
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



"Then let's make this arrangement for now," Ye Jingxian wrote down the schedule for rehearsing with Bai Shi the day after tomorrow in her notebook, "President?"

She asked Bai Shiming for his opinion.

Bai Shiming sat in the front, wearing a neat shirt and casual pants, tapping the program list casually with his fingers, "Yan Zhiming, does your School of Finance have any other requirements?"

Bai Shi opened the show, a few people supported it in the middle, and Bai Shaoqi closed it at the end.

As long as Bai Shaoqi is the finale, there will be no doubt. Yan Zhiming thanked him and said, "No more, President Bai. The auditorium is left to your School of Physics."

After the people from the School of Finance left, Ye Jingxian and Bai Shiming still had some trivial matters to discuss.

They fell behind the people from the School of Finance, and when they went downstairs they happened to run into Dean Huang and Zhou Wenqing who had just returned from the lecture hall.

"Dean Huang, Professor Zhou." Bai Shiming and Ye Jingxian stopped and stood on the right side of the stairs, making way for Dean Huang.

Dean Huang stopped when he saw the students from the student union. He didn't know Ye Jingxian, but he had seen the president of the student union of the School of Physics. "Student Bai, are you still having a meeting so late?"

"We are discussing this year's welcome party." Bai Shiming showed the program in his hand to Dean Huang.

Dean Huang took it and took a look. Bai Shi's name was right at the front, very conspicuous. "Bai Shi is also attending? When is your party?"

Bai Shiming was surprised that Dean Huang would ask about this matter. "It will be at 5pm on the 30th in the auditorium. Dean, do you want to come and see it?"

"Go." Dean Huang returned the program list in his hand to Bai Shiming.

After Dean Huang and Zhou Wenqing left, Ye Jingxian spoke carefully to Bai Shiming, "Dean Huang, I finally didn't see him on the news. Is he coming to our welcome party?"

"Yes," Bai Shiming rolled up his sleeves and said seriously, "Let them all cheer up. The dean is coming to our party this year, and we must show them the best of our School of Physics."

"Do I need you to tell me this?" Ye Jingxian had already taken out her cell phone and was spreading the news in the group of people in charge.

Ordinary students may only see Dean Huang's photo on the school's official website from freshman to senior year. Bai Shiming and his classmates did not expect that their college's welcome party would attract Dean Huang's attention.


Mountain and Sea Apartment.

Bai Mi returned to 303. Today was Friday. Zhang Shize was sitting in the hall writing a test paper. He was still wearing a T-shirt from the affiliated middle school.

The teaching intensity of the affiliated middle school is much higher than that of Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, but he has become accustomed to this intensity over the past year.

Seeing Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli, he stood up, "Sister Xi, Brother Jiang."

I looked back, but didn't see Ning Xiao and Tang Ming coming back.

Jiang Fuli was holding a cup of milk tea in one hand, and was almost done. His narrow eyes swept over Zhang Shize and he handed the paper bag in his other hand to Bai Shi. "Is there going to be a monthly exam next week?"

"Yes," Zhang Shize sat back down and complained, "I ranked last in the class in this quiz. Everyone in the class is so perverted."

Bai Mi took the paper bag that Jiang Fuli handed to her. It contained the books that Academician Ma had given her.

She couldn't find it online or in the library, so she asked Jiang Fuli to buy it for her.

Bai Xi returned to the study. Jiang Fuli glanced at Zhang Shize and with a cold face explained to Zhang Shize outside the questions that he didn't understand during the week he lived in the school.

In the study.

Bai Mi put the computer on the desk, opened the paper bag lazily, and was about to take out the book inside, but unexpectedly found a hint of red in the bag.

She lowered her head slightly, two white books.

A rose was placed diagonally across the white cover of the book, its red petals blooming in a spiral, as red as smoke.

Bai Mi reached out and slowly took out the rose from the bag.

There was no vase in the study, nor in room 303, so Bai Mi was too lazy to look for one. She leaned against the window, holding a rose in one hand and a cell phone in the other, replying to messages from her dog friends.

Dog friends: [[The dog is so tired.jpg]]

Dog friend: [Want to blow up Jiang Jing]

Dog friends: [Let's go out for a drink this week]

Both of them were in Jiangjing, but it could be seen that the dog friend was also very busy and had no time to look for her.

Bletilla striata: [1]

Dog friend: [You 1 me again?

Outside the door, Tang Ming and Ning Xiao had already returned. They took over Jiang Fuli's work and explained the questions to Zhang Shize.

Jiang Fuli threw the empty milk tea cup into the trash can. There was no one from Bai Shi in the hall. Jiang He sat cross-legged next to Lu Xiaohan, watching Lu Xiaohan clumsily turning the Rubik's Cube.

He went to open the door of the study.

Bai Su was still leaning lazily against the window, squinting at the outside.

The lights in the community were on. On Friday, most of the alumni who rented houses were at home, and the street lights on Jiangjing Avenue were as bright as day. At this moment, all the lights from thousands of homes were reflected in her dark eyes.

A bright red rose is loosely held between her white fingers, as if she is leaning over a city wall, gazing back at the lights of thousands of homes.

Jiang Fuli put his hand on the door handle and looked at her quietly.

The mountains and rivers are vast, and the world is like a galaxy of stars.

"Just one," Jiang Fuli turned sideways and closed the study door. He looked at the rose in her hand and suddenly smiled, "Fortunately, it wasn't crushed."

Bai Xi turned her head to look at him, "No vase."

Jiang Fuli walked up to her and said calmly, "Let Ming Dongheng buy it."



When Ye Jingxian arrived at the Jiangda Auditorium, a lot of people were already there.

The School of Finance spent a lot of money on publicity. On the evening of the welcome party, media reporters from Jiangjing will come to film, and the dean of the School of Physics will also come to watch the ceremony, so people from the two major schools are very serious about this welcome party.

Ye Jingxian and Bai Di had an appointment to rehearse here at 5:30. She looked at the group of staff on the stage and found Kong Wei to ask what was going on.

"Bai Shaoqi borrowed Jiang Yin's speakers," Kong Wei explained to Ye Jingxian, "They are testing them now, and Bai Shaoqi will also try the sound of the guzheng later."

As he spoke, Kong Wei pointed to the guzheng on the stage that was watched by many people, "I heard that her guzheng has 39 pieces."

When Ye Jingxian heard the price of the guzheng, she also took a look.

But the guzheng is not important now. She looked down at the time. It was 5:10.

"Minister Yan," Ye Jingxian walked through the crowd and went to find Yan Zhiming from the School of Finance to discuss the rehearsal of the white peony with him, "I have an appointment with her at 5:30."

Bai Shi is from the same peak class, and the auditorium is not available for use every day.

"Can Bai Xi change the time?" Yan Zhiming exchanged glances with the president of the School of Finance. "Minister Ye, you know that stage sound effects are also very important. Bai Shaoqi finally found professionals from Jiangyin to test it."

In their eyes, Bai Shi can rehearse at any time, but the tuning staff of Jiangyin cannot be hired casually.

Seeing Ye Jingxian's hesitation, Yan Zhiming immediately said, "Minister Ye, you also know how many people came to see Bai Shaoqi this time. There will be many people who will live broadcast the evening parties of our two colleges."

Compared with others, Bai Shaoqi's sound effects are more important.

Jiang Yin's people were already pretending, so Ye Jingxian could only take out her cell phone and call Bai Mi.

Tell her about it.

Not far away, Song Min came out from the backstage and saw a group of people gathered together, so he walked over and said, "Minister, are the people from the School of Physics coming?" "It's okay," Yan Zhiming looked at him, "The people from the School of Physics wanted to rehearse, so I asked them to change the time."


Jiangjing Avenue.

Bai Shen stood under the tree, answering Ye Jingxian's call, holding her hands lightly, and said in a casual tone: "It's okay, senior sister, I don't need to rehearse."

Ye Jingxian was helpless, "I wanted you to try the props today, too. How about we make another appointment?"

"Need not."

It was past five o'clock. The sun had not yet completely set in Jiangjing, and the sunlight was filtering through the gaps between the trees.


Bai Xi walked to the bus stop opposite. Since she didn't have to go to rehearsal, she took the bus directly to Yunxiao District.

Yunxiao District, Qinglong Bar.

At the bar.

Xue Chun was wearing a silver sling and had her hair lazily draped behind her head, looking very futuristic. She handed Bai Xi a glass of blue gradient wine and said, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming? Mr. Xiao Qi is out."

Bai Su sat on a high chair, looking at Wen Zhixia's message with her eyes closed, her legs propped up casually: "I made an appointment with a friend here."

His fingertips tapped on the wine glass, and the liquid in the glass sparkled under the light.

When Wen Zhixia came over wearing a baseball cap, she saw Bai Shi sitting at the bar. Bai Shi was wearing a retro top with a slanted collar today. The fabric was satin and embroidered with delicate patterns. She was wearing a long skirt of the same color and a white jade hairpin behind her head.

Ignoring the background of the bar behind her, at first glance she looks like a classical lady leaning against a stone railing in a Jiangnan water village.

"Why are you sitting here?" Wen Zhixia took Bai Xi to the reserved booth and asked the waiter to serve a bunch of wine.

I ordered a few more waiters to come and serve drinks.

Bai Xi sat next to Wen Zhixia holding a wine glass.

Wen Zhixia seemed to be in a bad mood, drinking one cup after another. Bai Xi saw that she was drinking more and more, so he stopped her and said, "Why don't you go out and do some cumshot?"

Xu Nanjing said he left a car for her.

Speaking of bending, Wen Zhixia's expression became even worse, "No more bending, the old lady is very strict."

Bai Mi searched her memory and found little information about Wen Zhixia. Most of the information was about the two of them turning the corner in North City together, drinking together, and complaining about Song Min.

Nothing else.

"Now that you're serious, it really does look like the real thing." Wen Zhixia looked at Bai Xi, who was wearing classical costume, sitting quietly in the booth with a lazy expression. The two good-looking boys next to her didn't dare to approach her.

Holding the wine glass in her hand, she felt like a well-educated and well-mannered young lady from ancient times, appearing in a nightclub to dance.

Wen Zhixia took a cigarette from the table and held it in her hand. The boy next to her immediately lit it for her. She slowly exhaled a smoke ring, "Fuck, this is amazing. My old lady and her family must like your type. It's really hard for me to pretend at home."

Bai Xi knew that Wen Zhixia was pretending to be a lady at home.

She slowly leaned back and listened carefully to what Wen Zhixia said.

Sure enough, halfway through the drink, Wen Zhixia broke the news, "I'm getting engaged."

As for who the other party is, Wen Zhixia didn't say, it was just a business marriage.

At eight o'clock, Jiang Fuli sent a message asking her where she was.

Bai Xi looked at the drunk Wen Zhixia and gave him the address.

She took Wen Zhixia out.

The manager of the bar knew Bai Shi. He was about to ask her if she needed help, but when he raised his head, he caught a glimpse of Bai Shi's cold eyes. He didn't dare to speak and followed Bai Shi silently.

Outside the bar.

A gust of wind blew by, and Wen Zhixia seemed to sober up a little. She tilted her head to look at Bai Xi and suddenly said, "I saw it at first sight. Do you have a secondary personality?"

Bai Su was stunned.

Wen Zhixia's eyes were a little blurry and she felt like vomiting. "Can she come back? Is she still in your body? Is she... okay?"

Ji Mulan, Bai Qiming and even Ji Heng, did not realize that she was no longer the same person she was before.

Bai Xi even sometimes thought that apart from her, no one seemed to remember who the previous Miss Bai was.

The cell phone in Wen Zhixia's pocket rang, and Bai Xi was awakened.

The person who called Wen Zhixia was a note called "Butler".

Bai Mi gave him their current address.

The Wen family should be in Yunxiao District. They arrived faster than Jiang Fuli. Butler Wen came to pick up Wen Zhixia soon.

"Thank you." Butler Wen had someone help Wen Zhixia into the car. Looking at Bai Xi's gentle outfit, he was very surprised. He probably didn't expect Wen Zhixia to have such a friend.

Bai Su stood there, watching the Wen family's car leave, narrowing her eyes slightly, and said slowly to the bar manager: "Tell Xiao Qi to check the Wen family."

Wen Zhixia, the original owner's only friend in this world.


September 30th.

Jiangda University still has one day of classes, and the holiday will officially start on the 1st.

Bai Xi ran back to the dormitory in the morning. The other three people in the dormitory were already awake. Kong Wei was browsing the forum on the bed and greeted his roommate: "Good morning."

She said this while looking at the phone screen.

At the forum, Bai Shi's speech last week has been circulating in the forum for a week.

In the past two days, the forum has started discussing the welcome parties of the two major colleges and universities. The fact that the white peony opened the party has been publicized.

[Bai Mi heard that it was the opening, I have already changed my ticket?

[I heard there is an internet celebrity who plays the guzheng very well. I am looking forward to the social gathering of the two major departments of physics and finance this year.]

[It should be said that it is mainly the School of Finance]

[I know, the twin stars of the School of Finance, they learned to play the guzheng from a professor at Jiangyin, all Jiangyin products are top quality]


The two major colleges are holding welcome parties today. Kong Wei didn't stay in bed for long. She had to go to the Student Union to help after dinner. Yu Simin had to leave at 8 am and had no time to go to the Student Union.

After taking a bath, Bai Shi went to the cafeteria to eat, and Kong Wei went to the cafeteria with Bai Shi.

At school, Tang Ming, Yang Lin, Ning Xiao and others all used Bai Shi's meal card.

Kong Wei finished his meal and sat next to Yang Lin. "She hasn't rehearsed yet. I'm a little worried."

Across from him, Tang Ming took a bite of his pancake and said, "Why are you worried about her?" He said slowly, "Sister Lu's shooting skills were all taught by her. What you should worry about is what she will do after the opening."


Yan Lu had been practicing spear in the Zhang family's backyard for more than a month, and Lu Xiaohan shot some video footage. Tang Ming was not familiar with Yan Lu at that time, but he knew him.

After the broadcast of "Da Yong", Yan Lu became so popular that no one else could replicate her. She did not use a body double during the filming.

The crew even revealed that even the martial arts director couldn't give Yan Lu any instructions on her movements.

Ning Xiao wouldn't even take a second look at the university town forum, and Bai Shen didn't have time either.

But Tang Ming keeps his eyes and ears open, and he knows the hot topics discussed recently on the forum.

The School of Finance spent time promoting the school, and many of the audience members who came today came specifically for Bai Shaoqi, but there were also many students who had long heard of Bai Shaoqi.

There are now three great posts by Bai Mi on the forum.

This is a post that was taken by chance when I arrived in Jiangjing at the beginning of last year. This year, there are two pictures posted here as the cover photos. The last post was taken in the lecture hall by the school newspaper last week.

The social program of the two major colleges was put on the forum.

After seeing Bai Shi's opening speech, Tang Ming forwarded the message from the forum to Lu Xiaohan. The two discussed whether the student union's arrangement was reasonable or not.

There were many people in the cafeteria in the morning. Kong Wei was thinking about Bai Mi and didn't hear Tang Ming's words clearly.

But he accurately sniped the two words "Sister Lu": "Sister Lu?"

Tang Ming: "…"

He said nothing more.

Fortunately, Bai Su came over with her own plate and sat next to Kong Wei.

Kong Wei didn't ask any more questions and bit the straw of the soy milk. In fact, the last time Bai Mi gave Yan Lu's autographed photo to her and Yu Simin, the two of them guessed how Bai Mi got it.

The first gift was two generous ones, plus an autographed photo by the tough-to-deal-with black-clad bodyguard.

Even someone like Yu Simin, who had a family background, couldn't guess anything about Bai Shi.

Kong Wei drank soy milk and turned her head to look at Bai Shi. The other person rarely spoke while eating and his back was always straight. For her, this seemed to be engraved in her genes.

Even when she was reading in the dormitory, she was always like this, lazy and reserved.

She is just that kind of person, making people feel at ease all the time. Kong Wei thought about what Tang Ming had just said and felt relieved.

After dinner, Kong Wei, as an officer, went to the Student Union to help decorate the auditorium.

Bai Xi was going to attend a large class in Tong Feng's class, so Yang Lin hurried to the biology building.


Shen Qing packed up early in the morning and went to Shanhai Apartment.

Ji Shaojun is busy with work and feels a little regretful that he cannot go to Jiangda to watch the show today.

Bai Mi did not inform them of the Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School's anniversary last year, but she did this year. Unfortunately, Ji Shaojun did not have time.

"Take more photos," Ji Shaojun put on his suit jacket, smoothed his dark red tie, and said to Shen Qing, "and videos."

"Do I need you to tell me?" Shen Qing was in a hurry to go out. He didn't even wait for Xiaojie's car and wanted to take the subway to Shanhai Apartment by himself.

There is a traffic jam at this time, so you might as well take the subway.

After she left, the housekeeper asked. He was a little surprised to learn that Bai Xi was going to perform at the welcome party today. "Miss Bai, are you going to perform the guzheng?"

He remembered that Bai Xi had learned to play the guzheng and often studied basic music theory during the summer vacation.

"No." Ji Shaojun shook his head.

But he didn't say much about Baishen. He took his briefcase and went out.

Butler Lou came today for something. "It's Miss Mulan's baby's full moon day. Miss and her uncle will go. You and I haven't met him yet."


Mu Yining's husband?

Ji Shaojun was extremely reluctant to deal with all this, including the inheritance he was carrying. He sat in the back seat and began to think. He did not even consider Ren Wanxuan. Bai Shen could take over some affairs, but...

Ji Shaojun thought about Shiyu, who was far away in Xiangcheng, and the rumor that there was a Dean Ma...

Even Dean Jian returned empty-handed.

Ji Shaojun had no choice but to silently give up the idea.

There is one child born by Ji Mulan, but... we have to wait for a long time.


Four p.m.

Jiang He was dismissed from school early, and Ming Dongheng took Ji Heng to pick him up.

A bunch of first-grade kids came out holding hands one after another, except Jiang He, who looked like a cool boy, carrying his schoolbag, with his hands in his pockets and his delicate chin raised.

Ji Heng habitually stood aside with his pipe in his hand. There were only children here, so he did not light a cigarette.

After seeing Jiang He, he raised his other hand towards him.

In the other hand was a bag of candied haws covered with fine white icing sugar.

Ever since they knew that Bai Mu liked candied haws very much, the Ji family always bought some when they saw them on the road, and today was no exception.

Ming Dongheng looked around to protect the safety of the two.

"Let's go." Ji Heng handed the candied haws to Jiang He, and helped him carry his small schoolbag, and went to the intersection ahead to get on the bus.

They are both going to watch Baishen's performance today.

There was already a bit of traffic on the road at this point, so they didn't plan to go back to Shanhai Apartment and went directly to the auditorium of Jiangda University.

Lu Xiaohan had no classes this afternoon, so she and Shen Qing arrived at the Jiangda auditorium early.

He also reserved seats for Ji Heng and Jiang He in advance.

It wasn't even five o'clock yet, but the auditorium was already packed.

Lu Xiaohan was sitting on the left side, with a camera hanging around her neck. When she saw Ji Heng and Jiang He, she stood up and waved at them, "Grandpa, this is 1

"It's so lively here." Shen Qing has not been to Jiangjing University many times. When she saw the red banners with the words "Jiangjing University School of Finance" and "Jiangjing University School of Physics" hanging outside the auditorium, she naturally felt a sense of heroism and pride.

Every student passing by is a pillar of the country. And her niece is one of them.

The auditorium is very large and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. It has plastic seats, a stage in front, and seats radiating from the stage.

The show hasn't started yet, but the speakers next to it are playing pop music.

Ji Heng sat next to him and put Jiang He's schoolbag on his lap. Jiang He sat next to him, holding a candied haws and eating it in small bites.


Outside, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi also arrived.

Bai Shaoqi was wearing a haute couture dress today. A purple dress that revealed her fair collarbone. Her expression was cool and she looked neither humble nor arrogant. Even though she was an illegitimate child, her mother had taught her good etiquette since she was a child.

Mrs. Song looked at Bai Shaoqi admiringly and nodded, "I said this dress suits you."

The two of them took Mrs. Song in.

Song Min performed outstandingly in the Student Union of the School of Finance. The Student Union reserved seats in the first two rows in the middle for him. The second row was for some important backbone members of the Student Union, and naturally it was also reserved for Song Min and the other two.

At this point, most of the people in the first row have arrived.

The first row is reserved for some leaders and investors.

There are two reserved photography spots nearby, and reporters have already arrived, so the scene is quite lively.

The president of the School of Finance was standing in front with Bai Shiming, discussing the flow of people. "There are too many people. We need to put up a banner to limit the flow of people."

The two of them greeted Song Min and Bai Shaoqi when they saw them.

Just at this moment, the president of the School of Finance's cell phone rang. After answering the call, he was stunned for a moment and turned around and walked out the door.

Not long after, he respectfully brought in a middle-aged man in a suit and tie.

Bai Shiming recognized him at a glance, "Hello, Dean Feng, I am Bai Shiming from the School of Physics."

The president of the Finance College Student Union introduced them to Song Min and Bai Shaoqi: "This is Dean Feng from our Finance College. Dean, these two are freshmen in the college."

He didn't introduce the others in detail. Song Min was quite popular among the freshmen, but in the eyes of Dean Feng, there was really nothing worth mentioning, not to mention Bai Shaoqi.

In fact, he didn't understand why Dean Feng, with his status, would come to the welcome party.

Dean Feng, Chairman of the Jiangjing Chamber of Commerce, the person that President Yin specifically mentioned, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi looked at each other, he actually came?

They both greeted each other respectfully.

Dean Feng didn't talk much. He left the middle seat empty and sat next to him. "This year, the freshmen in our college are pretty good."

He started talking to the professor from the School of Finance next door.

In the back row, Mrs. Song regretted not calling Mr. Yin. After Bai Shaoqi and the others came back, she asked, "Why is your dean here?"

"Maybe there are more than just Dean Feng," Song Min looked at the two empty seats next to the dean and shook his head, "I just found out about this."


"It's really strange," Bai Shiming also felt that this was a bit strange. Dean Huang asked him to keep two seats, and now Dean Feng has also come. "What is so attractive about our orientation this time?"

Bai Shaoqi?

Bai Shiming found it unlikely.

"Hey, my junior is still in class," Ye Jingxian looked at the time on her phone, "She has classes every day and has no time to rehearse. I haven't seen her performance costume."

The deans of both institutions were present, as well as media invited by the School of Finance.

Along the way, some students started live broadcasts for traffic, which put a lot of pressure on students in the School of Physics, especially Ye Jingxian, who was afraid that something might go wrong at the beginning.

Bai Shi is the rising star of the School of Physics this year, and everyone recognizes her ability, otherwise Ye Jingxian would never have believed her when she said that she didn't need to rehearse.

"Senior, don't worry." Kong Wei is much more at ease than Ye Jingxian now.

As they were talking, Bai Shi came in from the backstage.

Seeing her, Ye Jingxian felt relieved. She looked at Bai Xi, who was wearing casual clothes, and asked, "Junior, where is your performance costume?"


Bai Shen looked down at the time on her phone and said, "It's time."

Time was too tight at this point, so Ye Jingxian quickly handed the white peony to a makeup artist backstage, "Junior sister has good skin, so you don't need to put on too heavy makeup. Give her some shadows to help her adjust to the stage lights."

The makeup artist looked at Bai Shi's face and found that there was indeed no area that needed further retouching.

The makeup artist was applying shadows to Bai Shi. Bai Shi looked at her phone and it lit up. She couldn't move her head. She replied to the message while saying to Ye Jingxian, "Senior, my clothes have arrived. They are at the door. Can you help me get them?"

"Have your clothes arrived? I'll go get them." Ye Jingxian had never experienced an opening that sounded so unreliable. There were only fifteen minutes left and she hadn't even seen her performance clothes.

Hopefully nothing goes wrong today.

She went outside to get clothes for Bai Xi.

At this point, there weren't many people at the backstage door, and most people were at the front.

When Ye Jingxian went out, she only saw two people.

A middle-aged man, elegant, but with a halo on his head, she recognized him as Dean Huang.

The other was a young man standing next to him. He stood lazily behind Dean Huang, his legs looking long and straight in his black casual pants. He was wearing a spotless white shirt with his cuffs slightly rolled up. His profile was extremely sharp, and he exuded a dignified and unapproachable aura.

Holding a bag in his hand.

He was talking to Dean Huang lazily with his head tilted.

Dean Huang was slightly behind him.

This was the first time Ye Jingxian saw Dean Huang being so polite when talking to someone.

But the young man had such a strong aura that she didn't dare to step forward.

Jiang Fuli glanced at his phone, raised his pale phoenix eyes, and when he saw Ye Jingxian, he took a few steps forward and handed the bag in his hand to her, saying in a polite yet distant tone, "Hello, this is Bai Shi's performance costume, please take it in and give it to her."

Dean Huang put his hands behind his back and nodded to Ye Jingxian in a friendly manner.


Ye Jingxian didn't react immediately.

Dean Huang was not surprised. He gently reminded the girl in front of him, "Is the time coming?"

Yes, the time is coming!

Facing the cold gaze, Ye Jingxian took the white paper bag from Jiang Fuli's hand. She also bowed to Dean Huang without forgetting etiquette, "Dean Huang, goodbye."

She went backstage with the paper bag.

Dean Huang then turned around and looked at Jiang Fuli, "Young Master Jiang, shall we go to the front?"

Jiang Fuli's gaze remained on the door curtain behind him for a long while, and he lazily followed Dean Huang to the auditorium.

At this point, the student union members outside the auditorium had already closed the door and would not let the audience in. The School of Finance was over-promoted, and Baishen had its own traffic at Jiangnan University, so the auditorium was already packed.

After Dean Huang came in, the door was completely closed, but there were still many people outside holding up their phones and taking pictures.

The main lights have been turned off, leaving only the ambient lights on the stage. Only the two middle seats in the first row are still empty.

Dean Feng had already taken his seat. He looked up and saw Dean Huang coming in from the door, followed by a tall man. He quickly stood up to greet him.

"President Huang," he greeted President Huang in a low voice, his eyes falling on Jiang Fuli behind him, "Young Master Jiang."

Jiang Xijue, a financial talent who graduated from Jiangnan University's School of Finance, is the executive president of ZTE.

But everyone knows who is behind Jiang Xijue.

Dean Feng was able to sit on the position of Chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce thanks to this student of his.

"President Feng." Jiang Fuli nodded lazily at him. He sat in the empty seat next to President Feng, leaning elegantly against the back of the chair, his delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, looking lonely and indifferent.

And didn't talk to anyone.

Dean Huang sat on the other side of Jiang Fuli.

Dean Feng waited until the other two sat down before he slowly sat down. It was obvious that his butt was not fully resting on the stool and he seemed very reserved.

The two rows of seats in the front fell silent around him, and the volume of conversation became much quieter.

The row of student union members behind him saw this scene. Given Dean Feng's current position at the School of Finance, he stood up to greet them. The two other deans only sat next to him. Who was this person?

The lights in the front row were dim, and I could only see the back of the person in the middle, who looked particularly cold and gloomy under the lights.



The makeup artist wasn't that professional. Bai Shi's skin was white enough, so she only added some shadows to her face and put on some lipstick.

"I dare not add anything more to this face." The makeup artist sighed as he looked at Bai Shi's face.

Ye Jingxian took out the clothes from the bag.

It was not as gorgeous as Ye Jingxian had imagined. It was just a plain white silk dress. She didn't have time to think about it and handed the dress to Bai Xi, "Junior sister, let's change clothes first."

The two hosts were already waiting behind the curtain, ready to go on stage to announce the show.

Bai Xi was in the dressing room. She lowered her eyes and unfolded her white dress. In addition to the white outer robe, there was also a pair of training pants. She put them on one by one, and finally picked up the white belt and tied it loosely around her waist.


Ye Jingxian was waiting for Bai Shi to change her clothes, but she was still not very at ease when Bai Shiming called her on the mobile phone.

"Today, both deans are here, as well as a distinguished guest," Bai Shiming said solemnly on the phone. "It's strange that they are all here. The School of Finance will ensure that we can finish the work. Will there be any problems for us?"

Distinguished guest?

Ye Jingxian naturally thought of the person she had just met, "President, don't worry, there will be no problem with my junior sister."

She comforted Bai Shiming.

Hang up the phone and continue waiting for Baishen to come out.

"Where is the prop spear?" Ye Jingxian remembered this, and Kong Wei hurriedly took the spear.

Bai Mi came out from the dressing room.

She was wearing a simple white long dress, tied with a white silk belt around her waist, and her brows were lazy.

Ye Jingxian handed the spear in her hand to Bai Xi, "Junior sister, try this spear."

This is the prop that Ye Jingxian prepared for Bai Shi. It arrived last week. She wanted Bai Shi to rehearse and try out the gun, but she didn't have a rehearsal because of the sound system.

Some members of the student union nearby looked at each other in bewilderment when they heard Ye Jingxian's words.

Baimei hasn't tried this gun yet?

Will that work?

As these people were thinking about it, Bai Su reached out and took the red tasseled spear, and placed the spear on the ground. The entire spear was a bit taller than her.

The red tassel on the tip of the gun slowly fell down as she moved, revealing the cold light of the silver gun tip.

Everyone around saw that from the moment she took the gun, her aura changed, like a white tiger lazily basking in the sun on a rock, suddenly sensing an intruder and looking around its territory majestically.

Ye Jingxian looked at her, and her restless heart instantly calmed down.

"When will we go on stage?" Bai Xi glanced at the phone on the table. It was already five o'clock.

"Ah," Ye Jingxian came back to her senses, "The host just went up, it will be your turn when they come down, oh yes, music, is the musician ready?"

"Don't worry, Minister." The boy sitting in front of the computer and controlling the music looked up and made an "OK" gesture to Ye Jingxian.

The people from the Finance Student Union came over to take a curious look.

The name of the song by Baishen is just a simple word "Jian". "What song is this? I have never heard of it."

"I don't know," the boy who was controlling the music had heard it, "but this is not a song, it's instrumental music. Bai Shi came here, so she must have asked for it."


Outside, on the stage, two hosts in suits and evening gowns were smiling as they read out the opening words, welcoming the new students to the school.

Reporters had already set up cameras on both sides of the first row.

Nearly a thousand seats in the auditorium were filled, and the steps and aisles were also filled with people, many of whom were live streaming on their phones.

The boy in front of Tang Ming is one of the people doing the short video live broadcast.

The boy was holding a selfie stick. He was a self-media person at Jiangda University. He usually live-streamed himself while eating or studying. Now he was live-streaming and there were 700 people watching online. After the publicity, the traffic in the live-streaming room was also increasing.

[I couldn't get in, so I had to rely on the anchor to broadcast it]

[It was worth it for a group of top scorers to perform for us]

[I heard there is Bai Shaoqi, is it true, anchor? ]


The boy was playing while talking, "I have posted the program list. Yes, Bai Shaoqi will be the last one. It's okay. I specially changed my ticket to go home tomorrow morning and wait with everyone."

The backstage was so small that Kong Wei and Yu Simin did not stay there. They went back to the front to watch the show. Neither of them had a seat, so they squeezed together with Tang Mingning, Xiao Yanglin and others who arrived late.

Yu Simin saw that many people were using their phones to live stream the scene, so she spoke to Kong Wei, "Is everything going to be okay?"

Kong Wei patted the back of her hand, signaling her not to worry.

As they were talking, the two hosts on the left side of the stage bowed and left.

The lights on the stage faded.

The party had just begun and the crowd couldn't stop gathering, greeting each other, eating and talking.


On the dark stage, a beam of light shone directly onto the person standing in the middle of the stage.

Everyone saw the girl standing in the middle, wearing a white robe with a belt of the same color. Her hair was tied completely behind her head with a red ribbon. A strand of red ribbon flowed down the back of her head and fell onto her neck, contrasting with the white collar.

Above the stage, a huge screen showed her figure.

Her long black eyelashes drooped, and she held a spear in her right hand, with the tip of the spear resting on the ground.

She didn't wear much makeup, but her face was enough to enchant people even with just a single light.

After a moment of silence, the crowd burst into cheers.

In the first row, Jiang Fuli, who had been slouching all the time, finally sat up straight, his narrow phoenix eyes looking towards the stage.

Dean Feng was communicating with the professor on his right. When he saw Young Master Jiang suddenly become serious, he stopped talking and looked up at the stage. The leaders in the first row stopped talking.

Mrs. Song, who was sitting next to Song Min in the second row, also recognized Bai Xi. She was stunned for a moment, "Bai Xi also attended the party?"

"Yes," Song Min looked at the stage indifferently, "It looks like a spear."

Mrs. Song nodded, not caring anymore, and lowered her head to tell Bai Shaoqi about the precautions.


A drumbeat sounded, and the blower on the stage blew the girl's clothes and hair. The red tassel on the gun head next to her also fluttered frame by frame. The gun head was picked up by her and the posture began.

The drumbeats were as powerful as a rainbow, just like the inspiring war drums before an army sets out.

This time the stage sound system was borrowed by Jiang Yin, and the effect was excellent. The heart-shaking drum beats in the first half made everyone present stop what they were doing and look towards the stage involuntarily.

The girl pulled the gun and turned around, pressing the gun tip down, then turned the gun twice. The gun tip in her hand trembled slightly with her movements.

The drumbeats suddenly fell, the sound of the flute gradually rose, and the headlights on the top of the stage disappeared for a second with the sound of the drumbeats, and then suddenly fell on her, and the girl just took a step into the air, and the spear in her hand stabbed forward!

On the huge screen above the stage, everyone could see the moment the gun stabbed forward, the flexible gun tip kept shaking!

The cold tip of the gun reflected a cold light, which was real and unreal and suffocating.

The sound of the pipa was dense and murderous. The girl turned around, and the spear circled in her right hand like a dragon. She pressed down the spear head with her left hand and stepped forward to stab the spear!

The audience in the auditorium held their breath.

The girl still held the gun in her right hand, raised it horizontally above her head, turned the tip of the gun to the left, took the gun with her left hand, hid the gun under her armpit and continued to take the gun with her back, and the spotlight flashed again.

Under the lights, she soared into the air to the beat of the drums, her white clothes fluttering, her gun firing like thunder. In the camera, her step in the air was like a slow motion, she paused in the air, and then stabbed with a gun!

The sound of music touched the hearts of the audience, and the waving spears attracted the audience's eyes.

It's like a prelude to a battle on the battlefield.

The sound of the zither calmed down. In the middle of the stage, the girl turned sideways to the audience and put away her gun. Just when the audience finally relaxed a little -

As the last drum beat sounded, the girl thrust the gun backwards and turned around at the same time!

The sound of breaking wind was heard, and the air was filled with murderous intent.

An inch longer, an inch stronger. This was Yan Lu's comeback move that went viral on the Internet two months ago. Countless people on the Internet copied it, but only the audience at the scene today felt the murderous intent of this move.

The king of all weapons, well-deserved!

At this moment, the audience was completely silent.

The big screen was frozen on this scene of her. There was a black curtain behind her and a white spotlight above her head. The girl's almond-shaped eyes were dark and deep. A black strand with a red ribbon fell on her red lips and swayed gently.

When the drumbeats died down, she calmly retracted her spear, slightly bent towards the camera, smiled calmly, with lazy eyebrows and eyes, a sense of both good and evil, and a wild tension that was magnified on the big screen.

In the back, the comments in the live broadcast room of the group of people who were holding their phones to broadcast live all paused for a moment, and then started to scroll frantically.

Clothed in white, holding a cold spear, he is young and full of vigor, wantonly and frivolous.

It's like an old friend returning!


This is a feast for visual and auditory enjoyment.

Professional arrangement by Jian Zhongyou and Jiang Yin's teachers.

The shooting technique is well-paced, combining both hardness and flexibility, without any frills, and there is no wirework on the scene.

Only the last move of the counterattack has never been replicated. Only by feeling the oppressive momentum at the scene can one realize that this is the Bai family army's unique skill of the counterattack.


The end, the curtain call.

Bai Shen turned around and went backstage, but the two hosts who were waiting behind the curtain did not come out in time. They stood by the door curtain, not moving, holding the script, and looking at her motionlessly.

The backstage was not very big. Bai Xi held the gun in his right hand easily, exuding this spirit from the inside out. He nodded slightly to the two hosts, "Is it your turn now?"

"Ah," the female host's dazed face finally came to her senses. She straightened her silver dress and said, "Yes, it's our turn."

She pulled the male host and walked forward through the curtain.

Not many people backstage could see the show through the curtain, but they could all hear the thunderous applause and cheers outside.

Ye Jingxian was really worried, so she lifted a corner of the curtain and watched the whole thing.

Her face flushed with excitement. Now she saw Bai Su returning to the backstage with a spear in one hand. The impact made her feel dazed for a moment.

"Senior." Bai Xi put his spear against the wall with one hand, greeted her, and went to the lounge to change clothes.

It's not that I can't wear this outfit outside, but it's abnormally hot in Jiangjing at the end of September.


Outside, in the first row, the host came on stage to speak.

Dean Huang and the professor next to him finally came to their senses. They were closer to the stage, and no one could experience this feeling of oppression more deeply than them.

"This spear," Jiang Fuli said to his right. Dean Feng temporarily forgot about Young Master Jiang beside him and turned his head to talk to the familiar professor of the School of Finance. "It's better than the one played by the kid named Yan Lu during the summer vacation."

"Yes, and," the professor of the School of Finance pushed his glasses on his nose and whispered his opinion, "When she was carrying the gun just now, didn't she look like our... Senior Sister?"

"Yes," Dean Feng nodded immediately when the professor described his feelings. "Who is this person?"

This was not only his feeling, but also the first feeling of everyone present.

"Big Sister" is what all Jiang University students call Liang Zewen's female disciple.

Of course Liang Zewen had more than one disciple, but his other disciple was Emperor Jiang Wen. In the first half of his life, Emperor Jiang Wen made countless contributions to Dayong. In the second half of his life, he was suspicious and persecuted loyal and good people, and the people of Dayong lived in misery.

His merits and demerits could not offset each other, but in the end the historian still gave him the posthumous title of "Wen".

Because of him, the Bai family did not leave any descendants, and three heroes of the family all died on the battlefield. Even now, when people mention him, more people are critical of him.

Chen Ye's military talent is not as good as that of the Bai family, but he can still pacify the world with Emperor Jiang Wu.

If Bai Li and Bai Chongyu were alive, their current situation would be another matter. The Yong Dynasty was reviewed in videos every year, and every time it was reviewed, Emperor Jiang Wen would be scolded by many netizens.

So Jiang Da has a senior sister, but no senior brother.

After all, even General Chen Ye took the lead in not building a bronze statue of Emperor Jiang Wen.

The two hosts took the script and read it. Dean Huang took a deep breath. He was shocked by Bai Shi's performance. He thought that when he saw the teacher next time, he must describe the performance of the junior sister to him.

As expected of a junior sister, she has this skill.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Jiang Fuli.

Master Jiang was as silent as ever. He sat on a chair with his slender fingers resting on the armrest beside him. His profile was like cold jade and his eyes were looking at the center of the stage. His light eyes were extremely deep, but it was obvious that they were not focused.

Dean Huang looked at Jiang Fuli and wanted to say something to him, but he saw him suddenly stand up.

The next show was a dance troupe, and only the main lights on the stage were turned on.

Dean Huang was stunned when he saw him stand up, "You want to leave?"

"Yeah." Jiang Fuli opened his phone and took a look. Bai Xi had sent him a message. She would not come in to watch the show and went back to do math problems in Boyuan class.

He originally came to watch Baishen's show.

Dean Huang nodded, not surprised. After all, he was already surprised that Jiang Fuli could come to the party.

He saw Jiang Fu off to the gate.

In fact, Dean Huang also wanted to leave, but it would not be a good idea to leave right after the show started, so he returned to his seat and prepared to watch a few more shows before leaving.

Jiang Fu left the door and walked outside. There were still many people watching outside, in groups of three or four. Occasionally, he heard the words "spear", "video" and "white peony".

Jiang Fuli glanced at them, then went to the back road with a cold face to wait for Bai Shi.

After Bai Xi changed her clothes, she came out with her backpack. Ye Jingxian held her arm and walked her out.

She wanted to say a few more words to Bai Shi, but when she came out, she saw the unapproachable Jiang Fuli standing opposite her. Ye Jingxian suddenly loosened her hand and did not dare to hold Bai Shi's arm anymore.


In the auditorium, the second program was a group dance, which was also very lively.

Pop dance, with the sound turned up very loud.

But most of the audience were still immersed in the spear performance and music. Compared with the ancient style arrangement, the sounds of drums, flutes, pipa and zither... this pop music was a bit too rough and not so appealing.

Many viewers didn't want to listen anymore.

Including these people in the second row.

Mrs. Song was still talking to Bai Shaoqi, telling her to keep calm and perform well, and to be remembered by the professors and dean of the School of Finance. Then people and circles would come to her, and she would be successful. But when the music started, she couldn't help but look towards the center of the stage.

If that face was not the one she was familiar with, Mrs. Song would suspect that this was completely different from the Bai Shi she knew before.

It is really in the light.

"Is this really Bletilla striata?" Mrs. Song leaned back in her chair.

Beside her, Song Min and Bai Shaoqi did not speak.

Song Minben was also looking down at his phone. He had been doing some investment with a group of people during the summer vacation. Even when watching the show, he was still chatting with people about these issues. At this moment, his eyes were a little wandering towards his phone.

"Shaoqi," Mrs. Song understood Bai Shaoqi's mentality very well, "You are also very good at playing the guzheng, so there is no need to feel stressed."

As Mrs. Song spoke, Song Min gradually came back to his senses.

Some people in the first row have already left.

In addition to the first row, there were also scattered audience members leaving from the back.


last row.

The boy in front of Tang Ming was excited. "Yes, it's Baishen. I didn't replay the live broadcast... Is there a high-definition recording online? Hey, everyone, don't leave. There will be a finale performance later..."

Before the whole party was over, someone had already posted this opening video online.

Kong Wei and Yu Simin also came back to their senses. Both of them are fans of Yan Lu. "Her performance in this segment is better than Sister Lu's. Bai Xi is actually from a traditional martial arts family, right?"

Yu Simin opened the Weibo and video and couldn't help but say, "Sure enough, netizens have sharp eyes. It has been pushed online."

The power of short videos is enormous, and the two words "Jiang Da" and "Bai Xiangjun" already bring their own traffic.

As soon as "Jiangda Evening Party Opening Performance" came out, it rushed into the top five hot searches.

When Tang Ming heard Yu Simin and Kong Weiyi say that, they both clicked on the trending searches. When they clicked on them, they saw videos of Bletilla striata shot from various angles. The most popular video was shot by two reporters in the first row.

The full version is 4.28 minutes long and already has 1 million likes and 120,000 comments.

[Oh my goodness, look at her last frozen smile, this is not my sister, this is my husband?

[Please, let this sister act in a play, I will definitely watch her performance]

[…Wake up! This is the top student in Jiang University's class this year! If you let her enter the entertainment industry, won't the president and professors of Jiang University cry to death? ?

[Sure enough, I knew that all the good-looking ones were handed over to the country?

[Who is this lady? She is so lethal, it seems like I really saw my white moonlight who died a thousand years ago come back]

[Who understands? After watching Dayong, Bai Li died in the snow, his brother died on the battlefield, and the princess went far away to marry... Today, when I saw her appear and the light shone on her, I felt that my sister Lu was so weak]

[Young, romantic and ambitious, wearing white clothes and holding a spear]

[Does my senior sister have face now?]

Yan Lu's demeanor, acting skills and spear-handling have been unanimously recognized by netizens. When countless netizens mention the historical figure Bai Xiangjun, the first person they think of is Yan Lu. It can be said that as long as Yan Lu's reputation does not collapse, this role will ensure her long-term success in the entertainment industry.

However, today, the professors and students of Jiangnan University present seemed to have truly seen the statue in the Celebrity Square come to life.

There is no need to conquer everyone with superb acting skills like Yan Lu.

As long as she stood there with the cold spear in her hand and appeared in front of everyone, she would have already won.

Tang Ming put away his phone and sighed, it was a bit like watching the time when Lu Xiaohan's first video became popular.

He put away his phone, turned around and asked Ning Xiao and Yang Lin, "Are you leaving? The questions the teacher left today are difficult, and Brother Jiang is here."

Ning Xiao was always indifferent. He nodded and said, "Let's go."

Needless to say, Yang Lin also has a part-time job at night, and she came here to cheer for Bai Mi.

These students in Xiangcheng are scattered yet cohesive.

Kong Wei and Ding Wenyang watched Tang Ming and the others leave early one by one, and couldn't help but ask, "You're all leaving like this? Bai Shaoqi will be the finale. She plays the guzheng beautifully. She has tens of millions of fans, and many people are still waiting for her to perform. Why don't you guys listen?"

After watching the opening performance, no matter how good the dances and songs were that followed, they all seemed a bit boring.

Some people in the back row had already left, but some stayed behind with excitement. After all, the opening was so exciting, so the finale would definitely not be weak.

The School of Finance has been promoting itself heavily this year, and with such an exciting opening performance, many viewers are looking forward to the finale!

Tang Ming scratched his head when he heard Kong Wei's words, "It's nothing good to listen to. She's not as good as Sister Xi."

Tang Ming was also involved in the incident that happened to Dean Jian in Xiangcheng. He even went to listen to Bai Shaoqi playing "Gambling on Wine". To be honest, even he could feel the difference.

It's not a question of technique, it's a question of emotion.

"Ah?" Bai Shi had never brought her guzheng to the dormitory. This was the first time Kong Wei heard Tang Ming talk about this. "Bai Shi can also play the guzheng? She plays it very well?"

"Of course." Ning Xiao and Yang Lin had already left. Tang Ming, carrying his bag, smiled at Kong Wei, "Sister Xu became famous in our school because of her Guzheng performance."

Lu Xiaohan became famous because of that video, and Dean Jian traveled all the way to Xiangcheng.

Is there any need to say what level Baishen Guzheng is at?


Tang Ming, Yang Lin and others left through the back door.

"You guys go ahead," Lu Xiaohan said to Yang Lin, "I still have to accompany Brother Bird and Grandpa to watch the show."

It's quite rare to be able to come in tonight. Ji Heng and Shen Qing are still watching the show.

Lu Xiaohan did not go with Tang Ming and the others. She studied media and is now successful in her career, so the study pressure is not as great as that of the others.

The people around Ding Wenyang also came to their senses after hearing the voice and asked, "Brother Ding, shall we go?"

The courses in the Tongfeng class have always been intense. Ding Wenyang and the others came today to follow the agreement with Tang Ming. They originally came to watch Bletilla striata, but they didn't expect to be so shocking from the beginning.

Ding Wenyang originally wanted to continue watching. After all, the School of Finance had a strong publicity campaign and the banners were even posted on the Tongfeng class section.

But after listening to Tang Ming's words, he lost interest a little, "Why don't we go back and do our homework?"

In the past few weeks, Tang Ming and Ning Xiao have made progress too quickly. At first, only Bai Di and Liang Wu Yu can keep up with the pace of the four-hour class in the Tongfeng class.

Now Ning Xiao and Tang Ming are already in the same class like fish in water.

This adaptability put a lot of pressure on Ding Wenyang and others in the same group.

Since Tang Ming and the others stopped watching and chose to go back to work hard, Ding Wenyang and the others also unanimously decided to go back to the study room.

Nearly ten people left, and the back area, which was originally a little crowded, suddenly became a little empty.

"Why are everyone leaving?" Kong Wei is a member of the student union. After the party, he still has to clean up the place and deal with props and backstage, so he can't leave for the time being.

Yu Simin couldn't leave either. "Let's wait and see. Let's look forward to the program of the School of Finance."

As the two were talking, the boy who was broadcasting live in front of them was also trying to persuade the audience in the live broadcast room to stay, "The opening was so exciting, everyone think about it, it will definitely be better later..."


Outside the auditorium.

Yang Lin went to the bus station with Ning Xiao and others to wait for the school bus. Ding Wenyang and others followed them. The old professor, holding a book, stood upright and rigorously by the road sign, waiting for the bus.

Jiangda is on holiday today, so there are fewer people in school.

The old professor glanced around and saw Yang Lin behind the crowd, and he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Yang Lin was looking at the news about her part-time job on her phone. She noticed the gaze and recognized the person. "Professor Xia."

This is an old professor who teaches freshmen biology. During class, he only introduced himself as "Xia" without saying his name.

Yang Lin was wearing Jiangda's school uniform and pants. She never concealed herself in school and had applied for subsidies from the counselor as soon as she entered the class.

Professor Xia was serious and only asked Yang Lin casually, "Are you busy during the holidays?"

"There are two part-time jobs," Bai Shi's group, even Yang Lin, who used to ignore everyone, was very respectful to the teacher and professor, "Morning and evening."

Yang Lin lowered her eyelashes, and her overly long bangs covered her cold white forehead, only occasionally revealing a pair of overly cold and dark eyes.

"I've seen the homework you submitted, and it's very complete." The school bus arrived, and Professor Xia got on with her. Ning Xiao and others gave their seats to the old professor, and Professor Xia thanked several students.

Yang Lin just held the phone. She was always serious about doing her homework and would never be perfunctory.

This summer, Bai Mi has been reading professional papers, and Yang Lin has also read a lot of literature on bioengineering. She is also reading professional biology books in the Jiangnan University Library.

This summer, Yang Lin has already surpassed the freshmen in the same batch.

It's normal to attract the professor's attention.

Professor Xia only rode for two stops and left a business card for Yang Lin before getting off the bus. "If you finish your part-time job, you can come to my lab to help."

Yang Lin lowered her head. There was a name on the business card——

Summer picks jade.

Further down is the address and contact number of a laboratory.


Ming Dongheng was still waiting for Jiang He and Ji Heng in the auditorium.

Bai Xi and Jiang Fuli returned to Shanhai Apartment first. Jiang Fuli came in Dean Huang's car. The two did not wait for the school bus and walked out from the west gate.

It was just half past five and it was still daylight.

Jiang Fuli was flipping through his phone, and Xu Nanjing seemed to have seen Jiang Da's video. He was cautiously asking on WeChat why no one told him about Bai Shi's welcome party.

Jiang Fuli glanced at it and ignored it.

He was still holding the bag of Baishen's performance costume.

Bai Shen walked on the left, reaching out to flip through WeChat. On WeChat, Xiao Qi just sent her a message -

[Sister, I sent the Wen family's information to your mailbox]

The information on WeChat will be archived. Bai Xi now communicates more with Academician Ma and has learned to use Jiangda's email address to receive files and information. After Xiao Qi finished checking, he gave her a dedicated email address.

Bai Xi replied with the number, and lazily returned to the Jiangjing Preparatory Camp app, brushing the challenge question bank: "Xu family number two is holding a full-month banquet."

She spoke first.

The tone was nonchalant.

Jiang Fuli took her clothes and a few books for the class in Tongfeng, stepped on the shadow of the setting sun, and listened to her calm words: "Are you going?"

Bai Mi had deleted Ji Mulan a long time ago.

Ji Mulan never concealed her utilitarianism, and her children were a tool she used to prove herself.

And Ji Heng, before Bai Xi went to Xiangcheng, he decided to take her back to that small courtyard.

For Ji Heng, it might not be a bad thing that he didn't know the former Baishen.

"I will go," Bai Xi pointed at the screen, "but I want to go and see Academician Ma's project during the National Day."

Although Xu En doesn't look like a member of the Bai family, Ji Mulan looks so much like her mother. She hasn't seen the child yet, and she wonders if he will look a little like Bai Chongyu?

Jiang Fuli nodded slightly, not surprised by this. He walked to the right of Bai Shi, his brows cold and his tone indifferent: "I'll go after I'm done with my work. If I really can't go, it's okay."

He didn't say anything else, and Bai Mi turned his head.

Jiang Fuli always gave Bai Shi the feeling that she still had a way out.

The only time in her two lives that she was forced into a desperate situation was the last battle in Xiangcheng, but at that time, she still found a way out for Chen Ye and the Bai family army, allowing them to join Jiang Ye.

She was not familiar with Jiang Ye, but at that time she and Jiang Suyi were learning the piano at Qin Jiu's place. She knew that the famous Seventh Prince, who was about the same age as her, lived next door.

Bai Li never came back after going to the battlefield. Bai Chongyu and Chen Ye went to the battlefield far away, and no one came to pick her up and take her back to the general's mansion.

She had received a lamp from his servant, but she was still afraid of the dark.

Later, he was banished to a fiefdom by Emperor Jiang Wen, Bai Chongyu never came back, and Bai Shen was no longer afraid of the dark.

When Xiangcheng was in dire straits, she thought of the Seventh Prince whom she had never met before. The Bai family was a thorn in the side of Emperor Jiang Wen. So, how could the Seventh Prince, who had been known as a genius since childhood, not also be a major concern for Emperor Jiang Wen?

She asked Chen Ye to take Bai Li's token to find him, and fortunately, these two guys did not let her down.

Bai Xi slowly withdrew his gaze and said calmly, "No, if I can't go, my grandfather will definitely think too much and be sad."

Thinking of this, she was a little silent.

The two walked out of Jiangmen Gate. The setting sun cast a layer of golden light on Jiang Fuli's outline. His eyebrows and eyes were like jade, and he was a noble and cold young man. He just spoke in a sarcastic tone: "Your grandfather is watching the performance now, and he is not sad at all."

He took out his cell phone and showed it to Bai Shi. Ji Heng had just liked Shen Qing's circle of friends.

Bai Shen lowered her head, and Jiang Fuli said, while her slender, cold white fingers calmly gave Shen Qing a thumbs up.

Shen Qing's is a picture of Baishen's performance.

Bai Xi looked at Jiang Fuli. Under the dim setting sun, his breathtaking facial features were a little blurry.

She couldn't help but smile, and the depression she had just felt when she thought of Bai Chongyu and Chen Ye was alleviated a little.


6:30 pm, auditorium.

Ji Heng had just finished watching the recitation in the middle, and Jiang He next to him had been looking down and spinning the Rubik's Cube. Except for Bai Shen's program and a skit that he looked up at, he kept his head down and spinning the Matrix Rubik's Cube for all other programs.

Ji Heng also had a Rubik's Cube in his hand, which was scrambled into a state.

Jiang He has learned how to restore the matrix Rubik's Cube to its original state. He just restored the matrix Rubik's Cube in his hand to its original state, and then compared it with the Rubik's Cube in Ji Heng's hand, and restored the restored Rubik's Cube step by step to the scrambled state in Ji Heng's hand.

"Fuck, kid brother," the student from Jiang University nearby was stunned, "You are too awesome!"

Jiang He put the Rubik's Cube into the cabbage bag expressionlessly and pulled Ji Heng's sleeve.

Ji Heng held the Rubik's Cube and the pipe and looked down at him: "Want to leave?"

Jiang He blinked and nodded.

Ji Heng was actually getting a little bored. There were almost no other good shows after Bai Shi's show. He didn't smoke in the auditorium. Seeing that Jiang He didn't want to continue watching, he stood up and took Jiang He out.

Shen Qing was also a little tired of sitting, so he left with Lu Xiaohan.

at the same time.

In front, Dean Huang couldn't sit still after two hours and began to wonder why he had to sit here and watch the show instead of working hard in the office?

At around seven o'clock, Dean Huang stood up.

Bai Shiming has been paying attention to Dean Huang, occasionally refilling the cup beside him with water and asking him if he needs anything.

Seeing him stand up, he hurried forward and said, "Dean, are you leaving? There is another student from the School of Finance who will play the guzheng later. Do you want to watch it again?"

"No, you did a great job on this show," Dean Huang praised Bai Shiming, "I've watched everything I wanted to watch."

He came today just for Bai Shi's show, and she finished her performance right at the beginning.

It is not easy for Dean Huang to stay until now.

Bai Shiming sent Dean Huang away. He had seen everything he wanted to see. What did Dean Huang want to see?

Less than ten minutes after he left, Dean Feng also stood up and prepared to leave.

The three eye-catching seats in the middle of the first row were instantly empty.

Bai Shaoqi had been preparing the guzheng in the backstage, while Song Min and others were helping her with the props. Yan Zhiming told Bai Shaoqi, "Our dean is watching from below, so you should perform well and make a name for our School of Finance."

Because of the arrival of the two deans, the officers of the Finance Student Union from top to bottom were all excited.

Bai Shaoqi still has three performances ahead of her, and she is trying out the guzheng backstage.

Yan Zhiming came out from behind the curtain and saw Dean Feng standing at the gate, preparing to leave. Their president was seeing the dean off.

"Dean," Yan Zhiming walked over, "Are you leaving now? Our college's freshman, Bai Shaoqi, hasn't performed yet. Aren't you going to watch it?"

There are far fewer people in the auditorium now than when the show started.

It was crowded at the back before, but now there are still quite a few empty seats at a glance.

When Dean Huang left, he took a lot of students with him.

Dean Feng looked at Yan Zhiming and sighed, "I heard that Dean Huang and... However, the top student in the School of Physics this year is really good. Their school is lucky. You organized a good welcome party."

After saying that, he walked out the door.

Yan Zhiming and a group of people from the School of Finance looked at each other in bewilderment. They had been afraid of this situation and that was why they let Bai Shaoqi be the finale.

"Minister Yan, many people watching the live broadcast are waiting for our finale," an officer from the Finance College Student Union suddenly said, "Should we let Baishen perform the finale?"

Bletilla striata has been on the hot search list for three hours.

But before this, who could have known that Baishen's performance would be so explosive?

Yan Zhiming also felt a little uneasy.

The second to last show.

Bai Shaoqi puts on artificial nails and goes to the

She sat in front of the guzheng and naturally noticed the three empty seats in the first row, her fingers slightly clenched.

The boy in the last row who had been holding up his phone to broadcast live cheered up and said, "Look, the live broadcast of Bai Shaoqi that everyone has been looking forward to is here!"

Bai Shaoqi played "Re-reading the Old Days". She placed her fingers on the strings to the beat of the drums.

This song is inspirational in nature, and the live sound effects are also very good, but——

[I've been looking forward to it for a long time, but it feels like it's not as good as the opening accompaniment? ]

[Professionals, please do not compare this guzheng music with the opening dance, there is no comparison. ]

Bai Shaoqi's program is very good if it is picked out alone, but if we want to compare, not to mention Bai Shi's spear, just her opening song, which was arranged by Jian Zhongyou himself, and the sounds of flutes and flutes... were all recorded by Jiang Yin teachers.

Do you understand the value of a song created by these Jiangyin masters?