he would have felt despair when he heard the score of A+.

Ding Wenyang respectfully handed Bai Xi a cup of milk tea.

Bai Xi was holding a computer in her hand. She took the milk tea from Ding Wenyang but didn't drink it immediately.

She just stood lazily on the side of the road, her eyes scanning the road ahead.

At the intersection ahead, a figure slowly appeared.

With his head slightly lowered, he had a calm and indifferent temperament.

"You guys chat, I'm leaving first." Bai Xi said goodbye to them.

Ding Wenyang wanted to discuss the issue of their research project leak with Bai Xi, but when he saw her leaving, he chased after her, "My sister..."

"Brother Ding!" Tang Ming was startled. He quickly grabbed Ding Wenyang by the back of his collar and said, "Brother Ding, if you have anything to say, just tell me and Ning Xiao."

Ding Wenyang is over 1.7 meters tall and has a strong physique.

Although Tang Ming was a little taller than him, he was much thinner than Ding Wenyang. Unexpectedly, he raised his hand and lifted Ding Wenyang up.

Kong Wei, Ding Wenyang and others were all very surprised.

Tang Ming said "sorry" and let go.

"It's about Wang Xin." Ding Wenyang touched the back of his neck, not caring. He took out his cell phone to show Tang Ming.

Wang Xin has just quit their group.

During these two weeks, Wang Xin did not communicate with them, but instead got close to Gao Yuan and others. The topology questions raised by Academician Ma were very difficult, and Ning Xiao and Liang Wu Yu had discussed them with them.

But Wang Xin kept avoiding them.

Ning Xiao took a look and said, "If you mind that we are newcomers, we can talk to Professor Zhou and form a group on our own."

"How is that possible? I just didn't expect Wang Xin to do this." The strength displayed by Ning Xiao and Liang Wu Yu was enough to convince Ding Wenyang, not to mention the move that Bai Wei showed tonight.

"In fact, I can imagine that," another person in the group beside Ding Wenyang lowered his voice, "I heard that Gao Yuan's group, Gao Yuan's brother with a doctorate will explain to them the topology questions assigned by Academician Ma. If they get high scores, they will definitely become familiar to Academician Ma."

"Doctor brother?" Tang Ming heard it for the first time.

"He's one of the doctors who sits in the back every Tuesday," Ding Wenyang explained to Tang Ming and Ning Xiao. "Gao Jiachen, you should have heard of him, right?"

"Is it him?" Kong Wei knew this person. "I heard he is as famous as Mr. He Wenxue?"

"Yes," Ding Wenyang said, also quite envious, "If they can join Gao Yuan's group, their topology credits will definitely be high at the end of the semester. Academician Ma might really remember them."


The lights at Jiangda University are not bright at night.

Jiang Fuli stood at the intersection, holding a paper bag in his left hand. His facial features were deep, with a cool curve outlined by the hazy light, and the hair on his forehead was lazily draped between his brows.

Following behind him was a short, delicate and pretty child.

The child was wearing a British school uniform and had a small cabbage bag on his left side that didn't quite match his clothes. The bag was bulging and no one knew what was in it.

Holding a bottle of Wangzai in both hands, he lowered his head to drink milk, his eyes staring straight ahead.

People passing by didn't dare to look at Jiang Fuli, but they felt that the child behind him was too delicate and cute, so they carefully stared at the child behind him with their peripheral vision.

He wanted to take out his phone to take a picture, but he was afraid of the man standing next to him.

As soon as Bai Mi arrived, Jiang Fuli put away his lazy attitude, raised his eyebrows, and looked up to see the milk tea in her hand.

Not cherry flavored, and not lemonade.

Thinking that she probably didn't buy it herself, he took a closer look.

"This is Ding Wenyang's treat." Bai Xi saw him staring at his milk tea, so he put a straw in it and handed it to him, "Drink it."

Jiang Fuli knew who Ding Wenyang was.

He took the milk tea slowly, lowered his head and took a sip, "Too sweet."

He commented.

"Yes," Bai Shi's cell phone rang, she picked it up, looked at Jiang Fuli, and nodded, "It suits you."

The person who called Bai Shi was Ye Jingxian.

"Junior sister," Ye Jingxian said gently on the other end of the phone, "How is your practice going? Come to the auditorium for rehearsal the day after tomorrow?"

They had never seen the performance of the white smilax, so they didn't know what it was like.

Bai Su stepped on the tree shadows and looked down at Jiang He, "I can do anything."

She has always been easy to talk to.

Ye Jingxian hung up the phone with a sigh and looked at the people in the temporary meeting room. "So, how should the program be arranged?"

"The two academies are hosting this event together, so the finale is very important," Bai Shiming said, looking at the program and thinking for a moment. "The process is very long, and we can't let all the audience leave by the end."

"President Bai, you don't have to worry about that," the senior from the School of Finance smiled, "Our school's Bai Shaoqi will be the finale, so the audience will only get more, not less."

Bai Shaoqi has eight to nine million fans on short videos, and Jiangda also has quite a few fans of hers.

He also became a phenomenal figure at Jiangda University.

"Then let Bai Shi start the show." The opening is also very important. Ye Jingxian looked up. Bai Shi is a popular figure in the forum and the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination. "Is that okay?"

"No problem." Yan Zhiming from the School of Finance said with a smile.

As long as Bai Shaoqi is not allowed to open the show, it doesn't matter who else opens the show.

Otherwise, if the good stuff is released at the beginning and the rest is boring, who can sit through it?

Who wants to watch the following shows?